api2.eduzz.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://api2.eduzz.com/
Effective URL: https://api2.eduzz.com/
Submission: On February 28 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content


 * Getting Started
 * Authentication
 * Errors


* /credential/generate_token
* /user/get_me
* /user/set_me
* /user/set_me_as_producer
* /user/change_password
* /user/my_buys_list
* /content/categories
* /content/campaigns[/{id}]
* /content/content_names
* /content/content_list
* /content/content_list_coproductions
* /content/content/{id}
* /content/create_ticket
* /content/edit_ticket/{id}
* /content/create_info
* /content/edit_info/{id}
* /content/massive_update_info
* /content/create_ecommerce
* /content/edit_ecommerce/{id}
* /content/create_job
* /content/edit_job/{id}
* /content/create_physical
* /content/edit_physical/{id}
* /content/change_sale_recovery/{id}
* /content/change_status/{id}
* /content/change_image/{id}
* /content/download_links
* /sale/get_sale_list
* /sale/get_sale/{id}
* /sale/last_days_amount
* /sale/tracking_code
* /sale/get_total
Extract (deprecated)
* /extract/get_financial_statement
* /financial/payment_methods
* /financial/bank_details
* /financial/balance
* /financial/fund_transfer_methods
* /financial/value_available
* /financial/request_bank_transfer
* /financial/transfers_list
* /financial/request_bank_transfer
* /financial/request_bank_transfer_in_advance
* /financial/can_request_bank_transfer
* /financial/statement
* /affiliate/approve
* /affiliate/disapprove
* /affiliate/top_affiliates[/{id}]
* /affiliate/affiliates_list[/{id}]
* /affiliate/affiliations
* /subscription/get_contract_list
* /subscription/get_contract/{contractId}/invoices/{invoiceId}
* /subscription/customer/{email}
* /subscription/change_payment/{id}
* /subscription/status_list/
* /subscription/get_contract/{id}
* /subscription/{id}/client
* /subscription/contract_cancelation_bulk
* /subscription/get_contract_bulk
* /subscription/{id}/invoices
* /subscription/reactivate/{id}
* /subscription/change_status/{id}
* /subscription/change_charging_date/{id}
* /showcase/get_showcase
* /showcase/get_best_sellers
* /showcase/get_recent
* /showcase/get_recommended
* /showcase/get_categorized
* /chat/get_contacts_affiliates
* /chat/get_contacts_producers
* /chat/get_contacts_coproducers
* /chat/get_actives
* /chat/get_conversation_messages
* /chat/add_chat_message
* /chat/add_chat_message_all
* /fiscal/get_taxdocument/{id}
* /fiscal/get_taxdocumentlist
* /fiscal/change_documentstatus/{id}


Welcome to MyEduzz API.

This API document is designed for those interested in developing for our

If you don’t have an account or don’t know your API Key / Public Key create or
access your account on My Eduzz

Our current version is 2.4.001 and we still under development.

While reading this document you will find some tips to help you use the API:

You’ll succeed if you do this.

Here’s some useful information.

Something may not happen if you try and do this.

Something bad will happen if you do this.


You need to be authenticated for all API requests.

You can authenticate with your email, PublicKey and APIKey if you have an

You find your PublicKey and APIkey in your account.

Post your email, PublicKey and APIKey (as 'email', 'publickey' and 'apikey') in
the /credential/generate_token to receive a JWT Token.

Use this JWT Token (as 'token') in the header of all your requests to
successfull complete then.

Your JWT Token is valid for 15 minutes, and its renewed automatcly after 10

All request returning a valid JWT Token to continue requesting, the same Token
or a refreshed one (depends on expiration time).

Nothing will work unless you include your JWT Token.

 * API Key And Public Key

$ curl -X POST https://api2.eduzz.com/credential/generate_token -F publickey=kj23hkj2h3jk4h2k3j3j4234jk23 -F apikey=23jh2jk33jh4k23j4h23kj4


When something does not turn out as expected you may encounter some error

Id Code Name Description #0000 500 Generic error An unidentified error #0001 401
Empty credentials Missing PublicKey or APIKey #0002 401 Invalid credentials
PublicKey or APIKey are incorrect #0003 404 Data not found Could not find the
data you requested #0004 400 Nothing to save There is nothing to save with this
data #0005 422 Validation error The data violate validation rules #0006 500 Not
save data There was an error saving the data #0007 404 Paginate not found You
requested a data page that does not exist #0008 405 Method not allowed The
requested http method does not exist for this call #0009 400 Missing route alias
This should not happen. We're probably fixing this #0010 403 Forbiden access
Your credentials do not allow access to this call #0011 409 Document number
already exists You have entered a document number that is already registered
#0012 409 Mail already exists You have entered a mail that is already registered
#0013 400 Unable to generate a valid id If you see one of these, our database is
consulting with the psychologist, sorry for that #0014 400 Invalid data You have
entered a invalid data parameter #0016 500 Invalid refine array structure If you
see one of these, our engineers are trying to dominate the world #0017 500
Invalid order array structure If you see one of these, our engineers are trying
to dominate the world again #0018 500 Invalid order operator If you see one of
these, go have a coffee #0019 500 Invalid refine operator If you see one of
these, go have more coffee #0020 500 Invalid refine params If you see one of
these, Thanos got the Infinity Gauntlet #0021 422 Invalid repayment sale period
Invalid repayment sale period #0022 400 Not paid sale Not paid sale #0023 500
Your available value to withdraw is negative Your available value to withdraw is
negative #0024 500 Your available value to withdraw is zero Your available value
to withdraw is zero #0025 500 Your available value to withdraw is less than
minimal value Your available value to withdraw is less than minimal value #0026
500 Your available value to withdraw is not available Your available value to
withdraw is not available #0027 404 File id not found File id not found #0028
500 File upload type not allowed File upload type not allowed #0029 401 Expired
Jwt Token Expired Jwt Token #0030 401 Invalid Jwt Token Invalid Jwt Token #0031
401 Missing Jwt Token Missing Jwt Token #0032 404 Email layout id not found
Email layout id not found

All errors will return JSON in the following format:

 * Response

    "success": false,
    "code": "#0001",
    "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
    "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525982192.052736,
        "finish": 1525982192.053873,
        "process": 0.0011370182037353516


Generate Jwt token


email required | email publickey required | string apikey required | string


token Jwt Token token_valid_until Jwt token validate

All required fields must be informed

Generate Jwt token

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "token": "eyJhbGci3UzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOasdwZTdiNDJiYjk1Y2EzMTZlM2ViZWM3Y2U4NzU0MzU0OTNhZGZmIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjY2MDI0MywiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktcGFydG5lciIsInN1YiI6MH0211231hlo=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-27 03:12:23"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526049371.734649,
        "finish": 1526049372.097104,
        "process": 0.3624551296234131

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/credential/generate_token' -XPOST -F publickey=kj23hkj2h3jk4h2k3j3j4234jk23 -F apikey=23jh2jk33jh4k23j4h23kj4


Get user information


user_id Record Id (Unique) company_name Company name fantasy Friendly name taxid
CPF/CNPJ api_key User Api Key date_user_create User creation date email Email of
user telephone First telephone telephone2 Secondary telephone cellphone
Cellphone address_street Adress street address_number Adress number
address_complement Complement address_zip Adress zip address_district Adress
district about About photo Photo contact_phone Phone for contact contact_email
Email for contact contact_facebook Facebook contact_skype Skype vip If not empt
user is VIP is_producer User is a producer is_elite User is Elite

Get user information

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "user_id": 12345678,
            "company_name": "Company name",
            "fantasy": "Friendly Name",
            "taxid": "12345678901",
            "api_key": "a1b2c3d4e5",
            "date_user_create": "2013-12-01 21:39:28.553",
            "email": "email@server.com",
            "telephone": "1599998855",
            "telephone2": "1599998856",
            "cellphone": "1599998857",
            "address_street": "Street Name",
            "address_number": "23",
            "address_complement": "Complement",
            "address_zip": "18119365",
            "address_district": "District",
            "about": "About me",
            "photo": "https://server/img_url.png",
            "contact_phone": "1599998855",
            "contact_email": "email@server.com",
            "contact_facebook": "facebook_name",
            "contact_skype": "skype_name",
            "vip": 321,
            "is_producer": 1
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/user/get_me' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Change user information


fantasy required | min:4 taxid required | digits_between:11,15 telephone
required | digits_between:10,14 telephone2 digits_between:10,14 cellphone
digits_between:11,14 address_street min:4 address_number digits_between:1,6
address_complement min:4 address_zip digits_between:8,8 address_district min:4
about min:5 contact_phone digits_between:10,14 contact_email email
contact_facebook min:5 contact_skype min:5


user_id Record Id (Unique) company_name Company name fantasy Friendly name taxid
CPF/CNPJ date_user_create User creation date email Email of user telephone First
telephone telephone2 Secondary telephone cellphone Cellphone address_street
Adress street address_number Adress number address_complement Complement
address_zip Adress zip address_district Adress district about About
contact_phone Phone for contact contact_email Email for contact contact_facebook
Facebook contact_skype Skype

All required fields must be informed

Change user information

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "user_id": 12345678,
            "company_name": "Company name",
            "fantasy": "Friendly Name",
            "taxid": "12345678901",
            "date_user_create": "2013-12-01 21:39:28.553",
            "email": "email@server.com",
            "telephone": "1599998855",
            "telephone2": "1599998856",
            "cellphone": "1599998857",
            "address_street": "Street Name",
            "address_number": "23",
            "address_complement": "Complement",
            "address_zip": "18119365",
            "address_district": "District",
            "about": "About me",
            "contact_phone": "1599998855",
            "contact_email": "email@server.com",
            "contact_facebook": "facebook_name",
            "contact_skype": "skype_name"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526049371.734649,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526049372.097104,
        "process": 0.3624551296234131

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/user/set_me' -XPOST -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"fantasy": "Friendly Name", "taxid": "12345678901", "email": "email@server.com", "telephone": "1599998855", "telephone2": "1599998856", "cellphone": "15999988571", "address_street": "Street Name", "address_number": "23", "address_complement": "Complement", "address_zip": "18119365", "address_district": "District", "about": "About me", "photo": "https://server/img_url.png", "contact_phone": "1599998855", "contact_email": "email@server.com", "contact_facebook": "facebook_name", "contact_skype": "skype_name"}'


Turn user into producer


user_id Record Id (Unique) company_name Company name fantasy Friendly name taxid
CPF/CNPJ date_user_create User creation date email Email of user telephone First
telephone telephone2 Secondary telephone cellphone Cellphone address_street
Adress street address_number Adress number address_complement Complement
address_zip Adress zip address_district Adress district about About
contact_phone Phone for contact contact_email Email for contact contact_facebook
Facebook contact_skype Skype is_producer User is a producer

Accept terms and turn user into producer

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "user_id": 12345678,
            "company_name": "Company name",
            "fantasy": "Friendly Name",
            "taxid": "12345678901",
            "date_user_create": "2013-12-01 21:39:28.553",
            "email": "email@server.com",
            "telephone": "1599998855",
            "telephone2": "1599998856",
            "cellphone": "1599998857",
            "address_street": "Street Name",
            "address_number": "23",
            "address_complement": "Complement",
            "address_zip": "18119365",
            "address_district": "District",
            "about": "About me",
            "contact_phone": "1599998855",
            "contact_email": "email@server.com",
            "contact_facebook": "facebook_name",
            "contact_skype": "skype_name",
            "is_producer": 1
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526049371.734649,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526049372.097104,
        "process": 0.3624551296234131

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/user/set_me_as_producer' -XPOST -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9" -H "Content-type: application/json"


Change user password


email required | email actual_password required | min:6 | max:12 new_password
required | min:6 | max:12


message Password changed successfuly

All required fields must be informed

Change user password

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "message": "Password changed successfuly"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526049371.734649,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526049372.097104,
        "process": 0.3624551296234131

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/user/change_password' -XPOST -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"email": "test@test.com", "actual_password": "test123", "new_password": "test456"}'


Get a list of buys of the current user


start_date date | before:tomorrow | before:end_date end_date date |
before:tomorrow | after:start_date producer_id int | min:1 page int | min:1


sale_id Sale id date_create Creation date date_payment Payment date sale_status
Sale status sale_payment_method Payment method sale_item_id Sale item id
sale_item_discount Sale Item Discount content_id Content Id content_title
Content Title content_logo Content Image Logo Url content_description Content
Description content_type_id Content Type Id producer_id Producer Id
producer_name Producer Name producer_email Producer Email

Get a list of buys of the current user

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "sale_id": 2694484,
            "date_create": "2018-11-06 15:32:56",
            "date_payment": null,
            "sale_status": 4,
            "sale_payment_method": "Boleto Banc\u00e1rio",
            "sale_item_id": 2787422,
            "sale_item_discount": 0,
            "content_id": 90701,
            "content_title": "Teste de Conteudo",
            "content_logo": "images123teste.eduzzteste.com/files/test123.png",
            "content_description": "Teste
Buy Here",
            "content_type_id": 1,
            "producer_id": 12345678,
            "producer_name": "User Test",
            "producer_email": "user.test.eduzz@eduzz.com"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/user/my_buys_list' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


List categories


page int | min:1


category_id Record Id (Unique) category_name Category name parent_category_id
Parent Category

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

List categories

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "category_id": 123456,
            "category_name": "Category name",
            "parent_category_id": 5
            "category_id": 123456,
            "category_name": "Category name",
            "parent_category_id": 5
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767
    "paginator": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 2,
        "totalPages": 5,
        "totalRows": 9

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/content/categories' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List campaigns


{id} int | optional | min:1


page int | min:1


campaign_id Record Id (Unique) content_id Content Id name Name Campaign url
Campaign target url active Status campaign key Campaign Key url_campaign
Campaign url

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

The id is optional, if it is not entered, it will return all campaigns

List campaigns by content or not, this is optional

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "campaign_id": 1,
            "content_id": 1,
            "name": "Name Campaign",
            "url": "www.targeturl.com",
            "active": 1,
            "key": "FHJHDL",
            "url_campaign": "www.urlcampaign.com"
            "campaign_id": 2,
            "content_id": 2,
            "name": "Name Campaign",
            "url": "www.targeturl.com",
            "active": 0,
            "key": "FHJHDL",
            "url_campaign": "www.urlcampaign.com"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767
    "paginator": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 2,
        "totalPages": 5,
        "totalRows": 9

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/content/campaigns[/{id}]' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List content names


page int | min:1 active int | in:0,1


content_id Content Id content_name Name Content

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

The id is optional, if it is not entered, it will return all campaigns

List contents by client

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "content_id": 1,
            "content_name": "Name Content"
            "content_id": 2,
            "content_name": "Name Content 2"
    "profile": {
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 * Curl

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List contents


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List contents

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List All Coproduction Contents


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List All Coproduction Contents

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Get content


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Get content

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Create a ticket content


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The parameter category_id must be a valid category. See /content/categories

Create a ticket content

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Edit a ticket content


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The parameter category_id must be a valid category. See /content/categories

The route parameter id is required and must be a valid id (created as ticket)

You can only edit your own contents

Edit a ticket content

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 * Curl

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Create an info content


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date content_support_email Email to the content support

The parameter category_id must be a valid category. See /content/categories

Create an info content

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Edit an info content


id required | int | min:1


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The parameter category_id must be a valid category. See /content/categories

The route parameter id is required and must be a valid id (created as info)

You can only edit your own contents

Edit an info content

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Massive Edit an info content


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Massive Edit an info content

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Create an ecommerce content


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date content_support_email Email to the content support

The parameter category_id must be a valid category. See /content/categories

Create an ecommerce content

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 * Error

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Edit an ecommerce content


id required | int | min:1


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The parameter category_id must be a valid category. See /content/categories

The route parameter id is required and must be a valid id (created as ecommerce)

You can only edit your own contents

Edit an ecommerce content

 * Response
 * Error

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Create a job content


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The parameter category_id must be a valid category. See /content/categories

Create a job content

 * Response
 * Error

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Edit a job content


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The parameter category_id must be a valid category. See /content/categories

The route parameter id is required and must be a valid id (created as job)

You can only edit your own contents

Edit a job content

 * Response
 * Error

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Create a physical content


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date content_support_email Email to the content support

The parameter category_id must be a valid category. See /content/categories

Create a physical content

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

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Edit a physical content


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product visible Is visible in showcase url_thanks_checkout Checkout thanks url
url_thanks_bank_slip Checkout thanks url for bank slip has_sale_recovery Sale
recovery status release_date Content release date expiration_date Expiration

The parameter category_id must be a valid category. See /content/categories

The route parameter id is required and must be a valid id (created as physical)

You can only edit your own contents

Edit a physical content

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

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Change the content sale recovery status


status required | int | in:0,1


content_id Content id has_sale_recovery Has sale recovery producer_id Producer
id title Content Title description Content description date_create Date of
creation observations Observations price Price commission_type commission type
commission Commission image Image checkout_url Checkout url active Active
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frequency unity recurrence_commission_type Recurrence commission type
recurrence_commission_value Recurrence commission value has_infinity_cycle Has
infinity cycle number_of_cycles Number of cycles has_trial Has trial trial_days
Trial days price_has_validity Price has validity price_date_validity Price date
validity price_after_validity Price after validity has_webhook Has webhook
webhook_url Webhook url visible Visible content_type_id Content type id

Change the content sale recovery status

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/content/change_sale_recovery/{id}' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


Change the content status


status required | int | in:0,1


content_id Content id has_sale_recovery Has sale recovery producer_id Producer
id title Content Title description Content description date_create Date of
creation observations Observations price Price commission_type Commission type
commission Commission image Image checkout_url Checkout url active Active
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frequency unity recurrence_commission_type Recurrence commission type
recurrence_commission_value Recurrence commission value has_infinity_cycle Has
infinity cycle number_of_cycles Number of cycles has_trial Has trial trial_days
Trial days price_has_validity Price has validity price_date_validity Price date
validity price_after_validity Price after validity has_webhook Has webhook
webhook_url Webhook url visible Visible content_type_id Content type id

Change the content status to active or inactive

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/content/change_status/{id}' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


Change the content image


image_id required | int | min:1


content_id Content id has_sale_recovery Has sale recovery productor_id Productor
id title Content Title image_file Image file url description Content description
date_create Date of creation observations Observations price Price
commission_type Commission type commission Commission image Image checkout_url
Checkout url active Active allow_bank_slip Allow bank slip has_infinite_funnel
Has infinite funnel infinite_funnel_commission Infinite funnel commission
moderation Moderation automatic_affiliation Automatic affiliation
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Recurrence price recurrence_frequency Recurrence frequency
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Recurrence commission type recurrence_commission_value Recurrence commission
value has_infinity_cycle Has infinity cycle number_of_cycles Number of cycles
has_trial Has trial trial_days Trial days price_has_validity Price has validity
price_date_validity Price date validity price_after_validity Price after
validity has_webhook Has webhook webhook_url Webhook url visible Visible
content_type_id Content type id

it will be necessary to make upload of file in CDN to obtains the file image id

Change the content image id

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/content/change_image/{id}' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


Get the content download links by invoice list


invoice_list required | array | min:1


data Array with the download links grouped by invoice number

it will be necessary to make upload of file in CDN to obtains the file image id

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/content/download_links' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


Get sales data


start_date date | required | before:tomorrow end_date date | required |
before:tomorrow page int | min:1 contract_id int | min:1 affiliate_id int |
min:1 content_id int | min:1 invoice_status int | min:1 client_email email
client_document digits_between:11,15 date_type creation,payment,update,due


sale_id Sale id contract_id Contract id date_create Creation date date_payment
Payment date date_update Update date due_date Invoice due date sale_status Sale
status sale_status_name Sale Status Name sale_item_id Sale item id
sale_item_discount Sale item discount client_first_access_id First access
customer id sale_recuperacao Sale Recuperation sale_funil_infinito Sale infinite
funnel sale_amount_win Sale amount win sale_net_gain Sale net gain sale_coop
Sale cooparticipation value sale_partner Sale partner value sale_fee Sale fee
sale_others Sale others fee sale_total Sale total value refund_type Refund type
refund_value Refund Value refund_partial_value Refund Partial Value
sale_payment_method Payment method client_id Client Id client_name Client Name
client_email Client Email client_document Client document number client_cel
Client cellphone number producer_id Producer id affiliate_id Affiliate id
producer_name Producer Name affiliate_name Afiliate Name utm_source Utm Source
utm_campaign Utm Campaign utm_medium Utm Medium utm_content Utm Content tracker
Tracker content_id Content id content_title Content title content_type_id
Content type id installments Installments student_name Name of the student when
available student_cel Cellphone of the student when available student_email
E-mail of the student when available student_document Document of the student
when available

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

Get sales data by date

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/sale/get_sale_list?start_date=2018-04-01&end_date=2018-04-25&page=1' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get sale data by sale id


{id} int | required | min:1


sale_id Sale id contract_id Contract id date_create Creation date date_payment
Payment date date_update Update date sale_status Sale status sale_status_name
Sale Status Name sale_item_id Sale item id sale_item_discount Sale item discount
client_first_access_id First access customer id sale_recuperacao Sale
Recuperation sale_funil_infinito Sale infinite funnel sale_amount_win Sale
amount win installments Sale installments sale_net_gain Sale net gain sale_coop
Sale cooparticipation value sale_partner Sale partner value sale_fee Sale fee
sale_others Sale others fee sale_total Sale total value refund_type Refund type
refund_value Refund Value refund_partial_value Refund Partial Value
sale_payment_method Payment method client_id Client Id client_name Client Name
client_email Client Email client_document Client document number client_cel
Client cellphone number producer_id Producer id affiliate_id Affiliate id
producer_name Producer Name affiliate_name Afiliate Name utm_source Utm Source
utm_campaign Utm Campaign utm_medium Utm Medium utm_content Utm Content tracker
Tracker content_id Content id content_title Content title content_type_id
Content type id invoice_items Array with all invoice items informations
sale_coop_detail Array with all coproducer details sale_affiliate_detail Array
with all affiliate details card_number Card number with mask due_date Invoice
due date recipient Recipient Data student_name Name of the student when
available student_cel Cellphone of the student when available student_email
E-mail of the student when available student_document Document of the student
when available

URL example: https://api2.eduzz.com/sale/get_sale/1234

The id of sale is required in url route

Get sale data by sale id

 * Response
 * Error

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            "due_date": "2018-04-23 13:44:54.873",
            "invoice_items": [
                    "invoice_item_id": 2165818,
                    "invoice_item_description": "Item example",
                    "invoice_item_unit_value": 80,
                    "invoice_item_quantity": 1,
                    "invoice_item_value": 80,
                    "invoice_item_discount_value": 20,
                    "invoice_item_freight_type": null,
                    "invoice_item_freight_deadline": null,
                    "invoice_item_content_id": 1231241,
                    "tracking_code": null
            "sale_coop_detail": [
                    "coproducer_id": 123,
                    "coproducer_email": "producer@mail.com",
                    "coproducer_name": "Carl Jacob",
                    "sale_net_gain": 20.3,
                    "is_affiliate_manager": 1
            "sale_affiliate_detail": [
                    "affiliate_id": 353821,
                    "affiliate_email": "afiliado@mail.com",
                    "affiliate_name": "Afiliado da Silva",
                    "sale_net_gain": 20.3
            "recipient": {
                "recipient_id": 123456,
                "recipient_name": "Recipient Name",
                "recipient_email": "Recipient Email",
                "recipient_document": 12345678900,
                "recipient_cel": 1500000000
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526058863.48454,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526058864.089432,
        "process": 0.6048920154571533

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/sale/get_sale/{id}' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get sale last days amount


days int | in: 1,7,15,30,60 affiliate_id int | min:1 content_id int | min:1
invoice_status int | min:1


date Date sale_discount Sale discount sale_amount_win Sale amount win
sale_net_gain Sale net gain sale_coop Sale cooparticipation value sale_partner
Sale partner value sale_fee Sale fee sale_others Sale others fee sale_total Sale
total value

URL example: https://api2.eduzz.com/sale/last_days_amount?days=1

If parameter days not informed will return last 7 days

Get sale last days amount

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "date": "2108-05-06",
            "sale_discount": 0,
            "sale_amount_win": 13.54,
            "sale_net_gain": 87.23,
            "sale_coop": 0,
            "sale_partner": -244.46,
            "sale_fee": -0.05,
            "sale_others": 0,
            "sale_total": 22
            "date": "2108-05-05",
            "sale_discount": 0,
            "sale_amount_win": 13.54,
            "sale_net_gain": 87.23,
            "sale_coop": 0,
            "sale_partner": -244.46,
            "sale_fee": -0.05,
            "sale_others": 0,
            "sale_total": 22
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526058863.48454,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526058864.089432,
        "process": 0.6048920154571533

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/sale/last_days_amount' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Set the product tracking code


invoice_item_id int | required | min:1 tracking_code required | min:5


invoice_item_id Id of invoice item invoice_id Id of invoice
invoice_item_description Description of invoice item invoice_item_value Invoice
item value invoice_item_date_create date of creation invoice item
invoice_item_product_id Item product id invoice_item_unit_value Item unit value
invoice_item_quantity Item quantity invoice_item_content_id Id of Content
invoice_item_discount_value Item discount invoice_item_freight_type Item freight
type invoice_item_freight_deadline Item freight deadline invoice_order_id Id of
order tracking_code Tracking code

All required fields must be informed

Set the product tracking code

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "invoice_item_id": 123456,
            "invoice_id": 123456,
            "invoice_item_description": "Item Description",
            "invoice_item_value": 10,
            "invoice_item_date_create": "2018-02-06 12:02:35",
            "invoice_item_product_id": 200,
            "invoice_item_unit_value": 10,
            "invoice_item_quantity": 1,
            "invoice_item_content_id": 0,
            "invoice_item_discount_value": 0,
            "invoice_item_freight_type": null,
            "invoice_item_freight_deadline": null,
            "invoice_order_id": 0,
            "tracking_code": "DX12345678BR"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526049371.734649,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526049372.097104,
        "process": 0.3624551296234131

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/sale/tracking_code' -XPOST -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"invoice_item_id": 123456, "tracking_code": "DX12345678BR"}'


Get sales total values


start_date date | required | before:tomorrow end_date date | required |
before:tomorrow contract_id int | min:1 affiliate_id int | min:1 content_id int
| min:1 invoice_status int | min:1


sale_discount Sale discount sale_amount_win Sale amount win sale_net_gain Sale
net gain sale_coop Sale cooparticipation value sale_partner Sale partner value
sale_fee Sale fee sale_others Sale others fee sale_total Sale total value

Get sales total values

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "sale_discount": 566.55,
            "sale_amount_win": 3277.92,
            "sale_net_gain": 3277.92,
            "sale_coop": 4.26,
            "sale_partner": 0,
            "sale_fee": -69.79,
            "sale_others": 0,
            "sale_total": 10863.74
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526058863.48454,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526058864.089432,
        "process": 0.6048920154571533

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/sale/get_total?start_date=2018-04-01&end_date=2018-04-25' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"



Get extract data


start_date date | required | before:tomorrow end_date date | required |
before:tomorrow page int | min:1


extract_id Record Id (Unique) extract_date Extract Date extract_description
Extract description extract_document Extract document extract_value Extract

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

Get extract data by date

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "extract_id": 71344,
            "extract_date": "02/10/2015",
            "extract_description": "Ganhos como Produtor/Afiliado",
            "extract_document": "G_20151002815959",
            "extract_value": "63.37"
            "extract_id": 71514,
            "extract_date": "02/10/2015",
            "extract_description": "Estornos/Reembolsos ",
            "extract_document": "R_20151002815959",
            "extract_value": "-1.65"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526057559.234502,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526057559.450617,
        "process": 0.21611499786376953
    "paginator": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 2,
        "totalPages": 11,
        "totalRows": 21

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/extract/get_financial_statement?start_date=2015-10-02&end_date=2018-04-16&page=1' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get the Payment Methods of the current user


page int | min:1


id Record Id (Unique) customer_id Client Id token Payment Method Token
registration_date Registration Date of the Payment Method last_digits Last four
digits of the credit card brand Credit Card Brand

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "id": "123",
            "customer_id": "123123",
            "token": "card_abcdefghijlmnop4r21ty8w32",
            "registration_date": "2018-01-25 18:12:30",
            "last_digits": "1212",
            "brand": "visa"
            "id": "124",
            "customer_id": "123123",
            "token": "card_cabe32g8ijem9op4r15ty3w31",
            "registration_date": "2018-01-28 19:20:15",
            "last_digits": "2424",
            "brand": "master"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/payment_methods' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get an Active Bank Account, or a Pending Bank Account. If theres is not a Active
Bank Account, a Pending Bank Account will be returned


id Bank Account Id status_id Bank Account Moderation Status Cod status_name Bank
Account Moderation Status Name notice date_create Record creation date
date_update Record update date bank_number Bank Number bank_name Bank Name
account_type Bank Account Type. Possible values: "Conta correte", "Poupança"
agency_number Agency Number agency_digit Agency Digit account_number Bank Acount
Number account_digit Bank Acount Digit account_holder_name Holder Name of the
Bank Account account_holder_taxid Holder Tax Id of the Bank Account
account_holder_type Holder Type of the Bank Account. Possible Values: "Física",
"Jurídica" moip_account If it is a Moip Account, here will have the Moip Account
Login Information

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "id": 123,
            "status_id": 1,
            "status_name": "Ativo",
            "notice": "",
            "date_create": "2017-08-21 00:11:10",
            "date_update": "2017-10-21 17:23:16",
            "bank_number": "001",
            "bank_name": "001 BANCO DO BRASIL SA",
            "account_type": "Conta Corrente",
            "agency_number": "1234",
            "agency_digit": "4",
            "account_number": "12345",
            "account_digit": "5",
            "account_holder_name": "Jo\u00e3o Pedro Eduzz",
            "account_holder_taxid": "12345678912",
            "account_holder_type": "F\u00edsica",
            "moip_account": null
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/bank_details' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get a balance values from the current user.


balance Total available balance future_balance Total not-available balance

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "balance": "101.23",
            "future_balance": "10.21"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/balance' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get list of active Bank Accounts of the user


page int | min:1


bank_account_id Bank Account Id bank_number Bank Number bank_name Bank Name
account_type Bank Account Type. Possible values: "Conta Corrente", "Poupança"
agency_number Agency Number agency_digit Agency Digit account_number Bank Acount
Number account_digit Bank Acount Digit account_holder_name Holder Name of the
Bank Account account_holder_taxid Holder Tax Id of the Bank Account
account_holder_type Holder Type of the Bank Account. Possible Values: "Física",

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "bank_account_id": 123,
            "bank_number": "001",
            "bank_name": "001 BANCO DO BRASIL SA",
            "account_type": "Conta Corrente",
            "agency_number": "1234",
            "agency_digit": "4",
            "account_number": "12345",
            "account_digit": "5",
            "account_holder_name": "Jo\u00e3o Pedro Eduzz",
            "account_holder_taxid": "12345678912",
            "account_holder_type": "F\u00edsica"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/fund_transfer_methods' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get a value available from the current user.


value_available Total available balance with rate antecipable Total available
balance to antecipate

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "value_available": "101.23",
            "antecipable": "50.43"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/value_available' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"



Request the transfer of the financial balance available from Eduzz to a bank


value Value to make a transfer bank_account_id Bank account id


status Status of the requisition message Returned message

To get the bank account id, make a request to endpoint

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "status": 1,
        "message": "Transfer request completed successfully"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/request_bank_transfer' -XPOST -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9 -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"value": 123.00, "bank_account_id": 123456 }"


Get list of Bank Transfers of the current user


page int | min:1


tranfer_id Id of this transfer created_date Creation Date of this transfer
bank_account_id Bank Account Id of this transfer type_name Bank Account Type.
Possible values: 'Conta Corrente', 'Poupança' value Value requested status_name
Current Status Name of the transfer request status_cod Current Status Id of the
transfer request send_date Send date return_date Return Date return_msg Detailed
Message of the return

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "tranfer_id": 123,
            "created_date": "13/09/2018",
            "bank_account_id": 888,
            "type_name": "Conta Corrente",
            "value": 200,
            "status_name": "Confirmada",
            "status_cod": 1,
            "send_date": "13/09/2018",
            "return_date": "13/09/2018",
            "return_msg": "Cr\u00e9dito Efetuado"
            "tranfer_id": 456,
            "created_date": "12/09/2018",
            "bank_account_id": 888,
            "type_name": "Conta Corrente",
            "value": 200,
            "status_name": "Confirmada",
            "status_cod": 1,
            "send_date": "12/09/2018",
            "return_date": "12/09/2018",
            "return_msg": "Cr\u00e9dito Efetuado"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/transfers_list' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"



Request the transfer of the financial balance available from Eduzz to a bank


page page number


invoice_id invoice id invoice_value invoice value payment_method payment method
anticipation_rate antecipation rate payment_rate_per_day payment rate per day
content_name content name total_rate total rate net_gain net gain

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "invoice_id": 12345,
        "invoice_value": 0.03,
        "payment_method": "Cart\u00e3o",
        "anticipation_rate": 2.99,
        "payment_rate_per_day": 0.1,
        "content_name": "CONTENT NAME",
        "total_rate": 0.0017670000000000001,
        "net_gain": 0.028232999999999998
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/request_bank_transfer' -XPOST -H token: jlkasdfhlakhsdfhaçl-akjhdflkjah-asjdkhlfjkashdlfk -H "Content-type: application/json""



Request the transfer in advance of the financial balance available from Eduzz to
a bank account.


value required | numeric | min:0 bank_account_id required | int | min:1
invoices_list array | required | min:1


success request status details request details

the parameter invoices_list is a array of ids

value is sum of the available value with the amount to be anticipated

bank_account_id is a id of account at Eduzz

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "success": true,
        "details": "Your transfer request was successfully scheduled"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/request_bank_transfer_in_advance' -XPOST -H token: jlkasdfhlakhsdfhaçl-akjhdflkjah-asjdkhlfjkashdlfk -H "Content-type: application/json""


Request the transfer in advance of the financial balance available from Eduzz to
a bank account.


permission permission bool

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "permission": true
    "profile": {
        "start": 1525962865.034398,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1525962865.485808,
        "process": 0.45140981674194336

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/can_request_bank_transfer' -XPOST -H token: jlkasdfhlakhsdfhaçl-akjhdflkjah-asjdkhlfjkashdlfk -H "Content-type: application/json""


Get statement data


start_date date | required | before:tomorrow end_date date | required |
before:tomorrow page int | min:1


statement_id Record Id (Unique) statement_date Statement Date
statement_description Statement description statement_document Statement
document statement_value Statement value

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

Get statement data by date

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "statement_id": 71344,
            "statement_date": "02/10/2015",
            "statement_description": "Ganhos como Produtor/Afiliado",
            "statement_document": "G_20151002815959",
            "statement_value": "63.37"
            "statement_id": 71514,
            "statement_date": "02/10/2015",
            "statement_description": "Estornos/Reembolsos ",
            "statement_document": "R_20151002815959",
            "statement_value": "-1.65"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526057559.234502,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526057559.450617,
        "process": 0.21611499786376953
    "paginator": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 2,
        "totalPages": 11,
        "totalRows": 21

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/financial/statement?start_date=2015-10-02&end_date=2018-04-16&page=1' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Approve an afiliation campaign


product_id int | required | min:1 affiliate_id int | required | min:1


affiliation_id Affiliation id product_id Product id product_name Item
description affiliate_id Affiliate id affiliate_name Affiliate name
affiliation_status Affiliation campaign status

All required fields must be informed

Approve an afiliation campaign

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "affiliation_id": 792104,
            "product_id": 123456,
            "product_name": "Item Description",
            "affiliate_id": 1234,
            "affiliate_name": "Affiliate Name",
            "affiliation_status": "A"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526049371.734649,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526049372.097104,
        "process": 0.3624551296234131

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/affiliate/approve' -XPOST -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"product_id": 123456, "affiliate_id": 1234}'


Disapprove an afiliation campaign


product_id int | required | min:1 affiliate_id int | required | min:1


affiliation_id Affiliation id product_id Product id product_name Item
description affiliate_id Affiliate id affiliate_name Affiliate name
affiliation_status Affiliation campaign status

All required fields must be informed

Disapprove an afiliation campaign

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "affiliation_id": 792104,
            "product_id": 123456,
            "product_name": "Item Description",
            "affiliate_id": 1234,
            "affiliate_name": "Affiliate Name",
            "affiliation_status": "R"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526049371.734649,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526049372.097104,
        "process": 0.3624551296234131

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/affiliate/disapprove' -XPOST -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"product_id": 123456, "affiliate_id": 1234}'


List top affiliates ordering by value crescent


{id} int | optional | min:1


page int | min:1


product_id Product id affiliate_id Affiliate id affiliate_name Affiliate name
value Value

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

URL example: https://api2.eduzz.com/affiliate/top_affiliates/1234?page=4

The id is optional, if it is not entered, it will return all contents

Will return only affiliates who had sales and commissions

List affiliates by content or not, this is optional

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "product_id": 23776,
            "affiliate_id": 304954,
            "affiliate_name": "Affiliate example",
            "value": 150
            "product_id": 23776,
            "affiliate_id": 304954,
            "affiliate_name": "Affiliate example 2",
            "value": 120
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767
    "paginator": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 2,
        "totalPages": 5,
        "totalRows": 9

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/affiliate/top_affiliates[/{id}]' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List affiliates data


{id} int | optional | min:1


page int | min:1


affiliation_id Affiliation id product_id Product id product_name Item
description affiliate_id Affiliate id affiliate_name Affiliate name
affiliation_status Affiliation campaign status

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

URL example: https://api2.eduzz.com/affiliate/top_affiliates/1234?page=4

The id is optional, if it is not entered, it will return all contents

Will return only affiliates who had sales and commissions

List affiliates by content or not, this is optional

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "affiliation_id": 12345,
            "product_id": 23776,
            "product_name": "Product description",
            "affiliate_id": 304954,
            "affiliate_name": "Affiliate 01",
            "affiliation_status": "A"
            "affiliation_id": 54321,
            "product_id": 24854,
            "product_name": "Product description 02",
            "affiliate_id": 305644,
            "affiliate_name": "Affiliate 02",
            "affiliation_status": "R"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767
    "paginator": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 2,
        "totalPages": 5,
        "totalRows": 9

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/affiliate/affiliates_list[/{id}]' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List affiliations data


page int | min:1


product_id Product id product_name Item description product_logo Product Logo
product_billing_type Product Billing Type product_price Product Price
commission_type Commission Type commission Commission Value Or Percent
(depending of the Commission Type) producer_id Producer id producer_name
Producer name affiliation_status Affiliation campaign status

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

URL example: https://api2.eduzz.com/affiliate/affiliations?page=4

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "product_id": 12345,
            "product_name": "name",
            "producer_id": 12,
            "producer_name": "name",
            "product_logo": "test.com/images/image.png",
            "product_billing_type": "A",
            "product_price": 20,
            "commission_type": "P",
            "commission": 50,
            "affiliation_status": "A"
            "product_id": 12345,
            "product_name": "name",
            "producer_id": 12,
            "producer_name": "name",
            "product_logo": "test.com/images/image.png",
            "product_billing_type": "N",
            "product_price": 20,
            "commission_type": "V",
            "commission": 3,
            "affiliation_status": "A"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767
    "paginator": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 2,
        "totalPages": 5,
        "totalRows": 9

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/affiliate/affiliations' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List subscription list


client_email string only_active boolean page int | min:1 start_date date |
before:tomorrow end_date date | after_or_equal:start_date date_type date |


contract_id Contract Id contract_start_date Date of start contract
contract_update_date Date of update contract contract_status Contract status
contract_invoice Contract start invoice contract_cancel_date Contract
cancelation date contract_cancel_reason Contract cancelation reason client_id
Client id client_name Client name client_document Client document number
client_document_type Client document type client_email Client email product_id
Product id product_name Product name installments_quantity Quantity of
installments payment_value Value of the subscription payment_method Payment
method name payment_last_date Last due date payment_frequency Payment frequency
payment_repeat_type Payment repeat type (Daily, Monthly, Yearly) next_charge
Date of next charge to be executed

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

List subscriptions list of the current customer

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "contract_id": 139279,
            "contract_start_date": "2017-01-05 18:28:43",
            "contract_status": "Cancelado",
            "contract_invoice": 465412,
            "contract_cancel_date": "2017-01-05 18:28:43",
            "contract_update_date": "2017-01-05 18:28:43",
            "contract_cancel_reason": "",
            "client_id": 4165416,
            "client_name": "Client example",
            "client_document": "33333333334",
            "client_document_type": "J",
            "client_email": "example@me.com",
            "product_id": 16486,
            "product_name": "Test Product",
            "installments_quantity": null,
            "payment_value": 100,
            "payment_method": "Mastercard",
            "payment_last_date": "2017-01-25 00:00:00",
            "payment_frequency": 1,
            "payment_repeat_type": "M"
            "contract_id": 131245,
            "contract_start_date": "2017-01-05 18:28:43",
            "contract_status": "Cancelado",
            "contract_invoice": 465412,
            "contract_cancel_date": "2017-01-05 18:28:43",
            "contract_update_date": "2017-01-05 18:28:43",
            "contract_cancel_reason": "",
            "client_id": 4165416,
            "client_name": "Client example",
            "client_document": "33333333334",
            "client_document_type": "J",
            "client_email": "example@me.com",
            "product_id": 16486,
            "product_name": "Test Product",
            "installments_quantity": null,
            "payment_value": 100,
            "payment_method": "Mastercard",
            "payment_last_date": "2017-01-25 00:00:00",
            "payment_frequency": 1,
            "payment_repeat_type": "M"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767
    "paginator": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 2,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "totalRows": 2

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/get_contract_list' -H "Token: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


Get the invoice of the contract


contractId The contract id invoiceId The invoice id


invoice_id The id of the invoice create_date The date of invoice creation
paymentment_value The value of invoice payment_barcode Bank slip barcode
due_date The due date of invoice payment_link Link to get invoice payment url
status The status of invoice status_name Invoice status name payment_method_id
The id of the payment method payment_method The payment method credit_date Date
of credit for the contract payment_date Date the invoice gets paid
affiliate_name Name of affiliate utm_source Utm source utm_campaign Utm campaign
utm_medium Utm medium utm_content Utm content amount_win_value Total net gain
from that invoice coop_value Anticipation value for the invoice partner_value
Total partner earnings fee_value Total fees above the invoice price
others_values Other fees related to invoice total_value Total invoice value
net_gain_value The comission for that invoice tracker Tracker related to invoice
items Items of invoice history History marks of invoice

Get the invoice of the contract

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "invoice_id": 3331111,
        "create_date": "2019-03-25 19:40:11",
        "paymentment_value": 17.9,
        "payment_barcode": "23791.22928 60002.795593 13000.046907 2 78570000026700",
        "credit_card_id": 23156898,
        "due_date": "2019-03-27 19:40:11",
        "payment_link": null,
        "status": 3,
        "payment_method_id": 13,
        "payment_method": "Visa",
        "credit_date": "2019-04-24 19:45:27",
        "payment_date": "2019-03-25 19:45:27",
        "affiliate_name": null,
        "utm_source": null,
        "utm_campaign": null,
        "utm_medium": null,
        "utm_content": null,
        "amount_win_value": 11.77,
        "coop_value": 0,
        "partner_value": 10.76,
        "fee_value": 2.37,
        "other_values": 0,
        "total_value": 21.9,
        "net_gain_value": 0,
        "tracker": null,
        "items": [
                "product_id": 110161,
                "name": "Produto de marketing digital",
                "description": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do produto",
                "price": 17.9,
                "amount": 17.9,
                "quantity": 1
        "history": [
                "date": "2019-03-25 19:46:21",
                "ocurrence": "Sistema de Entrega recebeu os dados para a entrega",
                "information": "Sistema de Entrega recebeu os dados para a entrega"
                "date": "2019-03-25 19:46:15",
                "ocurrence": "Recorr\u00eancia",
                "information": "Recorr\u00eancia"
                "date": "2019-03-25 19:46:15",
                "ocurrence": "Recorr\u00eancia",
                "information": "Recorr\u00eancia"
                "date": "2019-03-25 19:45:27",
                "ocurrence": "Chegou na Tela de Obrigado",
                "information": "Chegou na Tela de Obrigado"
                "date": "2019-03-25 19:45:24",
                "ocurrence": "Iniciou o Pagamento",
                "information": "Iniciou o Pagamento"
                "date": "2019-03-25 19:45:24",
                "ocurrence": "Clicou em Pagar",
                "information": "Clicou em Pagar"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1549989822.37345,
        "token": "zyJhbGciOiJIUzI2NxLsAnQ5cAF6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdAQiOiIyNzI3MDMzOCIsImV4cCI6OTAwMDAsImlhdCI6MTU0OTk4OTgyMiwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV3ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6MjcyNzAzMzh4.lYRgShiOOV6ha3tWbIxmBxQPmGc3bPosLFuzjumRTCQ=",
        "token_valid_until": "2019-02-13 15:43:42",
        "finish": 1549989824.515753,
        "process": 2.142302989959717

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/get_contract/{contractId}/invoices/{invoiceId}' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


Get the customer of the contract


email The customer emails


id Customer Id name Customer name document Customer document email Customer
email telephone Customer phone number telephone2 Customer phone number 2
cellphone Customer cell number contracts Customer contracts list

Get the customer of the contract

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 1873972769,
        "name": "Betty Oliveira",
        "document": "34460914913",
        "email": "bettyoliveira@eduzz.com",
        "telephone": null,
        "telephone2": null,
        "cellphone": "1532323232",
        "contracts": [
                "contract_id": 2107146,
                "contract_start_date": "2023-02-01 12:12:15.000",
                "contract_update_date": "2023-02-04 21:31:56.200",
                "contract_status": "Cancelado",
                "contract_invoice": 53094087,
                "client_id": 1873972769,
                "contract_cancel_date": "2023-02-04 21:31:56.967",
                "contract_cancel_reason": null,
                "contract_client_observations": null,
                "client_name": "Betty Oliveira",
                "client_document": "34460914913",
                "client_document_type": "F",
                "client_email": "bettyoliveira@eduzz.com",
                "product_id": 1740038,
                "product_name": "Recorr\u00eancia Info - Mensal - 10 cobran\u00e7as - Trial 2 dias",
                "infinite_installments": 0,
                "installments_quantity": 11,
                "payment_value": ".00",
                "payment_method": "Visa",
                "payment_last_date": "2023-02-01 12:12:15.000",
                "payment_frequency": 1,
                "payment_repeat_type": "M",
                "invoices_already_paid": 0,
                "invoices_to_paid": 0,
                "subscription_value": null,
                "membership_fee": null,
                "has_membership_fee": 0,
                "next_charge": "2023-11-03 00:00:00.000"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1549989822.37345,
        "token": "zyJhbGciOiJIUzI2NxLsAnQ5cAF6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdAQiOiIyNzI3MDMzOCIsImV4cCI6OTAwMDAsImlhdCI6MTU0OTk4OTgyMiwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV3ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6MjcyNzAzMzh4.lYRgShiOOV6ha3tWbIxmBxQPmGc3bPosLFuzjumRTCQ=",
        "token_valid_until": "2019-02-13 15:43:42",
        "finish": 1549989824.515753,
        "process": 2.142302989959717

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/customer/{email}' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"



Get the url of legacy myeduzz to change the payment method of a contract


id The contract id


url The url to change the payment method

Get the url of legacy myeduzz to change the payment method of a contract

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "url": "https://my.eduzz.com/user/loginByHash/27270338/f9011f1bf303c90664355329d5f687b00b30ae14/minhasformaspagamento?con_cod=192265&token=b234c92e3e200e057199c6b287c23559"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1548287543.809643,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2019-01-23 22:06:52",
        "finish": 1548287545.405933,
        "process": 1.596289873123169

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/change_payment/{id}' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List the contracts possible status


id The status id name The status name identification

The page don't have pagination

List the possible status of a contract

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Em Dia"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Aguardando Pagamento"
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Suspenso"
            "id": 4,
            "name": "Cancelado"
            "id": 7,
            "name": "Atrasado"
            "id": 9,
            "name": "Finalizado"
            "id": 10,
            "name": "Trial"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1548287543.809643,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2019-01-23 22:06:52",
        "finish": 1548287545.405933,
        "process": 1.596289873123169

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/status_list/' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List subscription list


{id} int | required | min:1


contract_id Contract Id contract_start_date Date of start contract
contract_status Contract status contract_invoice Contract start invoice
contract_cancel_date Contract cancelation date contract_update_date Contract
update date contract_cancel_reason Contract cancelation reason
contract_client_observations Contract cancelation client observations client_id
Client id client_name Client name client_document Client document number
client_document_type Client document type client_email Client email product_id
Product id product_name Product name installments_quantity Quantity of
installments payment_value Value of the subscription payment_method Payment
method name payment_last_date Last due date payment_frequency Payment frequency
payment_repeat_type Payment repeat type (Daily, Monthly, Yearly)
invoices_already_paid Number of invoices already paid invoices_to_paid Number of
invoices to paid subscription_value Subscription total value membership_fee
Membership fee has_membership_fee Has membership fee invoices List of contract
invoices sorted by date of registration next_charge Date of next charge to be

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

List subscriptions data of the current contract

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "contract_id": 139279,
            "contract_start_date": "2017-01-05 18:28:43",
            "contract_status": "Cancelado",
            "contract_invoice": 465412,
            "contract_cancel_date": "2017-01-05 18:28:43",
            "contract_update_date": "2017-01-05 18:28:43",
            "contract_cancel_reason": "",
            "client_id": 4165416,
            "client_name": "Client example",
            "client_document": "33333333334",
            "client_document_type": "J",
            "client_email": "example@me.com",
            "product_id": 16486,
            "product_name": "Test Product",
            "installments_quantity": null,
            "payment_value": 100,
            "payment_method": "Mastercard",
            "payment_last_date": "2017-01-25 00:00:00",
            "payment_frequency": 1,
            "payment_repeat_type": "M",
            "invoices_already_paid": 1,
            "invoices_to_paid": 3,
            "subscription_value": 400,
            "membership_fee": 75,
            "has_membership_fee": true,
            "invoices": [
                    "invoice_id": 2073018,
                    "creation_date": "2018-12-14 12:56:52",
                    "due_date": "2019-01-14 00:00:00",
                    "amount": 1,
                    "status": 3,
                    "status_name": "Pago"
                    "invoice_id": 2104898,
                    "creation_date": "2018-12-14 12:56:52",
                    "due_date": "2019-01-14 00:00:00",
                    "amount": 1,
                    "status": 3,
                    "status_name": "Pago"
                    "invoice_id": 2182816,
                    "creation_date": "2018-12-14 12:56:52",
                    "due_date": "2019-01-14 00:00:00",
                    "amount": 1,
                    "status": 18,
                    "status_name": "Agendado"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/get_contract/{id}' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


Get subscription client


{id} int | required | min:1


contract_id Contract Id user_id Record Id (Unique) company_name Company name
fantasy Friendly name taxid CPF/CNPJ api_key User Api Key date_user_create User
creation date email Email of user telephone First telephone telephone2 Secondary
telephone cellphone Cellphone address_street Adress street address_number Adress
number address_complement Complement address_zip Adress zip address_district
Adress district address_city Address city address_state Address state about
About photo Photo contact_phone Phone for contact contact_email Email for
contact contact_facebook Facebook contact_skype Skype vip If not empt user is
VIP is_producer User is a producer

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

Get subscription client data

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "contract_id": 192265,
            "user_id": 27270338,
            "company_name": "Cintia - Conta de TESTE",
            "fantasy": "Conta de TESTE",
            "taxid": "735.811.448-59",
            "api_key": "b27720a36a",
            "date_user_create": "2018-02-19 14:03:43",
            "email": "qa-orbita@eduzz.com",
            "telephone": "(15) 12345-6761",
            "telephone2": null,
            "cellphone": "(15) 99201-5392",
            "address_street": "Avenida Celso Miguel dos Santo",
            "address_number": "124",
            "address_complement": "pr\u00f3x. pra\u00e7a ABC",
            "address_zip": "18116009",
            "address_district": "Vossoroca",
            "address_city": "Sorocaba",
            "address_state": "Sao Paulo",
            "about": null,
            "photo": "1296336",
            "contact_phone": "(99) 99999-9999",
            "contact_email": "qa-orbita@eduzz.com",
            "contact_facebook": "teste novo form",
            "contact_skype": "teste novo form",
            "vip": null,
            "is_producer": 1,
            "anticipation_in_days": 7
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/{id}/client' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


Cancel subscription contracts in bulk


contracts Array containing the id's of contracts. example: "contracts" : [
170475, 174817 ]


success Returns if the request have success

Cancel subscription contracts in bulk

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "success": true
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/contract_cancelation_bulk' -XPOST -H "Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"contracts": [ 456456, 456457]'


Get subscription contracts in bulk


contracts Array containing the id's of contracts. example: "contracts" : [
170475, 174817 ]


contract_id Contract Id contract_start_date Date of start contract
contract_status Contract status contract_invoice Contract start invoice
contract_cancel_date Contract cancelation date contract_cancel_reason Contract
cancelation reason client_id Client id client_name Client name client_document
Client document number client_document_type Client document type client_email
Client email product_id Product id product_name Product name
installments_quantity Quantity of installments payment_value Value of the
subscription payment_method Payment method name payment_last_date Last due date
payment_frequency Payment frequency payment_repeat_type Payment repeat type
(Daily, Monthly, Yearly) invoices List of contract invoices sorted by date of

Get subscription contracts in bulk

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "contract_id": 188403,
            "contract_start_date": "2018-12-17 11:29:59",
            "contract_status": "Cancelado",
            "contract_invoice": 2851572,
            "contract_cancel_date": "2017-01-05 18:28:43",
            "contract_cancel_reason": "",
            "client_id": 10746556,
            "client_name": "test",
            "client_document": "21476038643",
            "client_document_type": "F",
            "client_email": "test@eduzz.com",
            "product_id": 21949,
            "product_name": "test",
            "installments_quantity": 0,
            "payment_value": null,
            "payment_method": null,
            "payment_last_date": null,
            "payment_frequency": 1,
            "payment_repeat_type": "M",
            "invoices": [
                    "invoice_id": 2851572,
                    "creation_date": "2018-12-14 12:56:52",
                    "due_date": "2019-01-14 00:00:00",
                    "amount": 1,
                    "status": 18,
                    "status_name": "Agendado"
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/get_contract_bulk' -XPOST -H "Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"contracts": [ 456456, 456457]'


Get the invoices for some contract


id Id of the contract


contract_id The contract id invoice_id Invoice id create_date Date of invoice
creation due_date The due date of the invoice amount The total price of a
invoice payment_link The url to get the invoice bankslip status Invoice status
status_name Invoice status name payment_method_id The id of the invoice payment
method credit_card_id If the payment method is credit card, show the credit card
register id payment_method The invoice payment method name payment_date The date
the invoice gets paid items Array with the itens of invoice

Get the invoices for some contract

 * Response
 * Error

        "success": true,
        "data": [
                "contract_id": 11111,
                "invoice_id": 11111,
                "create_date": "2019-01-15 15:39:22",
                "due_date": "2019-01-17 23:59:00",
                "amount": 10,
                "payment_link": "https://api.pagar.me/1/boletos/live_cjny1mfiv83n4zo7f7my5g1h3",
                "payment_method_id": 1,
                "credit_card_id": 12151512,
                "payment_method": "Boleto Banc\u00e1rio",
                "payment_date": "2019-01-15 15:43:09",
                "items": [
                        "product_id": 11111,
                        "name": "Test",
                        "description": "Test",
                        "price": 10,
                        "amount": 20,
                        "quantity": 2
        "profile": {
            "start": 1549472618.274844,
            "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyNzI3MDMzOCIsImV4cCI6OTAwMCwiaWF0IjoxNTQ5NDcyNjE4LCJpc3MiOiJteWVkdXp6LWFwaS11c2VyIiwic3ViIjoyNzI3MDMzOH0=.cX/kSlQNIk73nh7mhm0ZWdel+ISYXnWLIPA0Ubi6X1Y=",
            "token_valid_until": "2019-02-06 17:33:38",
            "finish": 1549472620.253649,
            "process": 1.9788050651550293
        "paginator": {
            "page": 1,
            "size": 25,
            "totalPages": 1,
            "totalRows": 1

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/{id}/invoices' -XPOST -H "Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"status": 1}'


Reactivate a subscription contract


id Id of the contract


success Returns if the request have success

Change status of a subscription contract to active

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "success": true
    "profile": {
        "start": 1526048039.57474,
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=",
        "token_valid_until": "2018-07-25 17:14:01",
        "finish": 1526048047.293536,
        "process": 7.718796014785767

        "success": false,
        "code": "#0001",
        "details": "Unauthorized - Empty credentials",
        "link": "https://api2.eduzz.com",
        "profile": {
            "start": 1525982192.052736,
            "finish": 1525982192.053873,
            "process": 0.0011370182037353516

 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/reactivate/{id}' -XPOST -H "Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"status": 1}'


Change status of a subscription contract


id Id of the contract


status Id of contract status


success Returns if the request have success

Change status of a subscription contract

 * Response
 * Error

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "success": true
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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/change_status/{id}' -XPOST -H "Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"status": 1}'


Change Charging Date of a subscription contract


id Id of the contract


date New charge date in format (Y-m-d)


success Returns if the request have success

Change Charging Date of a subscription contract

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/subscription/change_charging_date/{id}' -XPOST -H "Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC89.eyJhdWQiOiIzZDc3YzlmOGIxIiwiZXhwIjo5MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzMjUzNzk0MSwiaXNzIjoibXllZHV6ei1hcGktdXNlciIsInN1YiI6ODE1OTU5fQ==.JomRnis4AEOTj5PPST90V1Q/z7fPhOGVnkKAQ2j6mOc=" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"status": 1}'


List products of showcase


price_range_min numeric | min: 0 price_range_max numeric | min: 0 format string
funil int | in: 0,1 commission_range_min numeric | min:0 commission_range_max
numeric | min:0 info_product int | in: 0,1 free int | in: 0,1 page int | min: 1


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image URL product_recovery Product recovery active producer_name Producer name
product_commission Product commission product_funil Product funil active
product_rpc_affiliate Product results per click affiliate product_rpc_producer
Product results per click producer product_rating Product rating product_price
Product price

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

List products of showcase

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/showcase/get_showcase' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List of top 10 products best sellers of showcase


product_id Product id product_title Product title product_logo Product logo
image URL product_recovery Product recovery active producer_name Producer name
product_commission Product commission product_funil Product funil active
product_rpc_affiliate Product results per click affiliate product_rpc_producer
Product results per click producer product_rating Product rating product_price
Product price

List of top 10 products best sellers of showcase

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/showcase/get_best_sellers' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List of 10 products recent of the showcase


product_id Product id product_title Product title product_logo Product logo
image URL product_recovery Product recovery active producer_name Producer name
product_commission Product commission product_funil Product funil active
product_rpc_affiliate Product results per click affiliate product_rpc_producer
Product results per click producer product_rating Product rating product_price
Product price

List of 10 products recent of the showcase

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/showcase/get_recent' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List of 10 products recommended of the showcase


product_id Product id product_title Product title product_logo Product logo
image URL product_recovery Product recovery active producer_name Producer name
product_commission Product commission product_funil Product funil active
product_rpc_affiliate Product results per click affiliate product_rpc_producer
Product results per click producer product_rating Product rating product_price
Product price

List of 10 products recommended of the showcase

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/showcase/get_recommended' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


List products of showcase categorized by type producer or affiliate


type required | string | in:producer,affiliate page int | min: 1 price_range_min
numeric | min: 0 price_range_max numeric | min: 0


product_id Product id product_title Product title product_logo Product logo
image URL product_recovery Product recovery active producer_name Producer name
product_commission Product commission product_funil Product funil active
product_rpc_affiliate Product results per click affiliate product_rpc_producer
Product results per click producer product_rating Product rating product_price
Product price

If the page parameter is not entered returns page one

List products of showcase categorized by type producer or affiliate

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/showcase/get_categorized' -H "PublicKey: 5656565" -H "APIKey: haskjdhfkjahsdlkjfhaljskdhflkjah"


Get list of contacts of the chat affiliates type


user_name string


user_id User id user_name User name user_picture User picture url

Get list of contacts of the chat affiliates type

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/chat/get_contacts_affiliates' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get list of contacts of the chat producers type


user_name string


user_id User id user_name User name user_picture User picture url

Get list of contacts of the chat producers type

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/chat/get_contacts_producers' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get list of contacts of the chat coproducers type


user_name string


user_id User id user_name User name user_picture User picture url

Get list of contacts of the chat coproducers type

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/chat/get_contacts_coproducers' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get list of chat actives


chat_id ID of the chat user_id_from User id from user_name_from User name from
user_id_to User id to user_name_to User name to user_picture_from User photo
from user_picture_to User photo to datetime Date the message was sent
last_message Last message last_message_datetime Date of last message sent

Get list of chat actives

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

    curl 'https://api2.eduzz.com/chat/get_actives' -H "PublicKey: 123123" -H "APIKey: A1S9F9"


Get list of chat conversation messages


chat_id ID of the chat from_me My Self user_name_from User name from
user_picture_to User picture to text Conversation text sender_name User name
date_creation created at user_id_from User id from user_id_to User id to
user_name_to User name to

Get list of conversation messages

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

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Send message to a specific chat


chat_id 10 user_id_to 123 message Mensagem teste. Teste send_email true | false


created true | false

Send message to a specific chat

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

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Send message to all users


users_ids array | integer message Mensagem teste. Teste send_email true | false


created true | false

Send message to all users

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 * Error

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 * Curl

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Return Fiscal Documents


{id} int | required | min:1


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Return Fiscal Documents

 * Response
 * Error

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 * Curl

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Return Fiscal Documents List


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Return Fiscal Documents List

 * Response
 * Error

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Change Status of Fiscal Document


{id} int | required | min:1


status int | required | between:1,9


updated true | false

Change Status of Fiscal Document

 * Response
 * Error

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