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So some basic updates for everyone!

Sam is still scamming. He's scamming for smaller amounts these days, he goes
around saying he's now an Orthopedic Surgeon. He offers people investment
opportunities, such as crowdfunding, sneaker botting, or anything else he can
think of.

He sometimes uses a different name. Sometimes Sam J Cui. He finds people
wherever he can whether it's through contacts, or through dating sites. He
treats them VERY lavishly, flies them around, Penthouse Suites, very expensive
dinners, nice shows, and then scams them by offering them an opportunity to be
rich like him.

Sam feels no remorse for anything he does. The only thing he told scammer
victims is don't bother Hannah or his parents. In fact he wanted you to think
his parents were dead so you wouldn't bother them. This is a guy who would scam
his own cousin, he feels no remorse.

If you are not aware that Hannah De Los Santos is a Scammer, you should visit
the website Hannah De Los Santos. She is Samuel J Choi's wife and is at the very
least complicit with his Scams, and at the very worst heavily involved and the
master manipulator who plays victim.

Remember they were High School sweethearts. She certainly went along with his
West Point graduate, Green Beret Military Background, phD, DPT + more.


Many of us were led to believe Sam lived an outstanding life where he was
treating people well, has his fair share of accomplishments, West Point Grad,
Green Beret, pHD, DPT, Successful businessman and Entrepreneur and more!. Well
that's not true at all, we will delve into some of the things that he has done.

When you look at everything you can see that his entire life is a fraud, he
basically prepared his life to swindle everyone he knew. People he has known his
entire life were scammed by him.


Samuel J Choi faked his alumni status at West Point. While Sam did attend West
Point for two years, he never graduated from the institution. His faux alumni
status at West Point was usually his selling point for why he was trustworthy
and could never “lie”, and both of them would use his status as a vet as to why
everything he says is so truthful.

You can look up and see that Samuel Choi has never graduated from West Point.
West Point Graduates Search.


Besides faking being from West Point, Sam has claimed to be a Green Beret. He
has claimed this to several gym members as well as his gym coaches.


Sam was never a veteran, but used that to help manipulate people, and build a
network. Whenever conversations were brought up, it was about how honest Sam was
as a veteran, and a West Point grad, a Green Beret. When you do a search at West
Point you will find out that he never graduated. Looking through military
databases shows he never served in any capacity. He will sign up for military
discounts, eat free meals meant for veterans, and tell everyone that he has
credibility because he's a military vet.


Sam Choi faked his credentials of being a DPT in order to work closely with
colleges and obtain free work for his gym via college interns. He does not hold
a Doctorate in PT, but is only a certified Physical Therapist.

These are some of his athletes that he is coaching, and he gets these coaching
jobs by telling them about his credentials which are completely made up. He may
have scammed them as well.


It appears that Samuel J Choi has been building up his lie for a big scam. It is
believed by many that his end goal is to scam his way out, and then to leave the
country. He may just be a compulsive gambler that cannot stop, and does not care
what and who he hurts to get what he wants.

Sam Choi has stolen well over $3 million combined from countless victims.

He has built up an entirely fictional life in order to gain the trust of others
and take advantage of the vulnerable. Hannah has helped him build up a fictional
life, and has told people these lies to get them involved in the scam.

Sam has built out an entire story on why he is credible. Even when he gives his
backstory, he discusses how he was in debt, and he wouldn't take free handouts
from ANYBODY no matter what reason. Luckily he was able to get in the bitcoin
deal because Hannah's mom called him, and asked Lucio Tan Jr. to make a deal
with him.


Sam Choi is a terrible gambling addict. This was viewed by members of Peak as
well as his former coaches. He plays at multiple High Roller tables

What makes this more frustrating is that his wife Hannah De Los Santos (Choi)
will adamently deny it and say that Sam does not gamble at all. So how did they
manage to fund his gambling while not ruining their own finances? By scamming
other people. This was meticulously and thoroughly planned.


Scamming seems to run in his family. Confirmed by cousins from his father’s
side, Sam’s Mother has scammed the family in some sort of pyramid/ponzi scheme
and while she obtained her payout, she never paid the family back. The apple
doesn’t fall far from the tree.


Sam seems to have built a lot of relationships around his lavish watch
collecting hobby, this put him in a successful light and also in the right
crowds where her was surrounded by well off people who had money. Sam Choi is a
successful social engineer, clearly capable of building relationships and
minimal trust under a fake lifestyle and identity.


As crazy as it sounds, by planning all of this he has cast his net very far and
wide. He knows a lot of people who trust him. People from all sorts of circles,
many of them are very accomplished. He uses this as his reference point, and
then he uses people he barely knows to build new connections and say he was

He probably tells people he knows this coach.


When you talk to Sam you will realize that he speaks badly about people all the
time. He will tell you that James, Jordan, Tony, Paul has screwed him over. Just
everybody and he will give some details such as he helped them out with their
business. He let them use his facility for years rent free... and they didn't
even say thanks. They were his friends, and they are suing him for his money,
hence why he can't pay people back. Once you learn the full story, you will
realize it was all lies. He always tries to make himself appear as a victim, and
maybe he believes it himself. But he was never the victim, and people were upset
that he has swindled them out of their life savings.


Sam Choi’s gym was basically a front and location where he could put himself in
a place of authority that gain the confidence of followers. Victims who were
formerly gym members have come forward stating that he conned them into giving
money for “investments” and “deals” but never received payouts. Sam will claim
that he consistently pay people back, but he operates under a “bait” and
“switch” procedure that has allowed him to amass a lot of money for his gambling


There was a common theme to all of the deals, and when you look into it you
realize that they are quite shady. For instance:

 * Every deal had to be done through Sam. Sam has never introduced his contacts,
   and he just showed text messages which are all fake. In fact, everyone only
   trusts Sam. They don't want other people in on the deals, and they only wanna
   deal through Sam.
 * All of these deals appear too good to be true.
 * Sam is doing YOU a favor. He is trying to make connections while he still has
   all these amazing deals and opportunities. He is building his network.
 * He never understood the technical aspects of the deals. If something made no
   sense, he always claimed he's just the recipient of the deal (bitcoin), and
   just making money.
 * He has a ton of money. If a deal ever goes wrong, he will fund it with his
   own money. He claims to have a ton of money, and sent everyone forged bank

Around 2018 to 2019, Sam Choi started approaching members of his circle about
business investments and opportunites he had. A popular one he had was the
BitCoin Payouts.


Sam Choi promised investors that if they put in a certain amount of money, in a
short time they would get their money back in double. The Bitcoin Con was said
to be through his connection with his wife: Hannah De Los Santos’ family, the
Tans and their immense wealth in bitcoin that they wanted to sell off in the
states. Sam’s “bait” and “switch” method was used for this con, where he would
soften people who put in small amounts and pay them back and then eventually
take large sums from them and since then never paid them back. He would always
try to convince people to invest larger sums and tell them things like "I wish
we could have made more money together!". Remember, he's doing YOU the favor.


Sam Choi claimed that he was able to purchase Sprinter vans, and his friend had
started a distributorship to distribute for companies such as Amazon. By doing
so he was able to secure long term business deals. He has kindly offered that
people may invest in these deals if they want something long term. But of course
there was no business, no sprinter vans, nothing of the sort. He merely made up
this business to swindle hard earned money.


In order to further fuel his scamming, Sam would show his lavish lifestyle and
tell the gym members about the Bitcoin payout. He convinced as many of them as
possible to pay for a year upfront, and he would give them their money back in 3
months. By doing so, they would gain a free gym membership. These were members
who have been part of the gym for years, and had no reason to not believe his

He has actually been running the FREE GYM MEMBERSHIP scam for quite some time.
He has stolen clients from former business partners. He has told them that if
they join his gym, they can go to both gyms, and he basically blamed it on the
original gym.


Sam has claimed that he has made a ton of money investing in Commercial Real
Estate. The CRE deals were making him tons of money. He was purchasing
properties and flipping them. You too could invest in these deals if you wanted
to make money.


Sam Choi approached other potential investment parties and even his family
members about a Marijuana Grow Deal with an consultant who was an experiment in
this field. As it turned out, he conned people into thinking they were gaining
shares of the Grow Deal and even went as far as conning the consultant and
disappearing completely. After meeting the original consultant who worked
closely with Sam on the original deal, it has been found that Sam Choi
fabricated many of the stories and road blocks that occurred during the
initiation of the business deal and that he had in fact disappeared with the


Sam had taken money from individuals under the guise that he will have people
distribute the marijuana for people. He claimed to have all the licensing and
paperwork to legally distribute marijuana. It was a very simple transaction, he
was able to buy it in Northern California, and then ship it to dispensaries in
Southern California. He would then make excuses such as he didn't get paid, he's
waiting on the check, the driver stole the money, and any other lie you can
think of.


Sam Choi was frequently found in the Casino, so he told people that he's a Loan
Shark. He lends people money at the Casino and he's not a gambler. He was
telling people that he participates in low risk / high reward loans, and
collects watches as collateral. They can get the deal as well, and it would just
have to be through him. He was using this front to collect more gambling funds.


Sam who has built up credibility in the community through the fake gym, and
lavish spending on other people's dime has made it appear that he was very
wealthy. He has faked bank statements, and told people if anything ever happened
to their money, he would guarantee it. He showed fake bank statements as proof
that he had the funds should anything go wrong. He is trustworthy, and would
spend his entire life paying back if anything ever happened, as he's a West
Point graduate, and has served in the military.


Hannah and Sam would pull various different stories. They would say to some
people the deals are "Cash Only", and to other people they would receive the
wire transfers which was in the name of both Samuel J Choi and Hannah De Los
Santos. This was in a joint checking account. These are sums of money that
Hannah would surely know about, and which is why she is clearly complicit.


Sam Choi somehow got ahead of himself with collecting funds, and sometime in mid
2019, his entire ponzi scheme began to implode. His debt to investors started to
amass and then his lies started to get grander.


In an effort to show good faith, Sam and Hannah began issuing checks to people,
claiming that they would be paid back within a few days. However most if not all
of these checks bounced from the issuing bank. Sam and Hannah wrote bad checks
purposely, likely he closed the accounts or moved the funds so there was nothing
ever in them. They then acted surprised and claimed that all the funds in the
bank accounts were frozen as they had too much money.

Fake bank Statements - Sam wanted to show that he had money to people, so he
created fake bank statements. This lead to people holding off and waiting, or
believing him and investing heavily into him.


In order to further buy himself time, Sam claimed he was being investigated by
"Investigator Park". Said it was a detective who was doing serious digging. They
ended up dropping the case, but as usual the funds will take time to be

Investigator Park was a gym member that he ripped off and didn't pay the refund
to. Surprisingly when he gave her, her funds back, she decided not to pursue him
further. She wasn't a big victim, and Sam was able to refund her while keeping
her off his tail.


Around July to September of 2019, Sam Choi claimed that his father had died and
subsequently his mother as well. He made a big display of sharing deathbed and
funeral home photos, however if you just visit his parents house located at:

11845 207th Street
Lakewood, CA 90715

You’ll find that the couple who won’t answer the door is actually Sam Choi’s
parents, both alive and well – actually their alive and ashamed of their son.
Probably not the mom though, because she’s a scammer. Sam also claims to have
bought their home for them, but as confirmed with family – he has never done
such a thing. His family is living rather poorly and just rents a simple


Sometime after people stopped falling for the parents death, Sam has told people
that he was very sick. That he was very likely to die soon. This would give him
another "out", so that he would no longer have to respond or reply to people. He
would tell them he is in the hospital, when it was suggested they visit him, he
would ignore any such messages. He would soon end up ignoring the people
completely because then it seems plausible that he has also passed.


Sam Choi continued to lie about his parent’s death and claimed to be traveling
to China to spread their ashes – or going to Hong Kong to get funds – or Japan
for banking. He has many stories for different parties. In reality, he and
Hannah De Los Santos went to Japan on vacation in September, likely with the
money they conned from everyone.


In an effort to appease angry investors, Sam’s continued feign of innocence led
to him lying about his funds being held, not available or waiting for release.
This is an ongoing lie he uses, but he has been spotted recently at multiple
casinos – and also at banks to pull money… for the casino.


Sam has told everyone that he works at Weinerschnitzel. He claims that he owns
TWO of them, and that it was from his deceased mother. It's under his Aunt's
name, but it's actually his property. When asked about visiting him, he would
obviously not respond. After being scammed big money, people should at least get
a free hot dog, right?


Sam has been spotted at Hawaiian Gardens Casino (playing two tables or
whatever), and (randomly list other casinos in OC here, because fuck it he has
probably been to all of them). Multiple sources have spotted him at casinos,
inclusing police officers who were investigating him after he frauded his gym

Luckily he had his loving wife Hannah who adamently denied that she was married
to a gambler. Either that or she was part of his scam.


They are classic scammers, and they will go after anybody that they can. It
doesn't matter if it's a High Schooler, a handicapped person, or even his own
family. There is no limit as Sam even cheated all of his family that he was able
to get ahold of. The following are only a couple of Sam's victims.

They build up a story, get people to believe and trust in them before they go
scamming people in mass.

This is one of Sam's victims, Sam took his entire inheritance.


Sam claims to be in San Diego currently working on a PPE deal with hospitals in
Mexico. He claims to be going back and forth. As always he assures once the deal
goes through everyone will get paid. He says he has millions in his bank
account, but his assets are frozen, and as soon as they are unfrozen, he will
make sure everyone gets paid, and just wants to live his life again.

His stories have so many holes in it, and he can no longer keep up with his
lies. Why is he doing PPE if he has all the money? Why is he selling PPE and
having the money deposited to a frozen bank account! Why doesn't he ever wanna
meet with somebody and prove that his bank accounts are frozen, and that the
money is in the account. He refuses to ever meet up with anybody because he
knows his lies would be found out.

He would frequently make up lies that he's in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, San
Francisco, etc. People would gladly volunteer to go there the same day, and he
would just stop replying to messages. The only person he communicates with
regularly and replies to regularly is his loving and supportive wife Hannah De
Los Santos.

Sam also claims to be running from Mexican loan sharks who are following him
around everywhere. He claims that it's from real estate deals that turned sour,
and they are upset they have lost money. This is another bogus claim with no
merit, as he has been in Texas borrowing money.

Sam has also been said to have traveled to Texas for money and passed on his
former Assistant’s James information to loan sharks and debt collectors. He has
notified them that James will take care of any money that he owes. Now James Is
getting harassed everyday by individuals demanding the money Sam borrowed/stole,
while James cannot even locate Sam himself, and never agreed to such deals.



Sam claimed he went to Hong Kong to spread the Ashes of his deceased mother.
Instead he decided to go on a vacation with his wife. While others were
wondering where the money is, he decided to go on vacations with stolen money!


If you look over the years Sam has been going on vacations nonstop. Sam had to
do this to help build up his image and lifestyle. He pretended he was super
credentialed, had a great life. The lavish vacations helped him build up a fake
image that he represented. He has paid for vacations for his wife and family as


First I will say, please follow the law. They are well aware of what they can
get away with and what they can't. File police reports, contact the FBI, report
Hannah to the nursing board.

You can file a complaint about Hannah's nursing license at the following link:

Nursing License Number: 708287

If you wish to ask Hannah's family in person what is going on, their address is:
122-124 S Topanga
Anaheim, CA 92804

They own both properties, 122 S Topanga, and 124 S Topanga.

Her mother's name is Virginia Bendicion, you may also contact her at this
address if you cannot get in touch with Hannah. They are avoiding people, and
likely also staying quiet as they know that their scams have caught up with

Realistically if Sam owes you a large amount of money the odds of recovery are
slim to none. From what Sam has told people Hannah has been in charge of some of
the funds so she is holding a large percentage. However they have planned this
meticulously so it will be difficult. The best bet would be to complain to the
proper authorities so that Sam can get punished by the law.

If you take any action against Sam, he will run to the police and file a police
report against you. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point he plays victim
enough where he tries to get into Witness Protection. This is usually through
his lies and deceit of making it appear that everyone is against him, and he was
only helping people out.


If you have more information you would like to share, please contact me at: