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 * About us
 * About this notice
 * About the data we hold
 * Our security procedures
 * Will we disclose person data to anyone else?
 * Rights of data subjects
 * Complaints or queries

    1. This is the privacy notice for the Acuris Group, a group of companies
       owned by Mergermarket Limited. Mergermarket Limited is incorporated in
       England, with company number 05048084, of 10 Queen Street Place, London,
       EC4R 1BE and registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office under
       number: Z4836264.
       Acuris is part of ION Analytics. You can read more about our affiliated
       companies here.
    2. We provide a range of research and reporting products relating to fixed
       income, transactions & infrastructure, equities, compliance, KYC and due
       diligence, as well as hosting events on areas of interest to such sectors
       (any such services, our Services). A list of our products (Products) is
       set out in the table below.
    Debtwire, Xtract Research, Creditflux, Mergermarket, Unquote, AVCJ, Activist
    Monitor, Inframation, Wealth Monitor, Hedge Fund Law Report, Anti-Corruption
    Report, Cybersecurity Law Report, C6, Capital Profile, Deal Reporter, Parr,
    TIM, Acuris Research, Perfect Information
    1. Due to its specific nature, the processing activities carried out by C6
       Limited are set out in a separate privacy notice which is accessible at
    1. This notice explains what personal data we collect in connection with the
       provision of our Services, why we need that data, and how we use it.
    2. As part of our Services, we will share personal data with third parties
       (for more details on this have a look at section 5 below). This notice
       only deals with our use of personal data. Any parties with whom we share
       personal data (other than our processors) are not bound by this privacy
       notice. This notice should make it clear exactly when and to whom data
       may be transferred – but if you have any questions feel free to send us
       an email at: DPO@acuris.com.
    3. Our website provides links to other websites (not run by an Acuris Group
       company), which are beyond our control. We encourage you to read the
       privacy statements on the other websites you visit.
    4. We might need to change this privacy notice from time to time. We will
       publish our privacy notice on our website (available at www.acuris.com or
       any other website run by us to promote the Products listed above) and
       we’ll do our best to update you directly if we think the changes might
       materially affect you. Please do keep an eye on our notice before giving
       us any personal data.
    1. Visitors to Our Websites
       If you visit our websites, we will use cookies: to help us make sure our
       website performs correctly; to analyse how visitors use our websites (to
       help us make our websites more effective); and to help us make marketing
       decisions about how we promote our services online.
       Cookies are small data files that websites store on your electronic
       device. so that the website can store data and will enable us to collect
       information, which is likely to include data from which you can be
       For further details, including the duration that we retain data for,
       please see our Cookie Notice https://www.acuris.com/cookie-notice.
       Our lawful basis for using cookies to collect and process usage data is
       that it is necessary to protect our legitimate interest of promoting our
    2. Marketing
       The Acuris Group has a team which identifies people who are likely to
       find our events or products (or those of our affiliated companies) useful
       for their jobs. Our team will look for and source business contact
       details and information about an individual’s job role both online (on
       publically available resources and business websites), through networking
       activities and may also collect details from event attendees, newsletter
       subscribers and subscribers of our Products.
       Our team will use those business contact details to send event invites
       and emails about relevant industry news. We always include an unsubscribe
       link at the bottom of any such email which we send, so that you can let
       us know if you do not wish to receive any further marketing emails.
       Our lawful basis for using personal data in this way is that it is
       necessary to protect our legitimate interest of promoting our business.
    3. Events
       If you sign up to an event:
       (a) We will collect the details required to deliver our contractual
       obligations, such as payment, accommodation and attendee details. We will
       only process such details as necessary to enable us to perform the
       contract between you and us.
       (b) We will publish an attendance list (including your name and company
       name) which will be available to other attendees and event sponsors. We
       will provide you with the name of any event sponsors to which we are
       transferring any data about you. We will provide you with the name of any
       sponsors of the event once they are confirmed. We consider the processing
       to be necessary to protect our legitimate interest of running an
       effective event. We will not share your details with the venue or other
       third parties for marketing purposes unless you provide your consent.
       (c) We will also request and if you provide it, collect, information
       about your relevant interests and preferences. We will use this
       information to help us make decisions about the kind of events and any
       services or products you might be interested in hearing about from us and
       will use this information for marketing purposes (as set out in section
       3.2 above).
       If you are speaking at one of our events:
       (a) We will use the details you provide us with to contact you in
       connection with the event and, if relevant, process any payment or
       facilitate any obligations or rights set out in agreement between you and
       us. Any such processing will be carried out on the basis that it is
       necessary to facilitate the contract between you and us. We will retain
       details of transactions for a between you and us in accordance with our
       retention policy (a link to which is included at the bottom of this
       section 3). We will only use the retained information to comply with
       regulatory requirements or in the event of a dispute between you and us –
       which processing would be carried out on the basis that it is necessary
       to protect our legitimate interest of protecting our business.
       (b) We will publicise the bio that you provide, on the basis that such
       processing is necessary to achieve our legitimate aim of running a
       successful event and we will retain both the bio and details relating to
       the talk you give after the event for our internal records as well as for
       marketing purposes for future events.
       (c) We will also use the information you provide us with for marketing
       purposes (as set out in section 3.2 above).
    4. Subscription Services
       We will use personal data that we collect from clients (which may include
       details of our clients’ staff) who have subscribed to receive our
       Services, in the following ways:
       (a) To fulfil the contract: which includes setting you up as a client,
       providing you with updates relating to our Products and processing your
       user ID, password and contact details and any payments to be made. Any
       such use will be on the basis that the processing is necessary to perform
       the contract between you and us.
       When you terminate your subscription, we will keep full records about
       your subscription for two years in case you want to reactive your
       We will also retain details of transactions for a period of up to 6 years
       for our internal records. Any further use of the retained information
       will only be to comply with regulatory requirements or in the event of a
       dispute between the recipient and us – which processing would be carried
       out on the basis that it is necessary to protect our legitimate interest
       of protecting our business.
       (b) We use automated tools to monitor website access using your account
       details, to identify and manage potential security issues and to keep
       your account safe. Any such usage data shall be processed to the extent
       necessary for our legitimate interest of ensuring our Products are
       secure. We will retain usage data for a period of up to 6 years for our
       internal records. Any further use of the retained information will only
       be to comply with regulatory requirements or in the event of a dispute
       between you and us – which processing would be carried out on the basis
       that it is necessary to protect our legitimate interest of protecting our
       (c) We may also use corporate contact details for marketing purposes (as
       set out in section 3.2 above).
    5. Information Databases - news
       Our internal Acuris team of journalists will collect, use and store data
       relating to third parties (such as directors, shareholders, PSCs and
       their advisors). They will do this to draft reports, profiles, articles
       and blogs which are then published for the benefit of our subscribers
       (who may be based outside the EEA) or included in the newsletters which
       we circulate or blogs which we post. Typically, our subscribers for this
       type of service include private banks, banking and finance and
       professional services firms, such as law firms, tax advisors,
       accountancies and consultancy firms.
       Our lawful basis for such processing is that it is necessary to protect
       our legitimate interest, which is to provide journalistic services in the
       public interest.
       Any such processing will take into consideration the relevant codes of
       conduct, including the BBC Editorial Guidelines, the Ofcom Broadcasting
       Code and the Editors’ Code of Practice.
       We work hard to maintain the quality of that information and amend
       information if we believe it to be incorrect or no longer relevant.
    6. High Net Worth Individuals Profiles
       We collect, use and store in our searchable database, data relating to
       high net worth individuals which we provide to our subscribers (some of
       which may be based outside the EEA). Typically, our subscribers for this
       Product include private banks, professional services firms, such as law
       firms, tax advisors, accountancies and consultancy firms, as well as
       luxury retail and service companies such as private jet charter firms or
       jewellers. How a subscriber uses any information obtained from our
       database is the responsibility of the subscriber – and might include
       using the data to increase its knowledge of its existing clients, to make
       business development decisions and/or to contact the individual in
       question. Please note that subscribers are not bound by the terms of this
       privacy notice – which deals only with our use of personal data.
       We will only transfer such data outside the EEA if it is to a territory
       which the European Commission has found to have adequate safeguards in
       place or if we have implemented appropriate safeguards.
       The data that we collect and include in a report is likely to include:
       * Name and contact details
       * Date of birth
       * Gender
       * Number of children
       * Civil status (married/single/divorced/widowed)
       * Links to social media accounts (such as LinkedIn, Xing, Twitter,
         Facebook) and information publicly available on such pages Names of
         other family members and relatives (excluding minors)
       * Education and details of former and current job positions
       * Details of companies and/or entities with which the Third Party may be
         associated, or in which they may hold a directorship or have a
       * Details of wealth accumulated through liquidity events (selling equity
         in businesses), potential liquidity events, emoluments and assets (if
         publicly available)
       * Information in news articles such as interests and/or other
         biographical information
       * Details of corporate advisors
       * Interests and hobbies
       We do not envisage that we will collect any special categories of data -
       that is data relating to an individual’s race or ethnicity, religious or
       philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions,
       trade union membership, information about health and genetic and
       biometric data; or data relating to criminal offences, for the purpose of
       such services. We have implemented safeguards to minimise the risk that
       such data is collected indirectly.
       Our internal researchers will source such data from publically available
       sources which is likely to include public registries such as Companies
       House as well as business websites and other online resources.
       Our lawful basis for such processing is that it is necessary to protect
       our legitimate interest of providing an efficient and effective wealth
       profiling service to our subscribers. In order to ensure that the rights
       and fundamental freedoms of those individuals profiled are protected,
       provided we have the correct contact details, we will try to notify them
       upon obtaining their data from a third-party source.
       We retain profiles on High Net Worth Individuals for no longer than 35
       years, subject to the rights of the relevant data subjects.
    7. Job Applicants
       If you contact us about a job, we will use the information you provide us
       with to assess your suitability for the role and progress your
       application. Data we will require includes contact details, your
       curriculum vitae, your previous experience, education and answers to
       questions relevant to the role you have applied for. Our HR team and the
       hiring manager for the role will have access to this data.
       If you contact us about a job, we will use the information you provide us
       with to assess your suitability for the role and progress your
       application. Data we will require includes contact details, your
       curriculum vitae, your previous experience, education and answers to
       questions relevant to the role you have applied for. Our HR team and the
       hiring manager for the role will have access to this data.
       We will also ask about equal opportunities data. We use this data to
       produce and monitor equal opportunities statistics for legal reasons.
       There is no obligation to provide this data and it will not affect your
       application if it is not provided. This data will not be made available
       to any staff outside of our HR team, including hiring managers.
       We will only share your data with contracted third parties if it is
       necessary for the recruitment process, and will notify you at the time.
       We will never sell your data or use it for marketing purposes. If we need
       to securely process the data in another country, we will let you know
       before the transfer happens.
       If your application is not successful, unless you ask us to retain your
       data for other opportunities in the future, we will store your details
       for six months to help with any questions, before securely deleting or
       anonymising the data.
       If your application is successful, we will need to complete employment
       checks for legal reasons, to verify your right to work in the country and
       to verify your previous employment references.
       We will only process such data to the extent required to achieve our
       legitimate interest of maintaining a workforce for our business
    8. A copy of our retention policy in respect of all of the personal data we
       hold can be accessed here.
    Security of personal data is very important to us. Our business operates
    under the ISO 27001 International Security Standard. We use a wide range of
    organisational, technical, physical and operational controls, which are
    assessed for effectiveness on a regular basis.

    1. We will disclose any personal data that we hold to our employees,
       affiliated companies and third parties who are contracted to help us
       provide our Services (some of whom may be based outside the EEA). Any
       such third parties will be acting as processors on our behalf and will be
       contractually bound only to use the data in accordance with our
       instructions and to implement adequate security measures. The data will
       only be transferred in these circumstances if appropriate safeguards are
       implemented between us and the processor.
    2. We may share personal data with third parties (which will also be acting
       as controllers in respect of that personal data) in the following
       * If we are under a legal duty to do so or if it is required to enforce
         or apply our contracts or to protect the operation of our website, or
         the rights, property or safety of us or others.
       * If we sell, transfer or merge parts of our business or our assets. If a
         change happens to our business, then the new owners will only be
         entitled to use personal data in accordance with the provisions set out
         in this privacy notice.
       * Between companies within the Acuris Group (provided that in each case
         such use is restricted to the provisions set out in this privacy
         notice). Some of those entities may be based in or have offices outside
         the EEA. Any such transfers shall be subject to appropriate safeguards
         and the receiving entities shall be bound by the provisions set out in
         this privacy notice. For more details about the Acuris Group, click
    Individuals have certain rights under the applicable data protection
    legislation in respect of the personal data which we hold relating to them.
    This includes:
    (a) Right to be informed: the right to be informed about what personal data
    we collect and store about you and how it’s used.
    (b) Right of access: the right to request a copy of the personal data held.
    (c) Right of rectification: the right to require us to correct any personal
    data held about you which is inaccurate or incomplete.
    (d) Right to be forgotten: in certain circumstances, the right to have the
    personal data held about you erased from our records.
    (e) Right to restriction of processing: the right to request us to restrict
    the processing carried out in respect of personal data relating to you. You
    might want to do this, for instance, if you think the data held by us is
    inaccurate and you would like to restrict processing until the data has been
    reviewed and updated if necessary.
    (f) Right of portability: in certain circumstances, the right to have the
    personal data held by us about you transferred to another organisation, to
    the extent it was provided in a structured, commonly used and
    machine-readable format.
    (g) Right to object: the right to object where processing is carried out,
    including for direct marketing purposes.
    (h) Right to object to automated processing: the right not to be subject to
    a decision based solely on automated processing (including profiling) which
    produces legal effects (or other similar significant effects) on you.

    1. If you wish to exercise any of your rights set out in section 6 above or
       contact us about any another matter, please contact our Data Protection
       Officer at:
       * Call us on +44 (0)20 3741 1000
       * Send an email to Data.Subject.Request@acuris.com
       * Send a letter to Data Protection Officer, 10 Queen St Place, London,
         EC4R 1BE, UK.
    2. When we receive a request, we will try to verify your identity and the
       request, before responding to you within 28 days.
    3. Given the nature of the Services we provide, in certain situations, we
       may be able to rely on certain exemptions under the General Data
       Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. These exemptions
       may enable us to resist the disclosure of information, erasure requests
       and rectification requests in certain circumstances, and exempt us from
       some notification obligations.
    4. We will confirm to you in writing to acknowledge receipt of any request
       we receive relating to your rights as a Data Subject, and we will let you
       know if we have complied with your request. If having, carried out an
       assessment, we believe we have an overriding reason for resisting your
       request, we will let you know why we have reached that conclusion.
    5. We will retain details of your request for two years, for quality
       assurance purposes, and may retain request relating to marketing
       preferences or restricted use for a longer period to ensure that we can
       comply with your request and to help if you have any further questions
       about the matter. Any such processing will be limited to the extent
       strictly necessary to achieve our legitimate interest of providing a
       robust and secure data management procedure.
    6. Please let us know if you are not happy about how we are handling your
       data. We will do our best to resolve the matter, but if you have further
       concerns it is your right to make a complaint to our Data Protection
       Officer (dpo@acuris.com) or the UK Information Commissioner’s Office at




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