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Now the Catechism is integrated with the Bible, making it easy to cross
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faith like never before, and experience the peace that comes from deepening your
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 * Over 1,000 commonly asked questions about the Bible with answers right in the
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 * An interactive reading plan for both podcasts that tracks your progress.

 * Notes and bookmarks so you can quickly pick up where you left off and write
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…And we're just getting started. More to be announced soon!

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The Great Adventure Catholic Bible is the most popular Catholic Bible in the
USA, and now, it’s included in the new Ascension App—completely free. It’s like
a study Bible with video and audio commentary built in!

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 * The Bible Timeline color coding is interwoven throughout so you can
   immediately recognize where you are in the story of salvation history.

 * More to be announced soon!


The Ascension App is the first Catholic app ever to contain the entire text of
the Catechism of the Catholic Church, built right into the app, completely free
to you.

 * Never flip back and forth again: Specially designed cross-references make it
   easy to see internal references.

 * Connected to the Bible: Each reference to the Bible from the Catechism is
   specially designed so readers can easily see what is being referenced by the

 * Foundations of Faith color-coding built in.

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Every episode of Fr. Mike's podcasts—always free.

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Deepen your relationship with the God who loves you deeply and completely.
You’ll feel so much closer to him than ever before when you can readily
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you’ll return to again and again.

“I was using a Bible app (Bible Gateway) for my Bible studies, and yours is much
easier to navigate, especially for a Catholic. The other app had all versions of
the Bible, but it wasn't as well organized and with all the footnotes, key
events, and the wonderful context-adding questions. I will be using this part of
the app in my non-Catholic Bible studies. And the Notes, Highlighting, Share
feature will be invaluable! I love it so far!!

—Mary White

“Love that you’re incorporating all of the richness and breadth of resources
Ascension offers. Allowing users to ‘mix and match’ the various resources all
within a single app is genius!”

—Jon Hickman

“I absolutely LOVE the embedded videos. I have watched the little Ascension
Presents videos for a long time and having them embedded in the appropriate
section is amazing! It saves you from having to go find them afterwards. I also
love the simplicity of the menu along the bottom of the screen.”

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