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Submitted URL: http://emails.ukconstructionweek.com/c/1wcjpb2HVk1Pnf6Ubp51PR8ymr
Effective URL: https://www.cpicode.org.uk/
Submission: On February 24 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

 * About
 * FAQs
 * The Code
 * News
 * Register Interest



The Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) will help organisations
drive higher standards in the presentation of construction product information,
prioritising building safety. 

Whether written in a brochure, a presentation, on a website or social media, the
CCPI will seek to provide assurance that users of product information have the
necessary facts when making decisions about specifying or installing their
verified products.

There are eleven Clauses of the CCPI (see below for more information) which
cover a wide range of matters from responsibility for product information, to
accuracy of and clarity of performance claims made, general information and
competency. The objective of the Code is that any claim made about a
Construction Product must be substantiated by appropriate, clear, and
unambiguous evidence.

The CCPI is built around these five ‘acid tests’ - product information must be
Clear, Accurate, Up-to-date, Accessible and Unambiguous.

The aim is that clients, specifiers and users will insist on only working with
CCPI compliant products.

The CCPI will ensure:

 * Independent and robust verification, working to regain the trust of the
   public and external stakeholders, setting the market for UK construction
   products ahead of others.

 * Participating companies will benefit fundamentally from organising their
   systems and processes in relation to product information – supporting
   compliance with anticipated new regulatory requirements and giving
   specifiers, clients and users assurance regarding the information provided on
   the performance and use of the construction products they select.

 * A focus on culture, leadership and ethics, CCPI will build trust, and support
   an environment for healthy challenge within organisations regarding product
   performance and safety and ensure that product information is reliable and
   correctly stated.

As the Building Safety Regulator and Construction Product Regulator get
established, CCPI is an effective way for the industry to demonstrate it is up
to the challenge and respond fully to the issues being raised.


Register Interest


How the code will work



Organisations will undertake an online organisation assessment to validate
leadership and culture of the organisation and their commitment to the ethos of
the CCPI



Evidence and information to support the organisation's compliance to the eleven
clauses of the CCPI will be submitted, assessed and independently verified to
establish if they meet the standards of the CCPI



When the organisation's brand/or product sets successfully completes the
verification processes to prove compliance with the CCPI, then a numbered,
time-limited licenced mark will be awarded to demonstrate that the ‘Product
Information’ provided by that company is compliant with the CCPI


The initial licence will be valid for two years. If there are changes to how
Product Information is managed for verified product sets, and/or actual or
potential product safety issues, there will be a requirement to inform the CCPI.
Depending on the significance of the change, there may be a need to re-verify
the product/set which could result in an additional charge.


How much will it cost?

There are two fees for CCPI Verification:

 1. Organisation Assessment Fee is based on organisation turnover and cover step
    1 (Leadership & Culture Survey); step 2 (Management Systems); and step 3
    (Organisation Assessment)- Leadership & Culture Survey, Management Systems
    and Organisation Assessment.

The assessment fee is renewed every two years.

There are four levels of fees from micro/small company with a turnover of <£1m
to very large companies with turnover >£100m.

Company Size


Organisation Assessment Fee


£0 to £5m



£5m to £50m



£50 to £100m


Very Large

Over £100m


Before commencing the five steps of verification, the organisation enters
preliminary information to determine the organisation assessment fee to be paid.

The organisation also be issued an Organisation Assessment report which
highlights good practice and areas for improvement – the report can form
continuous improvement plan for your Product Information Continuous Improvement

 2. Product Set Verification Fee is based on the number of product sets
submitted, the number of products in the sets and the type of products included.
The fee covers steps 4 (Product Set Submission) and step 5 (Product Set

Multiple product sets can be submitted at the same time with a discount applied.

Product Set Verification ‘opens’ on successful completion of Organisation

In general, a grouping of products with a similar function and certification or
a system of products will be considered a product set.

There are three types of products – those with formal safety critical
properties*, general construction products and products from and SME.

*Product with formal safety critical properties – e.g. structural products or
fire safety products

 * If multiple product sets are submitted, the highest risk level is used for
   all sets




Small company; 1 set with 25 products; General construction



Medium company; 3 sets with 999 products; Safety critical



Large company; 1 product set with 450 products; Safety critical



Very large company; 2 sets with 700 products; General construction






Summary - The Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) was created to
promote an urgent and positive culture and behaviour change in the way the
construction product manufacturing industry manages and provides information on
their products. The CCPI was initiated by the Construction Product Association
(CPA) as a direct response to Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of Building
Regulations and Fire Safety set up in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

Background - The importance of Dame Judith Hackitt’s independent review of
Building Regulations and Fire Safety will not be lost to all those working in
the built environment post-Grenfell. Her review, as well as the subsequent
inquiry into what went wrong at Grenfell, has made clear the need to address the
marketing practices of construction product organisations. It has become
abundantly clear that the industry must ensure construction product information
is communicated in a clear and accurate way.

To address the findings of her report, the Construction Products Association
established its Marketing Integrity Group (CPA MIG) in 2018. A team of marketing
and technical experts was brought together, which represented many different
types of building materials and experience, as well as representation from
government, and some trade bodies.

After an initial Call for Evidence Survey in 2019, it was apparent that change
was needed and the MIG set about creating a new Code of Conduct to ensure
construction manufacturing organisations provide reliable, accurate information.

The CPA asked the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS), an experienced, not for
profit organisation, to set up the Construction Product Information Limited as a
new not-for-profit organisation responsible for administering and managing the
forthcoming Code.

The role of CPI Ltd will be to guard the Code, to assess and verify
registrations, and to manage and audit registrants on an ongoing basis. CPI Ltd
will put in place an independent skills-based governance structure.

CPI LTD Governance

CPI Ltd is being established as a not-for-profit organisation with independent
management and governance. As such it will be governed by a voluntary Board of
Non-Executive Directors who will provide:

 * Strategic direction – provide valued contributions and act as a constructive
   critic in looking at the objectives and plans devised by the Chief Executive
   and the executive team.
 * Monitor performance – take responsibility for monitoring the performance of
   executive management, especially regarding the progress made towards
   achieving organisational key results and the determined organisation strategy
   and objectives.
 * Policy – working with the Chief Executive, set in place policies for the
   direction of the Code
 * Communication – help connect the business and Board with networks of
   potentially useful people and organisations.
 * Risk – satisfy themselves on the integrity of financial information and that
   financial controls and systems of risk management are robust and defensible.
 * Audit – it is the duty of the whole Board to ensure that the company accounts
   properly to its owner by presenting a true and fair reflection of its actions
   and financial performance and that the necessary internal control systems are
   put into place and monitored regularly and rigorously.

Register Interest
 * When selecting a product, accurate information and indication that products
   are certified are critical

 * Independent certification is most important
   in order to cut through the marketing hype

 * As a qualified fire engineer, I must be confident about the performance of
   materials, products and systems in the context of fire safety design, where I
   am involved in the design, specification, approval and commissioning
 * When selecting a product, accurate information and indication that products
   are certified are critical

 * Independent certification is most important
   in order to cut through the marketing hype

© 2021 CCPI
 * Terms and conditions
 * Privacy Policy

 * About
 * FAQs
 * The Code
 * News
 * Register Interest