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Name: pb_2023_August_Polar_Bears_FWS_081323POST /page/55491/action/2

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        <h1>SAVE imperiled polar bears from Big Oil’s Arctic drilling!</h1>
  <div class="en__component en__component--row en__component--advrow">
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        <p><span style="font-size:16px;"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong>Polar bears are clinging to survival while their precious Arctic habitat is rapidly melting away TWICE as fast as the rest of the
        <p><span style="font-size:16px;"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">These beloved mammals are already suffering the worst impacts of human-driven climate change, largely driven by the fossil fuel industry’s greed. And now,
              the Biden administration has just approved a new rule permitting the very same industry to push these precious animals even closer to <em><strong>EXTINCTION!</strong></em></span></span></p>
        <p><span style="font-size:16px;"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has confirmed a <u>95% probability</u> that the increased Big Oil and Gas activity under this new administrative rule
              will cause <em><strong>“SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH”</strong></em> to threatened Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears, <em>the most imperiled polar bear population in the world.</em></span></span></p>
        <p><span style="font-size:16px;"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">But despite these findings, the agency has <em><strong><u>FAILED</u></strong></em> to protect the fragile Arctic region and the vulnerable polar bears who
              call it home. <strong>So we’re calling on 4,702 more environmentalists like you to speak up by 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT and send a strong message from the public:</strong></span></span></p>
        <p style="text-align: center;"><em><span style="font-size:16px;"><span
                style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"><u><strong>We will NOT stand for any more dirty energy handouts at the expense of our polar bears and our planet!</strong></u></span></span></em></p>
      <div class="en__component en__component--copyblock ett-sidebar-name" style="

        <p><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:16px;"><span style="line-height:107%"><b>Tell FWS to REJECT expanded oil and gas drilling in the Arctic!</b></span></span></span></p>
      <div class="en__component en__component--contactblock" style="">
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                <input class="en__contactDetails__select" type="checkbox" checked="" value="Y" name="contact.1036.send">
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                  <div class="en__contactDetails__row en__contactDetails__row--1">
                    <div class="en__contactDetail en__contactDetail--title">
                    <div class="en__contactDetail en__contactDetail--firstName">
                    <div class="en__contactDetail en__contactDetail--lastName"> Comments </div>
                  <div class="en__contactDetails__row en__contactDetails__row--2">
                    <div class="en__contactDetail en__contactDetail--organization">
        <div class="en__singleMessage" style="">
          <div class="en__contactSubject"><input autocomplete="off" class="en__field__input en__field__input--text en__contactSubject__field" type="text" value="Stop Big Oil’s drilling and fracking from pushing polar bears to extinction"
          <div class="en__contactMessage en__contactMessage--typePlainText"><textarea name="contact.message" class="en__field en__field--textarea en__contactMessage__plainText">Dear U.S. Fish &amp; Wildlife Service,

In 2021, the Biden administration passed a rule that lets oil and gas companies harass already threatened Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears and ignores the likelihood that these activities could cause injury and death.

Continued harassment can stress polar bears to the point of injury or death, and there are only about 900 of these polar bears left. FWS’s own science presents the probability that the North Slope’s oil and gas activities will cause serious injury or death to polar bears over the regulation’s five-year period.

The rule doubles down on the threat to the Beaufort Sea polar bear population by letting an industry already responsible for a climate crisis also harm and potentially kill polar bear cubs while further industrializing the bears’ habitat for oil and gas.

Moreover, this rule is a violation of the Marine Mammals Protection Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

I am writing to you today to urge your agency to reject this new rule and refuse to authorize any new or expanded oil and gas activities under the rule.


{user_data~First name} {user_data~Last name}
{user_data~City}, {user_data~State} {user_data~Postcode}
</textarea> <input name="contact.origmessage" class="en__contactMessage__plainTextOriginal" value="Dear U.S. Fish &amp; Wildlife Service,

In 2021, the Biden administration passed a rule that lets oil and gas companies harass already threatened Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears and ignores the likelihood that these activities could cause injury and death.

Continued harassment can stress polar bears to the point of injury or death, and there are only about 900 of these polar bears left. FWS’s own science presents the probability that the North Slope’s oil and gas activities will cause serious injury or death to polar bears over the regulation’s five-year period.

The rule doubles down on the threat to the Beaufort Sea polar bear population by letting an industry already responsible for a climate crisis also harm and potentially kill polar bear cubs while further industrializing the bears’ habitat for oil and gas.

Moreover, this rule is a violation of the Marine Mammals Protection Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

I am writing to you today to urge your agency to reject this new rule and refuse to authorize any new or expanded oil and gas activities under the rule.


{user_data~First name} {user_data~Last name}
{user_data~City}, {user_data~State} {user_data~Postcode}
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        <p>By submitting this form, you are signing up to receive updates and alerts from Friends of the Earth and Friends of the Earth (Action), Inc. You may unsubscribe at any time.</p>
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Text Content

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Polar bears are clinging to survival while their precious Arctic habitat is
rapidly melting away TWICE as fast as the rest of the world.

These beloved mammals are already suffering the worst impacts of human-driven
climate change, largely driven by the fossil fuel industry’s greed. And now, the
Biden administration has just approved a new rule permitting the very same
industry to push these precious animals even closer to EXTINCTION!

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has confirmed a 95% probability that the
increased Big Oil and Gas activity under this new administrative rule will cause
“SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH” to threatened Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears, the
most imperiled polar bear population in the world.

But despite these findings, the agency has FAILED to protect the fragile Arctic
region and the vulnerable polar bears who call it home. So we’re calling on
4,702 more environmentalists like you to speak up by 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT and send
a strong message from the public:

We will NOT stand for any more dirty energy handouts at the expense of our polar
bears and our planet!

Tell FWS to REJECT expanded oil and gas drilling in the Arctic!


Dear U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, In 2021, the Biden administration passed a
rule that lets oil and gas companies harass already threatened Southern Beaufort
Sea polar bears and ignores the likelihood that these activities could cause
injury and death. Continued harassment can stress polar bears to the point of
injury or death, and there are only about 900 of these polar bears left. FWS’s
own science presents the probability that the North Slope’s oil and gas
activities will cause serious injury or death to polar bears over the
regulation’s five-year period. The rule doubles down on the threat to the
Beaufort Sea polar bear population by letting an industry already responsible
for a climate crisis also harm and potentially kill polar bear cubs while
further industrializing the bears’ habitat for oil and gas. Moreover, this rule
is a violation of the Marine Mammals Protection Act, the National Environmental
Policy Act, and the Endangered Species Act. I am writing to you today to urge
your agency to reject this new rule and refuse to authorize any new or expanded
oil and gas activities under the rule. Sincerely, {user_data~First name}
{user_data~Last name} {user_data~City}, {user_data~State} {user_data~Postcode}
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Last name

Email address

Zip Code

Cell phone number (optional)

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Friends of the Earth Action Activists


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Friends of the Earth and Friends of the Earth (Action), Inc. You may unsubscribe
at any time.

By providing your mobile number and submitting this form, you are signing up to
receive text messages from Friends of the Earth and Friends of the Earth
(Action), Inc. to fight for a more healthy and just world. Recurring messages.
Msg & data rates may apply. Text STOP to 30373 to stop receiving messages. Text
HELP to 30373 for more information. Terms & Conditions and Friends of the
Earth's Privacy Policy/Friends of the Earth (Action), Inc.'s Privacy Policy


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