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Submission: On January 13 via manual from AT — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

POST /hr_lead/create

<form id="user-preferences-form" class="simple_form marginBottom--none c-modal__form c-modal__form-light padding--xl" action="/hr_lead/create" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post"><input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓"><input type="hidden"
    name="authenticity_token" value="Fwpu3ENz2enkUUH4Pn9PeeICqbj1C4N8NVydvLv7caMGxRiMQCEKsvhQeqM6kZ1l0PVrABl3E0hxfYs68q5b6A=="><input name="_usec" type="hidden" value="922120"><label class="string required control-label app-form__label"
    for="hr_lead_name">Your Full Name</label>
  <input required="required" placeholder="Name" class="string required form-control" type="text" name="hr_lead[name]" id="hr_lead_name">
  <label class="string required control-label app-form__label" for="hr_lead_email">Your Work Email</label>
  <input required="required" placeholder="Email" class="string required form-control" type="text" name="hr_lead[email]" id="hr_lead_email">
  <label class="string required control-label app-form__label" for="hr_lead_job_title">Your Job Title</label>
  <input required="required" placeholder="Job Title" class="string required form-control" type="text" name="hr_lead[job_title]" id="hr_lead_job_title">
  <label class="string required control-label app-form__label" for="hr_lead_company_name">Your Company Name</label>
  <input required="required" placeholder="Company Name" class="string required form-control" type="text" name="hr_lead[company_name]" id="hr_lead_company_name">
  <label class="select required control-label app-form__label" for="hr_lead_company_size">Your Company Size</label>
  <select class="select required form-control" required="required" name="hr_lead[company_size]" id="hr_lead_company_size">
    <option value="">Company Size</option>
    <option value="25 or less">25 or less</option>
    <option value="26-200">26-200</option>
    <option value="201-500">201-500</option>
    <option value="501-5,000">501-5,000</option>
    <option value="5,000+">5,000+</option>
  <label class="select required control-label app-form__label" for="hr_lead_timeline">Timeline</label>
  <select class="select required form-control" required="required" name="hr_lead[timeline]" id="hr_lead_timeline">
    <option value="">I'm looking to buy and implement a solution:</option>
    <option value="As soon as we can">As soon as we can</option>
    <option value="In the next few weeks">In the next few weeks</option>
    <option value="In the next month or two">In the next month or two</option>
    <option value="Later this year">Later this year</option>
    <option value="I'm just researching">I'm just researching</option>
  <div class="c-modal__footer">
    <input type="submit" name="commit" value="Sign Up" class="c-btn c-btn--green marginBottom--none">


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        <h2>Are your 1 on 1s <u>AWESome</u>?</h2>
      <div class="formkit-subheader" style="color:#ffffff;font-size:22px" data-element="subheader">
        <p>Enter your email to get your free e-book, so you can have what managers call, <em>phenomenally positive</em> 1 on 1s.</p>
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With software that helps you organize all your 1 on 1s in one place and make
every conversation meaningful.

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trusted by hundreds of companies, including:

Lighthouse Builds Better Managers
Lighthouse is software that makes it easy to invest in each of your people, and
be the awesome manager that gets recognized & promoted.
We’ve studied the best, so you can manage like them. We applied workplace
research from Stanford, Harvard, and MIT, and best practices from great leaders
like Andy Grove, Peter Drucker, Ben Horowitz, Marissa Mayer, and Reid Hoffman.
Here’s how we’ve helped managers like you:

 * “Lighthouse saved me! :) The team is more motivated than ever to tackle
   everything in our way. I'm so grateful about your advice, your software and
   your blog, which are tremendous sources of inspiration for me.”
   Ladislas de Toldi, CEO of Leka

 * “Lighthouse is a great tool I’ve been using for over a year that helps with
   my 1:1s. I’d highly recommend you check it out.”
   Mathias Meyer, CEO at Travis-CI

 * “I had 2 team members that struggled, and I was able to use 1:1s in
   Lighthouse to spot patterns of concern and then address in a clear manner,
   creating action items for improvement, and follow up in more frequent 1:1s
   documenting improvement. And through this both team members improved and have
   Anna Brozek, Operations Director at Big Cartel

 * "I have gotten feedback from multiple people complimenting me on how
   extremely fast I have grown as a leader and how much easier it is to work at
   the office. Lighthouse was the main key factor to this success, and I
   recommend any leader looking to grow just as fast to use Lighthouse as well."
   Henrik Hussfelt, CTO at Linas Matkasse

 * “Lighthouse has an amazing Slack has taken my team's 1 on 1s
   to the next level! I highly recommend it.”
   Valentina Thoerner, Happiness Team Lead at Automattic

 * “Lighthouse is solving a massive problem for anyone managing a team...Since
   we started doing 1 on 1s with Lighthouse, the team has never been more
   Marc Held, CEO at Weft

 * “I had an employee tell me, “at my last company, we had one on ones too, but
   they were constantly re-scheduled and my manager was always rushed, it’s only
   doing them here that I actually understand the point of them.” And I want to
   make sure we don’t slip into that in the future.”
   Zac Cramer, Owner at IT Assurance

 * “Lighthouse saved me! :) The team is more motivated than ever to tackle
   everything in our way. I'm so grateful about your advice, your software and
   your blog, which are tremendous sources of inspiration for me.”
   Ladislas de Toldi, CEO of Leka

 * “Lighthouse is a great tool I’ve been using for over a year that helps with
   my 1:1s. I’d highly recommend you check it out.”
   Mathias Meyer, CEO at Travis-CI

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Essential for Engineering Managers
Build the right habits as you transition from writing code to leading people.
Stay organized easily as your team grows.
Helping You Lead Remotely
Master the challenges of remote management to get the most out of your team
Scaling yourself as your team grows
Support your large and growing teams with all your notes in one place and all
the tips to get the best out of everyone.


Have Great 1 on 1s
Great 1 on 1s are your best tool to boost morale and get the most from your
team, yet many waste them. Get beyond status updates, to awesome, motivating 1
on 1s in good times & bad:
 * Quick prep so you’re always prepared, and easily add things as you think of
   them in Slack, your email, or on the go with our mobile app.
 * Organize everything in 1 place for you, instead of across dozens of hard to
   quickly find docs and files.
 * Suggested Questions to open up even the most introverted, solicit great ideas
   to improve your team or company, and build trust with everyone.
 * Easily set action items for next time so you keep all your promises, and
   ensure even your underperformers do theirs.
 * Start having great 1:1s today.

Help Your People Grow
Study after study by Deloitte, Gallup, and others, show growth & development is
the #1 perk people want, yet few are getting it despite how inexpensive it is.
Lighthouse helps you:
 * Lay out a plan together to show how they can grow in their existing role, or
   know they’re ready for promotion.
 * Align their work & motivations by making it a regular conversation, instead
   of forgotten outside review time.
 * Check in on progress in their 1 on 1s to provide valuable coaching & feedback
   and show you care about their development.
 * Provide growth paths for everyone on your team.

Develop Strong Relationships
Create more trusting, psychologically safe relationships with your team members,
which is a key driver of engagement. Lighthouse helps you:
 * Remember key names, birthdays, work anniversaries, and passions of your
   people to make you a more approachable, caring manager.
 * Strengthen your relationships by never forgetting the little details unique
   and important to each person on your team.
 * Suggested Questions help you break the ice with questions specific to
   building rapport and what to talk about with a new hire.
 * Always remember what matters to your team.

Write Better Reviews
Lighthouse organizes your discussions throughout the year to make it easy to
write your reviews. Never again rely on your memory to judge a year of someone’s
 * View all your notes for the year in one simple, condensed view.
 * Take action on review results by creating goals and setting future 1 on 1
   discussions in Lighthouse.
 * Build momentum by continuing the conversation throughout the year, so each
   review is better than the last.
 * Make your next reviews amazing starting now.

Lighthouse works with your favorite tools:


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looking to buy and implement a solution: As soon as we can In the next few weeks
In the next month or two Later this year I'm just researching


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phenomenally positive 1 on 1s.
