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Submission: On July 21 via api from US — Scanned from US

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Stretch Lace Teddy and Garter Set Peacock Black

Evergreen Sequin 3pc Set


Bloomgasm Rose Duet Sucking Rose & Vibrating Rosette

Alchemy Rosebud Luxury Air-Pulse Massager - Red

The Male Rose 3 Blowjob Sucker Thrusting Vibrating, Rotating Stroker

Vive Mika Rechargeable Triple Motor Vibrating Rabbit with G-Spot Stimulator -

UFO Rechargeable Thrusting Vibrating Male Stroker - White

Luv Inc Pulsing Clitoral Stimulator - Red


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117 Sweeten Creek Rd
STE 30
Asheville, 28803, US
(828) 560-0036

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Please allow up to 2 days for shipping and handling. We primarily ship with USPS
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Lingerie/Clothing Items may be Returned or Exchanged within 14 days with receipt
so long as the original tags are attached/ packaging is in new condition and the
item itself is in new condition. 

Defective Battery Operated Items may be Exchanged within 7 days of Purchase with
Receipt and Original Packaging. 

All Other Novelty/Gift Item Sales are Final.

This includes but is not limited to: Dildos, Fetish Items, Anal Plugs,
Lubricant, Massage Oils and Enhancement Pills.Â