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A Netflix clone built using Next.js

sass typescript clone reactjs nextjs tmdb-api netflix-clone
 * Updated on Oct 7, 2021
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My React.js implementation of Netflix. Movie data was pulled from TMDB and
trailer videos from Youtube.

react typescript reactjs netflix-clone
 * Updated on Mar 5, 2021
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Netflix inspired OTT Home Screen, Contains implementation in Reactjs, Kotlin
React Wrapper, Jetpack Compose Web

react kotlin kotlin-dsl kotlin-react jetpack-compose netflix-clone
 * Updated on Oct 22, 2021
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The repository contains the clone of the application with millions of active
users in real life.

vue vuex netflix vue-js tmdb-api json-server netflix-clone
 * Updated on Mar 4, 2021
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PopcornTime + Netflix

android torrent streaming movies movie movie-database shows popcorntime netflix
flutter flutter-apps flutter-material flutter-demo flutter-examples flutter-ui
flutter-app netflix-clone
 * Updated on Jun 20, 2020
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A Netflix Clone App built using React js , Material UI & OMDb API that allows
searching of 1000+ movies and provides information about their plot, IMDB
rating, MetaScore, Genre, and Year in which it is published, along with
high-quality audio and video streaming.

movies minify imdb-rating netflix video-streaming hacktoberfest video-spider
free-movie-scripts watch-movies-avengers-infinity-war movie-streaming-website
netflix-clone movie-streaming watch-movie 123-movies 123-movies-api
react-movie-search movie-streaming-api webseries
 * Updated on Aug 10, 2021
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A full stack Netflix Clone using React, Firebase & Material-UI..

api firebase reactjs material-ui flexbox-css tmdb-api netflix-clone
 * Updated on Mar 19, 2021
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A Netflix clone using microfrontends built as a proof of concept for Piral. This
repository contains only the app shell. Built with React. Read more at

react microfrontends netflix-clone piral
 * Updated on Nov 18, 2021
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javascript css html bootstrap jquery json google-fonts netflix media-queries
slick-carousel netflix-clone hacktoberfest2020 netflix-ui
 * Updated on Apr 20, 2020
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A simple Netflix clone to demonstrate a concept of a splash screen that turns
into a navbar after page load is complete.

css3 reactjs transition demonstration layout-animation netflix-clone
 * Updated on Mar 19, 2020
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to show how to use preloading in exoplayer android using simple MVVM

instagram netflix preloading netflix-clone exoplater
 * Updated on Sep 28, 2021
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This is a Netflix clone project built for knowledge purposes to improve my
knowledge at MERN Stack and more knowledge and experience about MERN Stack and

nodejs mongodb reactjs mongoose express-js mern-stack netflix-clone
 * Updated on Dec 16, 2021
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The server side of my React.js implementation of Netflix. Movie data was pulled
from TMDB and trailer videos from Youtube.

nodejs node mongodb netflix-clone
 * Updated on Mar 5, 2021
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netflix clone using react js, css, axios, themoviedb, get api, netflix-clone
react simplified project, axios-react

react javascript css simple css3 reactjs css-animations axios netflix
netflix-clone get-api axios-react sijeeshmiziha
 * Updated on Oct 29, 2021
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Learning React by creating a simple Netflix clone. (I transformed this into a
microfrontend solution! See

react learning-by-doing functional-components sample-project netflix-clone
 * Updated on Mar 5, 2021
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iOS Application(similar to Netflix) based on MVVM and implemented using the Test
Driven Development (TDD) concept.

swift ios unit-testing tdd mvvm ios-app netflix coordinator mvvm-architecture
arhitecture coordinator-pattern mvvm-c mvvm-coordinator xctestcase netflix-clone
 * Updated on Jan 14, 2021
 * Swift


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Clone da interface da Netflix com React JS.

react api node themoviedb interface reactjs tmdb netflix clone-ui netflix-clone
 * Updated on Oct 8, 2020
 * JavaScript


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Netflix UI with Flutter

flutter flutterui netflix-clone
 * Updated on Oct 23, 2021
 * Dart


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Netflix Clone React App

javascript css api firebase reactjs front-end-development netflix-clone
 * Updated on Aug 6, 2021
 * JavaScript


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A netflix clone mobile application using React Native Expo CLI

javascript machine-learning react-native websocket pusherjs expo-cli
 * Updated 14 days ago
 * JavaScript


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abhishekpatel946 opened on Oct 29, 2020
documentation enhancement good first issue


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Hey! I finally finished recreating this Netflix clone (took me more time than I
expected 😅). My idea was to make everything static (movies, series, tv shows,
...) but then I found this really cool TMDB API which you can pull most popular
movies, top-rated shows, what's trending, collections, lists, and much more.
Really worth checking the effort made.

react javascript firebase react-native react-router reactjs tmdb
tmdb-movie-search netflix firebase-auth tmdb-api react-project
compound-components netflix-clone netflix-interface netflix-clone-react
netflix-clone-api-with-node-js netflix-clone-github
 * Updated on Feb 8, 2021
 * JavaScript


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Netflix clone for educational purposes only

react javascript typescript js reactjs nextjs netflix-clone
 * Updated on Dec 9, 2021
 * JavaScript


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Cloned the Home page of Netflix using HTML, CSS , Javascript and BootStrap.

ui-design bootstrap4 html-css-javascript ux-design netflix-clone
 * Updated on Aug 28, 2020


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Netflix Clone

netflix netflix-clone
 * Updated on Oct 22, 2021
 * JavaScript


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Watch Trailers and Infos of millions of Movies/Shows.

android kotlin mvvm tmdb-api netflix-clone dagger-hilt paging3
 * Updated on Nov 21, 2021
 * Kotlin


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Live demo...

react netflix-clone netflix-clone-react netflix-clone-built-with-react-js
 * Updated on May 30, 2021
 * JavaScript


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This is the core code from scratch to clone the landing page of Netflix using
HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

javascript css html css3 netflix netflix-clone netflix-landing-page
 * Updated 8 days ago


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An awesome Netflix Clone made with React!

react react-router reactjs tmdb tmdb-movie-search netflix tmdb-api
react-router-dom react-hooks netflix-clone axios-react netflix-clone-react
 * Updated on Nov 21, 2021
 * JavaScript


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Clone da landing page da Netflix proposto como projeto do bootcamp Web Developer
da Digital Innovation One.

netflix netflix-clone
 * Updated 26 days ago

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