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Incident: LATAM Brasil A320 at Brasilia on May 13th 2024, engine shut down in

By Simon Hradecky, created Tuesday, May 14th 2024 17:21Z, last updated Tuesday,
May 14th 2024 17:21Z

A LATAM Brasil Airbus A320-200, registration PR-MYI performing flight LA-3008
from Sao Paulo Congonhas,SP to Brasilia,DF (Brazil) with 106 people on board,
was on approach to Brasilia when the crew reported an engine had failed and was
shut down. The aircraft continued for a safe landing on runway 11R, vacated the
runway and stopped clear of the runway. The aircraft was subsequently towed to
the apron.

The airline reported the captain informed the passengers about an engine
problem, there was no panic on board. The aircraft was towed to the apron.

The aircraft is still on the ground in Brasilia about 25 hours after landing.


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