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Name: wf-form-Book-demoGET

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            <div class="text-color-orange text-size-tiny">Please use your business email.</div>
      <div class="w-slide"><select id="use_case" name="use_case" data-name="use_case" required="" class="modal-form-text-field capitalize w-select">
          <option value="">your video use case</option>
          <option value="none">no defined use case yet</option>
          <option value="training">training</option>
          <option value="how-to videos">how-to videos</option>
          <option value="marketing">marketing</option>
          <option value="corporate communication">corporate communications</option>
          <option value="education (university/school)">education (university/school)</option>
          <option value="sales outreach">sales outreach</option>
          <option value="api">API</option>
          <option value="chatbots">chatbots</option>
          <option value="video ads">video ads</option>
          <option value="reseller">I want to resell Synthesia</option>
          <option value="external e-learning">external e-learning</option>
        </select><select id="video_tool" name="video_tool" data-name="video_tool" required="" class="modal-form-text-field capitalize w-select">
          <option value="">Current video tools you use</option>
          <option value="none">Our team is not doing video today</option>
          <option value="camtasia">Camtasia</option>
          <option value="vyond">Vyond</option>
          <option value="adobe premier">Adobe Premier</option>
          <option value="final cut">Final Cut Pro</option>
          <option value="other">Other video editing tools</option>
        </select><select id="Lead-Source" name="leadsource" data-name="leadsource" required="" class="modal-form-text-field w-select">
          <option value="">How did you hear about Synthesia?</option>
          <option value="From a friend">From a friend</option>
          <option value="From a coworker">From a coworker</option>
          <option value="I saw it on LinkedIn">I saw it on LinkedIn</option>
          <option value="I saw it on TikTok">I saw it on TikTok</option>
          <option value="I saw it on Instagram">I saw it on Instagram</option>
          <option value="I found it on Google">I found it on Google</option>
          <option value="I saw it on Facebook">I saw it on Facebook</option>
          <option value="I saw it on YouTube">I saw it on YouTube</option>
          <option value="I saw it on Twitter">I saw it on Twitter</option>
          <option value="I saw it on Product Hunt">I saw it on Product Hunt</option>
          <option value="I saw an article about it">I saw an article about it</option>
          <option value="On a webinar">On a webinar</option>
          <option value="Other">Other</option>
        </select><select id="usage" name="usage" data-name="usage" required="" class="modal-form-text-field w-select">
          <option value="">How often do you plan to create videos?</option>
          <option value="We have only one project">We have only one project</option>
          <option value="We plan to make videos regularly">We plan to make videos regularly</option>
        </select><textarea id="challenge" name="challenge" maxlength="5000" data-name="field" placeholder="What's your top video challenge today?" required="" class="modal-form-text-field w-input"></textarea><label
          class="w-checkbox modal-checkbox-field"><input type="checkbox" id="Content Guidelines" name="Content-Guidelines" data-name="Content Guidelines" required="" class="w-checkbox-input checkbox"><span for="Content-Guidelines"
            class="modal-form-label w-form-label">I confirm that I have read and understood the <a href="../terms/terms-of-service.html">Terms of Service</a> and
            <a href="../terms/privacy-policy.html" target="_blank" class="blue-link">Privacy Policy</a><strong class="bold-text-2"> *</strong></span></label>
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        </div><input type="submit" id="book-demo-btn" value="Book Demo" data-wait="Please wait..." class="button-primary align-right w-node-fb80ae8d-5ff7-cf65-9a1a-7a35e4fe537e-982025f8 w-button">
    <div class="book-demo-back w-slider-arrow-left">
      <div class="text-style-link"><span>←</span> Go back</div>
    <div class="button-primary book-demo w-slider-arrow-right" style="user-select: auto; pointer-events: auto; opacity: 1;">
      <div>Continue <span>→</span></div>
    <div class="hide w-slider-nav w-round"></div>
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You can create your own high-quality custom AI avatar, including your voice.
Please note that the custom AI avatar and voice are paid add-ons to the
Synthesia subscription.

Learn more
See how avatars are created


What is a custom avatar?
Synthesia custom avatar is a digital, but photo-realistic representation of a
human. These custom avatars can be used to create business videos with
Synthesia. You can create a custom avatar of yourself or a team member for
example (with explicit consent of the person).

Once your custom avatar is created, it will appear among our built-in avatars in
Synthesia STUDIO. Then you can use it in your videos. You simply define the
video script you want the person to speak, set the rest of the video, and
generate the video.
You can see an example case study here.

How much does a custom avatar cost?
Custom avatar is an add-on to Synthesia subscription and it costs $1000/year per

How long does it take to make a custom avatar?
It currently takes about 10-15 minutes of video recording in front of a green
screen. After you’ve submitted the footage to our team and paid for the custom
avatar, you’ll receive your custom avatar on your Synthesia account within 10

You can find instructions for how to shoot a custom avatar here.

Can we use existing videos or images to create a custom avatar?
No. To create a custom avatar, you need to make a special video recording and
use the Synthesia custom avatar script. The process takes about 10-15 minutes.

You can find instructions for how to shoot a custom avatar here.

Do you have some examples of custom avatars?
Most custom avatars are used for internal purposes by our business customers,
but you can see a case study with a company that uses their custom avatar for
training videos here.

How do I make a video footage for a custom avatar?
We've prepared the instructions here.

Do you recommend any studios for shooting a custom avatar?
Yes! We've prepared a selection of certified studios that you can find here.

Will the custom avatar have my voice?
When creating your custom avatar you can choose to clone your voice as well.
This is an additional process and requires some extra steps. Please note that
the custom AI avatar and voice are a paid add-on to the Synthesia Enterprise

Isn’t this technology dangerous? Can I make an avatar of everyone?
No, you can't create a custom avatar of someone. Creating a new custom avatar
requires explicit consent from the person to be made the avatar and our team
manually checks and processes all custom avatar video footage. Moreover,
existing images or video footage can't be used for creating custom avatars - our
custom avatar creation requires about 10-15 minutes of dedicated video
recording (as described above).

This means that it is impossible to impersonate a celebrity or a politician. You
can read more about our ethics policy here.

Even more curious about the implications of this technology? Watch a webinar
discussion with Nina Schick, international speaker and deepfake expert, and our
CEO Victor Riparbelli here.


Cyber Inc. creates learning videos in 6 languages using their customer AI video

 * Unique brand style with custom avatar
 * Videos can be done in minutes
 * Quick internationalization

Read the case study


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Kent House, 14/17 Market Place, London W1W 8AJ, United Kingdom

Our +380.000 employees all over the world, no matter in which country, must have
the same competence profile. Synthesia helps us develop engaging, consistent and
localised training videos at scale.

Ben Kirby
Global SVP Learning & Development
at Teleperformance


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outreachAPIchatbotsvideo adsI want to resell Synthesiaexternal e-learningCurrent
video tools you useOur team is not doing video todayCamtasiaVyondAdobe
PremierFinal Cut ProOther video editing toolsHow did you hear about
Synthesia?From a friendFrom a coworkerI saw it on LinkedInI saw it on TikTokI
saw it on InstagramI found it on GoogleI saw it on FacebookI saw it on YouTubeI
saw it on TwitterI saw it on Product HuntI saw an article about itOn a
webinarOtherHow often do you plan to create videos?We have only one projectWe
plan to make videos regularlyI confirm that I have read and understood the Terms
of Service and Privacy Policy *

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