www.datatrac.net Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://solutions.datatrac.net/e2t/sc2/Mm-nFbkgYxvW5V6ljb98lrXTW6P59-F4_vBj3W52hT6M7Zvnw4f1FXffT43
Effective URL: https://www.datatrac.net/Hubspot/LeadForm.aspx?InstitutionID=572&LeadID=223495&utm_campaign=Lead%20Sheets&utm_source=hs_e...
Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On November 01 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: form1POST ./LeadForm.aspx?InstitutionID=572&LeadID=223495&utm_campaign=Lead+Sheets&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=31540359&_hsmi=31540359&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_nv5JhBhdnnKyEiJe2H54z2liyg2KqvQ3sB9MzP36dBIVJbjAaNMa0VWlXnmMEpNk6bpgDP7m9pHeinzRin-B3APgbsw

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                                  <h2><span style="color: #389abe;">$100 Conversion Guarantee</span></h2>
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                                  <p>Once you sign up with Datatrac Name Your Price Leads™, Datatrac will continue to send you leads at no additional cost until you have a closed rate of at least $100 per new account.* &nbsp;</p>
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                                  <h2><span style="color: #389abe;">Why Datatrac Leads Convert</span></h2>
                                  <p><span style="color: #389abe;"><span style="color: #444444;">By the time you receive the lead, the consumer has already researched the market and selected you because&nbsp;Datatrac proved they could save or earn
                                        more money with you than the competition.</span></span></p>
                                  <p><span style="color: #389abe;"><span style="color: #444444;">Datatrac Lead Sheets are highly motivated and engaged prospects for three reasons: </span></span></p>
                                      <p><span style="color: #389abe; font-size: 18px;"><span style="color: #444444;">They searched the market for a relevant and local term (such as 'auto loan rates chicago') </span></span></p>
                                      <p><span style="color: #389abe; font-size: 18px;"><span style="color: #444444;">They used Datatrac tools to compare options, which shows them how much money they save or earn with you over the
                                      <p><span style="color: #389abe; font-size: 18px;"><span style="color: #444444;">They completed a form indicating&nbsp;that they would like to proceed.</span></span>&nbsp;</p>
                                  <h2><span style="color: #389abe;">Premier Search Engine Results</span></h2>
                                  <p><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="color: #444444;">Datatrac conducts regular search engine marketing which often results in first page rankings.</span> &nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p>
                                  <p><img src="//cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Search.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=1024" alt="NYPL-Search.png" title="NYPL-Search.png" width="1024" data-constrained="true" style="width: 1024px;"
                                      srcset="//cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Search.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=512 512w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Search.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=1024 1024w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Search.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=1536 1536w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Search.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=2048 2048w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Search.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=2560 2560w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Search.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=3072 3072w"
                                      sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px"></p>
                                  <p><span style="font-size: 14px;">*Search results are determined solely in Google’s discretion. &nbsp;There is no guarantee that Datatrac or its clients will be listed on page one of Google’s search results.</span>
                                  <h2><span style="color: #389abe;">Datatrac Features You at the Top</span></h2>
                                  <p><span style="color: #444444;">Datatrac clients are displayed in premium spots on Datatrac.net, proving to visitors in real time how much they will save with&nbsp;you over the competition (See banner in right
                                      column below.) &nbsp;There is no advertising cost to be listed, you just pay for the leads.</span></p>
                                  <p><img src="//cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Datatrac.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=1024" alt="NYPL-Datatrac.png" title="NYPL-Datatrac.png" width="1024" data-constrained="true" style="width: 1024px;"
                                      srcset="//cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Datatrac.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=512 512w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Datatrac.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=1024 1024w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Datatrac.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=1536 1536w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Datatrac.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=2048 2048w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Datatrac.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=2560 2560w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/NYPL-Datatrac.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=3072 3072w"
                                      sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px"></p>
                                  <h2><span style="color: #389abe;">About Datatrac</span></h2>
                                  <p>Datatrac is a research firm specializing in the banking industry. Datatrac built the largest database of interest rates in America over the last 25 years, which includes deposit and loan rates from over 100,000
                                    banking locations in North America. Datatrac provides a connection for educated consumers to select financial institutions that provide superior performing products based upon proprietary research.</p>
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                            <h2><span style="color: #389abe;">Why pay for clicks when you can buy exclusive leads with a guarantee?</span></h2>
                            <p>Datatrac Name Your Price Leads™ allow you to pay the price you want for only the leads that you receive.<img src="//cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/shutterstock_168007478.jpg?t=1468190135035&amp;width=150"
                                alt="Datatrac Lead Generation" title="Datatrac Lead Generation" width="150" data-constrained="true" style="width: 150px; margin: 0px 75px 10px 25px; float: right;"
                                srcset="//cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/shutterstock_168007478.jpg?t=1468190135035&amp;width=75 75w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/shutterstock_168007478.jpg?t=1468190135035&amp;width=150 150w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/shutterstock_168007478.jpg?t=1468190135035&amp;width=225 225w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/shutterstock_168007478.jpg?t=1468190135035&amp;width=300 300w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/shutterstock_168007478.jpg?t=1468190135035&amp;width=375 375w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/shutterstock_168007478.jpg?t=1468190135035&amp;width=450 450w"
                                sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px"></p>
                              <li>No setup or monthly fees</li>
                              <li>No long term commitment, pay-as-you-go</li>
                              <li>Exclusive, highly qualified leads</li>
                            <p>Datatrac pays the marketing costs to generate leads. You buy the results at a price you want to pay.&nbsp;</p>
                            <h2><span style="color: #389abe;">Datatrac Lead Exclusivity</span></h2>
                            <p>All consumers that complete an inquiry for your institution will be sent to you exclusively<span>.</span><sup><span><span>†</span>&nbsp;</span></sup></p>
                            <h2><span style="color: #389abe;">How Name Your Price Leads™ Work</span></h2>
                              <li>You select the products and markets where you want to participate.</li>
                              <li>You indicate the price you are willing to pay per lead and how many leads you want. &nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>Datatrac features you and sends you leads from consumers seconds after they complete a form on our site.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
                            <h2><span style="color: #389abe;">Datatrac Lead Sheet</span></h2>
                            <p>Following is an example of information included on a typical lead sheet.&nbsp;</p>
                            <p><img src="//cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/Lead-1.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=460" alt="Lead-1.png" title="Lead-1.png" width="460" data-constrained="true" style="width: 460px;"
                                srcset="//cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/Lead-1.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=230 230w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/Lead-1.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=460 460w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/Lead-1.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=690 690w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/Lead-1.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=920 920w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/Lead-1.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=1150 1150w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/203942/hubfs/images/Lead-1.png?t=1468190135035&amp;width=1380 1380w"
                                sizes="(max-width: 460px) 100vw, 460px"></p>
                            <h2><span style="color: #389abe;">FAQs</span></h2>
                            <p><strong>Q: &nbsp;What if my rates are not the best in the market?</strong></p>
                            <p>A: Most of our clients are not the best rate in the market and do not need to be to generate leads from Datatrac. &nbsp;Since we illustrate to consumers&nbsp;how much they will save or earn with your product over the
                              competition, you do not need to be the best rate in the market, but you do need to outperform the market average. &nbsp;Datatrac will prepare a custom analysis for you to show you which of your products qualify.&nbsp;
                            <p><strong>Q: &nbsp;How does Datatrac get our rates?</strong></p>
                            <p>A: &nbsp;Datatrac will work with you to determine the best method, which typically involves one of the following:</p>
                                <p><span style="font-size: 18px;">Rates can be automated to update from your website or an XML feed.</span></p>
                                <p><span style="font-size: 18px;">Rates can be faxed or emailed in to Datatrac and are then updated manually.</span></p>
                                <p>A call center is dedicated to gathering rates off of websites and calling financial institutions to update rates.</p>
                            <p><strong>Q: How do we receive Datatrac Lead Sheets?</strong></p>
                            <p>A: The default is by email, but Datatrac can also customize to provide you with a direct feed or text file. &nbsp;Depending upon your CRM or core processor, we may also be able to set up a custom solution to feed leads
                              directly into your internal application.&nbsp;</p>
                            <p><strong>Q: Can Datatrac Lead Sheets be sent to different parties within my organization?</strong></p>
                            <p>A: &nbsp;Yes, Datatrac has lead routing capabilities which can send leads for different products to different&nbsp;people (i.e. you may want deposit leads to go to one group and consumer loan leads to go to
                            <p><strong>Q: Can I limit the leads I receive?</strong></p>
                            <p>A: Yes, you choose the markets, product types (auto loans, credit cards, CDs, etc.) and number of leads you want.</p>
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                      <h4><strong>* Datatrac $100 Conversion Guarantee</strong></h4>
                      <div class="col-xs-12">
                        <div class="col-xs-12">
                          <p><span>Datatrac guarantees that you will not pay more than $100 per closed deposit or loan based upon the minimum bid of $20 per lead. Datatrac will send you additional leads at no additional cost (Complimentary Leads)
                              until you have a closed rate of at least $100 per new account. To qualify for Complimentary Leads, Datatrac provides you with a list of leads that have been submitted to you for which you must identify the leads that
                              have resulted in a closed deposit or loan. Leads you have purchased are eligible for credit toward the guarantee if they were contacted by you within two business days of when the lead was submitted to you and have not
                              resulted in a closed deposit or loan within ninety (90) days of the date submitted. Datatrac may verify closed accounts with consumers that submitted the lead. Leads less than ninety (90) days old or greater than one (1)
                              year old are not eligible for credit. &nbsp;Interest rates must outperform the market average in a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) in the United States and be available to all consumers in that community to be
                              eligible for the Datatrac $100 Conversion Guarantee. &nbsp;Bid amounts in excess of $20 are not included in the Datatrac $100 Conversion Guarantee calculation. &nbsp;</span></p>
                      <h4 class="col-xs-12"><strong>†&nbsp;Lead Sheet Exclusivity for Name Your Price Leads</strong></h4>
                      <div class="col-xs-12">
                        <div class="col-xs-12">
                          <p>Consumers that complete an inquiry for your institution will be sent to you exclusively provided that you have an active bid status, which means that you have not exceeded the number of leads that you specified and/or
                            have agreed to purchase additional leads at the price you specify. &nbsp;Leads for institutions that do not have an active bid status are non-exclusive and may be sent to other financial institutions. You will only be
                            displayed in and receive leads from markets and products for which you selected and which you outperform the market average.</p>
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Text Content


No setup or monthly fees • No long term commitments • Exclusive, qualified leads


Below is an actual prospect that just completed a lead form. Please complete the
form on the right to unlock this lead.


Need more information?  

Attend an upcoming webinar 

Schedule an appointment

Contact us




First Name*

Last Name*







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Once you sign up with Datatrac Name Your Price Leads™, Datatrac will continue to
send you leads at no additional cost until you have a closed rate of at least
$100 per new account.*  



By the time you receive the lead, the consumer has already researched the market
and selected you because Datatrac proved they could save or earn more money with
you than the competition.

Datatrac Lead Sheets are highly motivated and engaged prospects for three

 * They searched the market for a relevant and local term (such as 'auto loan
   rates chicago')

 * They used Datatrac tools to compare options, which shows them how much money
   they save or earn with you over the competition.

 * They completed a form indicating that they would like to proceed. 



Datatrac conducts regular search engine marketing which often results in first
page rankings.   

*Search results are determined solely in Google’s discretion.  There is no
guarantee that Datatrac or its clients will be listed on page one of Google’s
search results.



Datatrac clients are displayed in premium spots on Datatrac.net, proving to
visitors in real time how much they will save with you over the competition (See
banner in right column below.)  There is no advertising cost to be listed, you
just pay for the leads.



Datatrac is a research firm specializing in the banking industry. Datatrac built
the largest database of interest rates in America over the last 25 years, which
includes deposit and loan rates from over 100,000 banking locations in North
America. Datatrac provides a connection for educated consumers to select
financial institutions that provide superior performing products based upon
proprietary research.



Datatrac Name Your Price Leads™ allow you to pay the price you want for only the
leads that you receive.

 * No setup or monthly fees
 * No long term commitment, pay-as-you-go
 * Exclusive, highly qualified leads

Datatrac pays the marketing costs to generate leads. You buy the results at a
price you want to pay. 



All consumers that complete an inquiry for your institution will be sent to you



 * You select the products and markets where you want to participate.
 * You indicate the price you are willing to pay per lead and how many leads you
 * Datatrac features you and sends you leads from consumers seconds after they
   complete a form on our site.  



Following is an example of information included on a typical lead sheet. 



Q:  What if my rates are not the best in the market?

A: Most of our clients are not the best rate in the market and do not need to be
to generate leads from Datatrac.  Since we illustrate to consumers how much they
will save or earn with your product over the competition, you do not need to be
the best rate in the market, but you do need to outperform the market average.
 Datatrac will prepare a custom analysis for you to show you which of your
products qualify. 


Q:  How does Datatrac get our rates?

A:  Datatrac will work with you to determine the best method, which typically
involves one of the following:

 * Rates can be automated to update from your website or an XML feed.

 * Rates can be faxed or emailed in to Datatrac and are then updated manually.

 * A call center is dedicated to gathering rates off of websites and calling
   financial institutions to update rates.


Q: How do we receive Datatrac Lead Sheets?

A: The default is by email, but Datatrac can also customize to provide you with
a direct feed or text file.  Depending upon your CRM or core processor, we may
also be able to set up a custom solution to feed leads directly into your
internal application. 


Q: Can Datatrac Lead Sheets be sent to different parties within my organization?

A:  Yes, Datatrac has lead routing capabilities which can send leads for
different products to different people (i.e. you may want deposit leads to go to
one group and consumer loan leads to go to another.) 


Q: Can I limit the leads I receive?

A: Yes, you choose the markets, product types (auto loans, credit cards, CDs,
etc.) and number of leads you want.




Datatrac guarantees that you will not pay more than $100 per closed deposit or
loan based upon the minimum bid of $20 per lead. Datatrac will send you
additional leads at no additional cost (Complimentary Leads) until you have a
closed rate of at least $100 per new account. To qualify for Complimentary
Leads, Datatrac provides you with a list of leads that have been submitted to
you for which you must identify the leads that have resulted in a closed deposit
or loan. Leads you have purchased are eligible for credit toward the guarantee
if they were contacted by you within two business days of when the lead was
submitted to you and have not resulted in a closed deposit or loan within ninety
(90) days of the date submitted. Datatrac may verify closed accounts with
consumers that submitted the lead. Leads less than ninety (90) days old or
greater than one (1) year old are not eligible for credit.  Interest rates must
outperform the market average in a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) in the
United States and be available to all consumers in that community to be eligible
for the Datatrac $100 Conversion Guarantee.  Bid amounts in excess of $20 are
not included in the Datatrac $100 Conversion Guarantee calculation.  



Consumers that complete an inquiry for your institution will be sent to you
exclusively provided that you have an active bid status, which means that you
have not exceeded the number of leads that you specified and/or have agreed to
purchase additional leads at the price you specify.  Leads for institutions that
do not have an active bid status are non-exclusive and may be sent to other
financial institutions. You will only be displayed in and receive leads from
markets and products for which you selected and which you outperform the market


© 2016 Datatrac