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Text Content

 * Society
      * Gender & income equality in the cannabis industry
      * Substance Abuse among Homeless and Runaway Youths
      * Guide for Parents Talking to Their Teenagers About Cannabis
      * Substance Abuse and Child Neglect – What Can You Do & How to Find Help
      * Cannabis Usage & Suicidal Behavior in Young Adults – What Parents Should
      * Marijuana Use Patterns among African-American Youth
      * Substance Abuse: Supporting and Affirming the LGBTQ Community and Youth
      * COVID-19 Inflammation
      * Crohn’s Disease
      * Pregnancy
      * Colds and Flu

 * Science
      * Guide to Helping Those in Need of Addiction Recovery from Cannabis and
        Other Substances
      * Helping Veterans with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) – Does
        research support safe use of medical cannabis?
      * Cannabis Usage and Eating Disorders
      * Ultimate Guide to Utilizing CBD to Address Anxiety
      * The Complete Guide on Using CBD or Cannabis for Pain Relief

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 * About Us

Cannabis Usage & Suicidal Behavior in Young Adults – What Parents Should Know
 * Home
 * Guides
 * Cannabis Usage & Suicidal Behavior in Young Adults – What Parents Should Know

Featured Experts


John Ackerman PhD, is a child clinical psychologist and the Suicide Prevention
Clinical Manager for the Center for Suicide Prevention and Research (CSPR) at
Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH).

View bio

John Ackerman PhD, is a child clinical psychologist and the Suicide Prevention
Clinical Manager for the Center for Suicide Prevention and Research (CSPR) at
Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH). The CSPR helps schools and community
organizations in Ohio implement evidence-based prevention strategies. Dr
Ackerman and his team have provided training to many schools throughout central
and southeastern Ohio using an enhanced Signs of Suicide (SOS) prevention
programming model with a focus on fidelity and long-term sustainability. Efforts
are underway to support out-of-school programs such as the Boys and Girls Clubs
to implement effective suicide prevention strategies as well. Dr. Ackerman also
supports clinical training of psychologists, social workers, and counselors at
Nationwide Children’s Hospital. He serves on the Zero Suicide Implementation
team at NCH and is involved in training on suicide screening and risk assessment
in primary care and community settings.

LinkedIn Profile

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH)

This Guide was Written by Veronica Benjamin, Ph.D.

Veronica holds both a PhD and MA in Indian philosophy and religion. During her
doctoral research I learned that challenges can be our greatest source of
inspiration, whether they are environmental, cultural, or personal. Veronica
recently pivoted to community-centered work. In the wake of a local injustice,
she co-founded a grassroots response for the victims of two police shooting,
both of whom lived with mental illness.

LinkedIn Profile


 * A time of heightened vulnerability
 * Expert Interview
 * Effects of Cannabis on Mental Health
 * Risk Factors and Vulnerability
 * Prevention and Intervention Strategies
 * Communication and Building Trust
 * Building Resilience and Coping Skills
 * Treatment and Recovery
 * Legal and Policy Considerations
 * Online Resources for parents to help teenagers struggling with cannabis use
   and suicidal tendencies
 * Sources


Adolescence is widely regarded as a time of heightened vulnerability and the age
when many people start experimenting with cannabis. Many people try cannabis
without developing any harmful habits, but for others it can become a coping
mechanism with negative consequences that may last through young adulthood.

Cannabis use and suicidal behavior in young adults is a topic that has gained
increased attention as youth suicide rates climb. For parents, it’s crucial to
understand the relationship between these two issues and how they may affect
your child. In this guide, our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and
resources necessary to support your teenager or young adult child through a time
of many transitions, so that they may be equipped to make educated choices.

What is the relationship between cannabis use and suicidal behavior in young

The relationship between cannabis use and suicidal behavior is multifaceted.
Several studies have suggested that there is an association between the two,
although the exact nature of this relationship is not yet fully understood. Some
possible explanations include:

 * Cannabis may exacerbate underlying mental health conditions, such as
   depression or anxiety, which can increase the risk of suicidal behavior [2].
 * The psychoactive component of cannabis, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),
   can lead to feelings of paranoia, confusion, or fear, which may contribute to
   suicidal thoughts or actions [3].
 * Daily cannabis users may experience higher levels of perceived burdensomeness
   and thwarted belongingness, which have been linked to suicidal ideation [4].

According to a study that surveyed 280,000 young adults under 35, a heightened
increase of suicidality was noted in people who both had experience of a major
depressive episode and were heavy users of cannabis [2].

It is essential to note that the relationship between cannabis use and suicidal
behavior does not necessarily imply causation. Further research is needed to
establish a definitive causal link.

How prevalent is cannabis use among young adults?

Cannabis use among young adults has been on the rise, though in the past few
years it may have waned again. According to a study published in Health Affairs,
past-year cannabis use increased from 10.4 percent of US adults in 2002 to 15.3
percent in 2017, with the proportion of past-year users reporting near-daily use
doubling between 2006 and 2016 [1]. According to the most recent data, 12.8% of
12 to 17 year olds reported using cannabis in 2022 [3].



Any prevalence of cannabis use amongst teens warrants attention, given the
potential risks associated with it.

What are the warning signs of suicidal behavior in young adults?

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teens and the past decade has
witnessed a sharp increase in teens and young adults taking their own lives.


Young men commit suicide at a significantly higher rate than young women.


Many parents also might be surprised to learn that according to a 2019 survey,
almost one fifth of high school students seriously considered committing

With these worrying statistics in mind, it is natural to ask what are the
warning sings of suicidal ideation? Even though it is normal for teenagers to be
more reticent and have greater demands for privacy, parents and caretakers
should be aware of the following warning signs that may indicate suicidal
behavior in their teenagers:

 * Talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide
 * Expressing feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, or being a burden to
 * Withdrawal from friends, family, and activities they previously enjoyed
 * Changes in sleep patterns, appetite, or weight
 * Increased use of alcohol or drugs, including cannabis
 * Sudden mood swings or changes in personality
 * Giving away prized possessions or making arrangements for after their death
 * Engaging in reckless or self-destructive behavior

Predicting who will commit suicide is notoriously difficult, so it is always
better to err on the side of caution. If you notice any of these warning signs
in your teenager, it’s essential to take them seriously and seek professional
help immediately.


John Ackerman PhD, is a child clinical psychologist and the Suicide Prevention
Clinical Manager for the Center for Suicide Prevention and Research (CSPR) at
Nationwide Children's Hospital (NCH).

John Ackerman, PhD

What is the importance of having open conversations with children about
depression and suicide, and how should these conversations be approached?

"A conversation about depression or suicide is going to be difficult, but you
can have it without putting a young person at risk and it can be very helpful.
For the young person, having this discussion can be incredibly relieving. It is
a powerful opportunity to understand that being emotionally open, especially
about thoughts of suicide, can lead to healing and connection rather than shame
and isolation."

How should a child respond if a friend confides in them about suicidal feelings,
and what actions should they take?

"If your child’s friend tells them they are feeling suicidal, your child should
tell their friend that they care about them and acknowledge that they are
hurting. After their friend knows they are being listened to and supported, the
next step is to ask specifically if they are thinking about suicide or have
tried to kill themselves... If they say “yes” or even “I’m not sure,” a trusted
adult should be told right away. Never leave someone alone if they are showing
warning signs of suicide."

What can parents and other adults do to proactively prevent mental health crises
among young people?

"Tips for parents, families and teachers include: Do not wait for a crisis. A
good opportunity to talk about suicide or mental health issues is when things
are going well. Check in regularly and ask your child directly how they are
doing and if they have ever had thoughts about ending their life."

What signs should parents look out for in their children that might indicate a
struggle with mental health or suicidal thoughts?

"Look for changes in mood or behavior that might be a warning sign that
something is wrong. For example, if the child seems really down, they stop doing
things they normally enjoy, or you notice significant changes in eating or


How does cannabis affect the mental health of young adults?

Cannabis can have various effects on the mental health of young adults, which
may depend on factors such as frequency and duration of use, individual
vulnerability, and the potency of the cannabis used. Some of the potential
mental health effects of cannabis use include:

Anxiety and Paranoia

Frequent and high-dose cannabis use can cause disorientation and, at times, lead
to unpleasant thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia

Temporary Psychosis

People who use cannabis, particularly in high doses, are more likely to develop
temporary psychosis, which may involve not knowing what is real, experiencing
hallucinations, and paranoia.

Increased Risk for Mental Health Disorders

Studies have linked cannabis use to an increased risk for clinical depression,
anxiety, and suicidal ideation.

Short-term and long-term effects of cannabis use on mental health
Short-term effects

The short-term effects of cannabis use on mental health may vary depending on
the individual and the specific circumstances surrounding the use. Some
potential short-term effects include:

 1. Impaired memory and concentration
 2. Altered judgment and decision-making
 3. Increased risk of accidents or injuries
 4. Heightened sensory perceptions
 5. Anxiety and panic attacks
 6. Psychotic symptoms in susceptible individuals

Long-term effects

There is a distinct set of more significant and lasting effects on mental health
from prolonged and heavy cannabis use. Some of these potential long-term effects

 1. Cognitive decline - Long-term cannabis users may experience a decline in IQ,
    with an average loss of 5.5 points from childhood, even after quitting
 2. Increased risk of mental health disorders - Chronic cannabis use has been
    linked to a higher risk of developing mental health disorders, such as
    depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation[2].
 3. Dependence and addiction - Dependence and addiction arising from long-term
    cannabis use can negatively impact various aspects of a person's life,
    including relationships, work, long term goals, and overall well-being.

Specific mental health conditions more prevalent among cannabis users

Given that mental health disorders have been identified as a long-term effect of
heavy cannabis consumption, it is important to specify which conditions are more
prevalent among cannabis users. Research has found a correlation of cannabis use
with conditions including:


Particularly among young adults, an increase in the incidents of depression have
been reported among cannabis users.


Some individuals report that cannabis use exacerbates their anxiety symptoms and
anxiety disorders are more common in people who use cannabis regularly.

Psychotic disorders

Cannabis use, particularly in high doses, has been associated with an increased
risk of developing psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia[5]. The risk is
especially pronounced in individuals with a family history of psychosis or other
predisposing factors.

Suicidal ideation and behavior

As mentioned earlier, cannabis use has been linked to suicidal ideation and
behavior among young adults[2]. This association may be mediated by the
increased risk of depression and anxiety in cannabis users.


As young adults navigate the complex challenges of today’s world, it is
essential to understand the factors that can make them more vulnerable to
suicidal ideation and cannabis use. Especially since it is difficult establish
causality between cannabis use and teen suicide, it is important to acknowledge
that both behaviors independently share many risk factors.

Personal factors
Mental health conditions and personality traits
 * Previous suicide attempts[1]
 * History of depression and other mental illnesses[1][2]
 * Serious illness, such as chronic pain[1]
 * Impulsive or aggressive tendencies[1][5]

Family history and childhood experiences
 * Family history of mood disorders, suicide, or suicidal behavior[2][6]
 * History of physical or sexual abuse or exposure to violence or bullying[2][3]

Substance use
 * Cannabis use and other substance use disorders can increase the risk of
   suicidal behavior[2][3]

Social factors
Relationship issues
 * Poor or non-existent relationships with peers or family members[5]
 * Social isolation and lack of support networks

Peer pressure and social norms
 * Being pressured by peers to engage in risky behaviors, including substance
   use and self-harm
 * Exposure to a social environment, such as a household, neighborhood, or
   social media landscape, that normalizes or glamorizes cannabis use and other
   harmful behaviors

Discrimination and stigma
 * Experiences of discrimination or stigma related to race, gender, sexual
   orientation, or other factors
 * Struggles with sexual identity in an unsupportive family or community[3]

Economic factors
Financial stressors
 * Job loss and financial problems[1]
 * Limited access to resources and opportunities for education and employment

Socioeconomic status
 * Lower socioeconomic status can be linked to higher rates of mental health
   issues, substance use, and suicidal behavior
 * Limited access to quality mental health care and support services in
   economically disadvantaged communities
 * Environmental factors that contribute to suicidal behavior and cannabis use

Access to means
 * Access to lethal means, such as firearms, can increase the risk of suicide[6]
 * Availability of cannabis and other substances in the community or social

Exposure to harmful online content
 * Exposure to pro-suicide or self-harm content on social media and other online
 * Vulnerability to online harassment, especially among younger social media

Community violence and crime
 * Living in areas with high rates of violence or crime can increase the risk of
   mental health issues, substance use, and suicidal behavior[4]

Studies have found not only that youth suicides are higher in counties with
lower income levels, but also that firearms are used to commit suicide more
often by children from counties with higher concentrations of poverty [11]. This
underscores the need as a parent, regardless of income, to make sure that any
firearms in the home are securely stored and out of the reach of any children.


What can parents do to prevent or reduce the risk of cannabis use and suicidal
behavior in their teenagers?

Parents can take several steps to prevent or reduce the risk of cannabis use and
suicidal behavior in their teenagers:

 1. Establish open communication:
    1. Encourage honest and open conversations about mental health, substance
       use, and other sensitive topics
    2. Listen actively and respond with empathy and understanding, being sure to
       check you own emotional reactions to thing they might share[1]
 2. Monitor and set clear boundaries:
    1. Be aware of your teenager’s whereabouts and activities
    2. Set clear expectations and consequences for substance use[3]
 3. Foster a supportive home environment:
    1. Provide warmth, caring, and support to your teenager
    2. Maintain a close relationship built on mutual trust and respect[6]
 4. Be aware of warning signs:
    1. Familiarize yourself with signs of mental health issues, suicidal
       behavior, and substance use
    2. Seek professional help if you notice any concerning behaviors[4]

Supporting Teenagers Struggling with Cannabis Use and Suicidal Behavior

As a parent, you play a crucial role in supporting your teenager through the
challenges associated with cannabis use and suicidal behavior. Here are some
steps you can take to help your child:

 1. Take their concerns seriously:
    1. Maintain open lines of communication with your teenager.
    2. Respond to any mention of suicide or self-harm with urgency and
    3. Do not dismiss their feelings or experiences[1].
 2. Offer a non-judgmental space for communication:
    1. Allow your teenager to express their feelings without fear of judgment or
    2. Validate their emotions and concerns.
 3. Seek professional help:
    1. Consult with mental health professionals, such as therapists or
       counselors, to address your teenager’s mental health and substance use
    2. Be vigilant for warning signs of suicidal behavior and seek professional
       help as soon as any signs manifest.
 4. Stay involved in their treatment:
    1. Attend therapy sessions, if appropriate, and actively participate in
       their treatment process.
    2. Collaborate with mental health professionals to develop a comprehensive
       support plan.
    3. Encourage healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise, meditation, or
       engaging in hobbies and interests that promote well-being.
    4. Stay informed about the latest research and developments in the fields of
       cannabis use and mental health.


As difficult as effective communication with teenagers can seem, it is crucial
for parents to stay tuned in to their teenager’s life. In this section, we will
discuss strategies that parents can use to build trust, maintain an open
dialogue with their teenagers, and foster a supportive environment for
discussing challenging and intimate issues.

How can parents effectively communicate with their teenagers about cannabis use
and suicidal behavior?
 * Be open and non-judgmental:Demonstrate to your teen that you can create and
   hold a safe space for them. Approach the conversation with empathy and
   understanding, allowing your teenager to express their thoughts and feelings
   without fear of criticism or judgment [3].
 * Choose the right time and place: Initiate the conversation when both you and
   your teenager are calm and have enough time to discuss the topic in depth.
   Select a comfortable and private setting to facilitate open communication.
 * Use active listening: Give your full attention to your teenager, listening
   carefully to their words, and acknowledging their feelings. Show them that
   you value their perspective, this fosters trust.
 * Provide accurate information: Offer factual, evidence-based information about
   the risks and consequences of cannabis use and the warning signs of suicidal
   behavior. This helps your teenager make informed decisions and forms the
   basis for an open discussion about both of your concerns.
 * Share personal experiences: If appropriate, share your own experiences or
   those of others to illustrate the potential consequences of cannabis use or
   the importance of seeking help for suicidal thoughts.
 * Encourage questions: Invite your teenager to ask questions and answer them
   honestly and objectively.
 * Offer support and resources: Assure your teenager that you are there to
   support them and provide resources for help if needed.

What strategies can parents use to build trust and maintain an open dialogue
with their teenagers?
 * Develop a strong foundation: Establish a strong, trusting relationship with
   your teenager by consistently demonstrating love, support, and understanding
 * Maintain open lines of communication: Encourage regular conversations about a
   wide range of topics, not just difficult issues, to help create an
   environment in which open dialogue is the norm.
 * Show genuine interest: Take an interest in your teenager’s life, asking about
   their friends, activities, and experiences to demonstrate that you really
   care about their whole being [3].
 * Be approachable: Foster an approachable demeanor by being available and
   receptive to your teenager’s concerns and by maintaining a calm and
   non-judgmental attitude.
 * Respect their privacy: Acknowledge your teenager’s need for privacy and
   autonomy while maintaining an appropriate level of involvement in their life.
 * Model effective communication: Demonstrate respectful and open communication
   in your own relationships, as teenagers often learn from their parents’
 * Address conflicts calmly: When conflicts arise, address them calmly and
   constructively, focusing on resolving the issue rather than placing blame or
   becoming defensive.


Developing resilience and healthy coping skills in teenagers is essential for
their overall well-being and ability to navigate life’s challenges. In this
section, we will discuss how parents can help their teenagers cultivate these
skills and explore activities and hobbies that can help young adults manage
stress, reduce the risk of cannabis use, and prevent suicidal behavior.

How can parents help their teenagers develop resilience and healthy coping
 * Be supportive: re-read the strategies we’ve listed above and make sure your
   teen knows they can count on you for support [6].
 * Model resilience: Demonstrate healthy coping strategies and resilience in
   your own life, as teenagers often learn by example.
 * Encourage problem-solving: Teach your teen to approach challenges with a
   problem-solving mindset, brainstorming possible solutions and evaluating
   their effectiveness.
 * Foster emotional awareness: Help your teen identify and understand their
   emotions and provide guidance on healthy ways to express and cope with them.
 * Promote self-confidence: Encourage your teen to take on new challenges and
   provide praise for their efforts and accomplishments.
 * Cultivate a growth mindset: Teach your teen to view setbacks as opportunities
   for growth and learning rather than failures [3].
 * Encourage social connections: Support your teen in developing and maintaining
   strong relationships with friends, family members, and other supportive

What activities and hobbies can help young adults manage stress and reduce the
risk of cannabis use and suicidal behavior?
 * Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, improve mood, and
   boost self-esteem. Encourage your teen to participate in activities they
   enjoy, such as sports, dance, or hiking.
 * Creative outlets: Engaging in creative activities, such as painting, drawing,
   writing, or playing a musical instrument, can provide a healthy way for teens
   to express their emotions and cope with stress.
 * Mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Teach your teen mindfulness practices,
   such as meditation, deep breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation, to help
   them manage stress and develop emotional resilience.
 * Volunteering and community involvement: Participating in volunteer activities
   or community projects can provide a sense of purpose and belonging, while
   also helping to build a support network.
 * Hobbies and interests: Encourage your teen to explore and pursue hobbies or
   interests that they are passionate about, as these can provide a sense of
   accomplishment and a healthy distraction from stressors.
 * Social activities: Support your teen in engaging in social activities, such
   as joining clubs or organizations, attending events, or simply spending time
   with friends, as strong social connections can contribute to emotional
 * Time in nature: Encourage your teen to spend time outdoors, as exposure to
   natural environments has been shown to reduce stress and promote mental


What treatment options are available for young adults dealing with cannabis
addiction and suicidal behavior?
Cannabis Addiction
 * Outpatient programs: These programs allow young adults to continue living at
   home while attending therapy sessions and support groups in a structured
 * Inpatient programs: In more severe cases, inpatient or residential treatment
   programs may be recommended. These programs provide 24/7 care and support in
   a controlled environment, with a focus on individual and group therapy,
   skill-building, and relapse prevention.
 * Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT helps individuals identify and modify
   negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with substance use.
 * Contingency management: This approach involves providing rewards or
   incentives for achieving treatment goals, such as maintaining sobriety or
   attending therapy sessions.
 * Family therapy: Involving the family in the treatment process can help
   address underlying issues that may contribute to addiction and provide
   support for the entire family.

Suicidal Behavior
 * Psychotherapy: Individual therapy, such as CBT or dialectical behavior
   therapy (DBT), can help individuals manage their emotions, develop coping
   skills, and address the underlying issues contributing to suicidal thoughts.
 * Medication: In some cases, medications may be prescribed to treat underlying
   mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, which can contribute
   to suicidal behavior [7].
 * Crisis intervention: Immediate support and intervention may be necessary for
   individuals at imminent risk of suicide. This can include hospitalization or
   working with a crisis response team.
 * Support groups: Connecting with others who have experienced similar struggles
   can provide valuable support and encouragement.

How can parents help their teenagers find the right treatment program?
 1. Research available options: Parents can explore different treatment programs
    and providers, focusing on those specializing in adolescent addiction and
    mental health issues.
 2. Consult professionals: Speak with healthcare providers, therapists, or
    school counselors to gather recommendations and referrals.
 3. Assess needs and preferences: Consider the individual needs and preferences
    of the teenager, such as the level of care required (outpatient vs.
    inpatient), the type of therapy or treatment approach, and any co-occurring
    mental health conditions.
 4. Visit facilities and meet staff: Tour potential treatment facilities and
    meet with the staff to ensure a comfortable and supportive environment.
 5. Involve the teenager: Include the teenager in the decision-making process
    and encourage open communication about their concerns and preferences.

What is the role of therapy and counseling in the recovery process?
 1. Identifying triggers: Therapy can help individuals identify triggers and
    situations that may lead to substance use or suicidal thoughts, and develop
    strategies to cope with or avoid these triggers.
 2. Developing coping skills: Counseling can also teach individuals healthy
    coping mechanisms, such as stress management, problem-solving, and emotion
    regulation, to replace maladaptive behaviors.
 3. Addressing underlying issues: Therapists can help individuals explore and
    address underlying issues that contribute to addiction or suicidal behavior,
    such as past trauma, family dynamics, or mental health conditions.
 4. Building support networks: Counseling may involve connecting individuals
    with peer support groups or other resources to reinforce recovery and
    provide ongoing support.
 5. Relapse prevention: Therapists work with individuals to develop relapse
    prevention plans, which can help maintain long-term sobriety and mental


As cannabis legislation evolves, it is important for parents to understand the
impact these laws and policies may have on young adults and their mental health.
This section will discuss how changes in cannabis legislation may affect young
adults and provide guidance on how parents can stay informed about these changes
to protect their teenagers’ well-being.

How do laws and policies related to cannabis use affect young adults and their
mental health?
 * Increased accessibility: The expansion of cannabis access to larger
   proportions of the US population, including the legalization of medical and
   recreational use in many states, may increase the availability of cannabis to
   young adults [1].
 * Normalization of use: The growing acceptance of cannabis use in society may
   lead to the normalization of its consumption, potentially influencing young
   adults’ attitudes and perceptions of the risks associated with its use [1].
 * Public health approach: Some policies aim to minimize harm to the public
   through effective prevention education, protection of clean indoor air,
   prevention of impaired driving, promotion of health equity, and investment in
   public health and safety programs [2]. These policies may help reduce the
   negative impact of cannabis use on young adults’ mental health.
 * Age restrictions: Most cannabis legislation includes age restrictions,
   prohibiting the possession or use of non-medical cannabis for individuals
   under 21 years of age [7]. These restrictions aim to protect young adults
   from potential mental health risks associated with cannabis use, especially
   when that use happens as their brains are still maturing.

How can parents stay informed about changes in cannabis legislation and policies
that may impact their teenagers?
 * Follow news sources: Regularly check local, state, and national news sources
   for updates on changes in cannabis legislation and policies. This will help
   parents stay informed about the evolving legal landscape surrounding cannabis
 * Visit government websites: Government websites often provide information
   about current laws and regulations related to cannabis use. For example, the
   New Jersey Department of Health provides resources on cannabis laws in the
   state [6].
 * Engage with local organizations: Participate in community events or join
   local organizations that focus on substance abuse prevention, mental health,
   or public health. These organizations may offer resources and updates on
   cannabis legislation and policies.
 * Consult legal resources: Websites such as the American Bar Association
   provide articles and updates on legal developments related to cannabis, which
   can help parents understand the current legal context [5].
 * Monitor workplace policies: As cannabis laws evolve, workplace policies
   regarding cannabis use may also change [3]. Parents should be aware of these
   changes, as they may impact their teenagers’ understanding of the
   acceptability of cannabis use.
 * Learn about resources for help: Stay informed about resources available to
   help individuals experiencing mental health or substance use crises, such as
   hotlines and support organizations [4]. Familiarity with these resources will
   enable parents to provide assistance to their teenagers if needed.

By understanding the current legal landscape and engaging with relevant
organizations and resources, parents can be equipped to support their teenagers
in making informed decisions and prioritize their mental well-being. Cannabis
use has many legal and health consequences that teenagers might not be fully
informed about as they start to experiment with cannabis.


There are several online resources available for parents seeking guidance on
addressing cannabis use and suicidal behavior in their teenagers. These
resources provide information, support, and practical tips for navigating these
challenging issues:

 * National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) for Teens
   The NIDA for Teens website offers valuable information on drug use,
   prevention, and treatment, specifically geared towards adolescents and their
   parents. They also have resources for educators and counselors.

 * Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
   SAMHSA provides a wealth of information on substance use, mental health, and
   prevention for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals. Their
   website includes various resources, including a treatment locator to find
   local support services.

 * American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
   The AFSP website offers information on understanding and preventing suicide,
   as well as resources for those affected by suicide. They provide guidance on
   talking about suicide, risk factors, and finding support.

 * 9-8-8 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
   This website offers resources for individuals struggling with suicidal
   thoughts, as well as guidance for friends and family members who want to
   help. They also provide a 24/7 helpline (1-800-273-TALK) for immediate

 * Partnership to End Addiction
   This organization offers support, guidance, and resources for families
   affected by addiction. Their website features articles, videos, and tools to
   help parents understand and address substance use issues with their

 * Mental Health America (MHA)
   MHA provides information on various mental health topics, including suicide
   prevention and substance use. Their website features resources for parents,
   educators, and individuals seeking help.

 * Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
   Aims to reduce the number of youth suicides and attempted suicides by
   encouraging public awareness through the development and promotion of
   educational training programs.

 * The Trevor Project
   Provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ young
   people under 25.

 * Teen Line
   A confidential helpline for teenagers, offering peer-to-peer support through
   calls, text, and email.

 * National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
   A mental health organization offering support, resources, and advocacy for
   individuals and families affected by mental illness.

 * Your Life, Your Voice
   A program by Boys Town that provides support for teens and young adults
   struggling with a variety of issues, including suicidal thoughts, through
   phone, text, chat, and email.

 * ReachOut
   A free, confidential online support service for teens and young adults facing
   mental health challenges, offering information, peer support, and referrals
   to professional help.


 1.  NIH. “Cannabis use may be associated with suicidality in young adults.”
     Accessed on April 23, 2023.
 2.  American Journal of Psychiatry. “Cannabis and Psychosis: Recent
     Epidemiological Findings Continuing the ‘Causality Debate’.” Accessed on
     April 23, 2023.
 3.  PubMed Central. “Cannabis use and suicidal ideation: Test of the utility of
     the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide.” Accessed on April 23,
 4.  HealthAffairs. “Cannabis Legalization In The US: Population Health
     Impacts.” Accessed on April 23, 2023.
 5.  CDC. “Marijuana and Public Health: Mental Health.” Accessed on April 23,
 6.  SAMHSA. “Know the Risks of Marijuana.” Accessed on April 23, 2023.
 7.  Harvard Health Publishing. “Cognitive effects in midlife of long-term
     cannabis use.” Accessed on April 23, 2023.
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     23, 2023.
 11. Psychology Today. “What Causes Suicidality in Young Adults?” Accessed on
     April 23, 2023.
 12. Mayo Clinic. “Suicide and suicidal thoughts.” Accessed on April 23, 2023.
 13. Child Mind Institute. “Teen Suicides: What Are the Risk Factors?” Accessed
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 16. Boston Children’s Hospital. “Poverty associated with suicide risk in
     children and adolescents.” Accessed on April 23, 2023.
 17. American Academy of Pediatrics. “12 Things Parents Can Do to Help Prevent
     Suicide.” Accessed on April 24, 2023.
 18. NIAAA. “Parenting to Prevent Childhood Alcohol Use.” Accessed on April 24,
 19. Greater Good Magazine. “Five Ways Parents Can Help Prevent Teen
     Depression.” Accessed on April 24, 2023.
 20. UNICEF. “11 tips for communicating with your teen.” Accessed on April 24,
 21. Washington Post. “Many teens struggle with mental health issues. Here are
     tips for Parents.” Accessed on April 24, 2023.
 22. Launch Point Counseling. “5 ways parents can help their teens develop
     resilience and grit.” Accessed on April 24, 2023.
 23. Health Affairs. “Cannabis Legalization In The US: Population Health
     Impacts.” Accessed on April 24, 2023.
 24. American Public Health Association. “A Public Health Approach to Regulating
     Commercially Legalized Cannabis.” Accessed on April 24, 2023.
 25. Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission. “Adult-Use Cannabis Legalization.”
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 26. New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission. “Cannabis Related Laws.”
     Accessed on April 24, 2023.
 27. American Bar Association. “A Cannabis Conflict of Law: Federal vs. State
     Law.” Accessed on April 24, 2023.
 28. Society for Human Resource Management “Marijuana Laws and the 2022
     Workplace.” Accessed on April 24, 2023.
 29. National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare. “Key Legislation.”
     Accessed on April 24, 2023.
 30. SAMHSA. “Treatment for Suicidal Ideation, Self-Harm, and Suicide Attempts
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 32. Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. “Monitoring the
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