Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On July 07 via manual from US — Scanned from NL

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form id="partner-signup" method="POST" action="" onsubmit="onSubmit(event)"><input type="hidden" name="_token" value="7ivWZZyo9axclCOanp0EBUe0LqFawVnxdUUEntbf">
  <div class="mb-6 space-y-4">
    <div class="space-y-5">
      <div><label for="name" class="block text-sm text-gray-800 opacity-80 mb-1.5"> Name </label><input type="text" name="name" id="name" required=""
          class="bg-white text-gray-900 transition-shadow block w-full rounded focus:ring-0 py-2.5 px-3.5 text-sm border-gray-300 focus:border-gray-400" error="false" error-message=""></div>
      <div><label for="email" class="block text-sm text-gray-800 opacity-80 mb-1.5"> Email address </label><input type="email" name="email" id="email" required=""
          class="bg-white text-gray-900 transition-shadow block w-full rounded focus:ring-0 py-2.5 px-3.5 text-sm border-gray-300 focus:border-gray-400" error="false" error-message=""></div>
      <div><label for="password" class="block text-sm text-gray-800 opacity-80 mb-1.5"> Password </label>
        <div><input type="password" name="password" field-id="password" class="bg-white text-gray-900 transition-shadow block w-full rounded focus:ring-0 py-2.5 px-3.5 text-sm border-gray-300 focus:border-gray-400" error="false">
          <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-2 mt-5">
            <div class="flex items-center">
              <div class="h-2 w-2 rounded-full mr-2 bg-gray-400"></div><span class="text-xs text-gray-800 tracking-wide"> One lowercase character </span>
            <div class="flex items-center">
              <div class="h-2 w-2 rounded-full mr-2 bg-gray-400"></div><span class="text-xs text-gray-800 tracking-wide"> One number </span>
            <div class="flex items-center">
              <div class="h-2 w-2 rounded-full mr-2 bg-gray-400"></div><span class="text-xs text-gray-800 tracking-wide"> One uppercase character </span>
            <div class="flex items-center">
              <div class="h-2 w-2 rounded-full mr-2 bg-gray-400"></div><span class="text-xs text-gray-800 tracking-wide"> 8 characters minimum </span>
  <div class="space-x-2 flex text-sm my-6"><input type="checkbox" name="tos" id="tos" class="bg-white text-gray-900 text-teal-600 h-5 w-5 rounded cursor-pointer focus:ring-0 focus:ring-offset-0 border-gray-300 focus:border-gray-400"><label for="tos"
      class="text-gray-800"> I agree to the <a target="_blank" href="" class="hover:underline text-opacity-100 text-teal-600"> Terms of Use </a></label></div>
  <div class="space-x-2 flex text-sm my-6"><input type="checkbox" name="marketing_consent" id="marketing_consent"
      class="bg-white text-gray-900 text-teal-600 h-5 w-5 rounded cursor-pointer focus:ring-0 focus:ring-offset-0 border-gray-300 focus:border-gray-400"><label for="marketing_consent" class="text-gray-800">Keep me updated on my affiliate
    class="inline-flex justify-center items-center font-medium text-center border border-transparent transition transition-shadow duration-100 ease-in-out outline-none select-none focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none space-x-1 bg-teal-600 border-teal-600 text-white hover:bg-teal-500 focus:ring-gray-50 text-sm px-6 py-4 rounded w-full"
    type="submit"><!----><!----> Register </button>

Text Content


Email address

One lowercase character

One number

One uppercase character

8 characters minimum
I agree to the Terms of Use
Keep me updated on my affiliate account.
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