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   * Strategy (Re-connect 2023)
   * Global Innovation

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 * Financial Results & Earnings Forecast: 1Q



 * FY2023 1Q

 * Financial Highlights
 * Segment Results


Consolidated ordinary revenues of Dai-ichi Life Holdings for the three months
ended June 30, 2023 increased to ¥3003.4 billion (up 3.9% YoY), consisting of
(1) ¥1,845.5 billion (up 15.0% YoY) of premium and other income, (2) ¥1,015.5
billion (up 3.8% YoY) of investment income, and (3) ¥142.3 billion (down 53.9%
YoY) of other ordinary revenues. Ordinary revenues increased mainly due to an
increase in premium and other income resulting from strong sales at Dai-ichi
Frontier Life.
Ordinary expenses of Dai-ichi Life Holdings for the three months ended June 30,
2023 increased to ¥2,887.9 billion (up 5.7% YoY), consisting of (1) ¥1,695.7
billion (down 14.0% YoY) of benefits and claims, (2) ¥747.6 billion (¥2 billion
same period last year) of provision for policy reserves and others, (3) ¥157.9
billion (down 61.1% YoY) of investment expenses, (4) ¥210.2 billion (up 13.1%
YoY) of operating expenses, and (5) ¥76.4 billion (down 54.2% YoY) of other
ordinary expenses. Ordinary expenses increased mainly due to an increase in
provision for policy reserves and others at Dai-ichi Frontier Life.
As a result of the above, ordinary profit for the three months ended June 30,
2023 decreased to ¥115.4 billion (down 27.4% YoY). Net income attributable to
shareholders of parent company for the three months ended June 30, 2023
decreased to ¥67.3 billion (down 24.7% YoY).


Total assets as of June 30, 2023 increased to ¥63,722.9 billion (up 3.4% from
the end of the previous fiscal year), consisting of (1) ¥48,830.5 billion (up
4.5%) of securities, (2) ¥4,450.0 billion (up 2.3%) of lones, (3) ¥1,238.7
billion (down 0.1%) of tangible fixed assets, and (4) ¥2,987.3 billion (up 4.5%)
of other assets.
Total liabilities as of June 30, 2023 increased to ¥60,604.3 billion (up 1.7%
from the end of the previous fiscal year), consisting of (1) ¥55,187.2 billion
(up 2.8%) of policy reserves and others, and (2) ¥3,053.5 billion (up 29.2%) of
other liabilities.
Total net assets as of June 30, 2023 increased to ¥3,118.5 billion (up 16.9%
from the end of the previous fiscal year), consisting of ¥1,202.1 billion (up
62.4%) of net unrealized gains on securities, net of tax.


The consolidated earning forecast fot FY2023 has not been changed from the
released earning forecast on May 15, 2023.

 * Financial Information
   * Financial Results & Earnings Forecast
   * Financial Highlights
   * Financial Soundness
   * Embedded Value (EV)
 * IR Materials
 * Stock Information
 * IR Events




Download the latest IR materials ZIP

 * Presentation of Financial Results for the Three Months Ended June 30,
   2023 (1,562KB) PDF
 * Consolidated Summary Report under Japanese GAAP for the Three Months Ended
   June 30, 2023 (845KB) PDF
 * Summary of Financial Results for the Three Months Ended June 30,
   2023 (31KB) PDF
 * [Dai-ichi Life] Financial Results for the Three Months Ended June 30,
   2023 (240KB) PDF
 * [Dai-ichi Frontier Life] Financial Results for the Three Months Ended June
   30, 2023 (278KB) PDF
 * [Neo First Life] Financial Results for the Three Months Ended June 30,
   2023 (255KB) PDF


 * IR News
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 * Investor Inquiries
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 * IR Site Map


 * Message from the Group CEO
 * Strategy (Re-connect 2023)
 * Sustainability Data
 * Responsible Investment
 * Corporate Governance / Internal Control
 * Corporate Information

 * Investor Relations
 * Financial Information
 * Financial Results & Earnings Forecast: 1Q


 * Message from the Group CEO
 * What We Are Aiming for as a Group
 * About the Group
 * Corporate Governance / Internal Control
 * Corporate Information


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