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   * Receipt Printer Not Working In Autocount
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   * Troubleshooting Error when register Database Server to USB Key Server -TCP
     channel protocol violation
   * Accounting 2.0 – Login Issue: Login Error – The underlying connection was
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   * Controlled by USB Key
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   * Import By Excel Template – AutoCount
   * AutoCount Batch Mail Configuration
   * Clear Cache and Criteria Data
   * Change Regional Format to English (Malaysia)
   * eDashboard New Setup
   * Close Counter
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   * AutoCount : Change temporary folder when Restore file backup
   * AutoCount Accounting – Recurring Module
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   * Column Modifier not belong to PosDtl Error Message
   * POS Posting transaction is missing
   * POS Posting backup in frontend
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   * Common Error – Failed to Enable Constraints
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   * AutoCount : How To Turn Off Auto Print Order Slip When Confirm Order


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     * How to Set Up Facebook Business Extension Version 2.0
     * How to Manage Your Facebook Page Shop
     * How to Manage Facebook Messenger Chat
     * How to Manage Business Account, Facebook Pixel & Facebook Ads
     * How to Uninstall Facebook Business Extension
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   * Inventory
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     * How to Bulk Update Item Stock Quantity
     * How to Set Parent SKU (Item Group) for Inventory
     * How to Stock In for your Inventory
     * How to Stock Out your Inventory
     * How to Use Inventory Forecasting
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     * How to Create a New Kit
     * How to Add Inventory Item from Product Listing
     * How to Create Purchase Order
     * How to Bulk Update Inventory Stock with Item Group
     * How to Manage Marketplace Price with Item Group
     * How the Inventory Item Stock Details Works
     * How to Update Inventory with Shopee Campaign Reserved Stock
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     * How to Bulk Update Rack
     * How to Bulk Assign Item to Rack with Excel
     * How to Perform Stock Adjustment with Excel
   * Marketplaces
     * How to Use Bulk Copy Listing
     * How to Boost Your Shopee Products Automatically
     * How to Use Shopee & Lazada Payment Reconciliation
     * How to Use the Bulk Inventory Linking Tool
     * How to Use Shopee Product Watermark
     * How to Use Lazada Product Watermark
     * How to Change Shopee Shipping Label Sender Information for Dropship
     * How to Check the Gross Profit for Marketplace Order
     * How to Scrape Product Listing from the Marketplace
     * How to Link Marketplace Product with Existing Inventory Item
     * How to Manage Item Linking in Bulk Inventory Linking
     * How to Download Watermark Template
     * How to Remove Shopee and Lazada Product Watermark
     * How to Replace the Watermark Origin Image
   * My Apps
     * How to Keep Track of Marketplace Competitor’s Products
     * How to use the Barcode Label
     * How to Sync with SQL Accounting
     * How to Restock for Marketplace Return Order
     * How to Set Up E-Invoice
     * How to Add Login with Google
   * Orders
     * How to Print Shopee Shipping Label
     * How to Print Lazada Shipping Label
     * How to Move Old Orders into Printed Tab
     * How to Generate Invoice Number
     * How to use Carrier Manifest
     * How to use Order Fulfillment Assistant for Lazada and Shopee Orders
     * How to use Order Fulfillment Log
     * How to Manually Fulfill Orders and Update Tracking Number
     * How to Cancel Order
     * How to Send Payment Reminder to Customer
     * How to Create Order Manually
     * How the Order Status, Remark & Fulfillment Status Works
     * How to Remind Customer who has Abandoned Checkout
     * How to Process Order with Express Fulfillment
     * How to Configure Shopee & Lazada Shipping Label Settings
     * How to Insert Serial Number and Print out in Invoice
     * How to Print PosLaju SendParcel Shipping Label
     * How to Print GDEX Shipping Label
     * How to Print Shopee & Lazada Shipping Label
   * Products
     * How to Create New Webstore Listing (without variant)
     * How to Create New Webstore Listing (with variant)
     * How to Sync Back Products from Shopee
     * How to Add New Product & Publish to Shopee (without variant)
     * How to Add New Product & Publish to Shopee (with variant)
     * How to Edit and Publish My Existing Shopee Listing
     * How to Sync Back Products from Lazada
     * How to Add New Product & Publish to Lazada
     * How to Edit and Publish My Existing Lazada Listing
     * How to Bulk Edit Lazada Listing
     * How to Integrate with Zalora MY
     * How to Create New Zalora Product
     * How to Bulk Edit Shopee Listing
   * Settings
     * How to Edit Warehouse and Rack Information
     * How to Add Staff and Assign Permission
     * How to Add a Sales Channel
     * How to Manage Sales Channels Setting
     * How to Add-on More Sales Channels
     * How to Set Shipping Method Based on Weight
     * How to Set Shipping Method Based on Item Quantity
     * How to Set Flat Rate Per Order Shipping Method
     * How to Customize Notification Email Templates
     * How to Edit your Store Information
     * How to Change Invoice Prefix
     * How to Set your Store to Maintenance Mode
     * How to install SiteGiant MultiChat
     * How to Set up Channels in SiteGiant MultiChat
     * How to Assign Staff to Manage MultiChat
     * How to Set Up Cash On Delivery Payment Method
     * How to Set Up Bank Transfer Payment Method
     * How to Add Paypal Payment Gateway
     * How to Customize the Checkout Process
     * How to Add iPay88 Payment Gateway
     * How to Add eGHL Payment Gateway
     * How to Add Razer Payment Gateway
   * Shopify
     * How to Integrate Shopify Store with Shopify Sync
     * How to Retrieve Shopify Admin API Password
     * How to Create New Shopify Listing (without variant)
     * How to Create New Shopify Listing (with variant)
   * Telegram
     * How to Set Up Telegram Order Forms
   * Unicart
     * How to Integrate Unicart Store
     * How to Create New Unicart Listing (without variant)
     * How to Create New Unicart Listing (with variant)
     * Sitegiant Multichat Add User Login
   * Webstore
     * How to Set Website Theme Color
     * How to Add Favicon and Logo for Webstore
     * How to Add Slideshow Image
     * How to Add Featured Products
     * How to Add Social Media Icons in Website
     * How to Add Product Reviews and Ratings in your website
     * How to Apply Product Label on your Webstore’s Product
     * How to Manage Your Webstore Layout
     * How to Add Photo Collages with PhotoGrid
     * How to Create Content Editor
     * How to Manage Navigation Menu
     * How to Create Pages
   * WhatsApp
     * How to Boost Your Sales with WhatsApp Commerce


 * WebStation Email Server Setting & Configuration
 * Office 365 SMTP, POP3 & IMAP Settings
   * Simple Guide To SET UP Emails with POP3 & SMTP
 * Gmail Settings
   * Fetch emails using Gmail
   * Gmail SMTP Settings and Gmail Setup
   * Read Gmail Messages On Other Email Clients Using POP
   * Check Gmail Through Other Email Platforms – IMAP
   * What to Do if Outlook Cannot Connect to Gmail Account?
   * Less secure apps & your Google Account
 * Microsoft Outlook
   * How to setup an IMAP email account in Microsoft Outlook 2016
   * Moving the OST file of an Exchange, Outlook.com or IMAP account
   * How To Schedule An Email
   * Reduce The Size Of Your Mailbox And Outlook Data Files (.pst And .ost)
 * Office 365
   * How to Whitelist Training Emails in Microsoft 365
   * How to Whitelist by IP Address in Exchange 2013, 2016, or Microsoft 365
   * How to Change Junk Email Options in Outlook – Office 365


   * AWDMS Specs You Need to Know
   * AWDMS / Ingress Quick Installation Guide – FingerTec Face ID 5 Series
   * Introduction to FingerTec AWDMS
   * AWDMS Unable To Run Or Load
 * Hardware
   * How To Create New User Using FingerTec Face ID 5
   * How To Set Idle Time To Sleep Using Face ID 5
   * How To Restart FingerTec Device For TA500
 * Ingress Software
   * Ingress Installation and Configuration
   * 10 Common Mistakes Users Make During Ingress Setup
   * Ingress – Adding Devices & Activate Device
   * Troubleshooting on Ingress DB Installer for Ingress Software (mySQL
   * FingerTec Ingress Tutorial
   * How To Manage Inactive Users in Ingress Software
   * Introduction to Ingress
   * 10 Useful Features of Ingress
   * FingerTec Ingress – Setup
   * FingerTec Ingress – Startup
   * Ingress – Access Level
   * Ingress – Adding Department
   * Ingress – Adding Devices
   * Ingress – Adding Doors
   * Ingress – Assigning Users
   * Ingress – Fingerprint Enrolment by OFIS Scanner
   * Ingress – Monitoring
   * Ingress – System Settings
   * Ingress – Advanced Access Control System (User Guide)
   * How To Connect Gmail SMTP In Ingress
   * TCMS V3/Ingress – How To Utilize Gmail In Report Scheduler Settings
   * How To Update INGRESS Device Transaction Logs


 * Receipt Printer – Change COM Port to USB
 * Receipt Printer – Cutter with Alarm
 * Apple Mac
   * How to Reset a Mac: Factory reset a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro
   * Check and Change Your Privacy And Security Settings on Your Mac
 * BOM
   * BOM Full Sync
 * CPU
   * CPUs: Core Count vs. Clock Speed, Which Is Better?
   * How to Setup and Install EZVIZ BC1 Battery Camera Kit
   * How to Subscribe to EZVIZ CloudPlay
   * EZVIZ Studio Camera Advanced Settings & Download
 * Fiber Optic Cable
   * APC vs UPC: What’s the Difference?
 * Graphics Device
   * PEG vs IGD, which one to use?
 * Hikvision
   * Hikvision “No Resource” Error
   * What is the difference between the main stream and the sub stream?
   * How To Reset Password For Hikvision Device
   * Disable No HDD Exception in Hikvision DVR / NVR
   * Setup Motion / Event Alarm notification on Hikvision DVR / NVR and Push
     alarm to hik-connect mobile App
   * How To Change 4MP To 5MP Resolution For Hikvision TVI Cameras If This Is
     5MP Camera @ HUHI
 * Honeywell
   * How To Disable Auto Calibration HONEYWELL PC42T
 * HP
   * HP Laserjet Pro MFP m130fw Wireless Setup
   * HP printer setup (HP Smart app)
   * Laptop Battery
     * How to Fix a Laptop That Won’t Charge
 * IP CCTV Camera
   * Tp-Link Tapo C310
     * How to Connect Tapo Camera to a NAS
     * Tapo Smart Camera Unboxing and Setup Video
     * How to Install microSD Card and Reset Your Camera
 * LCD Monitor
   * Refresh Rate Recommended For LCD Monitor
 * Memory RAM Testing
   * Windows Memory Diagnostics (mdsched)
 * Network Crimping Color Code
   * Ethernet Cables – RJ45/Colors & Crossover
   * Ethernet Cables – RJ45 Pinout T-568B
 * Printer
   * Epson
     * Epson L220 Printer Head Cleaning Solution
     * Epson LQ 300 & LX 300+II Printer’s Default Settings and Change
       Configuration (Auto Tear-Off Mode)
     * LQ 310 Using EPSON Status Monitor 3
   * Troubleshooting Printer
     * Troubleshooting offline printer problems
 * Receipt Printer Driver installation on Windows - (80mm)
   * Receipt Printer Driver installation on Windows – (80mm)
 * Ricoh
   * Ricoh Printer Counter Check
   * Cleaning And Maintenance Ricoh MP C3003 Series
   * How To Replace The Waste Toner Bottle On A Ricoh C3003 Series Copier
 * Router
   * TP Link Archer AX Series Unboxing and Setup
 * SD Card
   * How to Test Memory Card Real Capacity
 * Standard RAID Levels
   * RAID 0 vs RAID 1
 * Tally DASCOM
   * Tally DASCOM Printer Setup 2.0
     * How to Set Paper Size for Half Letter Page
 * Thermal Transfer Printer
   * Thermal Transfer Printer
 * TimeTec & FingerTec
   * Introduction to TimeTec AWDMS
   * AWDMS Specs You Need to Know
   * AWDMS / Ingress Quick Installation Guide – FingerTec Face ID 5 Series
   * Setup TOTOLINK EX200 – Keep SSID & Password
 * TP-Link
   * How to create an account in Tapo app
   * Tapo C310 Setup Video
   * How to Manage VIGI Cameras and NVRs via VIGI App
 * TSC
   * TSC TE200 / TE300 Desktop Printer: Loading the ribbon
   * TSC Barcode Printer – TTP 244 Pro : How To Calibration, Self Test & Reset
 * Universal Serial Bus (USB)
   * What are the differences between USB1.0/2.0/3.0/3.1/3.2?
 * Wi-Fi
   * Change WiFi Roaming Sensitivity to improve wireless reception & performance


 * Malaysia VLAN Setting at Router – Fiber
 * Internet Setting
   * How to configure VLAN ID for your internet connection on Router
     * TM Unifi VLAN Setting at Router
     * Maxis Fibre VLAN Setting at Router


 * Lazada Malaysia
   * Lazada Malaysia Cancel Order Refund
   * Lazada Malaysia Return and Refund Process
 * Lazada Seller
   * Lazada Account Statements
   * Lazada Order Overview
   * Lazada Transaction Overview
   * Lazada Change Bank Accounts
 * Shopee Seller
   * Shopee Change Bank Accounts


 * Difference between Network and Internet


 * How to transfer money from Payoneer to bank account


 * Adobe Reader
   * Troubleshooting Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Problem: Unable open multiple PDF
     from network share
   * Set Default PDF Choose Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
 * Anydesk
   * How To Download & Install Anydesk remote support
   * AnyDesk Disable Auto-Update
   * Whitelist & Excluding Certain Files or Websites From Scanning in Avast
   * What features are included in the different versions of Avast Antivirus?
   * Webcam Shield – Getting Started
   * Disable Samba Protection
   * Bank Mode – Getting Started
   * How to Record Your Computer Screen
 * Debut Video Capture Software
   * Debut Video Capture Software
   * Epson Printers – How to Align the Print Head
 * FingerTec
   * Ingress Installation and Configuration
   * 10 Common Mistakes Users Make During Ingress Setup
   * Ingress – Adding Devices & Activate Device
   * Troubleshooting on Ingress DB Installer for Ingress Software (mySQL
   * How To Create New User Using FingerTec Face ID 5
   * FingerTec Ingress Tutorial
   * How To Manage Inactive Users in Ingress Software
 * Hikvision
   * Hikvision Google Chrome Plugin Compatibility Issue (solved)
   * Hikvision “Please click here to download and install the plugin-in” solved
   * Hik-Connect
   * SADP
     * SADP
 * LibreOffice
   * LibreOffice 7.3 New Features, Comparison and Download
 * Microsoft Office 365
   * How to Install Microsoft 365 for Home
   * OneDrive Won’t Start
   * How To Open, Backup & Restore Registry
 * Microsoft Outlook
   * Outlook Junk E-mail Protection Level Changes Unexpectedly to Low
   * Managing Junk Mail in Outlook 2019: Microsoft Outlook Tutorial
   * How To Stop Spam Email In Outlook – Junk Mail Filter Settings
 * Million Business Software
   * Payroll
     * Million Payroll RELEASE NOTE (JAN 2022)
     * How To Send System Email Using Gmail Account
     * Million Payroll: How To Generate And View EA Form
     * Manually Entry (Form E , Borang E , CP8D) Without Million Payroll
     * How To Reprocess Pay PCB Contribution List On Million
 * MS SQL Server
   * SQL Server Move Database Files Step By Step
   * SQL Server Configuration Manager Error 0x80041010
   * C2 Audit Tracing Has Brought Down The Instance
 * Network IP Scanner
   * Angry IP Scanner Fast and Friendly Network Scanner
 * Payroll
   * PCB, EPF, SOCSO, EIS and Income Tax Calculator 2021
 * Printer
   * DPI and YOU – Understanding Resolution for Print and Web
 * RustDesk
   * How To Downlaod & Install RustDesk Secure Remote Desktop Access
 * ShareX
   * ShareX – The Best Free And Open Source Screenshot Tool
   * Simple Fixes To ShareX Not Recording Audio
 * SQL Account
   * Step by Step : SQL Account or Payroll – Network Setting
   * SQL Account System Requirements
 * UBS Accounting
   * UBS Accounting 0x8002000e Error
   * ACCESS Or SAGE UBS Memory File Is Invalid
   * Access And SAGE UBS Software – Mobile License
   * Access And Sage UBS Software – Step To Activate License
 * UltraViewer
   * UltraViewer Remote Support
 * Web Browser
   * How to Clear the Cache and Cookies in Your Web Browser
   * Google Chrome
     * How To Disable Hardware Acceleration In Google Chrome
 * Windows
   * How to set apps to always run as an administrator on Windows 10
   * Windows File Sharing Basics
   * Change Reset Account Lockout Counter for Local Accounts in Windows
   * How To Use Windows Search Service
   * How to Change User Account Control Settings on Windows 10
   * Windows Update Blocker
   * Fix Print Spooler
   * Adjust Receipt Printer Margins on Windows PC
   * Printer sharing problem after windows Update?
   * How to do a PING TEST on a Windows 10 PC
   * Finding the IP Address
   * How to Find Your Computer Name (PCNAME)
   * Fix Network Printer Error 0x0000011b on Windows 11/10
   * Remote Desktop Network Printer Redirection (Redirected Printer)
   * How to Restore Previous Versions of Files and Folders in Windows 11/10?
   * How to Clear Windows Credential Manager Stored Passwords
   * Change Power Plan in Windows 11
   * Check Your Network Connection Status
   * Install the .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and
     Windows 8
   * How To Solve Mouse Scroll Issue
   * How to adjust ClearType for better looking fonts on Windows 10
   * How to Enable AHCI Mode in Windows 10
   * How to Run Program as Administrator
   * Windows Protected Your PC
   * How To Delete And Rebuild The Windows 10 & 11 Search Index
   * Program And Features
   * How To Disable Or Remove Windows Protected Your PC
   * Restore the Legacy Print Dialog in Windows 11 22H2


 * TV Box Android Installation.


 * AOC
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 * Brother
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 * D-Link
 * TP-Link
 * Samsung
 * Neuropower
 * Cooler Master
 * Logitech
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 * Hikvision
 * Ezviz
 * APC


 * IIS
   * Using Microsoft IIS to generate CSR and Private Key
 * WordPress
   * How to install WordPress via WordPress Hosting


 * Reset User Account Password
 * Plugins
   * PublishPress Future
     * Enable Post Expiration To A Page or Post
   * Simple Job Board
     * Manage Job Categories
     * Manage Job Entries
     * Manage Job Type
     * Manage Job Location
     * Manage Job Custom Specification
     * Manage Job Application
     * Add Company Logo to your Job Entry
     * Add Photo into Job Content
     * Add Video into Job Content
     * Add Table into Job Content
     * Add Button, External link or File Download Link
     * Postdating or Scheduling a Job for another time
     * How to Save and Publish Job to your site
     * Manage Application Form Fields
     * Manage File Upload Extensions
   * User Activity Log
     * Check User Activity Log
 * Wordpress Posts
   * Manage News Categories
   * Manage News Entries
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   * Add Table into News Content
   * Add Button, External Link or File Download Link
   * Postdating or Scheduling a News for another time
   * How to Save and Publish News to your site

Table of Contents
 * How to Set Up Telegram Order Forms
   * Connect Your Telegram Account
   * Create a Telegram Order Form
   * Share Link to Customer
   * Place Order (From Customer Perspective)

 * Home
 * Webstation
 * E-Commerce
 * SiteGiant Lite
 * Telegram
 * How to Set Up Telegram Order Forms


Table of Contents
 * How to Set Up Telegram Order Forms
   * Connect Your Telegram Account
   * Create a Telegram Order Form
   * Share Link to Customer
   * Place Order (From Customer Perspective)



Step 1: Go to Telegram from the SiteGiant Lite Dashboard menu.

Step 2: Go to Settings.

Step 3: Insert your Telegram Display Name and Username.

Step 4: Then, Save the settings.


Step 1: Back to Telegram Order Forms, click on the ‘Add Order Form‘ button.

Step 2: Fill in the Form Title.

Step 3: Click on the ‘Select Products‘ button to add products to the form.

Step 4: Select the product that wants to add to the form, and click ‘Add

Step 5: Save the form once done.


Step 1: Click on the ‘Telegram‘ icon.

Step 2: Copy the link for the Telegram Order Form.

Step 3: Share the link with your customer. You can download the Telegram Desktop
Apps from here.


Step 1: Your customer may need to fill up the contact information from the
Telegram Order Forms.

Step 2: Insert the quantity for the product and click the ‘Checkout‘ button.

Step 3: Then, proceed with the checkout process from your webstore.

Step 4: If there are any queries, the customers can reach you by clicking on the
‘Send Message‘ button.

Step 5: The customer can send the message to you.

For Latest Guide: Click here
Credits: SiteGiant Lite





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Updated on December 3, 2021

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