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Text Content


 * ENGINE International, Inc. - Privacy Notice
 * What Data Does ENGINE Collect?
 * What Does ENGINE Do With This Data?
 * Third Party Collection and Receipt of Information
 * Scope of Privacy Policy
 * Privacy by Design
 * How Does ENGINE Provide Research Services?
 * Disclosure of Information
 * ENGINE May Provide Services on the Web
 * What is a “Cookie” or “Pixel Tag”?
 * Data Retention
 * Facial Analysis
 * Your Choices
 * California Data Subjects
 * Safeguarding Information We Collect and Use
 * Privacy of Children
 * Changes to This Privacy Policy and How to Contact Us
 * Terms & Conditions During Your Visit to the ENGINE Website


Welcome to ENGINE Insights. We provide market opinion and social research. You
have the right to know what data we collect and the business purposes for which
we use that information. You also have the right to opt-out of our sale of
information (as applicable) without penalty. This Privacy Notice provides a
summary of key points related to our use of personal data. For more information
about what we collect, and your privacy choices, please find our full privacy
policy below.

What data does ENGINE collect?
ENGINE Insights collects data pursuant to market research surveys which we
conduct on behalf of our clients. The categories of data we collect may include:
(a) PII such as email address, telephone number and postal address, and (b)
Pseudonymous Information collected from your browser or device such as IP
address, HTTP cookie ID, information about the website you were on prior to
taking our survey, the city and state you are located in, browser type,
computer, device operating system type and other weblog information. We may
append demographic information onto that data such as your race, gender and
income range. Some of this information is inferred, and some is available via
publicly available sources. We may obtain additional insights about your browser
or device from third party ad networks and data brokers that pass us
Pseudonymous Information. We collect and aggregate survey responses and give a
summary of that information to our clients.

What does ENGINE Do with this data?
ENGINE Insights uses this data to help drive market research programs on behalf
of ENGINE’s clients who are seeking to obtain a better understanding of consumer
perceptions. These consumer perceptions are often incredibly valuable in helping
our clients improve their products and services. We process all of this data in
order to inform which questions to ask, and to help our clients make sense of
the survey responses. For example, it may be helpful to understand that men and
women in general have a different opinion on given topic or with respect to a
particular product or service. We send the survey responses to each client, but
typically remove PII from the results so as to protect the anonymity of each
respondent. The survey responses will contain a pseudonymous ID that does not
allow ENGINE or ENGINE’s clients to directly identify a respondent. But the
pseudonymous ID is considered personal information in some jurisdictions. We
don’t consider the transfer of the results to be a sale of personal information
under California law, but we nonetheless want you to understand our process and
want you to be able to opt-out in the instances where a sale may be deemed to
have taken place.

Third Party Collection and Receipt of Information
ENGINE Insights partners with third parties such as ad networks and data brokers
who provide us with data as we conduct these surveys. Some of these third
parties may also provide us with Pseudonymous Information and PII in order to
give a more complete understanding to our clients of the Internet usage of the
survey participants. It is possible that some of these data transfers may be
considered a sale of data under California or other applicable privacy laws. In
connection with your survey, ENGINE may also send data about your device to a
third-party fraud detection vendor named Imperium. Imperium may drop its cookie
on your device. For information about how Imperium uses information to prevent
fraud, please see their privacy policy located at


Welcome to the privacy policy of ENGINE International, Inc. (“ENGINE Insights”
or “ENGINE”). We provide market opinion and social research. You have the right
to know what data we collect and the business purposes for which we use that
information. You also have the right to opt-out of our sale of information (as
applicable) without penalty. ENGINE Insights adheres to applicable privacy laws
and conducts its business in accordance with best practices as set forth by the
Insights Association (IA) and members of the European Society for Opinion and
Marketing Research (ESOMAR). For more information about what we collect, and
your privacy choices, please find the full privacy policy below.


ENGINE Insights collects data pursuant to market research surveys which we
conduct on behalf of our clients. The categories of data we collect may include:
a) PII such as email address, telephone number and postal address, b)
pseudonymous information collected from your browser or device such as IP
address, HTTP cookie ID, information about the website you were on prior to
taking our survey, the city and state you are located in, browser type,
computer, device operating system type and other weblog information. We may
append demographic information onto that data such as your race, gender and
income range. Some of this information is inferred, and some is available via
publicly available sources. We may obtain additional insights about your browser
or device from third party ad networks and data brokers that pass us
pseudonymous information. We collect and aggregate survey responses and give a
summary of that information to our clients.


ENGINE Insights uses this data to help drive market research programs on behalf
of ENGINE’s clients who are seeking to obtain a better understanding of consumer
perceptions. These consumer perceptions are often incredibly valuable in helping
our clients improve their products and services. We process all of this data in
order to inform which questions to ask, and to help our clients make sense of
the survey responses. For example, it may be helpful to understand that men and
women in general have a different opinion on given topic or with respect to a
particular product or service. We send the survey responses to each client, but
typically remove PII from the results so as to protect the anonymity of each
respondent. The survey responses will contain a pseudonymous ID that does not
allow ENGINE or ENGINE’s clients to directly identify a respondent. But the
pseudonymous ID is considered personal information in some jurisdictions. We
don’t consider the transfer of the results to be a sale of personal information
under California law, but we nonetheless want you to understand our process and
want you to be able to opt-out in the instances where a sale may be deemed to
have taken place.


ENGINE Insights partners with third parties who may provide us with data as we
conduct these surveys. Some of these third parties may provide us with
pseudonymous information in order to give a more complete understanding to our
clients of the profile of the survey participants. It is possible that some of
these data transfers may be considered a sale of data under California or other
applicable privacy laws. In connection with your survey, ENGINE may also send
data about your device to a third-party fraud detection vendor named Imperium.
Imperium may drop its cookie on your device. For information about how Imperium
uses information to prevent fraud, please see their privacy policy located at


This Privacy Policy applies to ENGINE and not to any of our third-party
partners. It also does not apply to the privacy practices of any of our research


Our foundation of building a strong privacy framework at ENGINE follows an
internal framework of privacy by design. We integrate privacy in strategy,
research, surveys, and more. Our internal procedures align our data use
practices in a manner that maximizes the innovative benefits of our services in
the twenty-first century while keeping consumer privacy at the forefront of our
business practices and building infrastructure that is effective to guard the
data we are entrusted with. We protect consumer privacy and provide relevant
services in the research sector which benefits everyone involved, especially
clients and consumers. Ensuring the protection of privacy throughout the entire
lifecycle of the data is of the utmost importance and ENGINE is careful to
protect privacy as data is collected, used, and destroyed responsibly.

ENGINE has developed a strong privacy foundation and has a company culture aimed
at data minimization, pseudonymization and adequate data encryption and


We partner with businesses whose privacy policies allow them to share
information about their customers and/or inquirers as well as information about
a consumer’s interests as inferred from their web browser. This information may
include the date and time of a visit to their store, website or mobile
application, or allow us to visit their stores to obtain consent from their
customers to do surveys or send them online through traditional ad space or by
email. The information allows us to research and provide our clients more about
the things consumers are interested in, allowing businesses to improve their
products or services as a result.


We may disclose proprietary, pseudonymous information to our clients for
reporting purposes, and we may share aggregated information as well as certain
PII such as name, address, email address and transactions with other third
parties for analytical and research purposes. We also work with third party
agents who are contractually required to use data only to provide services to
us. These third-party service providers used by ENGINE include: a) cloud
computer, data storage and file storage providers, b) email marketing providers,
c) website and b2b sales analytics providers, d) customer relationship
management, contact database vendors, data hygiene vendors, survey vendors and
project management software providers, e) customer billing systems partners, f)
login authentication providers to ensure that the logins to our systems are
working efficiently, g) social media platforms for advertising and marketing
purposes, h) outsourced computer programmers helping ensure our systems are
operating properly, i) auditing, debugging and security vendors.

ENGINE may also need to disclose information if (1) we believe that there has
been a violation of the law, of your rights, or of our rights, (2) to respond to
lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or
law enforcement requirements, or in connection with an investigation on matters
related to public safety, as permitted by law, or otherwise as required by law,
and (3) if our company or substantially all of its assets are acquired.


When a consumer engages with an online survey from us, we will obtain consent to
utilize a “cookie” or “pixel tag” to be placed on the consumer’s machine by a
third-party partner that may collect device identifiers like iOS and Android
Unique Identification Number (UID). Information collected from a cookie, UID, or
pixel tag are not linked to PII. No PII is transferred in the cookie, UID or
pixel tag to a third party. A third party only knows that consumer by a
pseudonymous ID.


A cookie is an industry-standard small data file placed on a consumer’s
computer. Cookies allow websites to “remember you” when you return to their
website. Again, no PII is transferred in the ENGINE cookie to a third party.
This website and associated surveys may contain, in addition to ENGINE cookies,
other third-party cookies that assist us in supplying information that will make
it easier for you to navigate on our site. A pixel tag (also commonly known as a
web beacon or clear gif) is an industry-standard, often transparent graphic
image usually no larger than a 1×1 pixel that is placed in a website or e-mail.

Pixel tags are used by ENGINE to transfer relevant pseudonymous information from
this website or a client’s website to third parties associated with us for the
purpose of providing additional research and relevant information for clients to
use to make their customers’ experiences better. Cookies are used by ENGINE to
link this pseudonymous information to non-identified unique users. Pixel tags
and cookies may also be used to link additional pseudonymous information
provided by a third party.


ENGINE retains data it uses for research purposes for periods determined by our
clients, after which the information is removed and discarded. If you have
contacted us or provided PII to ENGINE to be contacted or joined our mailing
list, we will retain your information for as long as you’re active or as needed
to provide you with information.


For some research studies ENGINE manages, ENGINE or one its vendors may conduct
facial analysis on video submissions you make. ENGINE will never require
submission of videos for facial analysis as a condition of participation in a
study, and will make sure that you are aware, in advance, that facial analysis
will be conducted before you elect to submit any video content. In the event
that you choose to submit video content for facial analysis, ENGINE will
maintain records related to such facial analysis for up to thirty (30) days
after the conclusion of the relevant project. After that time, the records will
be deleted.


We hope that after reading through this Privacy Policy, you agree that ENGINE is
collecting and using data responsibly. For some of our surveys, we may request
your permission to collect data from your browser. We will not collect that data
without your consent. If you do not want data to be collected, please indicate
this preference when prompted in the survey.

Upon request, ENGINE will provide you with information about whether we hold any
of your personal information. You may access, correct, or request deletion of
your personal information by contacting us at We will
respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe. In order to help us to
respond promptly to your inquiry or request, please include as much information
as you can in your communication with us—such as the reason you believe we hold
any of your data, and any other supporting information such as a particular
survey or focus group you took part in, or the title of any email you may have
received, or the phone number you may have received a call from.

ENGINE may have third parties place survey requests on websites that are part of
the Google Display Network. Based on your visits to these websites, Google uses
an advertising cookie to associate your browser with interest and demographic
categories. Google may then uses these categories for IBA on these websites. To
learn more about this and your choices from Google, please click here.


The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides additional privacy
protections for California data subjects and users, including: a) the right to
see what data we have about you, your computer or device (i.e., the right to
know), b) the right to delete the data we have about you, your computer or
device (i.e., the right to delete) and c) the right to opt-out of the sale of
data about you, your computer or device to certain third parties (i.e., the
right to opt-out from sales of your information).

You may access those rights with respect to ENGINE by sending us an email to or calling us via our toll-free California data subject
hotline at 833-457-0281. We will take steps to confirm your request within 10
days and make a good faith attempt to fulfill your request within 45 days.
ENGINE does not discriminate against you if you exercise any of the above
rights. Please note that we may not be able to honor one or more of these rights
if doing so would violate applicable law.

The CCPA defines personal information broadly and as such, it includes
pseudonymous identifiers such as cookie IDs and mobile advertising IDs. Under
the CCPA, your request to see the personal information that we have about you
may include: (1) specific pieces of personal information that we may have about
you; (2) categories of personal information we have collected about you; (3)
categories of sources from which the personal information is collected; (4)
categories of personal information that we sold or disclosed for a business
purpose about you; (5) categories of third parties to whom the personal
information was disclosed for a business purpose under the CCPA; and (6) the
business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information.

We may take reasonable steps to verify your request. We will fulfill requests we
are able to verify so long as we are not prohibited from doing so by applicable
law and/or the information is not essential for us for billing, fraud prevention
or security purposes. We will share our reason(s) for denying your request in
the event that we are unable to fulfill your request.

You may make an access or deletion request via an authorized agent. Please note
that we will request any authorized agent demonstrate that they have been
authorized by you to make a request on your behalf. We may require any
authorized agents to provide us with contact details such as an email address
and phone number so that we may ensure a timely response.


The security of your information is important to us. We have implemented
appropriate security measures to protect the information in our care, both
during transmission and once we receive it. We take reasonable physical and
technical security measures to protect our data from unauthorized access, as
well as unauthorized disclosure.


We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. We take special care
when conducting research with children, as set out in the Insights Association
Code of Standards and Ethics.


We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we do, we will post
the change(s) on our website. We encourage you to periodically review this page
for the latest information on our privacy practices.


The place of performance for this website is New York. ENGINE makes no
representation that materials at this site are appropriate or available for use
outside of the United States and access to them from territories where their
contents are illegal is prohibited. You are responsible for compliance with
local laws in relation to the use of this site outside the United States. The
use of this site does not establish any joint venture, partnership, employment,
or agency relationship between you and ENGINE. The Choice of Law is New York.
You hereby consent to the jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts
in New York, NY. Please be aware that ENGINE may provide links to other
websites, which if you click on them may collect personal information about you.
The information practices of those third-party websites linked to ENGINE are not
covered by this Privacy Statement.

Headings are for reference purposes only and in no way define, limit, construe
or describe the scope or extent of such section. As a visitor to this website,
CONDITIONS. You also agree that you have provided notice to, and obtained
consent from, any third-party individuals whose information you supply to us
with regard to: (a) the purposes for which such third party’s information has
been collected; (b) the intended recipients or categories of recipients of the
third party’s information; (c) which of the third party’s data are obligatory
and which data, if any, are voluntary; and (d) how the third party can access
and, if necessary, rectify the data held about them. You agree that the
English-language version of this Privacy Policy shall be the sole version used
in interpreting and enforcing this Privacy Policy.

Your use of this website constitutes your agreement to indemnify ENGINE and its
affiliated entities and to hold them harmless from any and all claims and
expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising from your use of this website.