jrnys.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://jrnys.com/
Effective URL: https://jrnys.com/
Submission: On March 12 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM


<form id="fui-askUs-fxvtrd" class="fui-form fui-labels-above-input fui-validate-on-focus" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="utf-8"
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              <legend class="fui-legend" data-fui-sr-only="">Your Name</legend>
              <div id="fui-askUs-fxvtrd-fields-yourName-instructions" class="fui-instructions">
                <p>Please enter your full name.</p>
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                      <div class="fui-field-container"><label class="fui-label" for="fui-askUs-fxvtrd-fields-yourName-firstName">First Name&nbsp;<span class="fui-required" aria-hidden="true">*</span></label>
                        <div class="fui-input-container"><input type="text" id="fui-askUs-fxvtrd-fields-yourName-firstName" class="fui-input" name="fields[yourName][firstName]" placeholder="Your name" required="" autocomplete="given-name"
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              <div id="fui-askUs-fxvtrd-fields-emailAddress-instructions" class="fui-instructions">
                <p>Please enter your email so we can get in touch.</p>
              <div class="fui-input-container"><input type="email" id="fui-askUs-fxvtrd-fields-emailAddress" class="fui-input" name="fields[emailAddress]" placeholder="Your email" autocomplete="email" required="" data-fui-id="askUs-emailAddress"
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                <p>Please enter your comments.</p>
              <div class="fui-input-container"><textarea id="fui-askUs-fxvtrd-fields-message" class="fui-input" name="fields[message]" placeholder="Your message" required="" data-fui-id="askUs-message"
      <div id="beesknees_293472047_wrapper" style="display: none;"><label for="beesknees_293472047">Leave this field blank</label><input type="text" id="beesknees_293472047" name="beesknees" style="display: none;"></div>
      <div class="fui-btn-wrapper fui-btn-left"><button type="submit" class="fui-btn fui-submit" data-submit-action="submit">Submit</button></div>


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    value="submit"><input type="hidden" name="handle" value="askUs"><input type="hidden" name="siteId" value="1">
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              <legend class="fui-legend" data-fui-sr-only="">Your Name</legend>
              <div id="fui-askUs-qoavhj-fields-yourName-instructions" class="fui-instructions">
                <p>Please enter your full name.</p>
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                      <div class="fui-field-container"><label class="fui-label" for="fui-askUs-qoavhj-fields-yourName-firstName">First Name&nbsp;<span class="fui-required" aria-hidden="true">*</span></label>
                        <div class="fui-input-container"><input type="text" id="fui-askUs-qoavhj-fields-yourName-firstName" class="fui-input" name="fields[yourName][firstName]" placeholder="Your name" required="" autocomplete="given-name"
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              <div id="fui-askUs-qoavhj-fields-emailAddress-instructions" class="fui-instructions">
                <p>Please enter your email so we can get in touch.</p>
              <div class="fui-input-container"><input type="email" id="fui-askUs-qoavhj-fields-emailAddress" class="fui-input" name="fields[emailAddress]" placeholder="Your email" autocomplete="email" required="" data-fui-id="askUs-emailAddress"
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              <div id="fui-askUs-qoavhj-fields-message-instructions" class="fui-instructions">
                <p>Please enter your comments.</p>
              <div class="fui-input-container"><textarea id="fui-askUs-qoavhj-fields-message" class="fui-input" name="fields[message]" placeholder="Your message" required="" data-fui-id="askUs-message"
      <div id="beesknees_293472047_wrapper" style="display: none;"><label for="beesknees_293472047">Leave this field blank</label><input type="text" id="beesknees_293472047" name="beesknees" style="display: none;"></div>
      <div class="fui-btn-wrapper fui-btn-left"><button type="submit" class="fui-btn fui-submit" data-submit-action="submit">Submit</button></div>


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              <legend class="fui-legend" data-fui-sr-only="">Your Name</legend>
              <div id="fui-askUs-afmxpq-fields-yourName-instructions" class="fui-instructions">
                <p>Please enter your full name.</p>
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                      <div class="fui-field-container"><label class="fui-label" for="fui-askUs-afmxpq-fields-yourName-firstName">First Name&nbsp;<span class="fui-required" aria-hidden="true">*</span></label>
                        <div class="fui-input-container"><input type="text" id="fui-askUs-afmxpq-fields-yourName-firstName" class="fui-input" name="fields[yourName][firstName]" placeholder="Your name" required="" autocomplete="given-name"
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Text Content


Individualized treatment plans that meet you where you are.

Weight Loss

Sexual Wellness

Metabolic Weight loss with GLP-1
Learn More
Audrey lost 53lbs. with JRNYS
 * Medication assisted weight loss with brands like Ozempic®† & Mounjaro®†
 * Non Insurance Options
 * Same day provider visits
 * Up to 26% body fat loss*
 * Personal coaching options
 * 100% online consultations

*JRNYS members lost up to 26% of their body fat in a 6 month time period under
our Mounjaro protocol.



Weight Loss
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Mounjaro® Tirzepatide

Weight Loss
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Weight Loss
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Sildenafil (Generic Viagra®)

Sexual Wellness
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Explore Treatments

   Developed by a Harvard- and Columbia-trained medical provider, with a
   dedicated medical staff

   Our patients see a medical provider in under 24 hours

   24/7 access to our dedicated team of medical professionals


Dr. Legere's educational path began at UC Berkeley, followed by medical school
at Columbia University and an immunology fellowship at Harvard.

Driven by a genuine passion for well-being, Dr. Legere now serves as the Chief
Medical Officer at JRNYS. In this role, he takes a personalized approach to
healthcare, crafting medical protocols specifically tailored to meet the unique
needs and medical backgrounds of each patient.


General Weight Loss Sexual Wellness
What is JRNYS?

JRNYS is your trusted telemedicine platform designed to meet you wherever you
are on your health and wellness journey. 

Whether you're seeking personalized guidance on sexual health, weight
management, or overall well-being, we're here to provide expert care and

With a team of dedicated healthcare professionals, we offer tailored solutions
to help you achieve your goals and improve your quality of life. 

Your journey is unique, and JRNYS is committed to being your partner every step
of the way.

How does JRNYS work?

At JRNYS, you begin your health journey by completing a detailed medical intake
and questionnaire addressing your specific concerns. 

Our team of licensed medical providers then thoroughly reviews your information,
gaining a deep understanding of your specific needs. With this knowledge, we
prescribe the appropriate treatments, customized just for you. 

JRNYS is dedicated to your well-being, and we're here to support you on your
path to better health.

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Weight Loss
How long do I need to be a member to see results?

Our programs are tailored to 6 and 12 month curriculums based on your unique BMI
and weight goals. In our pilot members saw initial results within their first
week and continued throughout the months.

How much does the program cost?

Membership ranges from $88 per month to $169 per month depending on your level
of 1-1 coach support. The base price includes your medical visits, daily
monitoring, coaching & access to member exclusive content.

What does it mean to lose weight the metabolic way?

At JRNYS we focus on your underlying metabolic system through doctor prescribed
medications in order to reset core bodily functions. Your metabolic system
includes appetite control, the stimulation of gluconeogenesis (the process where
the body makes glucose from protein and fat), blood sugar optimization and more.

What is the time commitment to the program?

Members must regularly check their weight at least three times a week, a quick
process taking no more than two minutes. This routine is essential for our
doctors to closely monitor your body's response to prescribed medications.

Additionally, you are scheduled for bi-weekly 20-minute coaching sessions to
ensure you are making progress and achieving the desired results. Apart from
adhering to their prescribed regimen, members have the flexibility to select the
lifestyle choices they wish to incorporate to enhance their programs, such as
physical activity, meal planning, and following our blog articles, among others.

What happens during my initial visit?

Our doctors review your medical history, risk factors, weight loss goals & BMI
to come up with a customized plan that fits your unique body. Based on that our
providers will determine which medication will be indicated for your plan. This
process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

How much Weight do JRNYS members lose?

Our members lose an average of 2-4 pounds per week. We’re so confident in our
program that you are eligible for a refund if you do not lose at least 10% of
your body weight (less $300 non-refundable for the doctor’s visit). 

What medications do JRNYS doctors prescribe?

Our doctors carefully assess your BMI, medical history, and weight objectives in
order to create a personalized treatment and dosage plan.

The majority of our members who enroll in our monthly program receive our
Metabolic Reset GLP-1s (glucagon-like peptide-1s). These GLP-1s are available in
various formulations, including tirzepatide, dulaglutide, semaglutide, and
liraglutide, which are often recognized by their brand names like Wegovy®,
Ozempic®, Mounjaro™, or Saxenda®, among others. However, depending on their BMI
and weight loss goals, some members may be prescribed fat absorption blockers or
appetite suppressants.

What are GLP-1s?

GLP-1s are naturally-occurring hormones made by your gut that send signals to
the brain to decrease your appetite, improve your metabolic system, and regulate
your digestion.

JRNYS providers use a variety of GLP-1s to help reset our metabolic rate at the
cellular level.

What does my insurance cover?

Our providers navigate all insurance plans on your behalf in order to get cost
effective access to your GLP-1 medications. GLP-1s for most members with
commercial insurance should be capped at $25 per month after any deductible is

The cost of the JRNYS program is HSA/FSA eligible.

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Sexual Wellness
What is sildenafil (generic Viagra®)?

Sildenafil is the generic name for a medication that is commonly known by its
brand name, Viagra®. It is a prescription medication used to treat erectile
dysfunction (ED), a condition in which a man has difficulty achieving or
maintaining an erection sufficient for sexual activity.

Sildenafil belongs to a class of drugs called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5)
inhibitors. It works by relaxing the smooth muscles in the blood vessels of the
penis, which allows for increased blood flow to the genital area. This improved
blood flow can help men with ED achieve and sustain an erection when sexually

Here are some key points about sildenafil:

 1. Usage: Sildenafil is primarily prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction in
    men. It is not intended for use by women or children.
 2. Effectiveness: It has been shown to be effective in a significant percentage
    of men with ED, but individual results may vary. It is important to note
    that sildenafil does not increase sexual desire; it helps facilitate an
    erection when sexual stimulation occurs.
 3. Dosage: Sildenafil is available in various dosages, and the appropriate dose
    is typically determined by a healthcare provider based on the individual's
    needs and response to the medication.
 4. Duration of Action: The effects of sildenafil usually last for several
    hours, allowing for a window of opportunity for sexual activity.
 5. Safety and Side Effects: Like any medication, sildenafil can have side
    effects, which may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, nasal
    congestion, and visual disturbances. Rarely, it can cause more serious side
    effects, and individuals with certain medical conditions or those taking
    specific medications should consult with a healthcare provider before using
 6. Prescription Required: Sildenafil is available by prescription only, and it
    is important to obtain it from a licensed healthcare provider to ensure
    proper evaluation, dosing, and monitoring.

How much does generic viagra® cost?

Generic viagra® typically costs around $4 per pill 

How long does it take for viagra® to work?

Viagra, which contains the active ingredient sildenafil, typically begins to
work within 30 to 60 minutes after taking the medication. However, several
factors can influence the onset of action:

 1. Timing of Dosage: Taking Viagra on an empty stomach may lead to a faster
    onset of action compared to taking it with a heavy meal. A meal high in fat
    can delay the absorption of the medication, potentially causing it to take
    longer to work.
 2. Individual Variability: The time it takes for Viagra to work can vary from
    person to person. Some individuals may experience the effects sooner, while
    it may take longer for others.
 3. Sexual Stimulation: Viagra does not cause an automatic erection; sexual
    arousal and stimulation are necessary for it to be effective. It helps
    facilitate an erection when sexual arousal triggers the release of nitric
    oxide in the body.
 4. Dosage: The dosage of Viagra can also affect how long it takes to work.
    Higher doses may take longer to take effect, and the appropriate dosage
    should be determined by a healthcare provider.

In general, it is advisable to take Viagra approximately 30 to 60 minutes before
engaging in sexual activity to allow time for the medication to take effect.
However, individual responses can vary, so it's essential to follow the guidance
of a healthcare provider and take the medication as prescribed.

Are there potential sildenafil interactions?

Yes, there are potential interactions between sildenafil (Viagra) and other
medications, as well as certain medical conditions. It's essential to inform
your healthcare provider of all medications you are taking, including
prescription and over-the-counter drugs, supplements, and herbal products, to
minimize the risk of interactions. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Nitrates: Sildenafil should not be used in conjunction with nitrates, which
are commonly prescribed for chest pain (angina) and certain heart conditions.
The combination of sildenafil and nitrates can lead to a dangerous drop in blood
pressure, which can be life-threatening.

2. Alpha-Blockers: Some medications used to treat high blood pressure or
prostate conditions, known as alpha-blockers, may interact with sildenafil.
These interactions can also lead to a drop in blood pressure, so adjustments in
dosage may be necessary.

3. Protease Inhibitors: Certain antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV,
known as protease inhibitors, can increase the levels of sildenafil in the
bloodstream. Your healthcare provider may need to adjust the sildenafil dosage
if you are taking these medications.

4. CYP3A4 Inhibitors: Some medications, such as certain antifungal drugs and
antibiotics, can inhibit the enzyme CYP3A4, which is involved in the metabolism
of sildenafil. This can lead to increased levels of sildenafil in the body and
may require dosage adjustments.

5. Hypotension-Related Conditions: If you have a history of low blood pressure
or certain cardiovascular conditions, it's essential to discuss potential
interactions and risks with your healthcare provider, as sildenafil can lower
blood pressure.

6. Eye Conditions: Sildenafil may cause changes in vision or interact with
certain eye conditions, such as retinitis pigmentosa. Inform your healthcare
provider if you have a history of eye problems before taking the medication.

Always follow your JRNYS healthcare provider's guidance and prescription
instructions when taking sildenafil. They can help you assess potential
interactions and determine the safest and most effective treatment plan for your
specific situation. Never self-adjust the dosage or combine sildenafil with
other medications without consulting a healthcare professional. If you
experience any adverse effects or unexpected reactions while taking sildenafil,
seek immediate medical attention.

What is the difference between sildenafil (generic viagra®) and tadalafil
(generic Cialis®)?

Sildenafil (generic Viagra) and tadalafil (generic Cialis) are both medications
used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), but they have some key differences:

 1. Duration of Action:
    * Sildenafil: Sildenafil typically has a shorter duration of action, with
      effects lasting for about 4 to 6 hours. This means that it should be taken
      relatively close to the time of planned sexual activity.
    * Tadalafil: Tadalafil has a longer duration of action, with effects lasting
      up to 36 hours. This extended window of effectiveness has earned it the
      nickname "the weekend pill" because it allows for more spontaneity in
      sexual activity.
 2. Onset of Action:
    * Sildenafil: Sildenafil generally starts to work within 30 to 60 minutes
      after ingestion.
    * Tadalafil: Tadalafil has a slower onset of action, typically taking effect
      within 30 minutes to 2 hours after taking the medication.
 3. Food Interactions:
    * Sildenafil: Sildenafil can be affected by food, particularly high-fat
      meals, which can delay its onset of action. It is often recommended to
      take sildenafil on an empty stomach for faster results.
    * Tadalafil: Tadalafil is less affected by food and can be taken with or
      without meals. This flexibility can be more convenient for some users.
 4. Dosage Options:
    * Both medications are available in different dosages to accommodate
      individual needs. The appropriate dosage should be determined by a
      healthcare provider based on factors like the severity of ED and the
      individual's response to the medication.
 5. Daily vs. On-Demand Use:
    * Tadalafil is available in a lower daily dose (typically 2.5 mg or 5 mg)
      for continuous use, allowing for spontaneous sexual activity without
      planning ahead. This is known as "daily dosing."
    * Sildenafil is typically taken on an as-needed basis before sexual
 6. Interactions with Other Medications:
    * Both sildenafil and tadalafil can interact with certain medications,
      especially nitrates and alpha-blockers. These interactions can lead to
      potentially dangerous drops in blood pressure. It's essential to inform
      your healthcare provider of all medications you are taking to minimize
 7. Side Effects:
    * Both medications can cause similar side effects, including headache,
      flushing, upset stomach, nasal congestion, and visual disturbances.
      However, individual responses may vary.

The choice between sildenafil and tadalafil often depends on individual
preferences and needs. Tadalafil's longer duration of action may be appealing
for those seeking more flexibility and spontaneity in sexual activity.
Conversely, sildenafil's quicker onset of action may be preferable for others.
It's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most
suitable medication and dosage for your specific situation and to discuss
potential interactions and side effects.

Are generic forms of viagra® and Cialis® safe?

Generic forms of Viagra® (sildenafil) and Cialis® (tadalafil) are safe and
effective when obtained and prescribed by licensed healthcare providers. The
generic versions of these medications are approved by regulatory agencies,  U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, after undergoing
rigorous testing to ensure their safety and efficacy.

Here are some key points to consider regarding the safety of generic forms of
these medications:

 1. Regulation: Generic drugs are subject to the same regulatory standards as
    brand-name drugs. Regulatory agencies review the safety, quality, and
    efficacy of generic medications before granting approval for their sale.
 2. Active Ingredient: Generic versions of Viagra® and Cialis® contain the same
    active ingredients (sildenafil and tadalafil, respectively) as their
    brand-name counterparts. These active ingredients are responsible for the
    therapeutic effects of the medication.
 3. Bioequivalence: Generic drugs must demonstrate bioequivalence to the
    brand-name drugs, meaning they are absorbed into the bloodstream at the same
    rate and to the same extent. This ensures that the generic versions produce
    the same clinical effects as the brand-name medications.
 4. Quality Control: Reputable generic manufacturers adhere to strict quality
    control standards to ensure the consistency and quality of their products.
 5. Prescription Requirement: Like brand-name Viagra® and Cialis®, generic
    versions typically require a prescription from a licensed healthcare
    provider. This ensures that the medication is appropriate for your specific
    health condition and that you are taking it under professional guidance.

What female options are available through JRNYS?

At JRNYS, we provide a comprehensive approach to sexual wellness by offering a
combination of treatments that may include PT141, oxytocin, pleasure-enhancing
creams, and more. 

These therapies are designed to address various aspects of sexual health,
promoting intimacy, desire, and satisfaction. Our goal is to personalize
treatment plans to help individuals achieve optimal sexual well-being and
enhance their overall quality of life.

How does PT-141 enhance libido?

PT-141, also known as Bremelanotide, is a medication that is used to enhance
libido and sexual arousal. It works by targeting the central nervous system to
stimulate sexual desire and arousal. Here's how PT-141 enhances libido:

 1. Neurotransmitter Activation: PT-141 acts on certain receptors in the brain,
    specifically in the hypothalamus, which plays a key role in regulating
    sexual function. It interacts with melanocortin receptors, primarily the
    MC4R (melanocortin 4 receptor), which are involved in sexual arousal and
 2. Increase in Sexual Desire: When PT-141 binds to these receptors, it triggers
    a cascade of neural signals that lead to an increase in sexual desire and
    arousal. It essentially acts on the brain's pleasure and reward centers,
    enhancing the perception of sexual pleasure.
 3. No Direct Effect on Blood Flow: Unlike medications like sildenafil (Viagra),
    which work by increasing blood flow to the genital area, PT-141 primarily
    affects the brain's sexual response pathways. It does not have a direct
    effect on vascular function or genital blood flow.
 4. Psychological and Emotional Component: PT-141 is thought to have a
    psychological and emotional component, as it can enhance the emotional and
    mental aspects of sexual desire, making it particularly useful for
    individuals whose low libido is related to psychological or emotional
 5. Individual Response: It's important to note that the effectiveness of PT-141
    can vary from person to person. While it can be effective for some
    individuals with low sexual desire or arousal issues, it may not work for
 6. Prescription Required: PT-141 is available by prescription only, and its use
    should be supervised by a healthcare provider. It's essential to discuss
    your medical history and any potential contraindications with your
    healthcare provider before using PT-141.

How does oxytocin promote bonding with my partner?

Oxytocin is often referred to as the "love hormone" or "bonding hormone" because
of its role in promoting social bonding, emotional connections, and attachment
between individuals, including romantic partners. Here's how oxytocin promotes
bonding with your partner:

 1. Enhances Trust: Oxytocin is associated with increased trust and social
    bonding. When released in the brain, it can lead to feelings of trust and
    emotional openness. This can be especially important in building and
    maintaining trust within a romantic relationship.
 2. Facilitates Emotional Connection: Oxytocin is involved in emotional
    regulation and empathy. It can enhance your ability to understand and
    respond to your partner's emotions, fostering emotional intimacy and
 3. Promotes Physical Touch: Physical touch, such as hugging, kissing, and
    cuddling, can stimulate the release of oxytocin. These actions, often
    associated with romantic relationships, help create a sense of physical
    closeness and reinforce the emotional bond between partners.
 4. Supports Pair Bonding: Oxytocin has been shown to play a role in pair
    bonding, which is the deep emotional connection that forms between romantic
    partners. It may contribute to feelings of attachment, commitment, and
    loyalty in a relationship.
 5. Reduces Stress: Oxytocin has stress-reducing properties, which can be
    beneficial for couples facing challenging situations. When oxytocin levels
    rise, it can counteract the stress response and promote feelings of calm and
    security, making it easier for partners to support each other during
    stressful times.
 6. Enhances Social Reward: Oxytocin can influence the brain's reward system,
    making social interactions, including those with your partner, more
    rewarding and pleasurable. This reinforces the desire to spend time together
    and engage in activities that strengthen the bond.

*It's important to note that oxytocin's effects on social bonding and
relationships can vary among individuals, and it is just one factor within the
complex dynamics of human relationships. The information presented here is not
meant to replace advice from your JRNYS healthcare provider. 

What percentage of females suffer from low libido?

The NHSLS, a major survey conducted in the U.S. in the early 1990s, reported
that about 43% of women surveyed reported experiencing sexual dysfunction, which
included issues related to desire and arousal. It's important to note that this
figure encompasses various aspects of sexual function, not just low libido.

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†Disclaimer: Ozempic, Mounjaro and Zepbound are indicated for the treatment of
type 2 diabetes but may be considered for off-label use in weight loss when
suitable. Ozempic, Mounjaro and Zepbound carry the potential for severe side
effects, including the risk of thyroid tumors. Do not utilize it if you or your
family have a history of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) or MEN 2.

Read more about Ozempic on serious side effects and safety information

Read more about Mounjaro on serious side effects and safety information

Read more about Zepbound on serious side effects and safety information

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