Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Submission: On June 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: loginFormPOST

<form autocomplete="off" xkeypress="submitOnCR(this, event);" action="" method="POST" name="loginForm">
    RJS(true, true, false, function() {
  <input value="3600000:7200000" type="hidden" name="timezoneOffset">
    RJS(true, false, false, function() {
      var febDate = new Date(2024, 1, 1);
      var febOffset = -(febDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
      var augDate = new Date(2024, 7, 1);
      var augOffset = -(augDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
      document.loginForm.timezoneOffset.value = febOffset + ":" + augOffset;
  <input value="Ariba" type="hidden" name="anp">
  <input value="35h63eRfeW2GuP7s9Z3WZSqO0q3vVDhX" type="hidden" name="sessionID"><input value="" type="hidden" name="formPostRemoteRegisterActionURL">
  <input value="bancolombia" type="hidden" name="realm">
  <input value="AN01015535854" type="hidden" name="anid">
  <input value="true" type="hidden" name="appendappauthparams">
    type="hidden" name="ssocc">
  <input value="Sourcing" type="hidden" name="ApplicationId">
  <input value="true" type="hidden" name="awsr">
  <input type="hidden" name="passwordadapter">
  <input value="bancolombia" type="hidden" name="realm">
  <input value="1" type="hidden" name="isLoginForm">
  <input type="hidden" name="timezone" value="-120">
  <input type="hidden" name="timezoneFeb" value="-60">
  <input type="hidden" name="timezoneMar" value="-60">
  <input type="hidden" name="timezoneApr" value="-120">
  <input type="hidden" name="timezoneAug" value="-120">
  <input type="hidden" name="clientTime" value="1717518746683">
  <input type="hidden" name="clientTimezone" value="Europe/Berlin">
  <script language="JavaScript">
    var d = new Date();
    var feb = new Date(d.getFullYear(), 1, 1);
    var mar = new Date(d.getFullYear(), 2, 20);
    var apr = new Date(d.getFullYear(), 3, 15);
    var aug = new Date(d.getFullYear(), 7, 1);
    if (document.loginForm != null) {
      document.loginForm.timezone.value = d.getTimezoneOffset();
      document.loginForm.timezoneFeb.value = feb.getTimezoneOffset();
      document.loginForm.timezoneMar.value = mar.getTimezoneOffset();
      document.loginForm.timezoneApr.value = apr.getTimezoneOffset();
      document.loginForm.timezoneAug.value = aug.getTimezoneOffset();
      document.loginForm.clientTime.value = d.getTime();
      document.loginForm.clientTimezone.value = null;
      if (window.Intl) {
        try {
          var tz = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;
          if (tz) {
            document.loginForm.clientTimezone.value = tz;
        } catch (e) {
          // Ignored
  <div class="w-login-page-form-txt"> Lieferantenanmeldung </div>
  <input value="" type="hidden" name="logouturl">
  <input value=";anid=AN01015535854" type="hidden" name="loginCallbackActionUrl">
  <input value="" type="hidden" name="keepaliveurl">
  <input value="" type="hidden" name="restoreUrl">
  <input value="Sourcing" type="hidden" name="appName">
  <input value="" type="hidden" name="rcaUrl">
  <input value="lNtVxqIWL9z0nHWgXLinISdZm06rNHsV" type="hidden" name="redirectSessionID">
  <input value="1" type="hidden" name="useGetProfile">
  <input value="bidding" type="hidden" name="propertyName">
  <div class="loginFormBox">
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="200px" class="leg-p-0-30-0">
          <td class="w-login-form-input-user">
            <span id="_boebpb" bh="">
              <div bh="PF" class="pfc">
                <label class="ph"> Benutzername </label>
                <input onkeyup="ariba.Handlers.hPassChange(this, event)" onfocus="ariba.Handlers.hPassFocus(this, event)" onchange="ariba.Handlers.hPassChange(this, event)" autocomplete="true" autofocus="" class="w-txt-dsize" name="UserName">
              <div class="s4MigrationLoginPopup hcard" id="_brw61" _reloc="1" style="display:none" bh="">
                <div class="hcContent">
                  <div class="clear"></div>
                <span class="hcPointer"></span>
                <span class="hcPointer hcPointerInner"></span>
                if (ariba_IR) ariba.Dom.removeRelocatedCopy('');
          <td class="w-login-form-input-pwd">
            <input type="password" class="displayNone">
            <div id="_o3hnvd" class="w-psw-capslock-bg">
              <div class="w-psw-capslock-text"> Caps Lock is on. </div>
            <div class="pfc" id="_sj1rec" bh="PF">
              <label class="ph">Kennwort</label>
              <input value="" type="password" onkeyup="ariba.Handlers.hPassChange(this, event)" xkeypress="return ariba.Handlers.noCapsLockTxt(event,this, '_o3hnvd');" xkeydown="return ariba.Handlers.checkCapsLockError(event);"
                onfocus="ariba.Handlers.hPassFocus(this, event)" oncopy="return false" onchange="ariba.Handlers.hPassChange(this, event)" onblur="ariba.Handlers.hPassBlur(this, event)" id="Password" class="w-psw w-psw-width" autocomplete="off"
                name="Password"><input value="Password" type="hidden" name="AWLogFilter">
          <td class="w-login-form-input-btn-space">
            <input title="Anmeldung bei Ariba" value="Anmelden" type="submit" class="w-login-page-form-btn">
          <td class="taL w-login-page-form-forget">
            <a id="_dxvqc" href="#" bh="HL" _sf="false" class="loginPagePanelLink"> Benutzernamen</a> oder <a id="_2_tdl" href="#" bh="HL" _sf="false" class="loginPagePanelLink">Kennwort</a> vergessen
            <hr class="w-login-hr-line">
          <td class="w-login-page-register-link taL noWrap">
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0">
          <td class="leg-p-t-15 taR">&nbsp;</td>
    RJS(true, true, true, function() {
      var textField = document.getElementsByName("username");
      if (textField != null && textField.length > 0) {

Text Content

SAP Ariba Sourcing

Ariba Proposals and Questionnaires
 * SAP Business Network Discovery
 * Ariba Proposals and Questionnaires
 * Ariba Contracts
 * SAP Business Network

 * Help Center


Caps Lock is on.
Benutzernamen oder Kennwort vergessen



SAP Business Network for suppliers webinars     Register or access on-demand
webinars specifically designed for suppliers to support them on their journey.
These cover a range of topics, across the various regions, and are relevant to
both Enterprise and Standard accounts.   Mehr...

Celebrating our suppliers' journey with SAP Business Network     At
Transformation Continuum, they are committed to staying at the forefront of
innovation and finding ways to streamline their operations to better serve their
clients.   Mehr...

Do you want to be seen by businesses around the world?     We will broadcast
your story on SAP Business Network website and social media platforms, reaching
out to new customers who can benefit from your experience.   Mehr...

Unlock additional benefits     Are you familiar with the next wave of benefits
that come with an enterprise account? By upgrading, you can leverage new ways to
grow and strengthen your business.   Mehr...

Have you visited our supplier community?     Our community is designed to make
supplier management easy and efficient, while also ensuring maximum productivity
and profitability. You can now enjoy the full benefits that the platform has to
offer through your supplier account.   Mehr...

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