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                  <div style="opacity:0;white-space:pre-wrap;white-space:-moz-pre-wrap;white-space:-pre-wrap;white-space:-o-pre-wrap;word-wrap:break-word;"> cnbc.com U.S., Europe restrict Russian trade as Putin's forces advance on Kyiv Ted Kemp,
                    Amanda Macias, Kevin Breuninger 36-46 minutes Fri, Mar 11 202210:59 PM EST Ukraine Ministry of Defense claims drone strike destroys ‘enemy control point’ near Kyiv The Ukraine Ministry of Defense on Friday night posted a video
                    which it says shows a Ukraine drone attack on the “enemy control point” near Kyiv. “A few minutes ago, the enemy control point in the Kyiv direction was destroyed. Our Air Force is working!” the Ukraine ministry’s post on Telegram
                    said, according to an NBC News translation. CNBC was unable to independently verify the content of the video. A senior U.S. Defense official told CNBC on Friday that Russian forces near Kyiv have moved forward some of their rear
                    elements, including troops and military equipment, but the frontline has not advanced on the capital. Russian forces are about 10 miles (16 km) outside Kyiv’s city center, according to the most recent Pentagon assessment. CNBC
                    received no response to a request for comment from Russian officials made over the weekend. — Ted Kemp and Amanda Macias Fri, Mar 11 20228:57 PM EST Russia’s ‘dumb’ munitions are likely to increase civilian deaths, UK ministry
                    says Russian aircraft are relying on unguided, “dumb” munitions to support their troops on the ground, raising the likelihood of Ukrainian civilians being killed and wounded. Dumb bombs and rockets are less accurate than guided
                    weapons, which means they’re less likely to strike what they’re aimed at and more likely to randomly hit something else. Russia is using rockets and other weapons that fire from greater distances — so-called “stand-off” weapons —
                    so its pilots can avoid being shot down, the U.K. ministry said in an intelligence update on Friday night local time. Civilian volunteers listen to a military instructor inside a bomb shelter in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, on
                    Friday, March 11, 2022. Alexey Furman | Bloomberg | Getty Images “The staunch resistance of the Ukrainian air defence forces is compelling Russia to rely on ‘stand-off’ munitions to conduct attacks against targets deep inside
                    Ukraine,” the ministry said. The ministry said Russian air and missile forces had carried out strikes on two cities in Ukraine’s west in the last 24 hours. Ukraine’s Parliament reported strikes on Lutsk and Ivano-Frankivsk at
                    around 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. local time respectively on Friday. Those locations are further west than most Russian attacks on Ukraine so far. In a video message posted to Telegram on Friday morning, Yurii Pohuliaiko, head of the Lutsk
                    regional council, said four rockets had been fired into the city’s military airport, killing two soldiers and injuring six. CNBC received no response to a request for comment from Russian officials made over the weekend. — Ted
                    Kemp and Chloe Taylor Fri, Mar 11 20226:06 PM EST Ukrainians evacuate from Russian-occupied area Locals from the village Chervone, occupied by Russian troops, evacuate to an area controlled by Ukrainian forces near Vyshgorod on
                    Thursday. Locals from village Chervone, occupied by Russian troops, evacuate to an area controlled by Ukrainian forces, amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, near Vyshgorod, Ukraine March 10, 2022. Maksim Levin | Reuters Fri, Mar 11
                    20225:36 PM EST New sanctions target Russian elites, bankers and those aiding North Korea VTB Bank signs at the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, in St Petersburg, Russia.
                    Sefa Karacan | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images The Treasury Department on Friday announced the addition of more than 20 Russians to its list of sanctioned nationals, the latest step in an ongoing campaign to respond to Russia’s
                    invasion of Ukraine by targeting Russian elites and military contractors. The newly sanctioned individuals and entities include: The wife and two children of Kremlin spokesman Dmitriy Peskov. Two Russian nationals who helped North
                    Korea obtain material for ballistic missiles and WMDs. 12 members of Russia’s parliament who led the effort to recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as independent republics. This vote was a key step in establishing Russia’s false pretext
                    for invading Ukraine. All 10 members of the management board of VTB Bank, the second-largest bank in Russia. Two planes and a yacht owned by Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg. --- Christina Wilkie Fri, Mar 11 20224:30 PM EST
                    Blinken and Ukraine diplomat discussed Russian efforts to ‘deceive the world’ Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba looks to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken as he speaks during a news conference at the State Department
                    in Washington, February 22, 2022. Carolyn Kaster | Pool | Reuters Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba spoke over the phone following Kuleba’s trilateral meeting with his Russian and
                    Turkish counterparts, the State Department said. Blinken updated Kuleba on efforts by the Biden administration, the European Union and the Group of Seven powers to “raise the costs on Russia” by revoking its “most favored nation”
                    trade status, State spokesman Ned Price said in a statement. Blinken reaffirmed the U.S.′ commitment to “continue surging security, economic, and humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine as they face increasingly brutal
                    bombardment by Russian forces,” the statement said. The two diplomats also “shared their concerns that Russia is escalating its disinformation campaigns to deceive the world, including at the United Nations,” Price said. — Kevin
                    Breuninger Fri, Mar 11 20224:12 PM EST Stocks slide to end another losing week as Russia-Ukraine war drags on The major U.S. stock averages fell Friday to end another week of losses as Russia’s war in Ukraine continued. The Dow
                    Jones Industrial Average ended the day down more than 200 points, or 0.7%. The S&amp;P 500 slid 1.3%, and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 2.2%. For the week, the Dow fell 2% — notching its fifth straight week of losses. The S&amp;P
                    500 and Nasdaq posted back-to-back weekly losses, dipping 2.9% and 3.5%, respectively. Ten of the 11 S&amp;P 500 sectors ended the week lower. Energy as the only advancer. Energy stocks have gotten a recent boost as oil prices
                    rallied amid the conflict. — Fred Imbert Fri, Mar 11 20223:44 PM EST ‘Golden passports’ face new restrictions in hunt for oligarchs Chuyn | Istock | Getty Images European leaders say so-called golden passport programs have become
                    a backdoor for dirty money, creating an easy route for many Russian oligarchs to live and conduct business in Europe. Russian billionaires have been among the world’s largest buyers of multiple citizenships, using alternate
                    passports to help protect their assets and allow freer travel. The EU Parliament voted this week to phase out citizenship-by-investment programs run by some EU countries. The three EU countries offering golden passports —
                    Bulgaria, Cyprus and Malta — are all phasing out or considering ending their programs. The 12 EU countries offering golden visas, or residency permits for investments, including Greece, Spain and Hungary, are also now considering
                    new limits or phasing them out. The U.K. is planning to abolish its golden visa program, which gives foreign nationals a path to residency if they invest at least $2.7 million. — Robert Frank Fri, Mar 11 20222:17 PM EST Ukrainian
                    refugee reunites with his family Orest Hromnadzkiy, a Ukrainian refugee, greeted his sister Yuliia and mother Alla after he crossed into Medyka, Poland this week. Ukrainian refugee Orest Hromnadzkiy gets a hug from his sister
                    Yuliia and mother Alla after he crossed the border in Medyka, Poland, March 9, 2022. Wally Skalij | Los Angeles Times | Getty Images — Scott Mlyn Fri, Mar 11 20222:00 PM EST Russian ambassador to UN denies Kremlin started war in
                    Ukraine Russia’s Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia speaks as he attends a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Threats to International Peace and Security, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in New York City,
                    U.S., March 7, 2022. Carlo Allegri | Reuters The Russian ambassador to the United Nations told the international forum that Moscow did not start the current war in Ukraine. “We did not start this war. We want to end it and it is
                    true that the war was not begun by us. It started eight years ago by Kyiv,” Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said referencing the ongoing conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine. Russia has been condemned by global
                    leaders for its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24. “We are dismayed by the dirty campaign to blame us for intentionally shelling civilian infrastructure,” he said, adding that the West is dismissing legitimate claims as
                    Russian propaganda. – Amanda Macias Fri, Mar 11 20221:52 PM EST Biden cautions sending offensive weapons to Ukraine would trigger ‘World War III’ U.S. President Joe Biden reacts at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in
                    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 11, 2022. Jonathan Ernst | Reuters President Joe Biden emphatically rejected the idea of sending American troops or offensive weaponry into Ukraine, telling House Democrats on Friday that such a
                    move would trigger a third World War. “We will not fight the Third World War in Ukraine,” Biden said at a House Democratic retreat in Philadelphia. “Putin’s war in Ukraine must never be a victory,” he said. “We are showing
                    strength and we’ll never falter. But, look. The idea, the idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews? Don’t kid yourself.” “That’s
                    called World War III. Okay? Let’s get it straight here guys,” Biden said. The United States has provided the Ukrainian military with munitions, defensive weaponry and intelligence support. But Biden has so far resisted appeals
                    from Ukrainian leaders for NATO to institute and defend a no-fly zone in the air over Ukraine. Biden is also under pressure from a faction of congressional Republicans to deliver fighter planes from Poland to Ukraine. But senior
                    Defense Department officials caution that this would be “very risky.” — Christina Wilkie Fri, Mar 11 20221:50 PM EST U.S. ambassador to the UN accuses China of spreading Russian disinformation Russia Ambassador to the UN Vassily
                    Nebenzia waits for a UN Security Council emergency meeting, in New York on March 11, 2022. Timothy A. Clary | AFP | Getty Images U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield called on China to halt the spread of
                    Russian disinformation amid the Kremlin’s ongoing war in Ukraine. “Russia is attempting to use the Security Council to legitimize disinformation and deceive people to justify resident Putin’s war of choice against the Ukrainian
                    people. And China too has been spreading disinformation in support of Russia’s outrageous claims,” she said, referencing recent claims by the Kremlin that the U.S. is working with Ukraine on biological weapons programs. China’s
                    Ambassador to the U.N. Zhang Jun speaks with U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield at the United Nations Security Council meeting on Threats to International Peace and Security, following Russia’s invasion of
                    Ukraine, in New York City, U.S. March 11, 2022. Carlo Allegri | Reuters The representative for China rejected Thomas-Greenfield’s comments and instead called on the international forum to investigate Russia’s claims that the U.S.
                    is supporting biological weapons work in Ukraine. “The concerns raised by Russia should be properly addressed,” said the Chinese Ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun. – Amanda Macias Fri, Mar 11 20221:42 PM EST Russian invasion of
                    Ukraine intensifies as war continues in its third week Fri, Mar 11 20221:16 PM EST YouTube expands Russian-state media ban globally YouTube said it will block all channels associated with Russian-funded state media globally. The
                    Google-owned company had previously blocked Russian state media channels in Europe and Ukraine. YouTube said the latest action follows its guidelines, which “prohibit content denying, minimizing or trivializing well-documented
                    violent events.” “We are now removing content about Russia’s invasion in Ukraine that violates this policy,” the company said in a statement on Twitter. “This change is effective immediately, and we expect our systems to take time
                    to ramp up.” The move comes more than two weeks into the war started by Russian President Vladimir Putin. It also comes as other companies, including Twitter, crack down on content that denies events of the war. Fri, Mar 11
                    20221:08 PM EST U.S. envoy to the UN slams Russian claims that U.S. operates biological weapons program in Ukraine U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield speaks during an emergency meeting of the United Nations
                    Security Council after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in New York City, U.S., March 4, 2022. Carlo Allegri | Reuters U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield slammed Russian claims that the United States
                    operates a secret biological weapons program in Ukraine. “I will say this once,” Thomas-Greenfield said before the UN National Security forum. “Ukraine does not have a biological weapons program. There are no Ukrainian biological
                    weapons laboratories supported by the United States, not near Russia’s border or anywhere.” She added that the Biden administration believes “Russia is attempting to use the Security Council to legitimize disinformation and
                    deceive people to justify President Putin’s war of choice.” “We have serious concerns that Russia may be planning to use chemical or biological agents against the Ukrainian people,” she said. Thomas-Greenfield’s comments echo
                    those of White House press secretary Jen Psaki, State Department spokesman Ned Price and Pentagon spokesman John Kirby. – Amanda Macias Fri, Mar 11 202212:45 PM EST Russian invasion has killed 564 civilians in Ukraine, United
                    Nations estimates Two men carry a body in a body bag to lay it next to others in a snow covered yard of a morgue in Mykolaiv, a city on the shores of the Black Sea that has been under Russian attack for days on March 11, 2022.
                    Bulent Kilic | AFP | Getty Images United Nations Under Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo said 564 civilians have been killed and 982 more have been injured in Russia’s attack on Ukraine, citing new data from the Office of the
                    High Commissioner for Human Rights. The total casualties and injuries are likely higher due to delays in real-time reporting, DiCarlo said during a UN Security Council forum. “Most of the recorded civilian casualties, which
                    include children have been caused by explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including heavy artillery, and multi-launch rocket systems and missile and airstrikes,” she said. – Amanda Macias Fri, Mar 11 202212:20 PM EST Russian
                    forces are about 10 miles outside of Kyiv’s city center, U.S. official says Ukrainian soldiers patrol in front of the Independence Monument during Russian attacks in Kyiv, Ukraine on March 03, 2022. Aytac Unal/ | Anadolu Agency |
                    Getty Images Russian forces are approximately 10 miles outside of Kyiv’s city center, according to the Pentagon’s latest assessment of the war in Ukraine. Russian troops have moved some of their rear elements, including troops and
                    military equipment, up but the frontline has not advanced on Kyiv, a senior U.S. Defense official told reporters. The official added that the Pentagon still assesses that Russian forces plan to encircle Kyiv. When pressed, the
                    official declined to provide a potential timeline of such an advance.</div>

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cnbc.com U.S., Europe restrict Russian trade as Putin's forces advance on Kyiv
Ted Kemp, Amanda Macias, Kevin Breuninger 36-46 minutes Fri, Mar 11 202210:59 PM
EST Ukraine Ministry of Defense claims drone strike destroys ‘enemy control
point’ near Kyiv The Ukraine Ministry of Defense on Friday night posted a video
which it says shows a Ukraine drone attack on the “enemy control point” near
Kyiv. “A few minutes ago, the enemy control point in the Kyiv direction was
destroyed. Our Air Force is working!” the Ukraine ministry’s post on Telegram
said, according to an NBC News translation. CNBC was unable to independently
verify the content of the video. A senior U.S. Defense official told CNBC on
Friday that Russian forces near Kyiv have moved forward some of their rear
elements, including troops and military equipment, but the frontline has not
advanced on the capital. Russian forces are about 10 miles (16 km) outside
Kyiv’s city center, according to the most recent Pentagon assessment. CNBC
received no response to a request for comment from Russian officials made over
the weekend. — Ted Kemp and Amanda Macias Fri, Mar 11 20228:57 PM EST Russia’s
‘dumb’ munitions are likely to increase civilian deaths, UK ministry says
Russian aircraft are relying on unguided, “dumb” munitions to support their
troops on the ground, raising the likelihood of Ukrainian civilians being killed
and wounded. Dumb bombs and rockets are less accurate than guided weapons, which
means they’re less likely to strike what they’re aimed at and more likely to
randomly hit something else. Russia is using rockets and other weapons that fire
from greater distances — so-called “stand-off” weapons — so its pilots can avoid
being shot down, the U.K. ministry said in an intelligence update on Friday
night local time. Civilian volunteers listen to a military instructor inside a
bomb shelter in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, on Friday, March 11, 2022. Alexey
Furman | Bloomberg | Getty Images “The staunch resistance of the Ukrainian air
defence forces is compelling Russia to rely on ‘stand-off’ munitions to conduct
attacks against targets deep inside Ukraine,” the ministry said. The ministry
said Russian air and missile forces had carried out strikes on two cities in
Ukraine’s west in the last 24 hours. Ukraine’s Parliament reported strikes on
Lutsk and Ivano-Frankivsk at around 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. local time respectively on
Friday. Those locations are further west than most Russian attacks on Ukraine so
far. In a video message posted to Telegram on Friday morning, Yurii Pohuliaiko,
head of the Lutsk regional council, said four rockets had been fired into the
city’s military airport, killing two soldiers and injuring six. CNBC received no
response to a request for comment from Russian officials made over the weekend.
— Ted Kemp and Chloe Taylor Fri, Mar 11 20226:06 PM EST Ukrainians evacuate from
Russian-occupied area Locals from the village Chervone, occupied by Russian
troops, evacuate to an area controlled by Ukrainian forces near Vyshgorod on
Thursday. Locals from village Chervone, occupied by Russian troops, evacuate to
an area controlled by Ukrainian forces, amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, near
Vyshgorod, Ukraine March 10, 2022. Maksim Levin | Reuters Fri, Mar 11 20225:36
PM EST New sanctions target Russian elites, bankers and those aiding North Korea
VTB Bank signs at the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre, St. Petersburg
International Economic Forum, in St Petersburg, Russia. Sefa Karacan | Anadolu
Agency | Getty Images The Treasury Department on Friday announced the addition
of more than 20 Russians to its list of sanctioned nationals, the latest step in
an ongoing campaign to respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by targeting
Russian elites and military contractors. The newly sanctioned individuals and
entities include: The wife and two children of Kremlin spokesman Dmitriy Peskov.
Two Russian nationals who helped North Korea obtain material for ballistic
missiles and WMDs. 12 members of Russia’s parliament who led the effort to
recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as independent republics. This vote was a key step
in establishing Russia’s false pretext for invading Ukraine. All 10 members of
the management board of VTB Bank, the second-largest bank in Russia. Two planes
and a yacht owned by Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg. --- Christina Wilkie
Fri, Mar 11 20224:30 PM EST Blinken and Ukraine diplomat discussed Russian
efforts to ‘deceive the world’ Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba looks to
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken as he speaks during a news conference at
the State Department in Washington, February 22, 2022. Carolyn Kaster | Pool |
Reuters Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro
Kuleba spoke over the phone following Kuleba’s trilateral meeting with his
Russian and Turkish counterparts, the State Department said. Blinken updated
Kuleba on efforts by the Biden administration, the European Union and the Group
of Seven powers to “raise the costs on Russia” by revoking its “most favored
nation” trade status, State spokesman Ned Price said in a statement. Blinken
reaffirmed the U.S.′ commitment to “continue surging security, economic, and
humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine as they face increasingly brutal
bombardment by Russian forces,” the statement said. The two diplomats also
“shared their concerns that Russia is escalating its disinformation campaigns to
deceive the world, including at the United Nations,” Price said. — Kevin
Breuninger Fri, Mar 11 20224:12 PM EST Stocks slide to end another losing week
as Russia-Ukraine war drags on The major U.S. stock averages fell Friday to end
another week of losses as Russia’s war in Ukraine continued. The Dow Jones
Industrial Average ended the day down more than 200 points, or 0.7%. The S&P 500
slid 1.3%, and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 2.2%. For the week, the Dow fell 2%
— notching its fifth straight week of losses. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq posted
back-to-back weekly losses, dipping 2.9% and 3.5%, respectively. Ten of the 11
S&P 500 sectors ended the week lower. Energy as the only advancer. Energy stocks
have gotten a recent boost as oil prices rallied amid the conflict. — Fred
Imbert Fri, Mar 11 20223:44 PM EST ‘Golden passports’ face new restrictions in
hunt for oligarchs Chuyn | Istock | Getty Images European leaders say so-called
golden passport programs have become a backdoor for dirty money, creating an
easy route for many Russian oligarchs to live and conduct business in Europe.
Russian billionaires have been among the world’s largest buyers of multiple
citizenships, using alternate passports to help protect their assets and allow
freer travel. The EU Parliament voted this week to phase out
citizenship-by-investment programs run by some EU countries. The three EU
countries offering golden passports — Bulgaria, Cyprus and Malta — are all
phasing out or considering ending their programs. The 12 EU countries offering
golden visas, or residency permits for investments, including Greece, Spain and
Hungary, are also now considering new limits or phasing them out. The U.K. is
planning to abolish its golden visa program, which gives foreign nationals a
path to residency if they invest at least $2.7 million. — Robert Frank Fri, Mar
11 20222:17 PM EST Ukrainian refugee reunites with his family Orest Hromnadzkiy,
a Ukrainian refugee, greeted his sister Yuliia and mother Alla after he crossed
into Medyka, Poland this week. Ukrainian refugee Orest Hromnadzkiy gets a hug
from his sister Yuliia and mother Alla after he crossed the border in Medyka,
Poland, March 9, 2022. Wally Skalij | Los Angeles Times | Getty Images — Scott
Mlyn Fri, Mar 11 20222:00 PM EST Russian ambassador to UN denies Kremlin started
war in Ukraine Russia’s Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia speaks as he
attends a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Threats to
International Peace and Security, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in New
York City, U.S., March 7, 2022. Carlo Allegri | Reuters The Russian ambassador
to the United Nations told the international forum that Moscow did not start the
current war in Ukraine. “We did not start this war. We want to end it and it is
true that the war was not begun by us. It started eight years ago by Kyiv,”
Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said referencing the ongoing
conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine. Russia has been condemned by global
leaders for its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24. “We are dismayed by
the dirty campaign to blame us for intentionally shelling civilian
infrastructure,” he said, adding that the West is dismissing legitimate claims
as Russian propaganda. – Amanda Macias Fri, Mar 11 20221:52 PM EST Biden
cautions sending offensive weapons to Ukraine would trigger ‘World War III’ U.S.
President Joe Biden reacts at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 11, 2022. Jonathan Ernst | Reuters President
Joe Biden emphatically rejected the idea of sending American troops or offensive
weaponry into Ukraine, telling House Democrats on Friday that such a move would
trigger a third World War. “We will not fight the Third World War in Ukraine,”
Biden said at a House Democratic retreat in Philadelphia. “Putin’s war in
Ukraine must never be a victory,” he said. “We are showing strength and we’ll
never falter. But, look. The idea, the idea that we’re going to send in
offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American
pilots and American crews? Don’t kid yourself.” “That’s called World War III.
Okay? Let’s get it straight here guys,” Biden said. The United States has
provided the Ukrainian military with munitions, defensive weaponry and
intelligence support. But Biden has so far resisted appeals from Ukrainian
leaders for NATO to institute and defend a no-fly zone in the air over Ukraine.
Biden is also under pressure from a faction of congressional Republicans to
deliver fighter planes from Poland to Ukraine. But senior Defense Department
officials caution that this would be “very risky.” — Christina Wilkie Fri, Mar
11 20221:50 PM EST U.S. ambassador to the UN accuses China of spreading Russian
disinformation Russia Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia waits for a UN
Security Council emergency meeting, in New York on March 11, 2022. Timothy A.
Clary | AFP | Getty Images U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda
Thomas-Greenfield called on China to halt the spread of Russian disinformation
amid the Kremlin’s ongoing war in Ukraine. “Russia is attempting to use the
Security Council to legitimize disinformation and deceive people to justify
resident Putin’s war of choice against the Ukrainian people. And China too has
been spreading disinformation in support of Russia’s outrageous claims,” she
said, referencing recent claims by the Kremlin that the U.S. is working with
Ukraine on biological weapons programs. China’s Ambassador to the U.N. Zhang Jun
speaks with U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield at the United
Nations Security Council meeting on Threats to International Peace and Security,
following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in New York City, U.S. March 11, 2022.
Carlo Allegri | Reuters The representative for China rejected
Thomas-Greenfield’s comments and instead called on the international forum to
investigate Russia’s claims that the U.S. is supporting biological weapons work
in Ukraine. “The concerns raised by Russia should be properly addressed,” said
the Chinese Ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun. – Amanda Macias Fri, Mar 11 20221:42
PM EST Russian invasion of Ukraine intensifies as war continues in its third
week Fri, Mar 11 20221:16 PM EST YouTube expands Russian-state media ban
globally YouTube said it will block all channels associated with Russian-funded
state media globally. The Google-owned company had previously blocked Russian
state media channels in Europe and Ukraine. YouTube said the latest action
follows its guidelines, which “prohibit content denying, minimizing or
trivializing well-documented violent events.” “We are now removing content about
Russia’s invasion in Ukraine that violates this policy,” the company said in a
statement on Twitter. “This change is effective immediately, and we expect our
systems to take time to ramp up.” The move comes more than two weeks into the
war started by Russian President Vladimir Putin. It also comes as other
companies, including Twitter, crack down on content that denies events of the
war. Fri, Mar 11 20221:08 PM EST U.S. envoy to the UN slams Russian claims that
U.S. operates biological weapons program in Ukraine U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.
Linda Thomas-Greenfield speaks during an emergency meeting of the United Nations
Security Council after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in New York City, U.S.,
March 4, 2022. Carlo Allegri | Reuters U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Linda Thomas-Greenfield slammed Russian claims that the United States operates a
secret biological weapons program in Ukraine. “I will say this once,”
Thomas-Greenfield said before the UN National Security forum. “Ukraine does not
have a biological weapons program. There are no Ukrainian biological weapons
laboratories supported by the United States, not near Russia’s border or
anywhere.” She added that the Biden administration believes “Russia is
attempting to use the Security Council to legitimize disinformation and deceive
people to justify President Putin’s war of choice.” “We have serious concerns
that Russia may be planning to use chemical or biological agents against the
Ukrainian people,” she said. Thomas-Greenfield’s comments echo those of White
House press secretary Jen Psaki, State Department spokesman Ned Price and
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby. – Amanda Macias Fri, Mar 11 202212:45 PM EST
Russian invasion has killed 564 civilians in Ukraine, United Nations estimates
Two men carry a body in a body bag to lay it next to others in a snow covered
yard of a morgue in Mykolaiv, a city on the shores of the Black Sea that has
been under Russian attack for days on March 11, 2022. Bulent Kilic | AFP | Getty
Images United Nations Under Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo said 564
civilians have been killed and 982 more have been injured in Russia’s attack on
Ukraine, citing new data from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human
Rights. The total casualties and injuries are likely higher due to delays in
real-time reporting, DiCarlo said during a UN Security Council forum. “Most of
the recorded civilian casualties, which include children have been caused by
explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including heavy artillery, and
multi-launch rocket systems and missile and airstrikes,” she said. – Amanda
Macias Fri, Mar 11 202212:20 PM EST Russian forces are about 10 miles outside of
Kyiv’s city center, U.S. official says Ukrainian soldiers patrol in front of the
Independence Monument during Russian attacks in Kyiv, Ukraine on March 03, 2022.
Aytac Unal/ | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images Russian forces are approximately 10
miles outside of Kyiv’s city center, according to the Pentagon’s latest
assessment of the war in Ukraine. Russian troops have moved some of their rear
elements, including troops and military equipment, up but the frontline has not
advanced on Kyiv, a senior U.S. Defense official told reporters. The official
added that the Pentagon still assesses that Russian forces plan to encircle
Kyiv. When pressed, the official declined to provide a potential timeline of
such an advance.
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