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Submission: On September 29 via manual from US — Scanned from CH

Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM

GET //

<form class="s-header-search__form" action="//" method="get" role="search" target="_blank">
  <input type="hidden" name="journal" value="hurleymark074">
  <input type="hidden" name="journalId" value="95860241">
  <button class="
                                            s-header-search-btn" type="submit"><span class="
      <svg xmlns="" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--search" width="16" height="16">
        <use xlink:href="#flaticon--search"></use>
  <input class="s-header-search__input" type="text" placeholder="Search by hurleymark074" results="5" autosave="some_unique_value" size="12" name="q" id="SearchText">

GET //

<form class="s-header-search__form" action="//" method="get" role="search" target="_blank">
  <div class="s-header-search__form-content">
    <input type="hidden" name="journal" value="hurleymark074">
    <input type="hidden" name="journalId" value="95860241">
    <div class="s-header-search__input-wrapper">
      <input class="
                                                    s-inline-search-input" type="text" placeholder="Search by hurleymark074" results="5" autosave="some_unique_value" size="12" name="q" id="SearchText" required="">
  <button class="
                                        s-do-item-search-btn" type="button" data-tour="friendsfeed" data-tour-start-page="^/feed" data-tour-step="2" data-tour-bubble="{
                                        &quot;aside&quot;: true,
                                        &quot;alwaysBottom&quot;: true,
                                        &quot;alwaysLeft&quot;: true,
                                        &quot;forceY&quot;: 10
                                    }" data-tour-title="tour.friendsfeed.title" data-tour-text=""><span class="
      <svg xmlns="" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--search" width="16" height="16">
        <use xlink:href="#flaticon--search"></use>

Name: setreadability_formPOST

<form method="POST" name="setreadability_form" action=""><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_readability" value="on"><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_user" value="">
  <div class="s-header-extra-menu-item__link w-cs-view-style"><label class="w-cs-label" for="view-own"><input type="checkbox" id="view-own" class="w-cs-checkbox js--use-system-style-switch">Readability</label></div>

Name: setreadability_form_adaptivePOST

<form method="POST" name="setreadability_form_adaptive" action=""><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_readability" value="on"><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_user"
  <div class="s-header-extra-menu-item__link w-cs-view-style"><label class="w-cs-label" for="view-own"><input type="checkbox" id="view-own" class="w-cs-checkbox js--use-system-style-switch">Readability</label></div>


<form action="" method="post" class="b-loginform__form pkg lj_login_form ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-maxlength">
  <input type="hidden" name="ref" value="" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="hidden" name="ret" value="1" autocomplete="off">
  <div class="b-loginform__form-wrap">
    <div class="b-loginform-field" ng-class="{'b-loginform-field--error' : loginForm.errorUsername}">
      <div class="b-loginform-field__wrap">
        <div class="b-loginform-field__icon-wrap b-loginform-field__icon-wrap--user">
          <svg xmlns="" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--userhead" width="16" height="16">
            <use xlink:href="#flaticon--userhead"></use>
        <input id="user" class="b-loginform-field__input b-loginform-field__input--user ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-maxlength" type="text" tabindex="10" placeholder="Username" value="" name="user" size="18" maxlength="17"
          autocorrect="off" ng-model="loginForm.model.username" ng-init="loginForm.model.username=null">
      <span ng-bind-html="loginForm.errorMessage" class="b-loginform-field__errorMsg ng-binding ng-hide" ng-show="loginForm.errorUsername"></span>
    <div class="b-loginform-field" ng-class="{'b-loginform-field--error' : loginForm.errorPassword}">
      <div class="b-loginform-field__wrap">
        <div class="b-loginform-field__icon-wrap b-loginform-field__icon-wrap--pass">
          <svg xmlns="" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--lock" width="16" height="16">
            <use xlink:href="#flaticon--lock"></use>
        <input id="lj_loginwidget_password" class="b-loginform-field__input b-loginform-field__input--pass ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-maxlength" type="password" tabindex="11" name="password" size="20" maxlength="30"
          placeholder="Password" ng-model="loginForm.model.password" ng-init="loginForm.model.password=null">
      <span ng-bind-html="loginForm.errorMessage" class="b-loginform-field__errorMsg ng-binding ng-hide" ng-show="loginForm.errorPassword"></span>
    <div class="b-loginform-other-field" ng-init="loginForm.forceRemember = 0">
      <!-- ngIf: !loginForm.forceRemember -->
      <div class="b-loginform-checkbox ng-scope" ng-if="!loginForm.forceRemember">
        <input id="remember_me" class="b-loginform-checkbox__input b-ljform-checkbox ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-not-empty" type="checkbox" tabindex="12" name="remember_me" ng-model="loginForm.expire">
        <label class="b-loginform-checkbox__label" for="remember_me">Remember me</label>
        <label class="b-loginform-checkbox__control" for="remember_me"></label>
      </div><!-- end ngIf: !loginForm.forceRemember -->
      <a class="b-loginform__link" href="" title="Forgot password" tabindex="13" target="_self">
                                Forgot password
  <!-- ngIf: loginForm.presubmitWarning -->
  <button type="submit" name="action:login" class="b-loginform-btn b-loginform-btn--login b-loginform-btn--auth b-loginform-btn--center b-loginform-btn--disabled" tabindex="14" ng-click="loginForm.loginUser($event)"
    ng-class="{'b-loginform-btn--disabled' : !(loginForm.model.username &amp;&amp; loginForm.model.password) }"> Log in </button>


<form action=";auto_forwhat=user%24hurleymark074%24%2Fprofile" method="post" class="lj-openid-auth b-loginform__form ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <div class="b-loginform-field" ng-class="{'b-loginform-field--error' : loginForm.errorId}">
    <div class="b-loginform-field__wrap">
      <div class="b-loginform-field__icon-wrap b-loginform-field__icon-wrap--openid">
        <svg xmlns="" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--openid" width="16" height="16">
          <use xlink:href="#flaticon--openid"></use>
      <input type="text" size="18" id="openid" name="openid:url" class="b-loginform-field__input ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" placeholder="Your openid url" tabindex="10" ng-model="loginForm.model.openid"
    <span ng-bind-html="loginForm.errorMessage" class="b-loginform-field__errorMsg ng-binding ng-hide" ng-show="loginForm.errorId"></span>
  <button type="submit" name="action:login" class="b-loginform-btn b-loginform-btn--login b-loginform-btn--center lj-openid-auth-submit b-loginform-btn--disabled" tabindex="11" ng-class="{'b-loginform-btn--disabled' : !loginForm.model.openid}"
    ng-click="loginForm.loginOpenID($event)">Log in</button>

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Account Erstellt am 29 September 2023 (#95860241) Niemals aktualisiert Gift

Connecticut, United States
 * Biographie

Emf blockers, also known as electromagnetic field radiation blockers are actual
devices, or cases, that block electromagnetic radiation contained in electronic
devices as well as living organisms. While the amount of light released by
electronic devices is minuscule, long term exposure could have adverse health
effects. Although some correctly found a relationship between EMF radiations and
various health problems, others have found no link. No matter what the evidence
is however, a lot of people believe it is important to block this radiation by
entering their systems. The undesirable negative effects
Although the adverse effects involving EMF blockers aren't always as severe as
those brought on by electromagnetic fields, they can be detrimental for many
people. The risk of kidney damage are generally concerning. Various other side
effects include elevated levels of malondialdehyde as well as nitric Oxide.
Recent research has found that direct exposure to EMFs may increase the chance
of developing brain cancer. However, the researchers did find that vitamin E is
not the only factor that causes these undesirable side effects.

A few studies suggest that may EMF may trigger an oxidative stress within
damaged tissues, including the human brain and kidneys. Another study has shown
that exposure to EMFs induces changes in blood antioxidant markers. These
changes are thought to cause symptoms like fatigue, headache, and decreased
learning and storage. It is for that reason essential for our bodies to be
protected from EMFs as much as is possible. This can be done by antioxidants.

The price of an excellent EMF blocker is contingent on a variety of elements.
The product need to be popular and growing. More users mean quality plus
after-sales service. As you can see in the cases associated with EMF blockers
designed for use on mobile phones, a cheaper product may not be the best option.
It's wise to invest in a product that has real value rather than to spend
hundreds of dollars for a product of questionable quality. There are a lot of
factors to take into consideration when you decide to buy a EMF blocker for cell

The cheapest gadget can be found in the Faraday cage, which is usually built on
a brand new scientific principle named Faraday's Law. Many of these items are
extremely large and ineffective yet cause health dangers. Other EMF blockers
include posters as well as quilts. The Vivobase is a notable exceptional case,
as it was designed specifically intended for people who are sensitive to
electromagnetism. However, there are many other alternatives on the industry.
Certain manufacturers, like SYB, sell goods you can use on a every day basis.

The most liked placement involving EMF blockers depends on the needs of the user
and their preference. best emf protector who must focus on their devices for
long durations may want to cover their bodies with all the EMF blocker. Users
who will be prone to cancers may wish in order to shield their thyroid glands
from hazardous radiation. For this purpose it is recommended that the button
attachment be preferred. It also offers some sort of stable base for attachments
to other accessories.

The EMF blocker two could come inside the form regarding the bib, wallet or some
other form of attachment. This design can cover typically the upper and lower
torso. It's actually a bib-style gadget as well as an unusual-shaped one. best
emf blocker could be connected to a tablet, laptop or a phone using the suction
cup 23. As well as a bib-like device, an EMF blocker can also be attached to a
game console . A DVD player or perhaps an electronic game.
Scientific facts

There is limited technological evidence that can aid in the protection of EMF
blockers. There is evidence that the prolonged exposure to intense
electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can cause severe headaches. These headaches
generally occur on the ipsilateral side of the head, as that part of the body is
exposed to greater depth than the opposite side. This suggests that the effects
of EMF exposure could possibly be cumulative rather than one-time.

A new Scientific Research Report has got studied the effects on the brain of EMF
and also examined the safety of shields, such as chips cases, cases and
neckwear, home shielding as well as harmonicizers. Although these devices have
been in existence for decades, a surprising variety of patients have reported
feeling a numbness to use them. Furthermore, it's not always clear how much
exposure is sufficient for people to be able to endure.


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