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URL: https://www.rockwellautomation.com/en-us/products/software/factorytalk/design-studio.html
Submission: On April 02 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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A cloud-based, software-defined industrial automation design environment
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Cloud Manufacturing Software
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   * * FactoryTalk Design Hub
     * FactoryTalk Design Studio
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   * FactoryTalk Design Hub
   * FactoryTalk Design Studio
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 * Maintenance Chevron DownChevron Down
   * * Fiix CMMS
     * FactoryTalk Remote Access
     * Plex APM
   * Fiix CMMS
   * FactoryTalk Remote Access
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 * MES Chevron DownChevron Down
   * * Plex MES
     * Plex Quality Management System
   * Plex MES
   * Plex Quality Management System
 * Operations Chevron DownChevron Down
   * * FactoryTalk Optix Portfolio
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Looking for more ways to advance your operation’s digital transformation?

View the exclusive collection of Digital Engineering and Design sessions from
the 2023 Automation Fair® event - available now on demand.

Watch Now

FactoryTalk® Design Studio™ enables industrial automation system designers to
improve their collaboration and productivity with a more simplified and
streamlined way to work. The result is faster time to market and systems that
cost less to build and maintain.

Watch our video series to learn how your team can achieve more with no cost
access to FactoryTalk Design Studio.

Watch Now
Video Series
Video Series
Discover how FactoryTalk Design Studio delivers a modern, multi-user,
multi-controller design environment.


MODERNDevelopment functionality that enables you to build and deploy projects

MULTI-USERCollaboration tools that support scalable teams and varying skillsets.

Support for all your devices with context across the entire system.


To help our customers transform, Rockwell Automation partnered with Microsoft to
deliver multiple components of our extensive portfolio to the cloud. Read the
story of how we went cloud-native on Azure to deliver products like FactoryTalk
Design Studio to help eliminate many of the systemic barriers that have existed
in designing an industrial automation system.

Dynamic Duo

Dynamic Duo

Learn how Rockwell Automation partnered with Microsoft to bring secure, modern,
design software to the factory floor.

Read Now

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We’re excited to announce the 1.06 update of FactoryTalk Design Studio that
allows you to:

 * Add Stratix switches to your project to manage remote ethernet devices
 * Multi-add and quick configure multiple devices in a single workflow
 * Use a single development environment to create projects then deploy to
   controllers with v34, v35, or v36 firmware versions


Add new devices to project Bulk-add of quick configure devices

Create your project with a core set of devices

Start your project by adding your devices, or start project development
logically, then add your hardware later. Either way, you can choose from a core
set of devices including controllers, I/O, and communication devices including
newly Stratix 5400 switches and ETAPs.

Add and configure multiple devices at the same time

Systems come in all sizes. And we want to make you as efficient as possible. One
of the ways we’re doing that is delivering on a feature that allows you to
bulk-add and quick configure devices to speed your development time.

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Add new devices to project
Chevron DownChevron Down

Create your project with a core set of devices

Start your project by adding your devices, or start project development
logically, then add your hardware later. Either way, you can choose from a core
set of devices including controllers, I/O, and communication devices including
newly Stratix 5400 switches and ETAPs.

Bulk-add of quick configure devices
Chevron DownChevron Down

Add and configure multiple devices at the same time

Systems come in all sizes. And we want to make you as efficient as possible. One
of the ways we’re doing that is delivering on a feature that allows you to
bulk-add and quick configure devices to speed your development time.


One of the great things about Software-as-a-Service is as it’s continuing to
grow and expand, new features and functionality automatically become available
to the user.  And it’s no different with FactoryTalk Design Studio. Our team is
hard at work preparing for the next update with value-add deliverables that will
make your team more efficient and speed your time to delivery.

Device management
Chevron DownChevron Down

Deliver your project with an expanded set of devices including controllers, I/O,
adapters, switches, and more.

Generative AI Copilot
Chevron DownChevron Down

Use the chat panel to ask the Copilot product usage questions as well as provide
feedback for the responses that are returned.

Role-based access control
Chevron DownChevron Down

Protect your code by setting permissions based on job roles and

Controller communications
Chevron DownChevron Down

Design your automation system in the environment then deploy to a ControlLogix
or CompactLogix controller in a single workflow.


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 * "We found time-saving advantage in managing geographically disparate
   concurrent engineering efforts."
   Gary Hida - VP and Owner
 * "The code editor functionality of FactoryTalk Design Studio is one of the
   best and most promising features. We can develop faster in the code editor
   but clients who are more comfortable in the ladder editor still have that
   Jacob Kubale - Project Manager
 * "The browser-based design environment makes for quick migration and handling
   of customer files without managing multiple Virtual Machines. What used to
   take days to get engineers engaged and productive on projects can now be
   achieved in minutes."
   Ryan Binkley - Technical Consultant
 * "Web based available anywhere in the world is something we are looking
   forward to using. It will allow new team member to begin developing quickly
   without doing all the heavy installs. Also being able to make a change in the
   code wherever an engineer is located."
   Andy Croke - Food & Beverage Core Team Lead
 * "We are excited to leverage the multi-controller support to increase our
   velocity to market by allowing us to focus on generating project code in a
   single instance of a design environment. This should reduce the
   organizational challenges of managing multiple .ACD files over the course of
   a project lifecycle.”
   Jacob Becker - System Solution Architect
 * "We found time-saving advantage in managing geographically disparate
   concurrent engineering efforts."
   Gary Hida - VP and Owner
 * "The code editor functionality of FactoryTalk Design Studio is one of the
   best and most promising features. We can develop faster in the code editor
   but clients who are more comfortable in the ladder editor still have that
   Jacob Kubale - Project Manager
 * "The browser-based design environment makes for quick migration and handling
   of customer files without managing multiple Virtual Machines. What used to
   take days to get engineers engaged and productive on projects can now be
   achieved in minutes."
   Ryan Binkley - Technical Consultant
 * "Web based available anywhere in the world is something we are looking
   forward to using. It will allow new team member to begin developing quickly
   without doing all the heavy installs. Also being able to make a change in the
   code wherever an engineer is located."
   Andy Croke - Food & Beverage Core Team Lead
 * "We are excited to leverage the multi-controller support to increase our
   velocity to market by allowing us to focus on generating project code in a
   single instance of a design environment. This should reduce the
   organizational challenges of managing multiple .ACD files over the course of
   a project lifecycle.”
   Jacob Becker - System Solution Architect
 * "We found time-saving advantage in managing geographically disparate
   concurrent engineering efforts."
   Gary Hida - VP and Owner
 * "The code editor functionality of FactoryTalk Design Studio is one of the
   best and most promising features. We can develop faster in the code editor
   but clients who are more comfortable in the ladder editor still have that
   Jacob Kubale - Project Manager
 * "The browser-based design environment makes for quick migration and handling
   of customer files without managing multiple Virtual Machines. What used to
   take days to get engineers engaged and productive on projects can now be
   achieved in minutes."
   Ryan Binkley - Technical Consultant
 * "Web based available anywhere in the world is something we are looking
   forward to using. It will allow new team member to begin developing quickly
   without doing all the heavy installs. Also being able to make a change in the
   code wherever an engineer is located."
   Andy Croke - Food & Beverage Core Team Lead
 * "We are excited to leverage the multi-controller support to increase our
   velocity to market by allowing us to focus on generating project code in a
   single instance of a design environment. This should reduce the
   organizational challenges of managing multiple .ACD files over the course of
   a project lifecycle.”
   Jacob Becker - System Solution Architect

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Learn more about this modern, multi-user, multi-controller environment including
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FactoryTalk Design Studio 1.04 Features

FactoryTalk Design Studio 1.04 Features

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EmailEmail DownloadDownload
Bring more power to electric vehicle and battery production

Bring more power to electric vehicle and battery production
Modernize your automation system design capabilities with FactoryTalk Design
Studio, our latest cloud-native design software.

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Empowering a Multi-User Workforce

Empowering a Multi-User Workforce
Learn how Rockwell Automation has incorporated modern software development
methodologies into familiar automation software functions.

Blog Post
Create Smarter Systems that Scale

Create Smarter Systems that Scale
FactoryTalk Design Studio lets you make more logical system models, design
systems independent of hardware and manage multiple controllers in one place.

WebinarWebinar Webinar
Use the Cloud Now to Deliver Modular Design Value

Use the Cloud Now to Deliver Modular Design Value
How Cloud-Based System Design Delivers Value Today.

WebinarWebinar Webinar
Customers Discuss Adopting Cloud Design Software

Customers Discuss Adopting Cloud Design Software
Learn firsthand from innovation-focused early adopters of Rockwell Automation’s
new cloud-based FactoryTalk Design Studio.

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Benefits of SaaS in the Cloud for Manufacturing

Benefits of SaaS in the Cloud for Manufacturing
Discover 3 ways Software as a Service (SaaS) in the cloud for manufacturing can
transform your business.

Blog Post
Adapting to Change through Cloud Manufacturing

Adapting to Change through Cloud Manufacturing
The adoption of cloud is enabling the convergence of OT and IT, helping
manufacturers to address challenges on the supply and demand sides of

Bringing the Future of Automation into Focus

Bringing the Future of Automation into Focus
Bringing the Future of Automation into Focus

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