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Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

<form id="commentform" class="comment-form">
  <iframe title="Kommentarformular"
    name="jetpack_remote_comment" style="width: 100%; height: 2px; border: 0px;" class="jetpack_remote_comment" id="jetpack_remote_comment" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation allow-scripts allow-forms allow-popups" scrolling="no">
  <!--[if !IE]><!-->
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
      var commentForms = document.getElementsByClassName('jetpack_remote_comment');
      for (var i = 0; i < commentForms.length; i++) {
        commentForms[i].allowTransparency = false;
        commentForms[i].scrolling = 'no';

<form class="brlbs-mt-4">
  <fieldset><!----><span class="brlbs-sr-only"></span>
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                Medien</span> </label><!----></div>

<form id="jp-carousel-comment-form">
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  <textarea name="comment" class="jp-carousel-comment-form-field jp-carousel-comment-form-textarea" id="jp-carousel-comment-form-comment-field" placeholder="Verfasse einen Kommentar&nbsp;…"></textarea>
  <div id="jp-carousel-comment-form-submit-and-info-wrapper">
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 * By Thomas Stensitzki | MVP

 * 2023-12-18

 * English, Governance


 * The dangers of default settings
 * Where application governance comes into play
 * Introducing the ENow AppGov Score™
 * How it works
 * Default Tenant Application Registration Dilemma

Once an organization migrates to the cloud with Microsoft 365, the temptation
and ability for an end-user to access potentially threatening external
applications can become out of hand and snowball quickly on many levels.

Attacks against insecurely configured Microsoft 365 clients have been on the
rise recently. One example from last week is email attacks using OAuth crypto
mining applications. Microsoft explains in a detailed article how this attack
scenario (has) worked. This attack was made possible by an insecure or
permissive configuration for enterprise applications in Entra ID, among other
things. ENow describes how to configure your client more securely in the AppGov
Score™ blog.

Do you know how many of these external applications exist in your Microsoft 365


In a Microsoft 365 tenant with default settings, users can log in to external
applications with their enterprise account. This application usually requires
access to the tenant’s Entra ID directory. For this purpose, the user triggers
an application registration in the tenant. This external application has at
least read access to the Entra ID directory from now on.

There are most likely many enterprise applications and app registrations in your
tenant that users wanted to experiment with and maybe are no longer used but are
still registered. Such applications include Teams apps, Office add-ins, external
application websites, and possibly event websites on which your users register
themselves for attendance. Users being allowed to consent to applications
themselves by default encourages the uncontrolled sprawl of enterprise

An Entra ID application registration has two important authorization
configurations. Firstly, which user and guest accounts in your tenant are
allowed to use this application? Secondly, which authorizations does the
application in your tenant have for accessing Microsoft 365 resources, such as
Entra ID, SharePoint Online, or Exchange Online?

Depending on the application’s implementation, an enterprise application and an
additional app registration are added to your tenant. This app registration
defines, among other things, the delegated authorization of the application to
access data in your tenant on behalf of the logged-in user account.
Administrators often overlook that a single application adds configurations in
two places.


Governance covers the entire life cycle of an application, from registration,
the adaptation of properties, and access authorizations to final deletion at the
end of use.

Some of the most overlooked features of a risky enterprise application and app
registrations are:

 * Runtime of access certificates and passwords
 * Designation of application owners
 * Public tenant flows
 * Lack of a comprehensible description

Unfortunately, Entra ID does not provide a quick overview of the current
situation of the existing applications. The enterprise application’s dashboard
overview only provides rudimentary information on the total number of
applications and their status. It is not even the default view when you select
the Enterprise applications menu item.

So, how can identity architects effectively tame this proliferation of risky
enterprise applications in Entra ID?


ENow has developed a free solution that helps identity architects quickly
determine how their tenant stacks up against Microsoft-recommended security
practices. Long-standing security MVPs developed the scoring system’s
methodology with extensive knowledge of Microsoft 365 tenants of various sizes.


For a quick assessment of your tenants’ application governance estate, you start
by registering with the Freemium version at You
will be up and running in anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. You can register
with a standard user account for your tenant. Still, you need a Global
Administrator account to consent to the required application permissions.

AppGov Score requires the following permissions to gather information from Entra

 * Directory.Read.All
 * EntitlementManagement.Read.All
 * Policy.Read.All
 * PolicyRead.PermissionsGrant
 * RoleManagement.Read.All

After registering and consenting to the application permissions, the
configuration data of the enterprise applications in your tenant is analyzed.
Based on the results, the accelerator calculates the unique AppGov Score for
your tenant, and you receive a full Application Governance Assessment report.

The following example uses an App Governance analysis of my personal demo


The analyzed tenant runs primarily on Microsoft 365 default settings, with an
enterprise application default configuration. Microsoft 365 tenants, most of the
time, remain running with default settings. And that is not only a dilemma, but
the dilemma.

You shouldn’t be surprised to see an initial AppGov Score of 53% in the first
screenshot. Having an out-of-box experience (OOBE) Microsoft 365 tenant is far
from the Microsoft recommended best practices for maintaining enterprise
applications in Entra ID.

Initial Assessment Report showing an ENow AppGov Score™ of 53 percent
Initial Assessment Report showing an ENow AppGov Score™ of 53 percent
Initial Assessment Report showing an ENow AppGov Score™ of 53 percent

Your free application governance assessment report provides information about
three important sections of your tenant health:

 * Enterprise Application Analysis
 * Application Registration Analysis
 * Tenant Settings Analysis

Each section contains basic status information on configuration and governance
topics, e.g., how many enterprise applications exist in your tenant with admin
consent. The status for a section ranges from poor to good to excellent. Some
sections are informational, as they show statistical information only. A section
provides additional details on why the information is vital for the application
governance in your tenant. For example, the following screenshot shows the
expanded section of applications lacking admin consent.

As you can see, the lack of administrative consent for 66.67% of the registered
enterprise applications results in a poor governance status. Assuming that the
applications have dedicated users’ consent only, you are right. Each section
description has a link to the official Microsoft documentation that explains the
topic and recommended configurations.

Screenshot showing the poor status of enterprise applications without admin
Screenshot showing the poor status of enterprise applications without admin
Screenshot showing the poor status of enterprise applications without admin

The following list shows the configurations  included in your AppGov
Score™ report:

 * Enterprise Application Analysis
   * Number of registered enterprise applications
   * Percentage of enterprise applications lacking administrative consent
   * Number of enterprise applications considered high-risk
   * Number of enterprise applications created in the last thirty days
   * Percentage of enterprise applications without a description
   * Percentage of enterprise applications without owners
   * Percentage of enterprise applications without role assignments

 * Application Registration Analysis
   * Number of application registrations with public client flows
   * Number of application registrations with expired certificates
   * Number of application registrations with certificates expiring in the next
     fourteen days
   * Number of application registrations with expired client secrets
   * Number of application registrations with expiring client secrets in the
     next fourteen days
   * Percentage of application registrations with client secrets with a time
     expiration longer than two years
   * Number of application registrations created in the last thirty days
   * Number of application registrations without an associated enterprise
   * Percentage of application registrations with certificates with a time
     expiration longer than two years
   * Number of application registrations with configured client secrets

 * Tenant Sessings Analysis
   * Number of user accounts with application administrative privileges
   * Configuration of group owner consent
   * Configuration of guest users’ access permissions
   * Configuration of user consent for applications
   * Configuration of allowing users to add gallery applications
   * Configuration of requesting administrative consent

Even without providing complete visibility into all AppGov Score™ section
results of my tenant, I’m sure you can grasp how the information provided will
expose apps lurking in your Entra ID tenant. It is a powerful tool that helps
you track enterprise applications and application registrations in your tenant.
Applying good governance to this area of Entra ID helps you secure your
Microsoft 365 pasture.

As mentioned before, Entra ID tolerates end-users registering enterprise
applications by default. Your tenant might contain enterprise applications that
aren’t in use and pose a security risk.

If you are an identity architect looking for a way to automate governance and
develop a Governance strategy for your organization, AppGov Score™ can quickly
provide the information needed.

When you’re ready to unlock features that support your governance tasks related
to enterprise applications and app registrations, you can upgrade to ENow’s App
Governance Accelerator. This support starts with the basic settings for
registration and consent in a Microsoft 365 tenant and includes reporting on the
status of enterprise applications. In the second part of this mini-series, I
discuss the features of the paid version of the App Governance Accelerator and
how the AppGov Score™ helped to enhance governance in my company tenant.

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Gefällt mir Wird geladen …

PrevVorherigerMCT Regional Lead 2024
NächsterEntra ID Application Governance – Phase 1Nächster


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