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Posted on May 13, 2024


The next three levels of The Stygian City are drawn and ready to color.

I realize that this “city” doesn’t look much like one yet. But I promise it
will, starting with the levels after this. The upper floors were carved out when
the builders were still mostly living on the surface.

By the way, when I post this, I’ll update the DM notes with an overview of the
history of the pit, so you’ll have a basic idea of what this place is and why it
was built. It’s kind of horrible and I hope you’ll like it.

Posted on May 4, 2024


Gods expect different things from their followers. Some simply want people to
believe in them. Others want people to follow their teachings, honor them or
pray. The Old Gods of Mexico weren’t into that kind of touchy-feely crap. They
wanted human hearts. And they wanted a lot of them.

At the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs were said to have
sacrificed around 4,000 people over the course of four days. Here’s how that
goes: the priest cuts open the victim’s chest, rips out the heart, puts it in a
stone bowl. Then, they chuck the body down the steps of the pyramid. And
finally, someone chops off the head and puts it on the skull rack. Repeat 3999

I’m not going to say I approve of that sort of thing, but the Aztecs were
certainly dedicated to their gods. And you’d think that if they ever needed a
little divine intervention– like, say, blowing a few Spanish ships off course–
they might get it. Alas.

Next, I’ll be drawing the next few levels of The Stygian City. These will
include caves inhabited by giant bats and a series of catacombs.

Well, I think this is the first map I’ve drawn that was inspired by something in
the Americas. Or maybe I’m forgetting something. Feel free to correct me about
that. Either way, let me know what you think!

Posted on April 29, 2024


When I started on this, I spent a good hour trying to find out what Mesoamerican
pyramids looked like inside. As it turns out, there usually is no interior other
than the temple at the top.

But do you know what’s inside a lot of pyramids? More pyramids. There was a
gigantic pyramid called the Templo Mayor in Mexico City that was destroyed by
the conquistadors and they found six pyramids nested inside it.

Here’s a picture of what it would’ve looked like before it was razed. Imagine if
that thing was in the middle of Mexico City right now. God, that would be cool.

Posted on April 25, 2024


Shortly after I posted the first part of the pit, I decided that I hated the
colors. And, when you’re planning to draw another twenty or so maps with those
colors, that’s a problem. So I made some adjustments and partially recolored the
underground levels. I think the colors for the surface were basically fine and,
besides, the rest is going to be underground.

So, what do you think?

Posted on April 22, 2024


Our gigantic dungeon starts here, in a small village called Ekersfield. The
villagers live in and around the top of the pit, mining iron ore from the level
below. This is the nice part of the pit. The welcome center, if you will. Past
this point, most of the pit’s inhabitants get a lot less friendly.

So, there’s an unusual problem with this project and its kind of unavoidable.
See, the map above is finished… but it’s not. If you look at the uppermost
level, you can see the windows in the sides of the lower levels of the pit. But
on the bottom level, there aren’t any. That’s because I haven’t drawn the maps
below this yet and I don’t know where they’ll be. So I’m going to have to update
these maps after I draw the next ones. Which will also have to be updated later.
And so on. A bit of a pain, but no big deal.

For patrons, I’m also making modular versions of the maps. These are individual
floors which can be rearranged as you like. Here’s how they work: first, the
lower level windows won’t be shown on the sides of the pit. And second, all the
stairs descend counter-clockwise. The stairs won’t always be in the same place,
but they’ll always move in the same direction and, if you want, you can rotate
the map to get them close to each other. With only three floors, that isn’t
super relevant just yet, but there will be a day when there are 20+ floors and
it will be then.

Thus begins another very large project. They always seem too big to ever get
done, but they always do. Brazenthrone took two years to draw, but it got
finished. The Black Loch took a year and a half, but it got done too. I think
this will take less than a year, but we’ll see. In any case, it’ll be done one
day and, hopefully, you’ll like it. But for now, how’s it looking? Off to a good

Posted on April 16, 2024


The surface level of the pit is done. It’s not quaint, exactly, but it’s about
as quaint as a village can get with a huge, ominous hole in the middle of town.

I’ve got the two levels below this about halfway done as well and they should be
finished in a few more days. All right, I’m gonna get back to it.

Posted on April 13, 2024


These are the first three levels of the giant pit megadungeon I’m working on.
I’ve got 23 levels planned, but I get the feeling it’ll end up being closer to
30 by the time it’s done. You can see the current plan at the link above, but I
think some of those areas are going to end up having more than one floor. And
I’ll probably let patrons propose ideas for and vote on a couple more levels to
add to the pit as well.

Anyway, I’m gonna get back to coloring all this. Let me know what you think so

Posted on April 2, 2024


It’s a little awkward when the party travels a long distance and nothing happens
along the way. I mean, if they’re going on a 300 mile journey, I don’t want to
just tell them, “Okay, you’re there. Now what?” But I also don’t want to involve
them in some complicated adventure that’s going to take 5 sessions, because
that’s a little more of a detour than I’m looking for.

Traveling encounters are almost their own category of adventure. Not so long
that you have to spend more than a session or two on it, but enough to avoid
giving the players the impression that they just teleported. And a little
something more than, “2d6 giant rats cross your path, roll for initiative.”

I like this map as a traveling encounter. A bunch of goblins in a Winnebago
isn’t something you see everyday and it’d make for a fun fight. But it’s low
commitment as well, so they can get back to reassembling the Sacred Crystals of
the Ancient Ones or whatever they’re up to. Simple, but not boring.

Someone should write a whole book full of traveling encounters. That’d be really
useful. I know some of the people reading this write and publish adventures, so
feel free to steal that idea.

Anyway, I’m going to make an alternate version of this map for patrons, which
shouldn’t take more than a day. It’ll be a “de-goblinized” version for DMs who
want to use this map for humans or… well, anyone else that isn’t green. It’ll
have elephants up front and be moderately less filthy. All right, I’ll be back
with that soon. In the meantime, let me know what you think!

Posted on March 23, 2024


The Forgotten Place is an ancient ruin unearthed from the sands. It’s the
perfect place for your party to do some archaeology, or– perhaps– some
“archaeology.” In case you’re not aware of the difference between those two
words, let me explain: the one with the quotes means grave-robbing.

I’d probably go with the second option in a D&D game. Brushing the dust off of
pot shards to learn about the customs of ancient peoples may be morally and
academically superior to scoring fat sacks of loot from a dead guy, but, well,
moral superiority doesn’t buy you full plate and a castle.

I also want to mention that some of you may have more use for half of this map
than you do for the whole thing. Maybe you like the desert ruins, but you want
them to lead down into a different dungeon. Or maybe you like the underground
part, but you want to put it under an old cathedral. Either way, go for it. Mix
and match. There are no rules in RPGs*.

Anyway, the next map will be the Goblin Queen’s Carriage. This is going to be a
giant carriage/war wagon that a tribe of goblins use as a mobile raiding camp.
If you picture it looking like something out of Warhammer Fantasy, then we are
very much on the same page. I think it’ll be a map that offers a lot of fun
possibilities. After that, I’ll be getting started on the giant pit megadungeon
that I’ve been talking about.

Well, that should do it for now. If anyone’s got any ideas on what might be
pulling the giant goblin carriage, let me know. I feel like horses would be
boring, but a giant seems like a bit much. My best idea right now is yaks, so if
you can top that, I’ll consider it.

*There are multiple books full of rules in almost all RPGs.

Posted on March 15, 2024March 15, 2024


The premise of this map is simple: for many years. this monastery was occupied
by the peace-loving followers of the god of wisdom and happiness. Then, some
non-peace-loving followers of the god of smoking meth and shaking babies
arrived. And, after the liberal application of a technique known as “violence,”
the former occupants were driven out. Then, they smashed the statues, burned the
books and started sacrificing nearby villagers.

There’s a fairly simple adventure to be run here, which starts with a monk
approaching the party and saying, “Help.” I’m fairly sure I don’t need to
elaborate on where it goes from there. It’s not a complicated adventure, but
they don’t all have to be some ultra-sophisticated Game of Thrones type of
thing. Sometimes The Witcher is more your speed. “Please kill dudes, I have
money.” “Dudes are dead. Gib money.” Had a busy week? Drop a dozen cultists and
a demon into this place and let ‘er rip.

So, let’s talk about the giant hole we discussed a few weeks ago. That
megaproject is officially happening and I wanted to share some details. A lot of
people had ideas on how to use the location and I want to make sure you can do
what you want with it. Since it’s a giant pit, the most important thing is
what’s at the bottom. People have proposed an imprisoned entity, a planar
portal, an artifact, an aboleth lair, a pile of trash and debris, and more. My
version of the bottom will be something different, but I’m going to draw
alternate versions with at least those options as well. I think I’ll be able to
get started on this in about a month.

Anyway, I think that’s it for now. If you’ve got any thoughts, by all means let
me know!


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 * The Stygian City: Caves and Catacombs (Work-in-Progress)
 * The Pyramids of Cuamiztli
 * Aztec Temple Complex (Work-in-Progress)
 * I changed some things. What do you think?
 * The Stygian City: Into the Pit


 * MattMilby on The Stygian City: Caves and Catacombs (Work-in-Progress)
 * Martin on The Stygian City: Caves and Catacombs (Work-in-Progress)
 * MattMilby on The Pyramids of Cuamiztli
 * Martin on The Pyramids of Cuamiztli
 * Masque on The Pyramids of Cuamiztli


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