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Robert Eyford

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If you are an employee, bullies can steal your reputation. They can steal your
honor. They can steal your future. They cost employers money and resources and
expose their employers to legal action. Most bullies are driven by an addiction
to having power over others. If you are an employee, I will show you how to
protect yourself from workplace bullies. If you are an employer or manager, I
will show you how to recognize and identify bullies, thereby increasing
productivity and creating a workplace that your employees will enjoy coming to
every day.

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I have more than 18 years experience in law enforcement. During my time in law
enforcement, I saw a lot of bullying and harassment. Bullying was sometimes
evident between officers and citizens although it was rare. I did witness
rampant bullying within the ranks of the Force. Sometimes this bullying was
related to sexual harassment towards office employees, but more prevalent was
the bullying and backstabbing within the ranks. It became apparent that certain
people had their minds more set on advancement through the ranks than just doing
good police work in the community. I noted that these same people were often the
ones to advance quickly, although their policing skills were frequently lacking.
In my case, I had an unfortunate situation where I had to charge a fellow
officer, who had rank, for a criminal offence. Within hours, I sensed a large
target on my back. In a police office with 70 members, only 12 spoke to me for
the following year. I was given a punishment transfer to my last choice of
provinces as well as many other forms of punishment, too numerous to mention
here. I developed a case of PTSD and eventually left a job that I loved, as a
necessity for my mental health. As part of my healing process, I began to
research and study the subject of harassment and how to protect oneself in the
workplace as well as how managers can protect their employees from bullying.

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What motivates bullies and harassers and what are their objectives

How to protect yourself against bullies and harassers.
This presentation includes:

 * identifying bullies and how to protect yourself from them
 * How to make management aware of bullies
 * What to do if your managers are the bullies

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What motivates bullies and harassers and what are their objectives.

How to protect your employees against bullies and harassers.
This presentation includes:

 * How to protect your employees from bullies and harassers
 * How to protect your organization from bullies and harassers
 * Learn what drives bullies and about the damage they can do

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Steve Marissink
BA, CD Director, LMAR Group - Specializing in workplace investigations.
Bullying and harassment in the workplace is a significant problem – one that
Robert had personal experience with during his time in law enforcement. The
training Robert provides will allow employees and employers to understand what
bullying and harassment is and how to mitigate it in the workplace.

Gord Mellor
CFEI, CVFI, NCSO, Can-West Fire Investigations - Fire investigator and
professional photographer
Robert is a very qualified presenter and trainer. Harassment in the workplace is
something he learned about first hand during his years in law enforcement. I
highly recommend you listen to his story and learn how you can combat this issue
in your workplace as a manager, or protect yourself as an employee.

Book Now

Parallax Block


Email Address: robert@roberteyford.com
Phone Number: 250-991-8870

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Robert Eyford

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Email Address: robert@roberteyford.com
Phone Number: 250-991-8870