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Our Privacy Policy explained

State Laws:

California Maine
Effective October 12, 2021 | Download PDF
Select language English Español
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 * English
 * Español

Table of Contents


When the Privacy Policy Applies

The Personal Information We Collect and How We Collect It

How and When We Use Information, Including for Marketing and Advertising

When and With Whom We Share Information

How We Protect Your Information

How Long We Keep Your Information

The Choices You Have to Control Our Use of Personal Information

How to Access and Correct the Information in our Records

Your Rights and Our Limitations Under Federal Laws

Special Information Regarding Individual State Laws

California Maine

Changes to this Privacy Policy

How to Contact Us with Questions About this Privacy Policy


We know you care about your privacy and the protection of your personal
information. We also know it is our responsibility to be clear about how we
protect your information. We designed this Privacy Policy to do just that. It
explains the types of personal information we collect, and how we collect, use,
maintain, protect, and share this information. This Privacy Policy also tells
you about the rights and choices you may have when it comes to your personal

Some of what we say in our Privacy Policy is required by law, and may at times
seem long and complicated, but we’ve worked hard to try to make our Privacy
Policy easy to understand and provide examples where possible. The Xfinity
Privacy Center includes more information about:

 * How to review and manage your personal information and account activity
 * How to set your marketing and advertising preferences, and opt out of certain
   information sharing
 * How our products and services help to protect you
 * How you can better protect yourself online

You can review this Privacy Policy and the information in the Xfinity Privacy
Center anytime. If you still have questions, you can contact us for more

When the Privacy Policy Applies

This Privacy Policy applies to the information we collect when you use
Xfinity-branded products, services, networks, and platforms, including our
websites, mobile apps, and devices where this policy is referenced. It also
applies to other Comcast-branded products and services that link to it. We’ll
refer to these as our “Services” in this Privacy Policy. It also applies to the
information we collect about you from third parties. This Privacy Policy does
not apply to non-Xfinity products, services, websites, and mobile applications
that you may access or use through Xfinity platforms.

Learn more about when the Privacy Policy applies

Because this Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices for all of our
Services, some parts may not apply to you. For example, if you do not subscribe
to Xfinity Voice (home phone service) or Xfinity Mobile, we will not collect
call detail information. If you do not subscribe to Xfinity Home, we will not
collect home security event information.

Some Services may have additional privacy practices that may be described to you
in different ways, such as in a separate contract for Comcast Business Services.
To the extent there is an overlap between this Privacy Policy and a
Service-specific privacy policy, the Service-specific policy or agreement will
control with respect to that Service.

This Policy does not apply to the non-Xfinity products, services, websites, and
mobile applications that you may use through the Xfinity platforms. For example,
if you subscribe to Xfinity Internet and visit a news or shopping website, the
privacy policy for that website will apply. If you subscribe to Xfinity TV and
use our Xfinity X1 platform to use a streaming service, the privacy policy for
that streaming service will apply to information it collects. Likewise, if you
connect your smart thermostat to your Xfinity Home security and automation
service, the privacy policy of the smart thermostat company will apply to the
information it collects.

The Personal Information We Collect and How We Collect It

To provide you with our Services, we collect your personal information. This can
include information that does not personally identify you — such as device
numbers, IP addresses, and account numbers. It may also include information that
does personally identify you, such as your name, address, and telephone number.
We call any information that identifies you "personally identifiable
information" or "PII."

If you allow others to use your Comcast or Xfinity accounts or Services, we will
also collect personal information about those individuals. If you use our
Services through someone else’s account, we will collect information about you,
but it may not identify who you are to us. We may also collect information about
you from third parties.

We collect this information to provide our Services, communicate with you,
respond to your requests, and to tailor our Services to best meet your needs and

Learn more about the information we collect and to see examples.


Account Information
Information we use to identify who you are and/or to provide or maintain your
account and Services, which may include biometric information, such as audio
recordings and facial scans when used as a means of identification
Analytics and Inferences
Information related to your household, account, or your use of our Services, and
our predictions about what you might like or not like
Billing Information
Information including your financial transactions that are available on your
billing statements and other payment receipts
Contact Information
Information such as your full name and telephone number that we use to stay in
contact with you
Demographic and Interest Information
Information we obtain from other companies to better tailor our programming,
marketing, and advertising services to you
Service Activity Information
Information associated with your use of our Services
In some cases, California requires that we use different names to describe the
categories of information that we collect. For more information about these
categories, please see the Special Information Regarding California Residents’
Privacy Rights, below.


We collect personal information about you in several ways.

1. Directly from you when you create an account or interact with our customer
service, such as:
 * Contact information, which may include your name, mailing address, email
   address, or telephone number
 * Login credentials for our Services, such as your username and password
 * Biometric information, such as audio recordings for voiceprints and facial
   scans that we create in the identity verification process
 * Customer communications records, including records of calls and chats with
   our customer service representatives
 * Information that you provide when interacting with us on our social media
   pages, message boards, and other forums, including your username, profile
   pictures, and comments, as well as information you publicly share about us
 * Photographs or images of your property
 * Payment information, such as your credit/debit card or other financial
   account information
 * Your Social Security number
 * Your driver’s license, state identification cards, or other forms of
 * Legal documents, such as documentation of the authority to act on behalf of
   another person

2. When you use or interact with our Services, such as:
 * Household and device video selection and viewing activity
 * Voice commands and audio recordings made through voice activated devices that
   are part of the Services, such as the Voice Remote or our app-based remote
 * Geolocation information on where you are at a specific point in time based on
   your service address to help us authenticate you for certain services on our
 * IP addresses, device identifiers, and network equipment addresses when
   devices connect to our Services, and other device information, including
   information about Devices provided by other companies from which you use our
 * User activity information, including what you search and how long you use our
   websites and applications, using cookies and other technologies, and
   information provided by other companies when you integrate their services
   with our Services
 * Domain Name Server or “DNS” searches and network traffic activity when you
   use our Services, such as Xfinity Internet, Xfinity Mobile or Xfinity WiFi
 * Geolocation information that indicates where your device is at a specific
   point in time when you use Xfinity Mobile or enable that function in our
   mobile apps
 * General location information, such as the city or ZIP Code that correlates
   with the location of a WiFi service access point or with the license of your
   device IP address when you use Xfinity Internet or Xfinity WiFi
 * The quantity, technical configuration, type, features, call history, and
   amount of your use of voice services (known as Customer Proprietary Network
   Information or “CPNI”)
 * Video and audio recordings (if you have turned these features on) when you
   use Xfinity Home security and automation

3. From third parties, such as:
 * Credit reporting agencies and other entities that provide credit scoring,
   identity verification, fraud prevention, and similar services
 * Landlords and property owners that provide contact and other information
 * Government entities that offer public records
 * Consumer data providers that offer demographic, interest, purchase, and other
   data that we use to tailor our marketing and communications to your interest
 * Providers of third party apps that use those devices governed by this privacy
 * Social networks and other publicly available data, like Facebook
 * Online advertising companies who may share information about the marketing
   and advertisements you have seen or clicked on

We do not knowingly allow others to collect personally identifiable information
about your online activities over time and across third-party websites when you
use our online Services. Because definitions and rules for a “Do Not Track”
standard have not yet been established, including whether such signals must be
user-enabled, Comcast does not yet respond to “Do Not Track” signals sent from
browsers. For more information about cookies and other online tracking
technologies, please visit our Cookie Notice to manage your preferences, please
visit the Xfinity Privacy Preferences Center.

How and When We Use Information, Including for Marketing and Advertising

We use the information we collect to provide our Services and communicate with
you. We also use it to improve our Services, develop new products and services,
give recommendations, deliver personalized consumer experiences (including
marketing and advertising for our own and others’ products and services),
investigate theft and other illegal activities, and to ensure a secure online

We may combine information across our systems, platforms, and databases. This
includes combining information we receive from third parties and information
about your use of our Services. We may also combine information about your use
of one Service with information we get from your use of another Service.

Learn more about our uses of your information and to see examples.


 * Setting up your account and account management
 * Measure credit and payment risk
 * Service delivery
 * Bill and invoice
 * Authenticate access to your account, including identity verification
 * Maintenance and operations, including management of the network and devices
   supporting our service and our systems
 * Provide technical support
 * Help with hardware and software upgrades for devices and systems


 * Respond to your questions
 * Personalize communications and your experience
 * Send you service-related announcements and surveys


 * Understand the use of our existing Services
 * Identify and develop new products and services
 * Create measurement and analytics reports for us and others


 * Market the Services
 * Recommend movies or television shows to you
 * Let you know which products and services we think may be of interest to you
 * Help third-party advertisers and programmers deliver more relevant
   advertising on our Services and other services and platforms


 * Detect the unauthorized use, or abuse of the Services
 * Protect our customers from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful use of the
 * Protect our rights, our personnel, and our property
 * Comply with applicable law
 * To protect the health and safety of our customers, employees, contractors, or
   the general public

When and With Whom We Share Information

We do not sell, and have never sold, information that identifies who you are to
anyone. This includes your Internet usage information, video usage information,
or call detail information.

We share personal information with others when it’s needed to provide you with
our Services, including credit reporting agencies. We also share personal
information with others:

 * When you direct us to do so, including to authorize other users on your
 * When required by law or to respond to legal process
 * To protect our property or rights or the safety of our employees, our
   customers, or other individuals

If we share your personal information with other companies for their own
marketing and advertising activities, we will first get your consent. This may
be through opt-in or opt-out settings, depending on the type of personal
information shared.

We may also share personal information that does not identify you with third
parties for their own marketing and advertising purposes, which you can opt out
of. This mainly occurs when you interact with our websites and mobile
applications that contain third-party cookies or other advertising trackers. To
learn more about this, please read our Cookies Notice.

Learn more about when and with whom we share information.


If Comcast shares the personal information it collects about you with separate
Comcast companies, such as NBCUniversal-branded companies, for their own
marketing or advertising purposes, we will first give you the choice to opt out
of or opt in to any sharing in the Xfinity Privacy Preferences Center.


We may share information about a customer’s account and use of a Service to the
primary account owner following appropriate authentication. The primary account
owner may also allow others to see information on the account.


To provide and support the Services, sometimes we use other companies as service
providers to transmit, collect, process, or store information for us. We require
these service providers to treat the information we share with them as
confidential and to use it only for providing their services to us. These

Billing and collection providers
Such as payment processors and organizations that assist us in assessing your
credit and payment status
Accounting, auditing, and tax providers

Insurance providers

Professional services providers
Such as firms that provide consultative services, assist with improving our
programming, provide legal services, or supply project-based resources and
Analytics services
Including entities that analyze traffic to and on our websites, analyze how our
Services are used, and assist with identifying and communicating with potential
Marketing, advertising, and sales
Entities that assist us in creating and executing marketing, advertising, and
sales programs, including order application processing, and printing, mailing,
and electronic communications services
Security providers
Such as entities that assist with security incident verification and response,
service notifications, fraud prevention, identity verification and management,
and authentication
Information technology providers
Such as entities that assist with website design, hosting, and maintenance, data
and software storage, and network operations
Customer service support
Including services related to our call centers, installation, maintenance, and
repair services


We do not sell, and have never sold, information that personally identifies who
you are to anyone. Although permitted by federal law, we do not disclose your
name and address to non-governmental entities, such as charities or businesses,
for their own marketing purposes.

Sometimes, you may ask us to share information that personally identifies you
with another company. In that instance, we will make sure you give us clear
direction about what you want us to share and with whom, before we share that

Other sharing with third parties can include:

Social Media Companies
You may interact with parts of our Services that cause information to be
published to your social networks. For example, you may click on a Facebook
"like" button, which publishes to your Facebook account that you "like" one of
our Services. On those parts of our websites with social network functionality,
a social network may be able to collect information about you. For example, if a
page contains a Facebook "like" button, Facebook may be able to collect data
about your visit to that page, even if you don’t click on the "like" button. To
control this sharing of information, please review the privacy policy of the
relevant social network and/or sign out of it before you use our Services.
Online Advertising Partners
We may use cookies or other technology to deliver personalized advertising to
you when you visit other websites, including advertising based on the products
and services you viewed on our Services. We also allow our partners, including
advertisers and service providers, to use cookies and similar tracking
technologies when you use our Services. For more information about the use of
cookies and other technologies on our online Services, please see the Cookies
Audience Measurement and Analytics Companies
We work with business partners to help us measure and analyze how our customers
are using our Services. For video, this includes assessing which programs are
most popular, how many people watch a program to its conclusion, whether people
are watching advertisements, and what programming and video content we will
carry on the Services. It also includes determining how our customers prefer to
view certain kinds of programming when they use our Services, such as whether
they like to watch certain programs live, or if they prefer to view them on
demand, on mobile devices, or online. Our business partners may compile this
information into reports with aggregated and anonymous statistics that are then
made commercially available (for example, a ratings report that indicates what
percentage of viewers watched a particular program live vs. on-demand). Xfinity
Stream includes Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software, which will allow
users to contribute to market research, like Nielsen’s television ratings. By
visiting www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy, users can access more information about
the measurement software and learn about their choices with regard to Nielsen’s
Non-Xfinity Apps and Partners
Certain Services enable you to interact directly with technology provided by
other companies, such as using a non-Xfinity video app available through our
Services, or accessing our Services through another company’s platform or
device. When you use our Services in connection with any technology provided by
another company, you are directing us to interact with that company and that
company may collect information from you and our Services. This Privacy Policy
does not cover the privacy practices of other companies. For more information
about how those companies use your information, please review their privacy
policies. For more information about non-Xfinity apps supported on our video
Services, please visit https://my.xfinity.com/privacy/providers. Certain apps
may also run using technology provided by Metrological, a Comcast company, whose
privacy practices are described at
Consumer Reporting Agencies
We disclose information that personally identifies you to consumer reporting
agencies that may be subject to other laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting
Act. These disclosures may include information that helps validate your
identity, such as your name, current and former addresses, contact information,
Social Security number, government -issued identifiers, your payment history and
account status, and other identifying information.
Public Safety Authorities
If you have our Xfinity Voice service, Comcast will disclose your name and
contact information to public safety authorities such as 911/E911 and related
emergency services.
Directory Services, Assistance, and Caller ID

Your name, address, and telephone number may be sent to publishers to be printed
in directories and posted in online directories. Once that information is
printed or posted online, it is outside of our control and may be sorted or
repackaged and made available again in different formats by anyone, including
data aggregators, for a variety of purposes, including marketing. For a fee, you
can choose to have a nonpublished number, which means that Comcast will not
provide your name, address, and telephone number for publishing in the phone
book and online directories. You can also choose to have a published number, but
choose the "omit address feature," which means we will not provide your street
address for publishing in the phone book and online directories. If initiating
service online, select "non-published" option, otherwise call 1-800-XFINITY to
sign up.

We may also make your number, name, and address available to directory
assistance (411) providers. If you have a nonpublished number, Comcast will not
make your number available through directory assistance. Comcast may still share
your name and address with the 411 provider when specified by law (but the
provider is not authorized to share your (non-published number).

Please note: While the non-published feature will keep your name, address, and
telephone number out of printed and online directories over which Comcast
exercises control, even a non-published phone number may exist in databases not
controlled by Comcast – if, for example, your present telephone number or
address was previously published under your name, or if you provided this
information to businesses or government agencies. One way to help protect your
privacy may be to request assignment of a new telephone number (with which your
name has not previously been associated). You may also want to activate Caller
ID Blocking or select the do-not-call option.

Caller ID provides your name and telephone number to the person you are calling
– even if you have a nonpublished number. Per Line Caller ID Blocking will
automatically block Caller ID for all calls you make from your registered
telephone number and can be activated by calling 1-800-XFINITY. Per Call Caller
ID Blocking will block name and number Caller ID on a per-call basis and can be
activated by dialing *86 before each call you want to block.

Potential Purchasers of our Business
If we enter into a potential or actual merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a
portion of our assets, then information about you and your subscription will, in
most cases, be shared or transferred as part of the transaction. This includes
information that personally identifies you. If this Policy will be changed as a
result of such a transaction, you should refer below under "Changes to the
Privacy Policy."
Government and Other Entities When Required by Law or To Protect Comcast and

There are times when we may be required by law to disclose information about you
to third parties. This may happen with or without your consent, and with or
without notice, in compliance with the terms of valid legal process such as a
subpoena, court order, or search warrant.

If you subscribe to our Xfinity Video service, Comcast may be required to
disclose information that personally identifies you to a governmental entity in
response to a court order. In this case, the Cable Act requires that you be
given the opportunity to appear in a court proceeding to contest any claims made
in support of the court order, and the governmental entity must offer clear and
convincing evidence that you are reasonably suspected of engaging in criminal
activity and that the information sought would be material evidence in the case.
For more information, see "Your Rights and Our Limitations Under Federal Laws."

If you subscribe to the Xfinity Internet, Voice, Mobile, or Home security and
automation Services, Comcast may be required to disclose information that
personally identifies you to a governmental entity in response to a subpoena,
court order, or search warrant, depending on the type of information sought. We
may be prohibited from notifying you of any such disclosures by the terms of the
legal process.

A non-governmental entity, such as a civil litigant, can seek information that
personally identifies you or your use of the Xfinity Video, Internet, or Voice
Services only pursuant to a court order, and we are required by the Cable Act to
notify you of such court order. If Comcast is required to give information that
personally identifies you to a private third party in response to a civil court
order for these or other Services, we will notify you prior to making such
disclosure unless legally prohibited from doing so.

We may also disclose information that personally identifies you as permitted by
law and without your consent when it is necessary to protect our customers,
employees, or property; in emergency situations; or to enforce our rights under
our terms of service and policies.

How We Protect Your Information

We follow industry-standard practices to secure the information we collect to
prevent the unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of any personal information
we collect and maintain. These security practices include technical,
administrative, and physical safeguards, which may vary, depending on the type
and sensitivity of the information. Although we take the responsibility of
safeguarding your personal information seriously, no security measures are 100%
effective and we cannot guarantee that these practices will prevent every
unauthorized attempt to access, use, or disclose your information. Comcast also
takes additional steps to increase the security and reliability of customer
communications. We do not read your outgoing or incoming email, file
attachments, video mail, private chat, or instant messages. However, we (along
with our service providers) use software and hardware tools to help prevent and
block "spam" emails, viruses, spyware, and other harmful or unwanted
communications and programs from being sent and received over Comcast.net email
and the Comcast Services. To help protect you and the Services against these
harmful or unwanted communications and programs, these tools may automatically
scan your emails, video mails, instant messages, file attachments, and other
files and communications. We do not use these tools for marketing or

How Long We Keep Your Information

We keep your personal information for different lengths of time depending on the
type of information and the business and legal requirements. For example, if you
are a customer, we keep information that personally identifies you as long as
you subscribe to one or more of our Services. If you no longer subscribe to a
Service, we still may need that information for business and legal requirements,
such as to protect against fraud, calculate taxes, or respond to legal requests.
Other information is deleted automatically after a set period of time, often set
by law, unless we are legally required to hold it longer, such as for pending
litigation. We destroy, de-identify, or anonymize the information when it is no
longer needed in identifiable form.

The Choices You Have to Control Our Use of Personal Information

You have many choices about how we communicate with you and how we use or share
your information. You can manage these settings in the Xfinity Privacy
Preferences Center. If you change your mind, you can update your preferences

Learn more about your privacy choices.


 * Your account communications and notifications
 * Your marketing calls, texts, and direct mail preferences
 * Your preference for door-to-door sales calls
 * Promotional or commercial emails Comcast may send to you
 * Personalized advertising for third-party products and services based on your

You can review your options, get more information about the types of marketing
activities you can opt out of, and make your choices. If you change your mind,
you can return any time to update your preferences. Some of the selections are
tied to customer accounts and may require you to sign into your Xfinity My
We understand that sometimes you may want to speak to a Comcast representative
who can assist you with your choices. You can contact Comcast at 1-800-XFINITY
and ask us to put your name on our internal company "do not call," "do not
mail," or "do not knock" list.

How to Access and Correct the Information in our Records

Part of our commitment to transparency includes giving our customers access to
the personally identifiable information we have about them. If you subscribe to
Xfinity Services, you have the ability to see and correct your personally
identifiable information through the My Account, Xfinity Home, XClass TV, or
other applicable account portals.

If you are a California resident, you may have additional rights described in
the “Special Information Regarding California Residents’ Privacy Rights” section
of this Privacy Policy.

Learn more about how to access personally identifiable customer information

If you subscribe to an Xfinity Service, you may correct or update information by
visiting the My Account portal or by contacting us as described below. If you
are an Xfinity Home customer, you can also correct or update your contact and
emergency information in the Xfinity Home app. We will correct our records once
we have verified that the changes you request are proper.

We will correct our records once we have verified that the changes you request
are proper. We will correct our records once we have verified that the changes
you request are proper.

If you subscribe to Xfinity TV, Internet, or Voice services and would like to
see your own personally identifiable information, you may do so at your local
Comcast office. To do so, please contact us by mail at the address below or by
phone at 1-800-XFINITY, giving us a reasonable period of time to locate and, if
necessary, prepare the information for review, and to arrange an appointment
during regular business hours. You will need to have proper identification and
will only be able to see the personally identifiable information in your account
and no other account.

If you make a written request for a copy of your Xfinity Voice or Mobile CPNI,
we will provide you with the relevant information we have by mailing it to your
account address, or to any person authorized by you, if we reasonably believe
the request is valid. However, subscribers to our Xfinity Voice and Mobile
Services should be aware that we generally do not provide them with records of
any inbound or outbound calls or other records that we do not furnish in the
ordinary course of business (for example, as part of a bill) or which are
available only from our archives, without valid legal process such as a court
order. In addition, we cannot correct any errors in customer names, addresses,
or telephone numbers appearing in, or omitted from, our or our vendors’
directory lists until the next available publication of those directory lists.
Further, we may have no control over information appearing in the directory
lists or directory assistance services of directory publishers or directory
assistance providers that are not owned by us.

Comcast reserves the right to charge you for the reasonable cost of retrieving
and photocopying any information or documents that you request, where permitted
by law.

Your Rights and Our Limitations Under Federal Laws

The federal Cable Act imposes limitations on our collection and sharing of
information that personally identifies you when you subscribe to Services that
use the facilities of the Comcast cable system. The Communications Act imposes
restrictions on our use and sharing of CPNI when you use Services that are
deemed telecommunications services.

Learn more about your rights and our limitations under federal laws


This Privacy Policy is designed to comply with Section 631 of the Cable
Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended, (the “Cable Act”). The Cable Act
permits Comcast to use the cable system to collect personally identifiable
information about you. Personally identifiable information is information that
identifies you specifically; it does not include de-identified, anonymous,
aggregate, or other data that does not identify you. We may collect personally
identifiable information when it is necessary to render cable services or other
services to you and to detect unauthorized reception or use of the services. We
may use the cable system to collect personally identifiable information about
you for additional purposes with your prior written or electronic consent. The
Cable Act also permits Comcast to disclose personally identifiable information
if the disclosure is necessary to render, or conduct a legitimate business
activity related to, the cable service or other services provided to you;
required by law or legal process; or limited to your name and address, subject
to your opt-out consent. The frequency of any disclosure of personally
identifiable information varies in accordance with our business needs and
activities as described in this Policy.

If you believe that you have been aggrieved by any act of ours in violation of
the Cable Act or other applicable laws, we encourage you to contact us directly
at Comcast_Privacy@comcast.com in order to resolve your question or concern. You
may also enforce the limitations imposed on us by the Cable Act as applicable
with respect to your personally identifiable information through a civil lawsuit
seeking damages, attorneys’ fees, and litigation costs. Other rights and
remedies may be available to you under federal or other applicable laws as well.

This Privacy Policy neither supersedes, enhances, nor modifies any arbitration
agreement to which you may be bound as a subscriber to one or more of the


Section 222 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Communications
Act”), provides additional privacy protections for information about the
quantity, technical configuration, type, destination, location, and amount of
your use of telecommunications services, including Xfinity Voice and Mobile
Services, and the information about those services contained on your bills for
those Services. This information is known as customer proprietary network
information or “CPNI.” CPNI does not include your name, address, or telephone
number, which is defined by the Communications Act as “subscriber list
information.” However, that information is otherwise considered personally
identifiable information.

If you are a customer of Xfinity Voice or Mobile Service, or another Service
that is subject to these requirements, you have the right, and Comcast has a
duty, under the Communications Act and other applicable laws, to protect the
confidentiality of your CPNI. In addition, the FCC’s rules provide additional
privacy protections and choices regarding use and sharing that are specific to
our Voice and Mobile service that we describe in this Policy.

Special information regarding unique state guidelines

Your privacy may be impacted differently depending on where you live. If you're
a resident of one of the following states, select your state to review laws as
they pertain to individual states.

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) provides California
residents with rights to receive certain disclosures regarding the collection,
use, and sharing of “Personal Information,” as well as rights to access, delete,
and restrict the sale of certain Personal Information we collect about them. You
may submit a request to exercise these rights by visiting our Individual Rights
Request Page or calling us at 1-844-963-0138.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy over time as our business needs and those of
our customers change. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy that
increase our rights to use personal information that we have previously
collected about you, we will notify you through written, electronic, or other
means so that you can make any necessary decisions about your ongoing use of our

How to Contact Us with Questions About this Privacy Policy

Send us a message: Comcast_Privacy@comcast.com

Be sure to include your name and address, your Comcast account number, and a
daytime telephone number where we can reach you.


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