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GET /en-US/search/results

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Call and device topics
Make calls
 * Start a call from a chat
 * Use the dial pad
 * Answer a call
 * New calling experience
 * Add someone to a call
 * Make multiple calls at the same time
 * Put a call on hold
 * Transfer a call
 * Park a call
 * Use end-to-end encryption

Manage calls
 * Manage call queue and greetings
 * Manage calls
 * Call forwarding, call groups, and simultaneous ring
 * Merge calls
 * Share a phone line with a delegate
 * Check your voicemail
 * View or add contacts
 * View your call history
 * Manage your support call queue

Teams devices
 * Get started with Microsoft Teams Rooms
 * Use certified Teams devices
 * Teams phones
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 * Teams panels

Learn more about devices
 * Broadcasting audio and video from Teams with NDI
 * Identify in-room participants with Teams Intelligent Speakers
 * Use the MacBook Pro Touch Bar
 * Connect third-party devices to Teams
 * Use a room remote to control a Teams Room device
 * Connect a Teams display or desk phone to Teams Windows desktop
 * Use Surface Hub for a call
 * Use Apple CarPlay to make calls

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To change your settings, select Settings and more   next to your profile picture
at the top of Teams and then choose Settings.

There are a few different places with call settings: General, Devices, and

Note: If you don't see Calls on the left side of Teams, talk to your IT admin.


To manage who can make and receive calls on your behalf, select Settings and
more   next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings
> General. 

Find the Delegation section and choose Manage delegates. There you can see who
you're a delegate for, and add and remove your own delegates. 

When you add someone as a delegate, you'll see some permissions settings. If you
want, you can enable your delegates to make and receive calls on your behalf, as
well as let them change your call and delegate settings. 

Learn more about delegates here. 


To select the mic, speaker, and camera you want Teams to use for calls and
meetings, select Settings and more   next to your profile picture at the top of
Teams and then choose Settings > Devices. 

Under Audio devices, pick the speaker and mic you want Teams to use by default. 

Under Camera, select the camera you want Teams to use, and see a preview of that
camera's video. 

If you have multiple certified devices connected to your computer, you can set
one as your secondary ringer, which means it'll ring when a call comes in.
Answer incoming calls on any device—not just the ones that ring.


To make a test call, select Settings and more   next to your profile picture at
the top of Teams and then choose Settings > Devices. 

Choose Make a test call under Audio devices. 

In a test call, you'll see how your mic, speaker, and camera are working. Follow
the instructions from Test Call Bot and record a short message. The message will
play back for you. After that, you'll get a summary of the test call, and you
can go to your device settings to make changes. 


 * The test call feature is only available in English for now. Additional
   languages are coming soon.

 * We'll delete your test recording immediately after the call. It won't be
   retained or used by Microsoft.

 * The test call feature is currently only available in Teams desktop app for
   Windows and Mac.

 * This feature is unavailable for Government High Cloud and Department of
   Defense tenants using the Teams desktop app for Windows and Mac.


To set your call answering rules, select Settings and more   next to your
profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings > Calls. 

Choose how you want Teams to handle your incoming calls in the section for Call
answering rules. 

Select Forward my calls if that's what you want to do. If you want simultaneous
ring, click Calls ring me and select others under Also ring. 

Choose what to do with calls that go unanswered under If unanswered. 


To change your voicemail settings, select Settings and more   next to your
profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings > Calls. 

In the Voicemail section, click Configure voicemail. That's where you'll find
all your voicemail settings. 


To record a new voicemail greeting, select Record a greeting and follow the
instructions to record your message. 


To change how calls are handled once they reach your voicemail, go to Call
answer rules. By default, Teams will play your voicemail greeting and allow the
caller to record a message. You have some other options, though:

 * Let the caller record a message.

 * Let the caller record a message or be transferred to someone else.

 * End the call without playing your greeting.

 * Play your greeting and end the call.

 * Transfer the call to someone else.

If you choose an option that includes transferring the call, set the name or
number where you want your calls to go under Where should they be transferred?


Change your default greeting language by selecting the language you want under
Greeting language. 


To use a text-to-speech voicemail greeting, type one in Your custom greeting
under Text-to-speech customized greeting. 

Note: If you've recorded a greeting, it'll override the text-to-speech option. 


Type your out of office greeting in Your custom out of office greeting under
Text-to-speech customized greeting, then choose when you'd like it to play under
Out of office greeting. 


To set your preferred ringtones, select Settings and more   next to your profile
picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings > Calls. 

There, under Ringtones, you can choose separate ringtones for your normal calls,
forwarded calls, and delegated calls so you're able to tell them apart. 


Select Settings and more   next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and
then choose Settings > Calls. 

In the Accessibility section, click Turn on TTY mode. 


If enabled by your IT admin, you can choose to receive PSTN calls on third party
apps that automatically open in your default web browser.

To adjust this setting in Teams:

 1. Select Settings and more   > Settings.

 2. Select Calls.

 3. Under Open apps in browser, turn the toggle on or off.
    Note: This setting is only available if enabled by your IT admin.


To view and manage the numbers you've blocked, select Settings and more   next
to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings > Privacy. 

Select Edit blocked contacts under Blocked contacts to see any numbers you've
blocked and remove them from the list. 

To block anonymous calls, select Block calls with no caller ID. 


If you're a call queue agent, you can turn notifications off or on for each of
your queues. 

Go to Settings > Calls, and scroll down to Call queues to see a list of your
queues. Click the toggle switch next to each queue to turn notifications on or




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