fairlineservices.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://fairlinesecurity.com/
Effective URL: https://fairlineservices.com/
Submission: On August 01 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from US

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


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1 (612) 747-8800 — 24/7/365 info@fairlineservices.com
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   * Shooter Prevention
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   * Executive Protection
   * Consulting & Training
   * Shooter Prevention
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Fairline Security was started out of necessity. Our Mission Statement: As former
Law Enforcement and military professionals, it is our duty to provide
professional trustworthy services to our clients, top notch customer service,
and a pleasant work environment.

We are a company where the best come for a career, not just a job.

Our professionalism and customer service is second to none in the industry. We
lead by example and provide a proactive approach to all situations that arise.

Fairline Security began as a security company committed to providing high
quality security services to anyone in need of security personnel, and we are
still committed to this goal today. Security has always been, and always will
be, a necessity for countless individuals, groups, corporations, institutions,
and that’s why, as former law enforcement and military professionals, we’ve made
career changes to become security professionals. For the highly skilled security
professionals we employ, becoming a part of our security company isn’t just
about making a smart career decision; it’s about providing much-needed security
services to those who need an affordable and professional security team that
makes safety its top priority at all times.


Although finding well-trained, experienced security guards and personal security
details can be challenging, especially if you aren’t sure what you’re looking
for in a good security team, Fairline Security is here to show you exactly how a
professional security detail should perform. What makes our security guard
company unique is the vast cumulative experience of our team and the wide range
of security services we provide. Because of our extensive security backgrounds
and experience in emergency situations, our former military and law enforcement
security guards are perfectly suited to meet all of your security needs, all the
while providing top-notch service that will help you find peace of mind.


An important factor in choosing an executive protection & transportation
service, also known as personal security detail, is knowing whether you’re
comfortable with your detail. At Fairline Security, we work to provide the best
customer service and professional security services possible so that you’re
completely satisfied with the security details we provide. Personal security
details are available for anyone in need of individual or group security
details, from business executives to politicians, celebrities to entire


We offer both security consulting services and safety training seminars,
ensuring that your business or institution is prepared for any emergency
situations while still having a security team in place. Our security training
seminars focus on providing businesses, schools, places of worship, and other
establishments with valuable safety training and emergency situation
preparedness plans. With security consultant services, we are able to provide
as-needed security consulting for threat management, travel risk assessments,
technical surveillance countermeasures, and more.


Workplace security must be considered at all times, with effective violence
prevention plans and emergency situation preparedness procedures set up in
advance for all business employees and executives to follow in an emergency.
That said, even with preparation and violence prevention training, there are
times when emergency situations will arise despite these efforts. That’s where
workplace security details come into play. If you’re aware of a safety issue in
your workplace, if you’ve recently received threats targeting your business, or
if you’re dealing with a volatile terminated employee, then workplace security
can go a long way toward preventing any harm coming to you, your employees, or
your property.


In the event of an active shooter, the best way to ensure that the number of
lives lost is as few as possible is to have an on-site security team ready to
respond to active shooter situations. At Fairline Security, we understand how
sensitive active shooter situations are, and how quickly a security team must
react in order to save lives, and that’s why we employ active duty law
enforcement officers for these positions. More than any other security guard,
active duty officers know the sounds of gunfire, how to respond to active
shooter situations, and how to quickly stop active shooters until police are
able to arrive.


We offer security services for large-scale events, including pre-event
screenings and emergency situation preparedness, ensuring that you, your guests,
and your property remain safe throughout the entire event.


Whatever property you’re looking to keep closed off, our bouncers and doormen
are trained to keep your property off-limits to anyone under age, unwelcome, or
unexpected, ensuring that your business, property, or home only receives guests
you approve and who won’t cause trouble on your property.

Contact Fairline Security today at (612) 747-8800, or email
info@FairlineServices.com to find out more about our Twin Cities, MN Security &
Protection Services.


Fill out the information below and we will contact you as soon as possible to
speak with you regarding your needs.

 * Name*
   First * Last *
 * Email Address*
 * Best Contact Number*
 * Preferred Contact Method*
   Please SelectBy PhoneBy EmailNo Preference
 * Best Time To Reach You
   Please SelectMorningsAfternoonsEveningsAnytime/ASAP
 * Additional Information We Should Know Before Contacting You
 * Comments
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Phones Answered 24/7/365 - 1 (612) 747-8800
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