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Barron Trump snubs father in bold move that could impact presidential election

Barron Trump will no longer be serving as a delegate to the Republican National
Donald Trump golf course hit with massive blow after guilty verdict

Donald Trump has been found guilty of falsifying business records and his
conviction is unlikely to help his cause to host the Open at Turnberry in the
near future
Missouri death row inmate David Hosier makes gut-wrenching statement

David Hosier is scheduled to be executed in Missouri on June 11 for the 2009
murder of his former girlfriend, Angela Gilpin, and her husband, Rodney Gilpin
Serial killer who murdered 26 women is fighting for his life after prison attack

Robert Pickton, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2007, is in a
life-threatening condition after an assault at a Quebec prison
Death Row killer's last meal request after 30 years in jail

Ray Jefferson Cromartie was sentenced to death after he was found guilty of
killing a convenience store worker in 1994 - but after 30 years in jail he was
granted his last meal request

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A severe geomagnetic storm is set to hit Earth, with authorities warning that it
could cause widespread disruptions in power systems, spacecraft operations, and

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Vassia BarbaUS News Reporter
Rudi KinsellaContent Editor
 * 09:01 ET, MAY 10 2024


Experts warn severe geomagnetic storm could hit the planet causing power and
communication outages (Image: (Photo by NASA via Getty Images))

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Experts have issued a warning that a 'severe geomagnetic storm' is set to hit
Earth, with the potential for power and communication networks to fail.

The storm could cause widespread disruptions in power systems, spacecraft
operations, and communications tonight, according to authorities. The National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC)
has issued a Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch, the first of its kind since
January 2005.

This alert has been triggered by significant solar activity, including a recent
flurry of sunspots and flares. At the heart of this space weather event is a
colossal sunspot cluster known as NOM region 3664, which is a whopping 16 times
larger than Earth in diameter.

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 * Chilling map shows which 75% of US population would be 'killed' in nuclear

This magnetic giant has released several potent solar flares, sparking concern
among space weather forecasters.

Despite the potential disruptions, residents across the northern half of the US
may be treated to stunning auroras due to this unprecedented event. The auroras
might even be visible from Alabama to northern California.

The SWPC has identified at least five Earth-directed coronal mass ejections
(CMEs) linked to these flares. These CMEs are expected to arrive as early as
midday Friday, May 10, 2024, and persist through Sunday, May 12, in what experts
are describing as an unusual event.

Coronal mass ejections, which are essentially explosions of plasma and magnetic
fields from the sun's corona, can pose a significant threat when they're
directed towards Earth. They have the potential to disrupt communications,
navigation systems, and satellite operations.

The SWPC has issued warnings to operators of these systems to take protective

The impact of such a geomagnetic storm could be wide-ranging. Power systems
might face widespread voltage control problems, leading to possible disruptions
in the electric grid.

Spacecraft operations could also be at risk, with surface charging and tracking
issues expected, necessitating corrections for orientation problems.

Moreover, induced pipeline currents could interfere with preventive measures,
while HF radio propagation may become sporadic. Satellite navigation is
predicted to be degraded for hours, and low-frequency radio navigation

Due to the magnitude of this space weather event, auroras have previously been
seen as far south as Alabama and northern California.

 * Terrifying map shows how nuclear strike would wipe out US cities amid WW3

The last Severe geomagnetic storm, rated G4, took place on March 23, 2024. The
last Extreme storm, rated G5, was recorded during the Halloween Storms in
October 2003.

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Stormy Daniels compares Donald Trump to 'child' and says he won't understand

Stormy Daniels demands Donald Trump is 'locked up' after ex-president is found
guilty of 34 felonies

Stormy Daniels fears she will never escape death threats after testifying
against Donald Trump

Stormy Daniels relieved jury believed her as she 'always told the truth'

Stormy Daniels says Donald Trump is 'out of touch with reality' after felony

Barron Trump snubs father Donald in bold move that could impact presidential

Donald Trump golf course hit with massive blow after guilty verdict

Donald Trump's fiery speech cut off as he goes on 'dumbest president ever' Joe
Biden rant

Clerk who oversaw Alex Murdaugh trial 'made herself bonuses and bought lunches
with public money'

Boeing's inaugural astronaut mission halted minutes before launch into space at
Cape Canaveral

US Marine veteran John George Todd III gets 5-year sentence for injuring officer
during Capitol riot

Notorious serial killer Robert Pickton who fed victims to pigs dies after being
beaten in prison

'Doomsday prophet' Chad Daybell sentenced to death for killing wife and two

Donald Trump 'blew chance of acquittal' with two huge mistakes in hush money

McDonald's President hits out at Big Mac price complaints in open letter

Death row inmate Jamie Mills enjoys lavish final meal before execution in

Donald Trump's 'campaign of vengeance' after guilty verdict will 'target

Passenger's plea sparks heated debate about common airplane behavior

Woman wins $50,000 in Powerball with fortune cookie trick

Google restricts AI tool after bot recommends people 'eat rocks' and put 'glue'
on pizza

Stormy Daniels compares Donald Trump to 'child' and says he won't understand

Stormy Daniels demands Donald Trump is 'locked up' after ex-president is found
guilty of 34 felonies

Stormy Daniels fears she will never escape death threats after testifying
against Donald Trump

Stormy Daniels relieved jury believed her as she 'always told the truth'

Stormy Daniels says Donald Trump is 'out of touch with reality' after felony

Barron Trump snubs father Donald in bold move that could impact presidential

Donald Trump golf course hit with massive blow after guilty verdict

Donald Trump's fiery speech cut off as he goes on 'dumbest president ever' Joe
Biden rant

Clerk who oversaw Alex Murdaugh trial 'made herself bonuses and bought lunches
with public money'

Boeing's inaugural astronaut mission halted minutes before launch into space at
Cape Canaveral

US Marine veteran John George Todd III gets 5-year sentence for injuring officer
during Capitol riot

Notorious serial killer Robert Pickton who fed victims to pigs dies after being
beaten in prison

'Doomsday prophet' Chad Daybell sentenced to death for killing wife and two

Donald Trump 'blew chance of acquittal' with two huge mistakes in hush money

McDonald's President hits out at Big Mac price complaints in open letter

Death row inmate Jamie Mills enjoys lavish final meal before execution in

Donald Trump's 'campaign of vengeance' after guilty verdict will 'target

Passenger's plea sparks heated debate about common airplane behavior

Woman wins $50,000 in Powerball with fortune cookie trick

Google restricts AI tool after bot recommends people 'eat rocks' and put 'glue'
on pizza

Stormy Daniels compares Donald Trump to 'child' and says he won't understand

Stormy Daniels demands Donald Trump is 'locked up' after ex-president is found
guilty of 34 felonies

Stormy Daniels fears she will never escape death threats after testifying
against Donald Trump

Stormy Daniels relieved jury believed her as she 'always told the truth'

Stormy Daniels says Donald Trump is 'out of touch with reality' after felony

Barron Trump snubs father Donald in bold move that could impact presidential

Donald Trump golf course hit with massive blow after guilty verdict

Donald Trump's fiery speech cut off as he goes on 'dumbest president ever' Joe
Biden rant

Clerk who oversaw Alex Murdaugh trial 'made herself bonuses and bought lunches
with public money'

Boeing's inaugural astronaut mission halted minutes before launch into space at
Cape Canaveral

US Marine veteran John George Todd III gets 5-year sentence for injuring officer
during Capitol riot

Notorious serial killer Robert Pickton who fed victims to pigs dies after being
beaten in prison

'Doomsday prophet' Chad Daybell sentenced to death for killing wife and two

Donald Trump 'blew chance of acquittal' with two huge mistakes in hush money

McDonald's President hits out at Big Mac price complaints in open letter

Death row inmate Jamie Mills enjoys lavish final meal before execution in

Donald Trump's 'campaign of vengeance' after guilty verdict will 'target

Passenger's plea sparks heated debate about common airplane behavior

Woman wins $50,000 in Powerball with fortune cookie trick

Google restricts AI tool after bot recommends people 'eat rocks' and put 'glue'
on pizza


The latter resulted in power outages in Sweden and caused damage to power
transformers in South Africa.

The National Weather Service's division, SWPC, has announced that it will be
keeping a close eye on the situation and has issued a Severe (G4) Geomagnetic
Storm Watch for Friday evening, May 10. They also noted that additional solar
eruptions could potentially extend the storm conditions throughout the weekend.

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 * Donald Trump golf course hit with massive blow after guilty verdict
 * Murder, drugs and hotel AK-47 rampages: The real-life Irish gang war that
   inspired Netflix show
 * Boeing 737 flight makes emergency landing in due to 'mechanical problem'
 * Missouri death row inmate David Hosier makes gut-wrenching statement as
   execution looms

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Republican National Convention
Missouri death row inmate David Hosier makes gut-wrenching statement as
execution looms
David Hosier is scheduled to be executed in Missouri on June 11 for the 2009
murder of his former girlfriend, Angela Gilpin, and her husband, Rodney Gilpin
Serial killer Robert Pickton who murdered 26 women is left fighting for his life
after prison attack
Robert Pickton, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2007, is in a
life-threatening condition after an assault at a Quebec prison
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Donald Trump
Donald Trump has been found guilty of falsifying business records and his
conviction is unlikely to help his cause to host the Open at Turnberry in the
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Ray Jefferson Cromartie was sentenced to death after he was found guilty of
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Stormy Daniels said she continues to receive death threats from Trump supporters
and claimed he is 'out of touch with reality'
Stormy Daniels relieved jury believed her as she 'always told the truth'
Stormy Daniels
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the ex-president of all 34 felonies
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The former adult actress said the ordeal 'is never going to be over for me'
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presidential electionBarron Trump will no longer be serving as a delegate to the
Republican National Convention
Missouri death row inmate David Hosier makes gut-wrenching statement as
execution looms
David Hosier is scheduled to be executed in Missouri on June 11 for the 2009
murder of his former girlfriend, Angela Gilpin, and her husband, Rodney Gilpin
Serial killer Robert Pickton who murdered 26 women is left fighting for his life
after prison attack
Robert Pickton, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2007, is in a
life-threatening condition after an assault at a Quebec prison
Donald Trump golf course hit with massive blow after guilty verdict
Donald Trump
Donald Trump has been found guilty of falsifying business records and his
conviction is unlikely to help his cause to host the Open at Turnberry in the
near future
Death Row killer's last meal request after 30 years in jail - including lobster
and milkshake
In The News
Ray Jefferson Cromartie was sentenced to death after he was found guilty of
killing a convenience store worker in 1994 - but after 30 years in jail he was
granted his last meal request
Stormy DanielsStormy Daniels compares Donald Trump to 'child' and says he won't
understand sentenceAdult film star Stormy Daniels said Donald Trump should go to
Stormy Daniels says Donald Trump is 'out of touch with reality' after felony
Stormy Daniels
Stormy Daniels said she continues to receive death threats from Trump supporters
and claimed he is 'out of touch with reality'
Stormy Daniels relieved jury believed her as she 'always told the truth'
Stormy Daniels
The former adult actress said she was shocked at how quickly the jury convicted
the ex-president of all 34 felonies
Stormy Daniels fears she will never escape death threats after testifying
against Donald Trump
Stormy Daniels
The former adult actress said the ordeal 'is never going to be over for me'
Stormy Daniels demands 'jail him now' after Donald Trump is found guilty of 34
Stormy Daniels
The former adult actress at the center of the ex-president's hush money trial
said Donald Trump should be sent to jail
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Barron TrumpBarron Trump snubs father Donald in bold move that could impact
presidential electionBarron Trump will no longer be serving as a delegate to the
Republican National Convention
Missouri death row inmate David Hosier makes gut-wrenching statement as
execution looms
David Hosier is scheduled to be executed in Missouri on June 11 for the 2009
murder of his former girlfriend, Angela Gilpin, and her husband, Rodney Gilpin
Serial killer Robert Pickton who murdered 26 women is left fighting for his life
after prison attack
Robert Pickton, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2007, is in a
life-threatening condition after an assault at a Quebec prison
Donald Trump golf course hit with massive blow after guilty verdict
Donald Trump
Donald Trump has been found guilty of falsifying business records and his
conviction is unlikely to help his cause to host the Open at Turnberry in the
near future
Death Row killer's last meal request after 30 years in jail - including lobster
and milkshake
In The News
Ray Jefferson Cromartie was sentenced to death after he was found guilty of
killing a convenience store worker in 1994 - but after 30 years in jail he was
granted his last meal request
Stormy DanielsStormy Daniels compares Donald Trump to 'child' and says he won't
understand sentenceAdult film star Stormy Daniels said Donald Trump should go to
Stormy Daniels says Donald Trump is 'out of touch with reality' after felony
Stormy Daniels
Stormy Daniels said she continues to receive death threats from Trump supporters
and claimed he is 'out of touch with reality'
Stormy Daniels relieved jury believed her as she 'always told the truth'
Stormy Daniels
The former adult actress said she was shocked at how quickly the jury convicted
the ex-president of all 34 felonies
Stormy Daniels fears she will never escape death threats after testifying
against Donald Trump
Stormy Daniels
The former adult actress said the ordeal 'is never going to be over for me'
Stormy Daniels demands 'jail him now' after Donald Trump is found guilty of 34
Stormy Daniels
The former adult actress at the center of the ex-president's hush money trial
said Donald Trump should be sent to jail
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 * Most Recent

Barron TrumpBarron Trump snubs father Donald in bold move that could impact
presidential electionBarron Trump will no longer be serving as a delegate to the
Republican National Convention
Missouri death row inmate David Hosier makes gut-wrenching statement as
execution looms
David Hosier is scheduled to be executed in Missouri on June 11 for the 2009
murder of his former girlfriend, Angela Gilpin, and her husband, Rodney Gilpin
Serial killer Robert Pickton who murdered 26 women is left fighting for his life
after prison attack
Robert Pickton, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2007, is in a
life-threatening condition after an assault at a Quebec prison
Donald Trump golf course hit with massive blow after guilty verdict
Donald Trump
Donald Trump has been found guilty of falsifying business records and his
conviction is unlikely to help his cause to host the Open at Turnberry in the
near future
Death Row killer's last meal request after 30 years in jail - including lobster
and milkshake
In The News
Ray Jefferson Cromartie was sentenced to death after he was found guilty of
killing a convenience store worker in 1994 - but after 30 years in jail he was
granted his last meal request
Stormy DanielsStormy Daniels compares Donald Trump to 'child' and says he won't
understand sentenceAdult film star Stormy Daniels said Donald Trump should go to
Stormy Daniels says Donald Trump is 'out of touch with reality' after felony
Stormy Daniels
Stormy Daniels said she continues to receive death threats from Trump supporters
and claimed he is 'out of touch with reality'
Stormy Daniels relieved jury believed her as she 'always told the truth'
Stormy Daniels
The former adult actress said she was shocked at how quickly the jury convicted
the ex-president of all 34 felonies
Stormy Daniels fears she will never escape death threats after testifying
against Donald Trump
Stormy Daniels
The former adult actress said the ordeal 'is never going to be over for me'
Stormy Daniels demands 'jail him now' after Donald Trump is found guilty of 34
Stormy Daniels
The former adult actress at the center of the ex-president's hush money trial
said Donald Trump should be sent to jail
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who they are
Rose of Tralee
Róisín Wiley is encouraging young women to get involved in the Rose of Tralee
International Festival
Feel the force awaken at Star Wars festival in scenic Irish village
Star Wars
Imperial Stormtroopers, Wookies, Jedi Knights and Tusken Raiders are traveling
from far and wide for the special event
Jude Bellingham's Irish connections and his rise to stardom at Real Madrid
Republic of Ireland Men's National Football Team
Jude Bellingham has been a revelation for Real Madrid this season and will be
hoping to cap it off by winning the Champions League on Saturday night against
Borussia Dortmund
Baltimore has an interesting Irish name with a hidden clue about the city
Baltimore means 'town of the great house' when it is translated from Irish
Killers of Irishman Jason Corbett set to be released the day after his daughter
starts Leaving Cert exams
Jason Corbett
Jason Corbett's daughter Sarah was eight when he father was killed by her
stepmother and step-grandfather
Founder of Brennans Bread 'Old Mr Brennan' dies remembered as 'innovator in
baking business' after death
Irish Food
Joseph Brennan was a leading figure in Irish food culture
Irish J1 visa students urged to stay safe in America this summer
J1 visa
Thousands of Irish students are getting ready to work in the US for the summer
Bridgerton star Nicola Coughlan says she insisted on 'empowering' nude scene
Nicola Coughlan
The Netflix star said that wanted certain lines and moments for Penelope
Featherington this season
Donald Trump whines about 'nasty' gag order and 'unfair' trial as he lashes out
at Joe Biden in long and bizarre rant
Donald Trump
Donald Trump has spoken out after he was found guilty on 34 felony convictions,
taking aim at everyone from Joe Biden to Judge Juan Merchan
Trump supporters claim 'election campaign is rocket ship about to take off'
Donald Trump
Some said they were "heartened" by the verdict while others believe it will only
boost Trump's ratings in the polls
Ivanka Trump shares rare sign of support with four-word message to Donald as he
faces jail
Donald Trump
Donald Trump is facing jail and his daughter has broken her silence with a
touching statement
Saoirse Ronan is unrecognisable in powerful role depicting a recovering
Saoirse Ronan
The film, which is set to be released this September, shows the actress in a new

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