eventactions.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://eventactions.com/eventactions#/optout/DwD1t0bmJclH*YDUYL4vEU17X
Effective URL: https://eventactions.com/eventactions
Submission: On August 17 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: form

<form name="form" novalidate="" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <!-- ngIf: !eaModel.readOnlyDatabase && isLoaded && hasData -->
  <div class="manageSection ng-scope" ng-if="!eaModel.readOnlyDatabase &amp;&amp; isLoaded &amp;&amp; hasData">
    <!-- ngIf: calEmails + calNoEmails > 0 --><!--#calendarEmailDiv-->
    <!-- ngIf: evtEmails + evtNoEmails > 0 -->
    <div id="eventEmailDiv" ng-if="evtEmails + evtNoEmails > 0" class="ng-scope">
      <div class="manageHeading"> Event Email </div>
      <!-- ngIf: promptPhase -->
      <div id="promptEventEmails" ng-if="promptPhase" class="ng-scope">
        <div class="managePara ng-binding">
          <strong class="ng-binding">medicare@bcbsnc.com</strong> may receive event-specific emails for the following calendar:
        <div class="managePara">
          <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-left:-4px;">
            <tbody><!-- ngRepeat: choice in pubChoices track by $index -->
              <tr class="manageEventTitle ng-scope" ng-repeat="choice in pubChoices track by $index">
                <td class="manageCheckbox">
                  <input id="evtChk_0" type="checkbox" ng-model="choice.acceptEventEmails" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid">
                  <label for="evtChk_0">
                    <span ng-bind="pubNames[$index].prefix" class="managePrefix ng-binding"></span>
                    <span ng-bind="pubNames[$index].base" class="ng-binding">WTVD</span>
              </tr><!-- end ngRepeat: choice in pubChoices track by $index -->
        <div class="managePara ng-binding"> You will receive email reminders and other event-specific emails from selected calendars. To stop receiving emails<!-- (even reminders you set up)-->, clear the calendar checkbox and click <span
            class="helpBtn"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok helpGlyph"></span>&nbsp;Submit</span>. </div>
      </div><!-- end ngIf: promptPhase -->
      <!-- ngIf: resultPhase -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: evtEmails + evtNoEmails > 0 --><!--#eventEmailDiv-->
  </div><!-- end ngIf: !eaModel.readOnlyDatabase && isLoaded && hasData --><!--.manageSection-->
  <div ng-show="!eaModel.readOnlyDatabase">
    <!-- ngIf: (promptPhase || emailChoices.noEmails) && hasGlobal -->
    <div class="manageSectionTitle ng-scope" ng-if="(promptPhase || emailChoices.noEmails) &amp;&amp; hasGlobal"> Opt-Out Option </div><!-- end ngIf: (promptPhase || emailChoices.noEmails) && hasGlobal -->
    <!-- ngIf: isLoaded && hasGlobal -->
    <div class="manageSection ng-scope" ng-if="isLoaded &amp;&amp; hasGlobal">
      <!-- ngIf: promptPhase -->
      <div id="promptGlobalEmails" ng-if="promptPhase" class="ng-scope">
        <div class="manageEventTitle">
          <input id="globalChk" type="checkbox" ng-model="emailChoices.noEmails" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid">&nbsp; <label for="globalChk">Do not send me any email</label>
        <div class="managePara"> To stop <strong class="ng-binding">medicare@bcbsnc.com</strong> from receiving any emails from all calendars, including email reminders (even if you set them up), other event-related emails, and upcoming-event
          calendar emails, select this checkbox and click <span class="helpBtn"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok helpGlyph"></span>&nbsp;Submit</span>. </div>
      </div><!-- end ngIf: promptPhase -->
      <!-- ngIf: resultPhase -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: isLoaded && hasGlobal --><!--.manageSection-->

Text Content

 * My Views
 * Events
 * Calendars
 * Account
 * Settings
 * Sign Out

Sign In:
Sign In:
 Benefits of Signing In 

   Über Google anmeldenÜber Google anmelden
   Über Google anmelden
 * Microsoft
 * Facebook

 Benefits of Signing In 

Manage My Email

Event Email
medicare@bcbsnc.com may receive event-specific emails for the following


You will receive email reminders and other event-specific emails from selected
calendars. To stop receiving emails, clear the calendar checkbox and click

Opt-Out Option

  Do not send me any email
To stop medicare@bcbsnc.com from receiving any emails from all calendars,
including email reminders (even if you set them up), other event-related emails,
and upcoming-event calendar emails, select this checkbox and click  Submit.
 Privacy Policy   Terms of Use 
 Submit  Cancel
 Privacy Policy 
 Terms of Use 

 Okay  Okay  Cancel


Select/Hide All
Change foreground/background colors


Select the calendar where you want to add the events shown at the top.

Or, if the calendar you use isn't listed, select All Others.

More Help is available after you make a selection.

Note Add to My Calendar adds events to the personal calendar of your choice. It
does not sign you up to attend events.

To add the events shown at the top to your Google calendar:

 1. Set the type and duration for the reminders Google will send.
 2. Select Submit.
    You may be prompted to sign in to your Google account.

To add the events shown at the top to your Microsoft 365 or Outlook.com

 1. Set the duration for the reminders Microsoft 365 or Outlook.com will send.
 2. Select Submit.
    You may be prompted to sign in to your Microsoft 365 or Outlook.com account.

To add the event shown at the top to your Yahoo! calendar:

 1. Select Submit.
 2. On the confirmation page that opens, under Required steps, select the event.
    You may be prompted to sign in to your Yahoo! account.

 3. Save the Yahoo! event form that opens.

To add the events shown at the top to your Yahoo! calendar:

 1. Select Submit.
 2. On the confirmation page that opens, under Required steps, select each
    You may be prompted to sign in to your Yahoo! account.

 3. Save each Yahoo! event form that opens.

To add the event shown at the top to your Outlook calendar:

On a Windows PC:

 1. Select Submit.
 2. When prompted, open download.ics with Outlook. Save the event.

On a Mac:

 * Type your name and email address, and then click Submit.
 * In Outlook, open the email and accept the request.

To add the event shown at the top to your Outlook calendar:

 1. Type your name and email address, and then select Submit.
 2. You'll receive a meeting request email for each event.
 3. In Outlook, open each email and accept the request.

To add the event shown at the top to your Outlook calendar:

 1. Select Submit.
 2. You'll receive a meeting request email for each event.
 3. In Outlook, open each email and accept the request.

My email address is filled in and I can't change it. Why? You're signed in and
that's the address associated with your account. To use a different address,
sign out. Type your name and address. Or, sign in with a different account.

Benefits of signing in

To add the events shown at the top to your Outlook calendar:

 1. Type your name and email address, and then select Submit.
 2. You'll receive a meeting request email for each event.
 3. In Outlook, open each email and accept the request.

To add the events shown at the top to your Outlook calendar:

 1. Select Submit.
 2. You'll receive a meeting request email for each event.
 3. In Outlook, open each email and accept the request.

My email address is filled in and I can't change it. Why? You're signed in and
that's the address associated with your account. To use a different address,
sign out. Type your name and address. Or, sign in with a different account.

Benefits of signing in

To add the events shown at the top to your Apple Calendar:

 1. Select Submit.
 2. When prompted, open download.ics with Apple Calendar. Save the event.

To add the events shown at the top to your Apple Calendar:

 1. Type your name and email address, and then select Submit.
 2. You'll receive an email with an .ics file attachment for each event.
 3. In Apple Calendar, open each event and accept the meeting request.

To add the events shown at the top to your Apple Calendar:

 1. Select Submit.
 2. You'll receive an email with an .ics file attachment for each event.
 3. In Apple Calendar, open each event and accept the meeting request.

My email address is filled in and I can't change it. Why? You're signed in and
that's the address associated with your account. To use a different address,
sign out. Type your name and address. Or, sign in with a different account.

Benefits of signing in

To add the events shown at the top to your calendar:

 1. Select Submit.
 2. When prompted, open download.ics with your calendar program. Save the event.

To add the events shown at the top to your calendar:

 1. Select Submit.
 2. In the event or event list that opens, select Add or Add All, and choose the
    appropriate calendar.

To add the events shown at the top to a Google, Outlook, Live, or Yahoo!

 1. Type your name and email address, and then select Submit.
 2. You'll receive a meeting request email for each event.
 3. In your mail program, open each email and accept the request.

To add the events shown at the top to a Google, Outlook, Live, or Yahoo!

 1. Select Submit.
 2. You'll receive a meeting request email for each event.
 3. In your mail program, open each email and accept the request.

My address is filled in and I can't change it. Why? You're signed in and that's
the address associated with your account. To use a different address, sign out.
Type your name and address. Or, sign in with a different account.

Benefits of signing in

To send up to 50 friends an interactive email about the events shown at the top,
type your name, email, and friend's addresses, and then select Submit.

 * Why require my name and email address? So, if your friends reply, the replies
   come to you.
 * How do I enter my friends' addresses? Separate addresses with commas. Use
   standard person@example.com format.

To send up to 50 friends an interactive email about the events shown at the top,
type your friend's addresses, and then select Submit.

 * Why require my name and email address? So, if your friends reply, the replies
   come to you.
   My address is filled in and I can't change it. Why? You're signed in and
   that's the address associated with your account. To use a different address,
   sign out. Type your name and address. Or, sign in with a different account.
   Benefits of signing in

 * How do I enter my friends' addresses? Separate addresses with commas. Use
   standard person@example.com format.

To receive an interactive email reminder for every event shown at the top, type
your name and email address, select a duration, and then select Submit.

To receive an interactive email reminder for every event shown at the top,
select a duration, and then select Submit.

 * My address is filled in and I can't change it. Why? You're signed in and
   that's the address associated with your account. To use a different address,
   sign out. Type your name and address. Or, sign in with a different account.
   Benefits of signing in

To receive a text message reminder for every event shown at the top, type your
mobile phone number/carrier, and then select Submit.

 * Can I save my info so I don't have to re-type it? Sign in to My Events and
   opt to save the info to your account settings.
   Benefits of signing in

Tip The reminders you receive in your messages list are numbered (e.g., 970-2)
and include [calendarname]@trumba.com. Carrier plan charges apply.

To receive an email message if the events shown at the top are cancelled or
their dates, times, or locations change, type your name and email address, and
then select Submit.

To receive an email message if the events shown at the top are cancelled or
their dates, times, or locations change, select Submit.

 * My address is filled in and I can't change it. Why? You're signed in and
   that's the address associated with your account. To use a different address,
   sign out. Type your name and address. Or, sign in with a different account.
   Benefits of signing in

To receive an interactive email message that contains the titles, dates, times,
and locations for the events shown at the top, type your name, address, and
(optionally) notes, and then select Submit.

To receive an interactive email message that contains the titles, dates, times,
and locations for the events shown at the top, add notes if you want, and then
select Submit.

 * My address is filled in and I can't change it. Why? You're signed in and
   that's the address associated with your account. To use a different address,
   sign out. Type your name and address. Or, sign in with a different account.
   Benefits of signing in

To receive a text message containing title, date, time, and location for each
event shown at the top, provide your info, and then select Submit.

 * Can I save my info so I don't have to re-type it? Sign in to My Events and
   opt to save the info to your account settings.
   Benefits of signing in

Tip The notifications you receive in your messages list are numbered (e.g.,
970-2) and include [user.#####]@trumba.com. Carrier plan charges apply.

You must be registered to attend this event. You'll have a chance to sign up
after you submit.
You must be registered to attend this event but it is past the registration
You must be registered to attend this event. Unfortunately, the event is full.
You must be registered to attend this event. Please sign up.
You must be registered to attend this event. The event is full but you can add
yourself to the wait list.
You must be registered to attend this event. Unfortunately, the event is full.
To set a text message reminder, select the check box. Set or change the
duration. To cancel a reminder, clear the check box. Save your changes.
To set an email reminder, select the check box. Set or change the duration. To
cancel a reminder, clear the check box. Save your changes.
To be notified if this event changes or is cancelled, select the check box. To
turn off notifications, clear the check box. Save your changes.
Because you registered or joined the wait list for this event, you automatically
receive event update emails.
The calendar publisher approved your submission and the event is live. Select
the link to view the live event.
The calendar publisher has not yet approved your submission. If the event has
changed or been cancelled, you can withdraw your submission.
The calendar publisher approved this submission and then you cancelled the
event. The event still appears on the live calendar marked as cancelled.
Either you withdrew your submission before it was approved or the calendar
publisher deleted your submission because it did not meet the publisher's

You can change your My Events name at any time. (If you do change it, be sure to
select Save.)

 * Changing your My Events name does not affect the name associated with the
   account type you used to sign in.
 * With some event actions you take, your My Events name will be visible to
   other people.

You're signed in and this is the email address associated with your Event
Actions web app.

This email address is how the app identifies which events and calendars you've

Save time by entering your mobile number and carrier here. You won't have to
re-enter them each time you set up text reminders.

If you enter your mobile information, be sure to select Save.

Note Saving your mobile number here associates it with this Event Actions
account. You won't be able to use the number to set text reminders while signed
in to other Event Actions accounts.

The time zone on your Event Actions account is set by the calendar you were
viewing when you first signed in.

Select the default time zone you'd prefer for your events lists, and then click

Event times will reflect this time zone even if they take place in different
time zones.

The default time zone for your events lists reflects the time zone set on your
Event Actions account (currently unknown Time).

Select the time zone you'd prefer for this Event Actions session.

The warning icon () indicates that one or more events take place in time zones
that differ from the current Event Actions time zone. As a result, the local
times for those events differ from the times shown here.

Event times will reflect this time zone even if they take place in different
time zones.

The warning icon () indicates that one or more events take place in time zones
that differ from the current Event Actions time zone. As a result, the local
times for those events differ from the times shown here.

Select the time zone you'd prefer for this Event Actions session.

Event times will reflect this time zone even if they take place in different
time zones.

Your list includes one or more events that take place in time zones that differ
from the current Event Actions time zone.

As a result, local times for those events differ from the times shown here.

To change your Event Actions time zone, go to your account settings.

The local time for this event differs from the time shown here. The event's
local time zone is unknown Time.

To change your Event Actions time zone, go to your account settings.

This event takes place in a time zone that differs from your current Event
Actions time zone (currently unknown).

To change your Event Actions time zone, go to your account settings.

These counts specify first the total number of registrants (plus their guests)
who have signed up and are expected at the event, and then the total number of
attendees who are currently checked in and present.

If the event has a registration limit, and the number of attendees checked in
reaches or exceeds that limit, you'll see the indicator FULL appear on this same

Type the beginning of the name or email address of the attendee you want to
find, and then click Search to display the search results. Click Refresh to
re-load the page with updated results. This is helpful, for example, if there
are multiple organizers checking people in, and you want to see the complete,
updated status.

The button clears the search text, and automatically refreshes the display with
updated results.

You can view attendees who have already checked in, or remove them from the list
to unclutter your view, by toggling the Hide checked in filter.

Similarly, you can include or remove people with an "other status" from the list
by toggling the Hide other status filter. This category includes people who are:

 * On the wait list
 * Invited from the wait list, but not accepted
 * Invited, but not accepted
 * Declined the invite

Icons that may appear in the Status column indicate the following:

Accepted Invited, not accepted, space reserved On the wait list, not invited, no
space reserved Tentatively accepted, space reserved Invited from the wait list,
not accepted, space reserved Declined invite    Paid event, registrant hasn't