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Products Variation 1
Partior, Blockchain payments, Project Ubin - DBS Corporate Banking
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Reimagining the evolution of a new world of payments on blockchain

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Reimagining the evolution of a new world of payments on blockchain

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Job Title* Assistant Director Of Finance Assistant Treasurer Business Finance
Manager Business Strategy Manager Chief Accounting Officer Chief Digital Officer
Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Information Officer Chief
Procurement Officer Chief Strategy Officer Chief Supply Chain Officer Director
Corporate Finance Director Of Treasury Director Strategy Business Development
Division Chief Financial Officer Executive Director Finance Finance Manager
Finance Specialist Finance Treasury Manager Global Finance Director Head Of
Finance Head Of Strategy Regional Chief Financial Officer Regional Finance
Director Regional Finance Manager Senior Finance Manager Senior Manager
Corporate Strategy Senior Manager, Procurement Senior Manager, Supply Chain
Management Senior Vice President Strategy Treasurer Treasury Manager Treasury
Specialist Vice President Finance Vice President Strategy Business Development
Vice President Strategy Corporate Development Vice President Treasury Vice
President, Procurement Vice President, Supply Chain Management Others

Industry* Automotive Commodities Consumer Product & Services Energy, Chemical &
Infrastructure Financial Institutions Food & Beverages Government Linked
Corporation Healthcare Insurance Media New Economy/ Ecommerce Real Estate
Shipping, Aviation & Transport Technology Telecommunications Others

Job/Dept Function* CFO Finance Operations Procurement Sales Shared Services Tech
Treasury Others

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Location* Singapore Australia Bangladesh Belgium China France Germany Hong Kong
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 * Solutions
 * Future of Payments

Future of Payments
 * At a glance
 * Purpose Bound Money
 * Partior
 * Projects Dunbar and Ubin
 * Get in touch

 * At a glance
 * Purpose Bound Money
 * Partior
 * Projects Dunbar and Ubin
 * Get in touch

At a glance

As the world embraces greater innovations in the digital realm, we look to
transform the payments networks and infrastructures, pushing the boundaries as
never before. 

With the belief that blockchain and distributed ledger technology will undergird
the core of future payment networks, our solutions are tailored to be
future-ready and ubiquitous for both high-value and low-value payments operating
globally, and round-the-clock, while still effectively preventing the illicit
use of financial services.

Download the whitepaper

Purpose Bound Money

Purpose Bound Money (PBM) is digital money bounded by logic and transferrable
upon fulfilment of programmable conditions. The tokenised cash can only be
utilised for its intended purposes, such as within a specific time-period, to
designated recipient, with pre-defined conditions for transfer of ownership of
the underlying value. 

The concept of Purpose Bound Money was explored in Project Orchid, an industry
effort led by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), to develop the
technology infrastructure and technical competencies to enable a programmable
digital Singapore dollar (SGD). 

DBS has partnered with Open Government Products (OGP) and launched a live pilot
where PBM-based vouchers were issued using tokenised SGD to facilitate
real-world transactions via OGP’s voucher platform. The pilot aims to
demonstrate the feasibility of adopting smart contract technology for government
voucher campaigns, interoperability across voucher schemes, and instant merchant
payout where the voucher will be unwrapped to the underlying digital SGD
immediately upon the merchant’s receipt.

The pilot has provided insights to how such transformative technology could
benefit the broader ecosystems across consumers, businesses, & official


Download the whitepaper



Leveraging the key benefits of programmability, immutability and traceability,
which are inherent features of blockchain and distributed ledgers, Partior opens
up new opportunities to address old pain points, particularly in cross-border


Traditional cross-border payments use a ‘hub and spoke’ model, whereby funds
travel through a network of correspondent banks, adding inefficiencies such as
time and costs along the way.

Partior harnesses the power of blockchain to enable next generation,
programmable value transfer in real-time, across a globally interoperable open
platform for participating banks, their clients and the larger global financial
system. By offering instantaneous settlement of payments for various types of
financial transactions, Partior helps banks overcome limitations in the current
standard sequential method of processing global payments.


Partior is an open industry platform, and banks around the world can join the
network to access real-time cross-border multi-currency payments. Partior’s 24/7
blockchain network can complement and interoperate with real-time local currency
payment/RTGS systems, which may not be 24/7.

As part of future enhancements, Partior plans to support broader multi-asset
class use cases such as Delivery Versus Payment (DVP), FX Payment Versus Payment
(PVP), tokenised asset borrowing and lending, and serve as a complementary
platform for ongoing Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs) initiatives.

Projects Dunbar and Ubin
Project Dunbar

Project Dunbar is an experimental multi-CBDC (multiple central bank digital
currencies) platform for international settlements, developed by BIS Innovation
Hub and central banks of Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa.

Working with Project Dunbar, Partior’s blockchain technology has been further
verified in the successful completion of prototypes on the distributed ledger
technology Quorum, proving the technical feasibility of implementing a shared
multi-CBDC platform. While further challenges remain, the successful development
of these prototypes is a first step towards achieving the vision of a shared
platform for multi-CBDCs and in laying the foundation of enhancing global
cross-border payments.

Project Ubin

Project Ubin was the launch pad for the development of Partior. DBS has been a
leading partner in Project Ubin since its inception in 2016. The multi-phase
industry initiative, led by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), explores
the uses of blockchain technology for clearing and settlement of payments and

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