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Patrick A Haggerty

Patrick Haggerty is Keynote Speaker at ComplianceKey. He is a tax practitioner,
author, and educator. His work experience includes non-profit organization
management, banking, manufacturing accounting, and tax practice. He began
teaching accounting at the college level in 1988. He is licensed as an Enrolled
Agent by the U. S. Treasury to represent taxpayers at all administrative levels
of the IRS and is a Certified Management Accountant. He has written numerous
articles and a monthly question and answer column for payroll publications. In
addition, he regularly develops and presents webinars a........

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The IRS is actively targeting enforcement measures on accounts payable
operations. Penalties for non-compliance are indexed and increase each year. It
is more important than ever that 1099 Forms be prepared correctly, filed and
furnished timely, and that filers perform due diligence procedures to avoid or
mitigate penalties.

This webinar will focus on the latest updates for Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC
as well as updates to forms and processes for 2021. It will cover specific
reporting requirements for various types of payments and payees, filing
requirements, withholding requirements and reporting guidelines. The webinar
will cover filing due dates, penalties for late filed and late furnished
returns. It will also discuss the various ways to prevent and mitigate penalties
including the safe harbor provisions for de minimis dollar amount errors and the
important "reasonable cause" defense and steps that can be taken to prevent
penalties such as taxpayer identification number verification, backup
withholding, handling B-notices, filing procedures and correcting errors.

Why should you attend this webinar?

In order to stay compliant, practitioners must know which form to use to report
specific transactions, when forms must be filed or furnished to recipients in
order to be on-time, which information to include and how to make sure it is
accurate, how and when to make corrections, how to avoid or mitigate errors,
whether a particular payee is subject to backup withholding, or transaction
reporting, and the due diligence procedures that shield an issuer from penalties
even when the forms contain incorrect information.
IRS proposed regulations to require e-filing for most tax and information
returns including 1099s, W-2s and entity income tax returns. Proposal would
require all but the very smallest businesses to electronically file all tax and
information returns. Make sure your business is prepared for this change.

Areas Covered in the Session:

 * 2021 updates to Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC
 * Using the Guide to Information Returns
 * Forms 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC and 1096: Identification of reportable payments and
 * Common 1099 errors - how to prevent them and how to correct them
 * Taxpayer identification number basics: Which number to use
 * Form W-9: documentation that establishes reportable and non-reportable payees
 * Due diligence procedures avoid or mitigate penalties
 * How to handle missing or incorrect payee tax ID numbers
 * "B" notice procedures: When to issue and how to follow-up
 * Using the IRS TIN verification system to avoid IRS notices
 * Backup withholding requirements and procedures
 * Penalties for late or incorrect 1099 Forms
 * Procedures and policies that establish "reasonable cause" and avoid penalties

Who can Benefit:

 * CFOs and controllers
 * Accounts payable and accounting managers
 * Accounts payable processing professionals
 * Employers and Business owners
 * Purchasing managers and professionals
 * Public accountants, CPAs and Enrolled Agents

Webinar Id: CKPAH009

Training Options:

Duration: 90 mins


 10:00 AM PT | 01:00 PM ET

 Single Attendee: [Only for one participant]

$179 (Live)                    $286 (Live + Recorded)

 Multiple Attendee: [For a group of 2-5 participants]

$388 (Live)                    $679 (Live + Recorded)

 Corporate Attendee: [For a group of 6-10 Participants]

$766 (Live)                    $1117 (Live + Recorded)

 Recorded: [Six month unlimited access]

$193 (Single Attendee) $699 (Unlimited Attendee)

Webinar Packages(Live/Recorded): Our representative can help curate a webinar
package for you.Talk to us by clicking this link.

In-Class training: We can help organize In-Class training for your
organization.Talk to us by clicking this link.

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Upcoming Webinar of Patrick A Haggerty
Form 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC: H....
Presenter: Patrick A Haggerty
When: 10-Sep-2021 | 10:00 AM PT |01:00 PM ET
Price: $179
IRS Form 1099 Reporting Update....
Presenter: Patrick A Haggerty
When: 17-Sep-2021 | 12:00 PM PT |03:00 PM ET
Price: $179

More Webinar

Past Webinar of Patrick A Haggerty
Form 1099-MISC 1099-NEC Compli....
Presenter: Patrick A Haggerty
6 months unlimited
Price: $193
Form W-4 Update: Withholding C....
Presenter: Patrick A Haggerty
6 months unlimited
Price: $241

More Webinar


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