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 * Home
 * Kindergarten – Year 10 View Child Pages View Child Pages
    * Kindergarten – Year 10
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      * Stage 1 (Years 1–2)
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      * Stage 3 (Years 5–6)
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      * Stage 5 (Years 9–10)
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      * English
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        * Mathematics STEM Advanced Pathway – Stage 5
        * Planning for success in secondary Mathematics
          * Stage 1 Teacher modelling
          * Stage 2 First guided practice
          * Stage 3 Second guided practice
          * Stage 4 Joint construction
        * Support materials for students with disability K–6
          * Assessment
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            * 1 Procedures
            * 2 Strategies
            * 3 Resources
            * 4 Adjustments
            * 5 Organisation of students
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      * Science
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          * Supporting students with disability
          * Version log
        * Science 7–10
          * Supporting students with disability
          * Version log
        * Course description
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      * Technological and Applied Studies
        * Science and Technology K–6
          * Supporting students with disability
          * Version log
        * Agriculture Technology 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Design and Technology 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Food Technology 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Graphics Technology 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
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          * Course performance descriptors
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          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Marine & Aquaculture Technology 7–10 (CEC)
          * Version log
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          * Version log
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          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Commerce 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Geography K–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Supporting students with disability
          * Version log
        * History K–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Supporting students with disability
          * Version log
        * Geography Elective 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
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          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
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          * Course performance descriptors
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      * Creative Arts
        * Creative Arts K–6
          * Version log
        * Dance 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Drama 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Music 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Photographic & Digital Media 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Visual Arts 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Visual Design 7–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Course descriptions 7–10
        * Syllabus development
      * PDHPE
        * PDHPE K–10
          * Supporting students with disability
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
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          * Version log
        * Physical Activity & Sports Studies 7–10 (CEC)
          * Version log
        * Course descriptions
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      * Languages
        * Aboriginal Languages K–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * Arabic K–10
          * Version log
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          * Version log
        * Classical Greek K–10
          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
        * French K­–10
          * Version log
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          * Course performance descriptors
          * Version log
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          * Version log
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          * Version log
        * Latin K–10
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        * Macedonian K–10
          * Version log
        * Modern Greek K–10
          * Version log
        * Persian K–10
          * Version log
        * Punjabi K–10
          * Version log
        * Russian K–10
          * Course performance descriptors
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        * Spanish K­–10
          * Version log
        * Tamil K–10
          * Version log
        * Turkish K–10
          * Version log
        * Vietnamese K–10
          * Version log
        * Course performance descriptors
        * Course descriptions
        * Supporting students with disability in Languages
        * Syllabus development
      * VET
        * Guidelines
        * Advice from schools and TAFE colleges
        * Training pathways planning
        * Stage 5 VET Board Endorsed courses
    * Understanding the curriculum
      * NSW curriculum and syllabuses
        * NSW and the Australian Curriculum
        * Implementing new syllabuses
      * K–6 curriculum requirements
      * Syllabuses A–Z
      * Curriculum development
        * Syllabus development process
          * K–10 Curriculum Framework
          * Statement of Values
          * Statement of Equity Principles
        * School Developed Board Endorsed Courses
          * Proposals for SDBECs
          * Reporting
        * Equivalent and Alternative Courses of Study
          * Deliver alternative programs
          * Alternative programs and home schooling
          * Special circumstances
            * Apprenticeships and traineeships
          * TAFE in Year 10
      * Programming
        * Planning
        * Designing
        * Differentiated programming
        * Sharing intentions
        * Integrating ICT capability
        * Advice on scope and sequences
        * Advice on units
        * STEM support
      * Assessment
        * Assessment principles
        * Standards referenced
        * Approaches
        * Differentiated assessment
        * Adjustments
        * Recording evidence
        * K–6 assessment strategies
        * 7–10 assessment strategies
        * Effective feedback
      * Awarding grades
        * Common grade scale
        * Advice for Stage 5
          * Determining grades
          * Monitoring grades
          * Checking grades
            * Checking stage five grades
          * Retaining work samples
          * Submitting work samples
      * Literacy and Numeracy
        * National Literacy and Numeracy Progressions
      * NAPLAN
        * About NAPLAN
        * Key dates
        * Training for schools
        * Preparation activities
        * Disability adjustments
        * Parent information
        * Children registered for home schooling
        * Results and reports
          * Additional student report
    * Diversity in learning
      * Aboriginal education
        * Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Principles and Protocols
        * Aboriginal students
      * Special education
        * Students with disability
        * Accessing the curriculum
        * Collaborative curriculum planning
        * Supporting students with disability in learning
        * Adjustments
        * Assessment and reporting
        * Case studies
        * Life Skills
          * Eligibility
          * Course options
          * Planning and programming
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Credentials
        * VET courses and students with disability
      * Gifted education
      * English as an additional language support
    * Resources
      * Sample units
      * Sample scope and sequence
      * Sample work
      * Advanced search
      * Official notices
      * Program Builder
    * Leaving school
      * Literacy and numeracy tests
      * Record of School Achievement
        * Credentials
      * Extra-curricular activities

 * Year 11 – Year 12 View Child Pages View Child Pages
    * Year 11 – Year 12
    * Learning areas
      * English
        * English Standard
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * English Advanced
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * English Extension
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Major Work fact sheets
          * Major Work advice
          * Marking guidelines
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * English EAL/D
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * English Life Skills
          * Version log
        * English Studies
          * Achievement level descriptions
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Eligibility for courses
        * Course descriptions
        * Syllabus development
      * Mathematics
        * Mathematics Standard
          * Introduction
            * Students with disability
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Mathematics Standard key
          * Rationale
          * Mathematics in Stage 6
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Building on Stage 5
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Working Mathematically
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Achievement level descriptions
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Mathematics Advanced
          * Introduction
            * Students with disability
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Mathematics Advanced key
          * Rationale
          * Mathematics in Stage 6
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Building on Stage 5
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Working Mathematically
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Examination advice
          * Version log
        * Mathematics Extension 1
          * Introduction
            * Students with disability
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students Learning English as an Additional Language or Dialect
          * Mathematics Extension 1 key
          * Rationale
          * Mathematics in Stage 6
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Building on Stage 5
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Working Mathematically
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Mathematics Extension 2
          * Introduction
            * Students with disability
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Mathematics Extension 2 key
          * Rationale
          * Mathematics in Stage 6
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Working Mathematically
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Numeracy CEC
          * Achievement level descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Mathematics Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Course descriptions
        * Syllabus development
      * Science
        * Biology
          * Introduction
            * Students with special education needs
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Biology key
          * Rationale
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Working Scientifically
          * Investigations
          * Depth studies
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Chemistry
          * Introduction
            * Students with special education needs
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Chemistry key
          * Rationale
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Working Scientifically
          * Investigations and inquiry questions
          * Depth studies
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Earth and Environmental Science
          * Introduction
            * Students with special education needs
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Earth and Environmental Science key
          * Rationale
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Working Scientifically
          * Investigations and inquiry questions
          * Depth studies
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Investigating Science
          * Introduction
            * Students with special education needs
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Investigating Science key
          * Rationale
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Working Scientifically
          * Investigations and inquiry questions
          * Depth studies
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Physics
          * Introduction
            * Students with special education needs
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Physics key
          * Rationale
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Working Scientifically
          * Investigations and inquiry questions
          * Depth studies
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Science Extension
          * Introduction
            * Students with special education needs
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Science Extension key
          * Rationale
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
            * Scientific research report
            * Scientific research portfolio
          * Organisation of content
          * Working scientifically
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Online exam
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Chemical World Science Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Earth and Space Science Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Investigating Science Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Living World Science Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Physical World Science Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Course descriptions
        * Syllabus development
      * Technological and Applied Studies
        * Agriculture
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Study options
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Design and Technology
          * Marking guidelines
          * Project advice
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Engineering Studies
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Food Technology
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Industrial Technology
          * Project advice
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Information Processes and Technology
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Software Design and Development
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Textiles and Design
          * Major Textiles Project
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Technology Life Skills Courses
          * Agriculture Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Design and Technology Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Food Technology Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Industrial Technology Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Information Processes and Technology Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Technology Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Textiles and Design Life Skills
            * Version log
        * Computing Applications (CEC)
          * Version log
        * Marine Studies (CEC)
          * Version log
        * Course descriptions
        * Syllabus development
      * HSIE
        * Aboriginal Studies
          * Sample assessment grid
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Ancient History
          * Introduction
            * Students with special education needs
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Ancient History key
          * Rationale
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Examination clarifications
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Business Studies
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Economics
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Geography
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * History Extension
          * Introduction
            * Students with special education needs
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * History Extension key
          * Rationale
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Legal Studies
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Modern History
          * Introduction
            * Students with special education needs
            * Gifted and talented students
            * Students learning English as an additional language or dialect
          * Modern History key
          * Rationale
          * Place of the syllabus
          * Aim and objectives
          * Outcomes
            * Table of objectives and outcomes
          * Course structure and requirements
          * Organisation of content
          * Learning across the curriculum
          * Course content
          * Glossary
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Examination clarifications
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Society and Culture
          * Personal Interest Project
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Studies of Religion 1
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Studies of Religion 2
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * HSIE Life Skills courses
          * Aboriginal Studies Life Skills Course
            * Version log
          * Ancient History Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Business and Economics Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Citizenship and Legal Studies Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Geography Life Skills
            * Version log
          * HSIE Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Modern History Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Society and Culture Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Studies of Religion I Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Studies of Religion II Life Skills
            * Version log
          * Work and the Community Life Skills
            * Version log
        * Course descriptions
        * Work Studies (CEC)
          * Version log
        * Syllabus development
      * Creative Arts
        * Dance
          * Submitted works advice
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Course prescriptions
          * Version log
        * Drama
          * Course prescriptions 2019–2024
          * Course prescriptions 2025–2027
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Music 1
          * Marking guidelines
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Resource list
          * Version log
        * Music 2
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Music Extension
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Visual Arts
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * Creative Arts Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Dance Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Drama Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Music Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Visual Arts Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Ceramics (CEC)
          * Version log
        * Photography, Video and Digital Imaging (CEC)
          * Version log
        * Visual Design (CEC)
          * Version log
        * Course descriptions
        * Syllabus development
      * PDHPE
        * Community and Family Studies
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Version log
        * PDHPE
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Annotated Resource List
          * Annotated List of Health Promotion Initiatives
          * Health Promotion Initiatives with LInks to the Ottawa Charter
          * Version log
        * Community and Family Studies Life Skills
          * Version log
        * PDHPE Life Skills
          * Version log
        * Exploring Early Childhood (CEC)
          * Version log
        * Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies (CEC)
          * Version log
        * Course descriptions
        * Syllabus development
      * Languages
        * Beginners courses
          * Chinese Beginners
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * French Beginners
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * German Beginners
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Indonesian Beginners
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Italian Beginners
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Japanese Beginners
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Korean Beginners
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Modern Greek Beginners
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Spanish Beginners
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Marking guidelines
        * Continuers courses
          * Arabic Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band desriptions
            * Version log
          * Armenian Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Armenian Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Chinese Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Classical Greek Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Course prescriptions 2023–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2027
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Classical Hebrew Continuers
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Course prescriptions 2023–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2027
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Croatian Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Croatian Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Dutch Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Dutch Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Filipino Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band desriptions
            * Version log
          * Filipino Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band desriptions
            * Version log
          * French Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * German Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Hindi Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Hindi Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Hungarian Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Hungarian Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Indonesian Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Italian Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Japanese Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Khmer Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Khmer Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Korean Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Latin Continuers
            * Course prescriptions 2023–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2027
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Macedonian Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Macedonian Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Modern Greek Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Modern Hebrew Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Persian Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Persian Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Polish Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Polish Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Portuguese Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Portuguese Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Punjabi Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Punjabi Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Russian Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Russian Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Serbian Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Serbian Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Spanish Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Swedish Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Swedish Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Tamil Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Tamil Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Turkish Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Turkish Continuers NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Vietnamese Continuers
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
        * In Context courses
          * Chinese in Context
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Chinese in Context NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Japanese in Context
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Japanese in Context NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Korean in Context
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Korean in Context NEW
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Marking guidelines
        * Literature courses
          * Chinese and Literature
            * Course prescriptions 2019–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Indonesian and Literature
            * Course prescriptions
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * Korean and Literature
            * Course prescriptions 2019–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
        * Extension courses
          * Arabic Extension
            * Course prescriptions 2020–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band desriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Chinese Extension
            * Course prescriptions 2020–2024
            * Course prescription 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Classical Greek Extension
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Course prescriptions 2008–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2028
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Classical Hebrew Extension
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Course prescriptions 2023–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2027
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * French Extension
            * Course prescriptions 2020–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Version log
          * German Extension
            * Course prescriptions 2020–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Indonesian Extension
            * Course prescriptions 2020–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Italian Extension
            * Course prescriptions 2020–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Japanese Extension
            * Course prescriptions 2020–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Latin Extension
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Course prescriptions 2023–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2029
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Modern Greek Extension
            * Course prescriptions 2020–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Spanish Extension
            * Course prescriptions 2020–2024
            * Course prescriptions 2025–2030
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Performance band descriptions
            * Resource list
            * Version log
          * Assessment and reporting
          * HSC examination rubrics
          * Marking guidelines
        * Aboriginal Languages (CEC)
          * Version log
        * Eligibility for courses
          * Case study – Beginners
          * Case study – Continuers
          * Case study – In Context
        * Syllabus development
        * Course descriptions
      * VET
        * Automotive
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Work placement
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Business Services
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Work placement
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Construction
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Electrotechnology
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Work placement
          * Employability skills
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Entertainment Industry
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Work placement
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Financial Services
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Work placement
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Hospitality
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Work placement
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Human Services
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Work placement
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
          * Human Services (CHCv6.3 and HLTv7.1 and HLTv9.2) – final HSC exam
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Work placement
            * Performance band descriptions
        * Information and Digital Technology
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Work placement
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Primary Industries
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Work placement
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
          * Primary Industries (AHCv8) – final HSC exam 2024
            * Assessment and reporting
            * Work placement
            * Performance band descriptions
        * Retail Services
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Assessment and Reporting
          * Work placement
          * Version log
        * Tourism, Travel and Events
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Work placement
          * Performance band descriptions
          * Version log
        * Industry Curriculum Frameworks
          * VET syllabus development and maintenance
          * ICF numbers
        * Applying for endorsement (VET BEC)
        * Stage 6 VET Board Endorsed courses
          * 2024 Stage 6 VET Board Endorsed courses
          * 2023 Stage 6 VET Board Endorsed courses
        * Course exclusions
        * School-based apprenticeships and traineeships
        * Recognition of prior learning
        * Syllabus revisions
    * HSC
      * About
        * History of the HSC
        * HSC facts and figures
          * 2022 HSC participation and performance data
            * HSC awarded
            * ATAR eligibility
            * Course completions
            * Performance bands
            * Distinguished achievers
            * Top achievers
            * First in course
            * All-round achievers
            * HSC showcases and events
            * VET qualifications
            * Minimum standard
            * Data glossary
          * 2022 HSC fairness and integrity statistics
            * HSC disability provisions
            * HSC illness and misadventure
            * HSC malpractice data
          * 2023 HSC students overview
          * 2023 HSC enrolments by course
          * 2023 HSC enrolments by region
          * 2022 HSC facts and figures
            * HSC students overview
            * HSC enrolments by course
            * HSC enrolments by region
          * 2021 HSC facts and figures
            * HSC students overview
            * HSC enrolments by course
            * HSC enrolments by region
          * 2020 HSC facts and figures
            * HSC students overview
            * HSC enrolments by course
            * HSC enrolments by region
          * 2019 HSC facts and figures
            * HSC students overview
            * HSC enrolments by course
            * HSC enrolments by region
          * Special consideration statistics
        * HSC courses
        * School assessment
        * Exam development
          * Exam setting principles
          * Marking guidelines development principles
        * Exam marking operation
        * Moderation
        * Determining HSC results
      * Subject selection
        * Choosing English Studies and Maths Standard 1
      * Key dates and exam timetables
        * HSC Languages oral exams
        * HSC practical and performance exams
        * HSC written exam timetable
      * Student guide
        * Student wellbeing
        * Taking HSC exams
        * Glossary of Key Words
      * Rules and processes
        * 2024 Rules and Procedures guide
        * Breaking HSC rules
          * 2021 malpractice data
          * 2020 malpractice data
          * 2019 malpractice data
        * Exam equipment list
        * Exam audio files
        * Approved calculators
        * Practical and performance exams
          * Certification
        * Illness/misadventure
          * Statistics
      * HSC: All My Own Work
        * Scholarship Principles and Practices
          * Good scholarship
          * Rights and responsibilities
          * Malpractice
          * Why do people cheat?
          * Why is it wrong to cheat?
          * Consequences of cheating
        * Acknowledging Sources
          * Acknowledging sources
          * Why acknowledge sources
          * When and how to acknowledge sources
          * How to reference sources
          * Strategies
        * Plagiarism
          * What is plagiarism
          * Intended and unintended plagiarism
          * Strategies to avoid plagiarism
          * Detect plagiarism
          * Information from the web and plagiarism
        * Copyright
          * What is copyright
          * Copyright act
          * Intellectual property
          * Copyright in a digital environment?
          * Music screen content and images copyright
        * Working with others
          * Collaborative learning collusion difference
          * Assistance from others
          * Acknowledge the support
          * Benefits of own work
          * Appropriate collaboration
      * Disability provisions
        * Guide for teachers and parents
        * Introduction to applying for provisions
        * Needing provisions
        * Use of provisions
          * Readers and writers
          * Oral and sign interpreters
          * Rest breaks
          * Rules for computers
          * Diabetic provisions
        * Statistics and reports
          * By sector
          * By school
            * 2021
            * 2020
            * 2019
            * 2018
          * By provision
      * Results and certificates
        * Getting your results
          * HSC student feedback survey
        * Understanding results
        * Results documentation
        * VET qualifications
        * Results services - students
        * Results services - schools
          * Results analysis package - HSC
        * Replacement certificates
        * Equivalent certificates
      * HSC minimum standard
        * Skill level required
        * Online tests
          * Apply for the test
        * Disability provisions, exemptions
          * Policy
        * School resources
    * Leaving school
      * Literacy and numeracy tests
      * Record of School Achievement
        * Credentials
      * Extra-curricular activities
    * Understanding the curriculum
      * NSW curriculum and syllabuses
        * NSW and the Australian Curriculum
        * Implementing new syllabuses
      * Syllabuses A–Z
      * Curriculum development
        * Syllabus development
          * Statement of values
          * Statement of Equity Principles
        * School Developed Board Endorsed Courses
          * Proposals for SDBECs
          * Endorsement criteria for SDBECs
          * Reporting
          * Performance Band Descriptions
        * University Developed Board Endorsed Courses
          * Course proposal guidelines
          * Available courses
        * Discontinuation of courses
      * Assessment
        * Principles of assessment
          * Standards-referenced assessment
          * Approaches
          * Adjustments
          * Life Skills
        * Assessment in practice
          * Purpose of assessment
          * Feedback
          * Informal assessment
          * Formal assessment
          * School-based assessment programs
          * Marking formal assessment
          * Reporting
          * Checklist
        * School-based assessment requirements
      * Awarding Grades
        * Monitoring grades
          * Common grade scale
        * Checking grades
        * Retaining work samples
        * Submitting work samples
      * Resources
    * Diversity in learning
      * Aboriginal education
        * Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander principles and protocols
        * Aboriginal students
      * Special education
        * Students with disability
        * Accessing the curriculum
        * Collaborative curriculum planning
        * Supporting students with disability in learning
        * Adjustments
        * Assessment and reporting
        * Case Studies
        * Life skills
          * Eligibility
          * Course options
          * Planning and programming
          * Assessment and reporting
          * Credentials
        * VET courses and students with disability
      * Gifted education
      * English as an additional language support
    * Resources
      * Sample work
      * Sample units
      * HSC exam papers
      * HSC Standards Materials
        * HSC Standards Materials course
        * HSC Standards Materials questions
        * Creative Arts
        * English
        * HSIE
        * Languages
        * Mathematics
        * PDHPE
        * Science
        * Technologies
        * VET
      * Resources archive
      * Advanced search
      * Official notices
      * Program Builder
      * HSC Multiple Choice Quiz

 * Teacher accreditation View Child Pages View Child Pages
    * Teacher accreditation
    * Apply
      * Accreditation overview
      * First time accreditation
      * Proficient Teacher
        * Step 1 - Begin your application in eTAMS
        * Step 2 - Develop your practice
        * Step 3 - Finalise your application
        * Step 4 - The accreditation decision
        * Questions about applying for Proficient Teacher
      * Higher levels
        * Step 1 - Assess your readiness
        * Step 2 - Develop and submit your first 2 modules
        * Step 3 - Complete a Site Visit
        * Step 4 - Develop and submit your final module
        * Questions about applying for HALT
        * Transition arrangements
        * Preliminary assessment
        * Case studies
        * Highly Accomplished Teachers
        * Lead Teachers
      * Effective documentary evidence
      * Non-practising accreditation
      * Non-school/service based teachers
        * Proficient teacher
      * Re-accreditation
      * Leave of Absence
      * Immediate accreditation
        * Accreditation for retired returning teachers
      * Moving to NSW
      * Internal review
    * Meeting requirements
      * Who needs accreditation
      * The Standards
        * Graduate Teacher
        * Proficient Teacher
        * Highly Accomplished Teacher
        * Lead Teacher
      * WWCC clearances
        * Apply for WWCC
        * Renewals
      * Maintaining accreditation
        * Proficient Teacher
          * Step 1 - Demonstrate consistent practice at Proficient Teacher
          * Step 2 - Meet your professional development requirements
          * Step 3 - Finalise your accreditation
          * Step 4 - The accreditation decision
          * Questions about maintaining Proficient Teacher accreditation
          * Maintenance of accreditation changes
        * Higher levels
          * Step 1 - Demonstrate consistent practice at HALT
          * Step 2 - Meet the professional development requirements
          * Step 3 - Final steps in last 3 months of each maintenance period
          * Step 4 - NESA makes the accreditation decision
          * Questions about maintaining HALT
        * Non-school/service based teachers
          * Maintaining Proficient Teacher
        * Maintenance transition arrangements
          * Transition arrangement scenarios
        * Pre-2004 teachers
      * Losing accreditation
      * Suitability to teach
        * Principles of suitability
        * Notifications to NESA
      * Quality Assurance
        * Pre-decision audits
        * Audit findings
    * Manage your account
      * Annual fee
      * Cancel your accreditation
    * Professional development
      * PD requirements
        * Completing Elective PD
      * Find a PD Course
        * Courses and events
      * Information for providers
        * Principles of effective professional learning
        * Priority areas
        * Provider obligations
        * Apply
          * NESA Accredited PD
        * Resources
          * How to apply for accredited PD
          * Sample applications
          * FAQ
    * Teaching qualifications
      * Studying teaching
        * Subject content knowledge
          * Key terms and glossary
          * Primary undergraduate study
          * Primary graduate entry study
          * Primary teaching specialisations
          * Secondary undergraduate study
          * Secondary graduate entry study
          * Specialised teaching roles
      * Initial Teacher Education providers
        * Get a program accredited
      * Accredited degrees
        * Tips for choosing a teaching degree
        * Accredited teaching programs no longer enrolling
      * Become an Initial Teacher Education accreditation panellist
    * Supporting teachers
      * Supervisors
        * Proficient Teacher information for Accreditation Supervisors
      * Principals and service directors
        * Supporting teachers applying for proficient accreditation
        * Supporting teachers maintaining Proficient Teacher accreditation
        * Supporting teachers applying for HALT accreditation
        * Supporting teachers maintaining HALT accreditation
        * Supporting teachers applying for immediate accreditation
      * Employers
        * Supporting non-school/service based teachers
      * Referees
      * Assessors
    * Resources
      * Policies and procedures
      * Research
        * Initial teacher education
        * Research into PD
          * Supporting teachers, supporting children
          * Teacher professional development survey
      * Accreditation resources
      * Professional experience framework
        * Statement
      * Public Register of teachers

 * Regulation View Child Pages View Child Pages
    * Regulation
    * Non-government schools
      * Registration and Accreditation manuals
        * School registration reform
      * Starting a new school
        * Readiness to apply
        * Expression of interest
        * Developing policies and procedures
      * Support for schools
        * Child protection
        * School registration and inspection visits
        * Governance resources
        * Resources
        * Self-assurance audit tools for schools
        * Financial viability
      * Governance training
      * List of registered non-government schools
        * New schools
        * Schools that have closed
        * Schools with conditions of registration
      * Schools selected randomly for inspection
      * Recognising schools outside NSW
      * Complaints about a school
    * Government schools
      * Registration process for monitoring the Government schooling system
      * Framework for NSW Department of Education System Reporting
      * Schools selected randomly for inspection
    * CRICOS
      * Delivering courses to overseas students
      * Guidelines
      * Administrative arrangements and guidelines
      * Proformas for document audit
      * Raising concerns
      * Fee schedule
      * Approved NSW school providers
    * Home schooling
      * Home schooling registration
        * Guidelines for Home Schooling Registration in NSW
        * Support information
        * Sample home schooling plans
        * Sample patterns of study
        * Curriculum Reform
          * Frequently asked questions
        * Home visits
      * Home Schooling Consultative Group

 * About View Child Pages View Child Pages
    * About
    * Who we are
      * Our story
        * NESA Charter
          * Parent Charter
        * Organisational charts
        * Commitment to Aboriginal Education
        * Digital products and online tests
      * The NESA Board
      * Annual report
      * Research
        * Research applications
        * Research reports
          * Teaching writing
      * Policies and procedures index
        * Compressed curriculum delivery – HSC program
      * Open access information
        * Agency information guide
        * Parliamentary documents
        * Policy documents
          * Code of Conduct and Ethics
        * Disclosure log
          * Disclosure log 2020–21
          * Disclosure log 2019–20
          * Disclosure log 2018–19
          * Disclosure log 2017–18
          * Disclosure log 2016–17
          * Disclosure log 2015–16
        * Government contracts
        * Information not disclosed
      * Privacy
        * Privacy policy
        * Privacy management plan
          * Privacy notices template
        * NAPLAN and privacy
          * NAPLAN parents
          * NAPLAN schools
          * NAPLAN Online
        * Survey Monkey privacy notice
        * Website privacy statement
      * Jobs
        * HSC exam development
        * HSC markers
        * HSC minimum standard tests
        * Expression of interest for HSC exam supervision
        * Accreditation assessing roles
      * Contact us
        * Complaint handling policy and process
    * Initiatives
      * Teacher Accreditation Reform
        * NSW Public Register of teachers
        * Transition information for teachers
        * Transition information for Accreditation Supervisors
        * Transition information for principals
        * Transition information for TAAs
      * NSW Curriculum Reform
        * NSW Curriculum Reform timeline
        * New syllabuses
        * About Curriculum Reform
        * Have your say
        * Curriculum Reform news
      * NESA Learning
    * News
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        * HSC media guide
          * HSC media protocols
      * Newsletters
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    * Key dates
      * HSC key dates
        * HSC written exam timetable
        * HSC Languages oral examinations
        * HSC important dates for practical and performance examinations
      * Actions for secondary schools
      * NAPLAN key dates
      * School terms and public holidays (Gov schools)
    * Student awards and events
      * Student Literary Awards
      * HSC showcases and events
        * HSC Showcase launch
      * HSC Merit lists
        * First in course
          * 2022
          * 2021
          * 2020
          * 2019
          * 2018
        * All-round achievers
          * 2021
          * 2020
          * 2019
          * 2018
        * Top achievers in course
          * 2021
          * 2020
          * 2019
          * 2018
        * Distinguished achievers
          * 2021
          * 2020
          * 2019
          * 2018
      * HSC and Careers Expo
      * WriteOn competition
        * Judges' notes 2022
      * Brother John Taylor Memorial Prize
        * Nomination guidelines
      * Sydney Writers' Festival
      * World Teachers' Day
      * HALT Recognition Ceremony
    * Advanced search
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The new Music 7–10 Syllabus is available on the NSW Curriculum.


NESA has clarified Assessment Certification Examination (ACE) Rules.

The rules will apply to students commencing HSC courses from October 2024,
sitting for HSC exams in 2025 and receiving the RoSA from October 2024.

Schools must not implement the clarified rules before 14 October 2024.

The current ACE Online Rules remain in place until October 2024.


The new Music 7–10 Syllabus is available on the NSW Curriculum.


NESA has clarified Assessment Certification Examination (ACE) Rules.

The rules will apply to students commencing HSC courses from October 2024,
sitting for HSC exams in 2025 and receiving the RoSA from October 2024.

Schools must not implement the clarified rules before 14 October 2024.

The current ACE Online Rules remain in place until October 2024.


The new Music 7–10 Syllabus is available on the NSW Curriculum.


NESA has clarified Assessment Certification Examination (ACE) Rules.

The rules will apply to students commencing HSC courses from October 2024,
sitting for HSC exams in 2025 and receiving the RoSA from October 2024.

Schools must not implement the clarified rules before 14 October 2024.

The current ACE Online Rules remain in place until October 2024.



The first comprehensive reform of the NSW curriculum in 3 decades is underway.

 * Have your say on draft syllabuses
 * View the Curriculum Reform timeline
 * Access new syllabuses.

Learn about the NSW Curriculum Reform


Learn more about your accreditation journey:

 * Getting started as a teacher in NSW
 * Maintaining your accreditation
 * Applying for higher levels
 * Accreditation resources

Begin your journey


A guide for Year 10, 11 and 12 students

 * Year 10 and 11 grades
 * HSC exam papers
 * HSC subject selection
 * HSC study guide and resources
 * Getting results
 * HSC minimum standard

View the student guide


Guide for parents in NSW

 * Schooling in NSW
 * Transitioning to school
 * Primary school (K–6)
 * High school (7–12)
 * HSC minimum standard

View the parent guide


 * 1 August 2023
   NSW curriculum reforms: Have your say on draft K-10 syllabuses
 * 31 July 2023
   New Health and Movement Science and Health and Movement Science Life Skills
   11–12 syllabuses
 * 24 July 2023
   Dr Karl, Carlos Sanson Jr and Eddie Woo join NSW teachers and students in
   2023 HSC Study Guide
 * 17 July 2023
   New Elective PD requirement takes effect
 * 20 June 2023
   HSC school-based assessment flexibility

Show more news and updates | Show COVID-19 updates


 * 26
   Apr 2024
   TexStyle Showcase closes at Gallery 76

 * 3
   May 2024
   Personalised 2024 HSC written exam timetable released

 * 11
   May 2024
   ARTEXPRESS open at Penrith Regional Gallery

 * 17
   May 2024
   SHAPE Showcase closes at Pier 2/3

 * 22
   May 2024
   Sydney Writers’ Festival Student Sessions

 * 23
   May 2024
   Brother John Taylor Memorial Prize ceremony

Show HSC dates | Show COVID-19 updates

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 * Aboriginal Education
 * Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

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