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BERSERK - นิยาย BERSERK : Dek-D.com - Writer
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อัปเดตล่าสุด :  16 มี.ค. 66 / 20:14 น.


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เขียนคำนิยม (Review)

*ความยาวอย่างน้อย 300 อักษร และไม่เกิน 1,000 อักษร
ความยาว: 0






 * คะแนนรีวิว
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รีวิวถึงตอนที่ 0



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Guts, a former mercenary now known as the "Black Swordsman," is out for revenge.
After a tumultuous childhood, he finally finds someone he respects and believes
he can trust, only to have everything fall apart when this person takes away
everything important to Guts for the purpose of fulfilling his own desires. Now
marked for death, Guts becomes condemned to a fate in which he is relentlessly
pursued by demonic beings. Setting out on a dreadful quest riddled with
misfortune, Guts, armed with a massive sword and monstrous strength, will let
nothing stop him, not even death itself, until he is finally able to take the
head of the one who stripped him—and his loved one—of their humanity. [Written
by MAL Rewrite] Included one-shot: Volume 14: Berserk: The Prototype



Berserk (Japanese: ベルセルク, Hepburn: Beruseruku) is a Japanese manga series
written and illustrated by Kentaro Miura. Set in a medieval Europe-inspired dark
fantasy world, the story centers on the characters of Guts, a lone swordsman,
and Griffith, the leader of a mercenary band called the "Band of the Hawk".
Miura premiered a prototype of Berserk in 1988. The series began the following
year in the Hakusensha's now-defunct magazine Monthly Animal House, which was
replaced in 1992 by the semimonthly magazine Young Animal, where Berserk has
continued its publication. Following Miura's death in May 2021, the final
chapter that he wrote and illustrated was published posthumously in September of
the same year; the series resumed in June 2022, under supervision of Miura's
fellow manga artist and childhood friend Kouji Mori [ja] and Miura's group of
assistants and apprentices from Studio Gaga.

Berserk was adapted into a 25-episode anime television series by OLM, which
covered the Golden Age story arc, and was broadcast from October 1997 to March
1998. The Golden Age arc was also adapted into a trilogy of theatrical anime
films; the first two films premiered in 2012 and the third film premiered in
2013. A second 24-episode anime television series adaptation was broadcast for
two seasons in 2016 and 2017.

By October 2022, the Berserk manga had over 55 million copies in circulation,
including digital versions, making it one of the best-selling manga series of
all time. It received the Award for Excellence at the sixth installment of the
Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize in 2002. Berserk has been widely acclaimed,
particularly for its dark setting, storytelling, characters, and Miura's
detailed artwork.

See also: List of Berserk characters

Guts is a lone warrior who was born from a hanged corpse and raised as a
mercenary by his abusive adoptive father Gambino. It came to a head when Guts
was forced to kill a drunk Gambino in self-defense, fleeing his mercenary group
and becoming a wandering sellsword. His fearsome reputation catches the
attention of Griffith, the charismatic leader of a mercenary group known as the
Band of the Hawk. Griffith forces Guts to join the group after defeating him in
battle, with Guts becoming his best fighter and main confidante. The Band is
hired by the kingdom of Midland to help in its century-long war against the
Chuder Empire. Guts learns of Griffith's desire to rule a kingdom of his own and
his mysterious pendant known as a Behelit. The Behelit is instrumental when they
are spared by Nosferatu Zodd, a monstrous immortal who leaves Guts with a
cryptic warning of a painful demise for being Griffith's friend.

As Griffith mingles with Midland nobility while acquainting himself with the
king's daughter Charlotte, Guts begins developing feelings for his fellow
commander Casca, the Hawks' only female member. Upon overhearing Griffith
confessing to Charlotte that he only considers someone with their own dream as a
friend, Guts decides to leave the group once Midland has won its war so he can
find his own dream. Guts' decision inadvertently causes Griffith to fall into an
emotional spiral that culminates in his arrest for seducing Charlotte in a
moment of weakness. He loses his Behelit while subjected to endless torture, and
the Hawks are declared criminals by the Midland army. Guts, having spent a year
training to become a better swordsman, is warned by a mysterious being known as
the "Skull Knight" that his actions have instigated an "Eclipse". Learning of
the Hawks' predicament, Guts rejoins them to rescue Griffith, while also
consummating his feelings for Casca.

Despite a successful rescue while fleeing to Midland’s borders, the Hawks learn
Griffith became physically incapable to lead them as they, Casca, and Guts
determine how to proceed. When Griffith regains his Behelit while injuring
himself during a solar eclipse, the pendant uses his blood to establish a
temporary convergence of the physical world and the supernatural astral realm in
the form of a hellscape. The Hawks encounter a quartet of archdemons known as
the "Godhand" who have gathered for a ritual known as the Eclipse, revealing
that Griffith has been chosen to become their final member and can only
transcend his humanity if he offers his comrades as sacrificial offerings.
Griffith accepts once reminded of the person he has always been. The Hawks are
branded with demonic sigils, marking them for sacrifice and are subsequently
slaughtered by the Godhand's Apostles—humans like Zodd who attained power by
sacrificing their loved ones and humanity. Only Guts and Casca survive the
massacre, but Griffith's first act as the being Femto is to rape Casca in front
of Guts, with an enraged Guts losing his left forearm and right eye in his
attempt to save her. They are rescued by the Skull Knight, but the ordeal
traumatizes Casca enough to regress her mind to a childlike state. Guts learns
from the Skull Knight that their "Brands of Sacrifice" makes them targets for
specters and other beings of darkness on a nightly basis. Guts leaves Casca in
the care of the blacksmith Godo, his adoptive daughter Erica, and Rickert, the
last and youngest member of the Band of the Hawk, who survived by not being
present at the Eclipse. Godo outfits Guts with a giant new sword,
"Dragonslayer", and a prosthetic left arm with a built-in cannon and crossbow.
Guts begins hunting down the Apostles to find and kill Griffith while followed
by a demonic phantom called the Demon Child, which is actually Guts' and Casca's
unborn child deformed by Femto's rape.

Two years later, after having killed many Apostles and earning the nickname of
"the Black Swordsman", Guts is joined by an elf named Puck. They are captured by
Farnese, captain of the Holy See Church's Holy Iron Chain Knights, who believes
Guts is a foretold harbinger of the apocalypse. Guts escapes after saving
Farnese from specters, returning to an ailing Godo while learning that Casca
wandered off. His search for her takes him to the refugee-infested city of St.
Albion, a city the Godhand have prepared as the site for an Incarnation ceremony
to give one of their own a physical form. Guts saves Casca from the fanatical
Holy See bishop Mozgus as the city descends into nightmarish chaos from the
souls of the dead attacking. Joined by Farnese, her bodyguard Serpico, and a
young thief named Isidro, Guts and Casca survive the ordeal as a misshapen
apostle living under St. Albion ingests the dying Demon Child and uses its body
to reconstitute Griffith into a physical form.

Guts encounters Griffith and Zodd at Godo's home and they engage in battle; the
nearby enchanted mine, which sheltered Casca from the nightly demon attacks, is
destroyed by Zodd while Griffith realizes some lingering traces of the Demon
Child persist within him. To try and find a means of restoring her mind, Guts
decides to journey with Casca to Puck's homeland of Elfhelm, on the island of
Skellig. He allows Isidro, Farnese and Serpico to follow him out of fear that he
will lose control of himself to his dark impulses—embodied as a demonic black
dog within his mind—with Farnese becoming Casca's primary caretaker. At the same
time, Griffith creates a second Band of the Hawk with Zodd and other Apostles to
save Midland from the invading Kushan Empire, led by their rogue Apostle
emperor, Ganishka.

Guts' group encounters the witch Flora and her apprentice Schierke while saving
a village from marauding trolls. Schierke begins to teach Farnese magic and
dampens the effects of the sacrificial brands on Guts and Casca via magical
seals. Flora gives Guts a dangerous relic known as the Berserker Armor, which
increases his physical capability with the added risk of being consumed by his
inner darkness. Flora is later killed when the New Band of the Hawk destroy the
tree she made her home in. After escaping the destruction of Flora's home,
during a full moon, Guts' party encounters Moonlight Boy, a small boy who does
not speak but expresses a fondness for Guts and Casca. The boy disappears after
the full moon passes. While Guts and his party secure a ship called the
Seahorse, captained by Farnese's erstwhile fiancée, Prince Roderick, to reach
Elfhelm amidst a Kushan attack on the port, Griffith's war with Ganishka reaches
its climax; the emperor is destroyed following his transition into a god-like
abomination that causes a worldwide overlapping of the mortal and astral realms.
Unopposed and with Charlotte and the Holy See's blessing, Griffith establishes
the city of Falconia to provide refuge for Midlanders and the rest of humanity
from the numerous mythical creatures that manifested when the realms merged.

After a dramatic battle with a supernatural island-sized monster known as the
Sea God and recruiting a merrow girl named Isma, Guts' party reaches Elfhelm.
The elf ruler, Danann, helps Farnese and Schierke travel into Casca's mind and
restore her to her former self. Despite her recovery, Casca is still traumatized
from her ordeal to the point of finding it difficult to be around Guts without
remembering the events of the Eclipse. Farnese and Schierke begin training with
the other apprentice witches and wizards living on Skellig, the former taking an
interest in the power to heal human souls to help Casca. At the same time, the
Skull Knight tells Guts his journey is at an end, introduces him to the creator
of the Berserker Armor, and explains his own past with the Godhand and its
leader Void. The Moonlight Boy appears on Elfheim during a full moon. Danann
senses no malice from the child and he is allowed to stay, forming a mother-son
bond with Casca. It is revealed that Moonlight Boy is the Demon Child, who can
take control of the body Griffith resides in during a full moon. Griffith
regains control of his host when day breaks and unnerves Guts with his inability
to harm him before Zodd arrives. Griffith proceeds to abduct an incapacitated
Casca while killing the island's giant spirit tree. The tree's destruction not
only unleashes a torrent of evil spirits that nearly submerge the island, but
also cause Danann, Isma and the other magical creatures, except Puck and
Ivalera, to disappear into the Astral Realm. The survivors sail off on the
Seahorse, defeated with their only advantage against Griffith gone. Guts breaks
down in despair as a whirlpool begins to draw in the ship. Meanwhile, Griffith
and Zodd return to the mainland with Casca.


While briefly working as an assistant to George Morikawa at 18, Miura had
already planned some ideas for Berserk's development, having a dark warrior with
a gigantic sword illustrated in his portfolio who would be the first conception
of Guts.[5][6] Miura submitted manuscripts to a shōnen manga magazine for about
four years before working for Hakusensha. However, he felt that he was not
capable enough for it and they were also not interested in publishing science
fiction or fantasy works.[7] In 1988, while working with Buronson on a manga
titled King of Wolves,[8] Miura published a prototype of Berserk in Hakusensha's
Gekkan ComiComi.[9][10] This 48-page prototype placed 2nd at the 7th ComiComi's
Manga-School prize.[11] He later submitted his work to a magazine that, at the
time, "was on the verge of going under," and he was switched around between
several editors before meeting his first editor.[7] The serialization of Berserk
began in Hakusensha's Monthly Animal House in 1989.[9][12] Miura commented that
he landed the serial as soon as he made his debut, so he never had the
opportunity to receive much criticism from editors.[7]

Concept and influences

Miura stated that the inspiration for the series' title was diffuse at the time
of creation. He did not have information about the berserkers or the Berserker
Armor (which first appeared in the 222nd chapter) planned out from the start. He
chose the word, telling himself that "its mysterious aspect would stick well."
Miura said that the title was connected to Guts' imagery, influenced by Mad
Max's eponymous character, further elaborating: "In short, starting from a world
with a dark hero who is burning for revenge, prompts you to imagine a rabid
character. When, guided by his anger, he will pour out this rage on overpowered
enemies, we

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