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Continental liquid sensor cleaning system, before and after


Cleaning sensors is a dirty job but has to be done to provide accurate data so
AV systems can operate safely and reliably in all weather conditions. This has
prompted the development of several technologies to keep sensors clean.

Glenn Sanders | Mar 09, 2022


Most of the early testing of autonomous vehicles has taken place in locations
with warm, sunny climates such as California, Arizona and Florida.  This allows
AV developers to avoid the issues and the added variables related to adverse
weather conditions while they build and test the basic systems and software. 
Dealing with snow, rain, fog, smoke, dust, mud, insects, darkness and glare are
issues to deal with later.

Meanwhile, both established companies and innovative startups have had the good
sense to look further down the road when adverse conditions would foul the
lenses of sensors with moisture and dirt.  A number of approaches are used to
keep sensors clean, including pressurized liquids, heated fluids, vibrating
liquids and air jets.

Putting sensors behind the windshield seems like the simplest solution, until
one realizes that the lower part of the glass, where cameras and sensors are
located, can be difficult for wipers to clean.  Also, glass is opaque to
infrared sensors, and lidar

and radar beams can be reflected back into the vehicle, reducing range and

In addition, most sensors need to be arrayed all around the vehicle to provide
360-degree visibility.  Therefore, most solutions are focused on keeping sensors
clean or cleaning them once they become obscured.

The most obvious solution is to just squirt something like windshield wiper
fluid to clean the lens.  dlhBOWLES has had systems in development and
demonstration for OEMs including General Motors, Ford and BMW since 2016.
dlhBOWLES, now owned by ABC Technologies, is a leader in this space, and sells
nozzles that integrate with the windshield squirter system to keep sensors

In 2017 Continental announced a self-cleaning system for fish-eye cameras that
connects to a vehicle’s water or wiper fluid container.  The Clēr system from
dlhBOWLES also connects to the vehicle’s existing washing system and uses
solenoid valves in a fluid control unit to deliver pressurized liquids to clean

Unfortunately, liquids bring challenges related to capacity and sustainability
of cleaning on long trips in difficult weather conditions.  Air jets have the
advantage of not needing reservoirs for liquids that add weight and space
requirements.  Liquids also run out if not refilled, meaning sensors can become
obscured and unreliable.

Companies such as Actasys are developing cleaning systems for vehicles with ADAS
and AV capabilities.  The company is a CES 2022 Innovation Awards Honoree for
their ActaJet sensor cleaning system that uses small, focused jets of air to
keep sensor lenses clean and is powered by small actuators in a self-contained
cartridge.  Actasys is working with several OEMs including Volvo and Hyundai to
test the ActaJet system in various weather scenarios.

Another approach is to use ultrasonic vibrations to transfer dirt from the lens
surface to a thin liquid layer.  The technology uses piezo electronics to
generate an ultrasound frequency of around 35 kHz.  Instead of using a
pressurized liquid, a thin film of water or cleaning fluid is applied.  The
vibration of the lens then causes the microscopic implosion of bubbles that
collapse on contact with a surface in a process called cavitation.  This process
transfers dirt into the fluid which is then atomized by the vibration, taking
the dirt away from the surface with it.

Air Squared uses a novel approach designed to divert dirt, debris and
precipitation away from sensors. T he technology uses a continuous flow of
high-pressure air from an oil-free scroll compressor to prevent debris from
landing on the sensor.  The constant upward flow of air redirects the oncoming
air stream to push it up and over the sensor.

Ford’s sensor system (PDF) uses slots near the sensor to direct air away from
the lens to keep it clean.  Slots in the sensor system funnel air to form an air
curtain to deflect the vast majority of bugs and debris around the camera lens.

The Ford development team went so far as to build a makeshift “bug launcher” to
shoot insects at vehicle sensors at high speeds.  That would be something to
behold!  A few bugs still get through the air curtain, so Ford added a liquid
spray washer to clean sensors when they do get dirty.

In addition to cleaning systems, sensors need software to detect when they are
obscured.  Ford’s system, for example, uses software algorithms to determine
when each sensor needs cleaning so they can be sprayed individually, then dried
with an air nozzle system.

This kind of intelligent, hybrid system may be the best solution for the long
term for keeping sensors clean and functioning reliably, as well as reducing the
need for large fluid reservoirs.

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