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Submitted URL: http://www.escapevelocitygames.com/microgame-contest/
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Submission: On April 16 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

Skip to content
 * Games
   * Conquest of Orion
   * Aerial Assault
   * Iliad
   * Les Miserables
   * Holmes & Moriarty
   * Coin & Crown
 * In Development
   * Robotech: Brace for Impact
   * Lands of Oz
   * Tradecraft: A Spy Game
   * Escape Velocity
 * Prototypes
   * Discount Time Travel
   * The Orion Trail
   * Formula V
 * About
   * Classic Novel Microgame Contest
   * Damaged or Missing Pieces
   * Contact
 * Novel Games Contest
   * Novel Games Contest Submission
   * Novel Games Contest Winners



Conquest of Orion is almost ready to deliver.  Tradecraft, a microgame, was a
lot of fun to design and will be published next year.  Several other games are
in the works.  Not surprisingly, we’d like to do more, and this is where you
come in!

We’re going to have a little contest to find some great games and then publish
the winner. In particular, we’d like to challenge designers out there to design
and develop a microgame based on a classic novel.

Classic novel?  Yes, though a classic poem or play would be just fine as well.
 Consider the variety of public domain works you can draw from:

 1.  Sherlock Holmes
 2.  Alice in Wonderland
 3.  Beowulf
 4.  Dante
 5.  Shakespeare
 6.  Frankenstein
 7.  Treasure Island
 8.  Guliver’s Travels
 9.  Dracula
 10. Les Miserables
 11. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

There are many possibilities, but for the purpose of this contest, let’s stick
with fiction (sorry, no Encyclopedia of Needlework this time around).
 Additionally, the game rights should be available (no John Carter, Disney still
owns the rights).  If there are any questions about what might qualify, please
don’t hesitate to submit a question.  This page will be updated with
clarifications as needed.

Here are the rules and some guidelines:

 1. Games must be small in size.  In particular, designs should be limited to 18
    to 36 cards (poker sized), a rules sheet (double-sided 8.5″ x 11″), and
    maybe a generic item or two.  Generic items could be things like a six-sided
    die, a few coins, or items that can be used as counters, but not necessarily
    meeples, twenty-sided dice, or cubes in 6 different colors…  Most likely,
    the game will not be published with the generic items included.
 2. Game themes must be family friendly.  Games do not have to be aimed at
    children as the audience.  Stated another way, if it were a movie, it would
    be rated PG.
 3. Games must be created and owned by you.  Love Letter is a great microgame,
    but please do not submit a Pride and Prejudice retheme for it.  However,
    games that you’ve had on the shelf for a while and can be rethemed or have
    previously been submitted to other contests are fine.  Do not submit games
    that are currently under review by another publisher.
 4. Games will be judged on how well they play, not how good they look.  Our
    artists and graphic designers will work on the look and feel, so don’t worry
    if your art needs work.  That being said, Game-icons.net is a great resource
    for free icons that can be used for improving the clarity of a game.
 5. Games will be judged (primarily) on:
    1. Fun – do players enjoy it, do they want to play it again?
    2. Replayability – can they play it more than a few times and still enjoy
    3. Interactivity – how much are players interacting with each other?
    4. Theme – does the theme influence the game design, does it fit the chosen
    5. Approachability – is the game easy to explain and easy to get people
       interested in trying it out?
    6. Testing – has the game been tested and had most of the rough edges
       smoothed out?
 6. All games are to be submitted by 12:00 PM EST on 9/15/2014 via
    our submission page.  Please include rules and all files needed to print and
    play the game (no physical prototype needed, it’s a microgame after all).

Well, what are you waiting for?  Go design an awesome microgame!



The fine print:   The contest winner will be offered a game publishing agreement
with Escape Velocity Games.  Key sections from the agreement are included below:
-The Designer agrees to design for the Publisher and grant to the Publisher the
right to publish, a game tentatively entitled ______________, hereinafter
referred to as the Game.
-The Designer hereby affirms that he is the sole author of this game.
Furthermore, he declares that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, he has
sole disposal over the copyright therein and with regard to all pertinent
contents. He further declares that he has not yet granted any third parties any
rights to exploit the Game or that any previous such grant to any third parties
has now definitively expired.
-Copyright to the Game will be vested in the Publisher. However, should the
Publisher fail to market, or should fail to sell a copy of, the Game for a
period of twenty four (24) consecutive months, the copyright shall revert to the
Designer. The Publisher shall advise the Designer, in writing, of the
availability and reversion of such copyright.
-As payment for the Game, the Designer shall receive a royalty of Five Percent
(5%) of the retail price. The royalty will be payable quarterly within sixty
(60) days of the last day of the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th month of the year.
-The Publisher agrees to give Design credit to the Designer.
-The Designer will receive ten (10) free copies of the game.

Comments are closed.

   Search for: Search

   * steveongames
     Anybody have time for a one question survey about cover art?
     1 year ago
   * steveongames
     @gamesandbourbon This is why I have a turf front lawn and a concrete
     backyard. It's glorious.
     1 year ago
   * steveongames
     Last chance to check out Lands of Oz on Kickstarter!
     1 year ago
   * steveongames
     Oh so close... https://t.co/IskLzcCV9j
     1 year ago



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