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URL: https://www.louisvillerealtist.com/
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NAREB is comprised of its affiliate organizations: The National Society of Real
Estate Appraisers (1956), Real Estate Brokers Management Institute (1968), The
Women’s Council of NAREB (1969), The Mortgage Bankers/Brokers Institute (1968),
United Developers Council (1974), Commercial Industrial Division (1985), NAREB
Investment Division (1986), Contractors Division (1987), Sales Division (1987),
Housing Counselors (1994), the Young REALTIST Β© Division (1998),Β and State of
Housing in Black America (SHIBA) (2011). NAREB, through its University of Real
Estate, founded in 1986, and each affiliate, provides professional training and
education for REALTIST Β© members.

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NAREB-Louisville Chapter host monthly workshops where we invite guest speakers
to share the latest information about real estate investment opportunities,
financing tools, and industry practices. It is an excellent opportunity to
network with colleagues and we do provide a hardy lunch.

CLICK HERE To Reserve Your Ticket At The Next "Lunch & Learn"


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NAREB Louisville
6844 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY 40291

(502) 694-0250


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