nwd.hekojion.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://nwd.hekojion.com/
Submission: On March 22 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

<form novalidate="" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <div class="InputCombo NavigationSearch-form"> <input type="text" placeholder="Search 100,000 Discussions" class="NavigationSearch-input ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" ng-model="searchQuery"> <button
      class="NavigationSearch-btn Btn Btn--small Btn--secondary" ng-click="search()"> Search </button> </div>

<form class="SearchDropdown-form ng-pristine ng-valid" novalidate=""> <span class="SearchDropdown-form-title"> Search The Warrior Forum </span>
  <div class="SearchDropdown-form-input InputCombo"> <input type="text" placeholder="Search..." class="Input ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" ng-model="searchQuery"> <button
      class="SearchDropdown-form-input-btn Btn Btn--small Btn--secondary" ng-click="search()"> Search </button> </div>

Name: newThreadForm

<form name="newThreadForm" class="PostWidget-form Form ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-minlength ng-valid-maxlength" ng-submit="newThreadForm.$valid &amp;&amp; $ctrl.submit()" novalidate="">
  <fieldset class="Form-fieldset">
    <ol class="Form-steps">
      <li class="Form-step">
        <span class="Input-wrapper Input-wrapper--hasPointer">
          <input type="text" name="subject" ng-model="$ctrl.newThread.subject" required="" ng-minlength="5" ng-maxlength="100" placeholder="What do you want to discuss or know about?"
            class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-minlength ng-valid-maxlength">
          <aside ng-show="newThreadForm.$submitted &amp;&amp; newThreadForm.subject.$error.required" class="Alert Alert--error ng-hide">Please enter a subject</aside>
          <aside ng-show="newThreadForm.$submitted &amp;&amp; newThreadForm.subject.$error.minlength" class="Alert Alert--error ng-hide">Please enter a minimum of 5 characters</aside>
          <aside ng-show="newThreadForm.$submitted &amp;&amp; newThreadForm.subject.$error.maxlength" class="Alert Alert--error ng-hide">Please limit the title to 100 characters</aside>
      <li class="Form-step media--available@mobile">
        <span class="Input-wrapper Input-wrapper--hasPointer">
          <textarea rows="6" name="message" ng-model="$ctrl.newThread.message" required="" ng-minlength="10" placeholder="Enter details here..." class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-minlength"></textarea>
          <aside ng-show="newThreadForm.$submitted &amp;&amp; newThreadForm.message.$error.required" class="Alert Alert--error ng-hide">Please enter thread message</aside>
          <aside ng-show="newThreadForm.$submitted &amp;&amp; newThreadForm.message.$error.minlength" class="Alert Alert--error ng-hide">Please enter a minimum of 10 characters</aside>
      <li class="Form-step VbEditorToolbar media--hidden@mobile">
        <div text-angular="text-angular" name="message" ng-model="$ctrl.newThread.message" required="" ng-minlength="10" placeholder="Enter details here..." ta-disabled="disabled" ta-username-tag="enabled"
          class="post-wso-editor ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-isolate-scope ta-root ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-minlength">
          <div text-angular-toolbar="" name="textAngularToolbar1395424241395570" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope ta-toolbar btn-toolbar">
            <div class="btn-group"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="unformat" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1" ng-click="executeAction()" ng-class="displayActiveToolClass(active)"
                popover="Remove Text Formatting" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><span class="icon-toolbar-removeformat"></span></button></div>
            <div class="btn-group ng-scope dropdown" uib-dropdown="" on-toggle="toggled(open)" popover="Fonts" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><button type="button" class="btn button-label btn-default dropdown-toggle"
                uib-dropdown-toggle="" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Font <span class="caret"></span></button>
              <ul class="dropdown-menu" uib-dropdown-menu="" role="menu"> <!-- ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Arial" class="ng-binding">Arial</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Arial Black" class="ng-binding">Arial Black</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Arial Narrow" class="ng-binding">Arial Narrow</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Book Antiqua" class="ng-binding">Book Antiqua</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Century Gothic" class="ng-binding">Century Gothic</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Comic Sans MS" class="ng-binding">Comic Sans MS</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Courier New" class="ng-binding">Courier New</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Fixedsys" class="ng-binding">Fixedsys</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium" class="ng-binding">Franklin Gothic Medium</font></a></li>
                <!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Garamond" class="ng-binding">Garamond</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Georgia" class="ng-binding">Georgia</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Impact" class="ng-binding">Impact</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Lucida Console" class="ng-binding">Lucida Console</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Lucida Sans Unicode" class="ng-binding">Lucida Sans Unicode</font></a></li>
                <!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Microsoft Sans Serif" class="ng-binding">Microsoft Sans Serif</font></a></li>
                <!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Palatino Linotype" class="ng-binding">Palatino Linotype</font></a></li>
                <!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="System" class="ng-binding">System</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Tahoma" class="ng-binding">Tahoma</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Times New Roman" class="ng-binding">Times New Roman</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Trebuchet MS" class="ng-binding">Trebuchet MS</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
                <li ng-repeat="font in fonts" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, font)" class="ng-scope"><a><font face="Verdana" class="ng-binding">Verdana</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: font in fonts -->
            <div class="btn-group ng-scope dropdown" uib-dropdown="" on-toggle="toggled(open)" popover="Sizes" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><button type="button" class="btn button-label btn-default dropdown-toggle"
                uib-dropdown-toggle="" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Size <span class="caret"></span></button>
              <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" uib-dropdown-menu=""> <!-- ngRepeat: size in sizes -->
                <li ng-repeat="size in sizes" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, size)" class="ng-scope"><a><font size="1" class="ng-binding">1</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: size in sizes -->
                <li ng-repeat="size in sizes" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, size)" class="ng-scope"><a><font size="2" class="ng-binding">2</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: size in sizes -->
                <li ng-repeat="size in sizes" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, size)" class="ng-scope"><a><font size="3" class="ng-binding">3</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: size in sizes -->
                <li ng-repeat="size in sizes" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, size)" class="ng-scope"><a><font size="4" class="ng-binding">4</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: size in sizes -->
                <li ng-repeat="size in sizes" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, size)" class="ng-scope"><a><font size="5" class="ng-binding">5</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: size in sizes -->
                <li ng-repeat="size in sizes" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, size)" class="ng-scope"><a><font size="6" class="ng-binding">6</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: size in sizes -->
                <li ng-repeat="size in sizes" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, size)" class="ng-scope"><a><font size="7" class="ng-binding">7</font></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: size in sizes -->
            <div class="btn-group ng-scope dropdown" uib-dropdown="" on-toggle="toggled(open)" popover="Colors" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><button type="button" class="btn button-label btn-default btn-color-preview"
                ng-click="executeAction(undefined, activeColor)"><a>A<span class="color-preview" style="background-color:red"></span></a></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle btn-color-dropdown" uib-dropdown-toggle=""
                aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><span class="caret"></span></button>
              <div class="colorPicker-palette dropdown-menu" uib-dropdown-menu="" role="menu"> <!-- ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Black"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Sienna"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:DarkOliveGreen"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:DarkGreen"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:DarkSlateBlue"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Navy"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Indigo"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:DarkSlateGray"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:DarkRed"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:DarkOrange"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Olive"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Green"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Teal"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Blue"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:SlateGray"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:DimGray"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Red"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:SandyBrown"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:YellowGreen"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:SeaGreen"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:MediumTurquoise"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:RoyalBlue"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Purple"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Gray"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Magenta"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Orange"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Yellow"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Lime"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Cyan"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:DeepSkyBlue"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:DarkOrchid"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Silver"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Pink"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Wheat"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:LemonChiffon"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:PaleGreen"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:PaleTurquoise"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:LightBlue"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:Plum"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
                <div ng-repeat="color in palette" class="colorPicker-swatch ng-scope" ng-click="chooseColor(color)" style="background-color:White"><a></a></div><!-- end ngRepeat: color in palette -->
            <div class="btn-group ng-scope dropdown" uib-dropdown="" on-toggle="toggled(open)" popover="Smilies" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><button type="button"
                class="btn button-label btn-default btn-smiley-preview dropdown-toggle" uib-dropdown-toggle="" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><span class="icon-toolbar-smilie"></span></button><button type="button"
                class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" uib-dropdown-toggle="" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><span class="caret"></span></button>
              <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" uib-dropdown-menu=""> <!-- ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-smile icon-smiley">Smile</span></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-redface icon-smiley">Embarrassment</span></a></li>
                <!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-biggrin icon-smiley">Big Grin</span></a></li>
                <!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-wink icon-smiley">Wink</span></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-tongue icon-smiley">Stick Out Tongue</span></a></li>
                <!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-cool icon-smiley">Cool</span></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-rolleyes icon-smiley">Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)</span></a></li>
                <!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-mad icon-smiley">Mad</span></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-eek icon-smiley">EEK!</span></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-confused icon-smiley">Confused</span></a></li>
                <!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
                <li ng-repeat="smiley in smilies" ng-click="$parent.isopen = false; executeAction(undefined, smiley.code)" class="ng-scope"><a><span class="icon-toolbar-frown icon-smiley">Frown</span></a></li><!-- end ngRepeat: smiley in smilies -->
            <div class="btn-group"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="undo" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1" ng-click="executeAction()" ng-class="displayActiveToolClass(active)" popover="Undo"
                popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><span class="icon-toolbar-undo"></span></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="redo" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1"
                ng-click="executeAction()" ng-class="displayActiveToolClass(active)" popover="Redo" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><span class="icon-toolbar-redo"></span></button></div>
            <div class="btn-group"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="bold" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1" ng-click="executeAction()" ng-class="displayActiveToolClass(active)" popover="Bold"
                popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><span class="icon-toolbar-bold"></span></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="italics" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1"
                ng-click="executeAction()" ng-class="displayActiveToolClass(active)" popover="Italic" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><span class="icon-toolbar-italic"></span></button><button type="button"
                class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="underline" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1" ng-click="executeAction()" ng-class="displayActiveToolClass(active)" popover="Underline" popover-trigger="mouseenter"
                popover-popup-delay="400"><span class="icon-toolbar-underline"></span></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="justifyLeft" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1"
                ng-click="executeAction()" ng-class="displayActiveToolClass(active)" popover="Align Left" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><span class="icon-toolbar-justifyleft"></span></button><button type="button"
                class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="justifyCenter" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1" ng-click="executeAction()" ng-class="displayActiveToolClass(active)" popover="Align Center" popover-trigger="mouseenter"
                popover-popup-delay="400"><span class="icon-toolbar-justifycenter"></span></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="justifyRight" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1"
                ng-click="executeAction()" ng-class="displayActiveToolClass(active)" popover="Align Right" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-popup-delay="400"><span class="icon-toolbar-justifyright"></span></button><button type="button"
                class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="ol" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1" ng-click="executeAction()" ng-class="displayActiveToolClass(active)" popover="Ordered List" popover-trigger="mouseenter"
                popover-popup-delay="400"><span class="icon-toolbar-insertorderedlist"></span></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-default ng-scope" name="ul" unselectable="on" ng-disabled="isDisabled()" tabindex="-1"
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Sadia Arshad
Sadia Arshad
Sadia Arshad

Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

Posted: 10 years ago 29 replies
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I want to establish a site on women's health and beauty niche
do you think that women's health and beauty niche is still profitable
considering that there are very names already exist ?
Is it advisable for me to jump into such competitive niche ?? or i need to look
for another market ?

Please Advise.

#beauty #health #niche #saturated #women
 * Fred@IncomeLabz
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   10 years ago
   Competition is a good thing. It means that there is plenty of money being
   spent in the niche.
   Don't be too broad though.
   You need to narrow it down to a sub niche within the health and beauty niche
   and focus on that.
   ~ Fred
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    * 2 replies
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    * MNord
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      10 years ago
      There is plenty of room for more in that market. Here is a thread that has
      some discussion you may find helpful (even though it is about PLR
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    * Catherine Bueno
      Catherine Bueno
      Catherine Bueno
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      7 years ago
      Originally Posted by Fred@IncomeLabz
      Competition is a good thing. It means that there is plenty of money being
      spent in the niche.
      Don't be too broad though.
      You need to narrow it down to a sub niche within the health and beauty
      niche and focus on that.
      ~ Fred
      Yes, be specific as to the beauty niche you want to focus on, so that you
      will have more chances to rank higher.
      Best of luck!
       * [ 0 ] Thank this user

 * Dash Evra
   Dash Evra
   Dash Evra
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   10 years ago
   I've been hearing that the weight loss niche is saturated since 2008. But
   guess what?? Every year, I meet new people making money in that niche.
   There is no such thing as a saturated niche. The problem is, you don't have
   the money or the marketing strategies to compete with the others.
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    * 1 reply
    * The Niche Man
      The Niche Man
      The Niche Man
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      10 years ago
      Whenever people say a market is "saturated" I realize they mean there's
      lots of competition. But what I hear them saying is ... all the problems
      have been solved.
      And we all know that's not true.
      That's what niche marketing is .. solving problems no else has solved yet
      or solving them a little better than others.
      As others have already said in this thread, competition in a saturated
      market is a good thing, not a bad one. Just look at it as solving unmet,
      overlooked or under-served problems.
      Here's some of the benefits of saturated markets off the top of my head to
       * In saturated markets a lot of people have already done the work for
         you. They've shown you where the money is!
       * They've pointed out where the customers are!
       * And in most cases shown you the type of problems people are paying to
      Things that probably took others millions of dollars to find out.
      That's a good thing. Right?
      So all you have to do is ...
      1. Find out what people are currently complaining about, irritated about
      or stressed about in that market.
      2. Next find or create a solution or improve on a solution your
      competitors have already proven sells.
      3.Then test it in the marketplace.
      4. Make the necessary adjustments
      5. Rinse and repeat until successful.
      Be careful don't make the process complicated.
      Go for it, there's problems waiting to be solved. - Good Luck!
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 * IrisMKH
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   10 years ago
   Ain't that market changing a lot in recent days? Maybe you can find new
   opportunities in the health and beauty market when you cater towards obese
   women. Think women into fat acceptance and HAES, who want to be healthy and
   sexy above 300 pounds. I believe their number is growing.
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 * Gambino
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   8 years ago
   Do some market research? That's a very broad "niche". Strengths? Weaknesses?
   Point of difference? What can you provide that others can't/aren't? What can
   you improve upon? To me, no market is off limits provided you know what
   you're doing, develop a plan, execute and adjust as necessary.
    * [ 0 ] Thank this user
 * Steve B
   Steve B
   Steve B
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   8 years ago
   Here's another old health/beauty/fitness thread being opened again after
   years of dust.
   If you want to see if a niche or market is saturated, go do your market
   research on it.
   It's only going to be saturated if you try to do what all the other mindless
   copycats are doing.
    * [ 5 ] Thank this user
   Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
 * EPoltrack77
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   8 years ago
   It's never saturated! The more the better. Whats current and how do you rise
   above the competition which could be something soooo small but overlooked.
   Seek and you shall find. Huge demand...
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   Working to achieve higher results...
 * KennyAmy
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   There is nothing such as saturated when you have a GOOD product. Competition
   merely means comparison, more choices for customers to choose from.
   So.... Sell a good product :-)
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 * TheMechanic
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Is it saturated? Yes, it is. Is it still profitable? Yes, it is...especially
   if you market your products correctly and choose the right venues to promote
   your products.
   I have some beauty products and I promote them via social media (pinterest,
   instagram, facebook...in that order!)
    * [ 0 ] Thank this user
 * JohnVianny
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Yes, if you think on broad.
   Now, for weight loss and most of niches, you have to pick a narrow niche,
   where obviously theres competition, and become the leader of that niche.
   Just think of weight loss for women at home, as an example house fitness is
   not saturated yet.
   Or weight loss for women who work in office: that is a niche goin well in the
   UK as an example.
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 * Virginia Sanders
   Virginia Sanders
   Virginia Sanders
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Theere is a product in the warrior forum that just kills niche marketing. You
   find the market the niche whether your keywords are good, poor excellent. You
   check google register a domain or subdomain that closely resembles that top
   keyword and you can kill it. Nothing is impossible. Pick your niche and run
   with it. I did notice that the more specific your niche is the higher it will
   rank, you can play with the rank checker until you get the combination words,
   long tail whatever until you have a winning combination. You can go into any
   niche you like with a good better product that solves a big problem and you
   are in. Just my.2 cents.
    * [ 0 ] Thank this user
 * dana67
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   The health and beauty niche is competitive. Try and find a sub-niche where
   the competition might not be as heavy. Also, look at competitor sites for
   ideas and think about how you can do it better. What can you offer that other
   sites are not?
    * [ 0 ] Thank this user
   Working online for over 10 years
 * aizaku
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   saturated.... thats famine thinking
   sure there are time you should think that way..
   but not with an every growing evergreen market of vanity.
   you are not looking to conquer the market but to get a slice for yourself..
   you can definitely do it.
   just dont confuse a category for a niche..
   best of luck,
   Ike Paz
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 * st0nec0ld
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Originally Posted by Sadia Arshad
   I want to establish a site on women's health and beauty niche
   do you think that women's health and beauty niche is still profitable
   considering that there are very names already exist ?
   Is it advisable for me to jump into such competitive niche ?? or i need to
   look for another market ?
   Please Advise.
   Do you think you know the niche well? I mean if it is something you are very
   familiar of, and you think you can share something that other businesses on
   the same niche wasn't able to tell then why not? Yes, it is a competitive and
   profitable niche but if you think you will be able to compete then why not?
   Stay unique and you'll standout.
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 * thegreatamazing
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Originally Posted by Sadia Arshad
   I want to establish a site on women's health and beauty niche
   do you think that women's health and beauty niche is still profitable
   considering that there are very names already exist ?
   Is it advisable for me to jump into such competitive niche ?? or i need to
   look for another market ?
   Please Advise.
   Don't be afraid of competition mate, it's a good thing Where there's a
   competition, there's the money
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 * hrishivardhan
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   If you really wants to build nice blog than you should always go for that
   niche. because it's the most consumable niche by the women, so you don't need
   to afraid of the level of competition in that markets already have.
   you just can go for it. it will surely gives you all kind of benefits as I
   tell you I already in a same niche and it's worth of that.
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 * Chedicorn
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Grab yourself some kind of SEO tool and rank yourself in the search engines!
   that's what I would do and use leacher sites such as blogger or wordpress.com
   to get articles high up in the SERPS for highly searched keywords to get you
   going at first! You can always be competitive no matter what the niche.
   there's plenty of tools out there that others are not using.
    * [ 1 ] Thank this user
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 * Marian
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Yes, just go for it! If the same sites last forever - why would that be good?
   We need competition, at the end, you may end up having much better site than
   your competitor's!
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    * Sadia Arshad
      Sadia Arshad
      Sadia Arshad
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      7 years ago
       * zdebx
         Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
         7 years ago
         Originally Posted by Sadia Arshad
         Thanks for the motivation
         You'll struggle to find a niche nowadays that doesn't have competition.
         When the competition is big, it simply reflects the size of the niche
         and the money being made in it.
         Think weight loss - obviously it's a massive niche and of course, it's
         a billion dollar industry.
         However, if you were to tackle it from a unique perspective, then I'm
         sure you could get your slice of the pie....I don't know "lose weight
         by reading" or "eat burgers and get skinny"...
         P.S. Don't take my advice on weight loss
          * [ 0 ] Thank this user

 * JohnMcCabe
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Originally Posted by Steve B
   Here's another old health/beauty/fitness thread being opened again after
   years of dust.
   If you want to see if a niche or market is saturated, go do your market
   research on it.
   It's only going to be saturated if you try to do what all the other mindless
   copycats are doing.
   And for all of you trying to help the OP, she hasn't been here in over two
   I really wish there was a way to identify these old posts resurrected by
   spammers after the spam post has been nuked.
    * [ 1 ] Thank this user
 * Jake Wall
   Jake Wall
   Jake Wall
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Competition = Good. You're just going to need some advanced SEO and marketing
   tools to compete. There's a ton of money in that niche, that's why it's
   Creativity also goes a long ways. Find a new way to market to people or an
   angle that others haven't tapped into.
    * [ 0 ] Thank this user
 * techdewpoint
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Yes Women's Health and Beauty Niche is a great niche to get to start. And
   there is lots of cpa and affiliate offer out there so you can easily gets
   lots of choice.
    * [ 0 ] Thank this user
 * yukon
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   Banned 7 years ago
   Saturation is literally impossible because nobody on planet earth only buys
   from one source in their lifetime.
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    * Apple Cruz
      Apple Cruz
      Apple Cruz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      7 years ago
      Originally Posted by yukon
      Saturation is literally impossible because nobody on planet earth only
      buys from one source in their lifetime.
      Absolutely agree with you. Just like every other niche.
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 * pregyrick
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   HI Sadia!
   Competition is great and there is no saturation in any industry as long as
   you know how to position yourself - be unique and stand above your
   First, you must understand your core why you want to do this business?
   Second, you must have a great system in placed. Because if you have the right
   sales funnel in placed, whatever product or services you want to attached to
   your system will definitely work for you.
   You must have a lead conversion funnel (this is where you will put your
   target prospect to your business), A lead conversion funnel is the path a
   prospect takes through your webpage which ultimately results in a lead or
   sales conversion.
   Don't rush to make money! detach yourself first thinking to make money. There
   is no such easy button to make money fast anywhere. Master one thing at a
   time so money will become the by product of what you do. I recommend to check
   this article for better understanding of a lead conversion funnel to double
   your profit if you are thinking to enter a women's health and beauty niche.
   I hope this help . enjoy and have fun during your process.
   Originally Posted by Sadia Arshad
   I want to establish a site on women's health and beauty niche
   do you think that women's health and beauty niche is still profitable
   considering that there are very names already exist ?
   Is it advisable for me to jump into such competitive niche ?? or i need to
   look for another market ?
   Please Advise.
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 * shaunybb
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   Come in from a unique angle
   offer people things other are not
   learn to leave the "herd"
   have the right mindset...
   WAIT ARE YOU STILL READING THIS FOR....go and take action!
    * [ 0 ] Thank this user
   ====>READY To Be Successful Online? FIND OUT more!?<====
   You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
 * celente
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   7 years ago
   annoying to hear this.
   Its spoken by a newbie, so I will be blunt.
   Never has there been a better time to get involved in a niche, when people
   say this chit!
   The reason is, there are 24 hours and window where people are going nuts, and
   buying left right and centre.
   Cat juggling is a niche, and that has an audience of about 3 people from
   KANSAS. lol.
   so do not get in that niche, no money.
   but if you want to get in this woman niche, women are always in need of a
   better appearance, and will spend money in their SLEEP to get and make
   themselves more beautiful.
   so is this niche saturated, YOU BET< but that is what you need.
   a niche where the audience is passionate and buying stuff all the time.
   yes satuaration is good, it means, you will not get a HUGE CHUCK of the pie,
   but to do well, as I have done, you just need to jump in and take a small
   chuck of the BIGGER pie of money.
   This has created many millionaires even back in the 1800's
   The gold rush days, the people making huge money was not the GOLD Diggers,
   but the people selling them the SHOVELS. THink about that for just a
   minute....did any of them, think it was saturated, hell yes, that is why they
   work night and day to get them the best shovels and made off like bandits
    * [ 0 ] Thank this user
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   Peter Thompson
   Peter Thompson
   Peter Thompson
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   1 day ago in Web Design
   Looking at creating quizzes to place on my existing website for visitors to
   enter. Just short 10 question quizzes for fun. Looking for free, cheap or
   build my own options ... [read more]
   1 Reply
 * 48 48
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   3 days ago in Personal Development
   Maybe more of an opinion than a theory, but whatever I might call it, it goes
   like this: Most people who want to practice manifestation take too much noise
   with ... [read more]
   25 Replies
 * 9 9
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   2 days ago in Internet Marketing
   MMO, starting a business, what is the least you need to know? Minimum Viable
   Knowledge (MVK), what you must know to make money online (or off). From
   Warriors for Warriors. ... [read more]
   4 Replies
 * 26 26
   Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
   1 week ago in Beginners Area
   Hi guys, I just got started with digital marketing and am looking for best
   recommendations of the course/any tool to take so ill get familiar with it.
   My niche is ... [read more]
   14 Replies
 * 2 2
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   1 day ago in Beginners Area
   I hope you're all doing well. I have a question for you. I've been working on
   a page for a month now. I conducted keyword research for it, got content ...
   [read more]
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