pdgmedia.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://www.pdgmedia.com/
Effective URL: https://pdgmedia.com/
Submission: On December 07 via api from US — Scanned from US

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 * Powell Design Group



Crafting a digital experience that can stand out from the crowd requires
insight, agility, and a rather diverse set of skill sets. At Powell Design
Group, we’ve spent almost three decades honing those skills, and true to the
original plan for the agency, we’ve stayed lean and green with a Lover of How
Things Look, a Wizard of How Things Work, and an incredible network of talent
that journeys with us to the extraordinary.

Keeping our roof small gives our clients a distinct advantage over dealing with
larger agencies; without worrying about having to keep our own staff busy, we’re
free to focus on the things that matter more to you. Like making sure your staff
stays busy.


Our white-label business aside (helping other agencies with their staffing
issues) we spend our time working with SME’s and Non-profits that need custom,
cutting-edge work done on tight budgets and even tighter timelines. If you’d
like to browse over 27 years of screenshots, we’d be happy to send a floppy your

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Marketing Strategy · Web Design · WordPress · UI/UX · Branding · Logo Design ·
Content Strategy · Social Media · E-Commerce · Analytics

We love helping local small business, and understand that for many owners,
building and maintaining an online presence that taps into your value landscape
can be time-consuming and extremely challenging. Indeed – many end up going to
market with nothing but an email. If that sounds familiar, we can help.

Book a 1-Hour call with our Creative Director and get a deep dive into where
you’re at, how you see your business growing in the future, and what an
optimized strategy to get you there could look like.


We’d love to throw our experience your way. Reach out if you’d like to chat:

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