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Effective URL: https://www.stockbrokers.org.au/
Submission: On February 05 via api from AU — Scanned from AU

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in Australia.

The focus of SIAA's advocacy work is on listed securities and derivatives,
whether equity or debt.
SIAA Newsroom

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Delivering the big issues in stockbroking and investment advice,
insights from industry experts and updates from the advocacy team.
View SIAA's Newsroom articles
Securities & Managed Investments Accreditation
Providing the specialist knowledge necessary to understand the
concepts of securities as they apply to retail general advice clients.
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Become a Principal or Practitioner Member and:

– come together with peers to shape the future of the industry
– access practitioner-led professional development
– accelerate your career with university-accredited education for the profession
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Earn CPD with our webinars

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Voice of your industry
SIAA advocates for ethical, efficient and stable, listed equity and debt markets
in Australia.

The focus of SIAA's advocacy work is on listed securities and derivatives,
whether equity or debt.
SIAA Newsroom

SIAA's monthly email designed to keep you informed.

Delivering the big issues in stockbroking and investment advice,
insights from industry experts and updates from the advocacy team.
View SIAA's Newsroom articles
Securities & Managed Investments Accreditation
Providing the specialist knowledge necessary to understand the
concepts of securities as they apply to retail general advice clients.
Shape the profession

Become a Principal or Practitioner Member and:

– come together with peers to shape the future of the industry
– access practitioner-led professional development
– accelerate your career with university-accredited education for the profession
– join an accredited tax (financial) adviser association
Earn CPD with our webinars

Keep up your professional development.

Attend a live SIAA-accredited webinar.
Voice of your industry
SIAA advocates for ethical, efficient and stable, listed equity and debt markets
in Australia.

The focus of SIAA's advocacy work is on listed securities and derivatives,
whether equity or debt.
SIAA Newsroom

SIAA's monthly email designed to keep you informed.

Delivering the big issues in stockbroking and investment advice,
insights from industry experts and updates from the advocacy team.
View SIAA's Newsroom articles

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By Manish Ghiya, Principal, Compliense Advisors The New year is around the
corner, and it may be time to make a list of AML to-do’s for 2024, triggered by

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For optimal viewing, select   to enter full screen mode.   DOWNLOAD SIAA Monthly
– December edition PDF   FEATURE ARTICLES Diversifiers to build a smarter
portfolio in a less

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SIAA strongly supports comprising only multiple-choice questions and removing
the current exam eligibility criteria which restricts access to the exam to
those who have already met the qualifications standard or

Read More >

The Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (SIAA) is the professional
body for the stockbroking and investment advice industry in Australia,
representing 7, 730 professionals. Principal Members are Market Participants and
Advisory firms that provide securities and investment advice, execution services
and equity capital-raising for Australian investors, both retail and wholesale,
and for businesses. Practitioner Members are suitably qualified professionals
who are employed in the securities and derivatives industry.



Finance professionals can accelerate their careers with leading accredited


We provide members with an opportunity to come together with their peers to
shape the future of the industry.


The flagship event to equip stockbrokers and investment advisers to embrace
technological, social and regulatory change.


Meet your ongoing CPD requirements with member access to free CPD webinars.


We maintain a CPD store with details of all the education and training courses
taken by members, going back to 2001.


Read more about our membership options.


Address: Level 2, 74 Pitt Street Sydney 2000.
Phone: 02 8080 3200
Email: info@stockbrokers.org.au
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