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Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

Name: searchForm

<form class="search-form product-search-form ng-pristine ng-scope ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-maxlength" role="search" name="searchForm" ng-submit="$ctrl.searchProduct()" autocomplete="off" ng-if="$ctrl.searchView != 'mobile'">
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Name: locationForm

<form class="location-form ng-pristine ng-hide ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-maxlength" role="location" name="locationForm" ng-show="aolPostcode.locationFormVisible" ng-submit="aolPostcode.setPostcode()" autocomplete="off">
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    <p id="location-warning-message hidden"></p>

Name: searchForm

<form role="search" name="searchForm" ng-submit="searchProduct()" ng-if="$ctrl.searchView == 'mobile'" class="ng-pristine ng-scope ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-maxlength">
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      attr-placeholder="Search our range of 6,000+ products" attr-name="search" attr-inputclass="input input-search mobile-product-search" attr-inputid="mobile-product-search" click-activation="true" data="$ctrl.productResults"
      on-type="$ctrl.onType(typedthings)" autocomplete-required="true" attr-disableblur="true" attr-disablescrollto="true" on-select="$ctrl.onSelect(suggestion)">
      <div class="autocomplete" ng-keydown="$complCtrl.onKeyDown($event)"><input autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" ng-model="$complCtrl.searchParam" name="search"
          placeholder="Search our range of 6,000+ products" class="__input-box input input-search mobile-product-search" id="mobile-product-search" tabindex="" ng-maxlength="100" maxlength="100" ng-required="true" ng-change="$complCtrl.onChange()"
          ng-focus="$complCtrl.onFocus()" ng-blur="$complCtrl.onBlur()" required="required">
        <div class="__dropdown ng-hide" ng-show="$complCtrl.showSuggestions()">
          <ul class="autocomplete-results"><!-- ngRepeat: suggestion in $complCtrl.runSuggestionFilter($complCtrl.suggestions) | orderBy:'toString()' track by $index --></ul>
    </aol-autocomplete><button ng-click="$ctrl.searchProduct()" class="mobile-search-button" type="button"><i class="icon-nav-search"></i></button></div>

Name: locationForm

<form class="location-form ng-pristine ng-hide ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-maxlength" role="location" name="locationForm" ng-show="aolPostcode.locationFormVisible" ng-submit="aolPostcode.setPostcode()" autocomplete="off">
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      attr-inputid="input-postcode" click-activation="true" data="aolPostcode.postcodes" on-type="aolPostcode.onType(typedthings)" on-select="aolPostcode.onSelect(suggestion)" autocomplete-required="true" should-focus="true">
      <div class="autocomplete" ng-keydown="$complCtrl.onKeyDown($event)"><input autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" ng-model="$complCtrl.searchParam" name="search" placeholder="Enter delivery postcode"
          class="__input-box input input-location input-location-header-view" id="input-postcode" tabindex="" ng-maxlength="100" maxlength="100" ng-required="true" ng-change="$complCtrl.onChange()" ng-focus="$complCtrl.onFocus()"
          ng-blur="$complCtrl.onBlur()" required="required">
        <div class="__dropdown ng-hide" ng-show="$complCtrl.showSuggestions()">
          <ul class="autocomplete-results"><!-- ngRepeat: suggestion in $complCtrl.runSuggestionFilter($complCtrl.suggestions) | orderBy:'toString()' track by $index --></ul>
    </aol-autocomplete><button type="submit" name="searchSubmit" value="Submit" class="button-reset __button-submit" id="Submit1"></button>
    <p id="location-warning-message hidden"></p>

Name: newsletterForm

<form name="newsletterForm" novalidate="" ng-submit="$ctrl.submitForm()" class="newsletter-form ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-maxlength ng-valid-email ng-valid-pattern ng-valid-minlength"
  ng-class="{'notActive': $ctrl.submitSuccess}">
  <div class="submit-error ng-hide" ng-show="$ctrl.submitError">Some error occured. Please try again later.</div>
  <div class="__form-fields">
    <div class="aol-input-wrapper show-valid show-invalid contrast required newsletter-input-wrapper"><label><span class="label-text">Name</span> <input name="name" id="newsletter-name"
          class="input contrast input-wrapper-input input-newsletter-name ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-maxlength" ng-model="$ctrl.formData.signupName" ng-maxlength="40" required="">
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    <div class="aol-input-wrapper show-valid show-invalid contrast required newsletter-input-wrapper"><label><span class="label-text">Email</span> <input type="email" name="email" id="newsletter-email"
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        <!-- ngIf: newsletterForm.email.$invalid && newsletterForm.submitted --></label></div>
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          ng-minlength="4" ng-maxlength="4" required="" only-digits=""> <!-- ngIf: newsletterForm.postcode.$invalid && newsletterForm.submitted --></label></div>
    <div class="button-wrapper pull-left"><button class="button md fluid button-orange button-newsletter-submit ng-binding" ng-disabled="$ctrl.isSubmitting" analytics-on="click" analytics-category="email subscription - content"
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Free Delivery is provided Monday to Friday within metropolitan and other
selected areas. Excludes certain products/brands and is subject to reasonable

To check if your suburb is eligible for free delivery, please visit our Delivery
Service page.

You can also check whether you are in our delivery zone by entering your
postcode or suburb in the 'set location' bar at the very top of this page.

*Full delivery info is available in our Trading Terms. 


Appliances Online delivers to most areas of mainland Australia.

Next-day delivery is available for metropolitan areas. Please check our Delivery
Service page to see if your suburb is eligible.

You may request a date for delivery on the checkout page and we will do our best
to arrange delivery on that date.

As an added convenience, we will give an estimated time for the delivery
(usually a 2-hour window) on the morning of your delivery.


Not only will we deliver your new appliances, we can connect them – free!

Free connection is available for most new microwaves, refrigerators and washing
machines (to existing plumbing and electrical connections), at the time of

We offer this service in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, The Gold
Coast, Canberra, Geelong, Newcastle and Wollongong. Simply select the
'connection' option during the checkout process.

If you need your new appliance to be professionally installed, we can also make
a separate booking with our team of fully licensed handymen. Visit our
Installation Information page for full details.


At the time of delivery, we can also remove your old appliances or mattress. All
you need to do is check the 'removal of old disconnected appliances' box during
the checkout process.

Old appliances being removed from your home must be similar to the new appliance
to be delivered, and fully disconnected from power, water, and gas (gas
disconnections must be performed by a licensed plumber). All clothes dryers need
to have been taken down from wall brackets prior to our arrival.

If you are having your new appliance installed by one of our qualified
technicians, they will disconnect your old appliance for you at the time of

Appliances Online works in conjunction with our recycling partners to ensure old
appliances, mattresses and product packaging are recycled responsibly where

You’ll be happy to know that up to 75% of your old mattress will be recycled and
turned into new products such as: Roof sheeting, carpet underlay, matting and
mulch, kindling, animal bedding, and even acoustic panelling.

Please note that our free delivery, connection and removal service may not be
available or offered for proforma and agency products. Proforma and agency
brands are those that retailers do not hold stock of and instead, do their own
deliveries of their own products. Once you have entered your postcode at the top
of our website, the product pages will reflect which services are available in
your area for your chosen appliance. If you have any concerns, please feel
welcome to call us on 1300 000 500.

*Full details are available at our Delivery Service page.


Our Sydney-based customer service centre is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a

This means that even if your fridge breaks down at 3am on Christmas Day, you
call us and speak to a real person.

Our team is friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. We really know our stuff – some
of our appliance experts have been in the industry for 20+ years!

We'll do whatever it takes to impress our customers, so give us a call today and
experience our award-winning service: 1300 000 500.

For customers living overseas, contact us on (+61 2) 9694 0400.


What makes Appliances Online unique is the fact we've tailored our business to
what our customers want. We aim to provide you with all the assistance, advice
and information you need to find a product that suits your budgets and needs.

We pay attention to every piece of customer feedback we receive and provide
swift assistance where needed.

Read what people are saying about Appliances Online on Facebook, – over 370,000
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In July 2022, 6,000 CHOICE members voted Appliances Online as the best online
shop for overall satisfaction:

"Appliances Online topped every category in our survey. We've had plenty of good
feedback for Appliances Online anecdotally over the last few years, and even
this writer has had some good experiences. For such a young company (2005) to
have gained so much ground over the last decade is a good thing." - Matthew
Steen, Director of Reviews and Testing, CHOICE

To find out more, read the survey results at CHOICE

Source: CHOICE members survey results 2022


Appliances Online was rated the best electronics retailer in Canstar Blue’s
review, achieving five-star reviews in ALL categories! These include customer
service, value for money, checkout experience, product range, website
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