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Submitted URL: https://info.virtualization-online.org/l/CKVCCSx_t7lMnwYC-zwsT8uJUFKWXQwmO1u7ISEEYH0
Effective URL: https://www.hackerearth.com/de/challenges/hackathon/tibco-labs-iot-and-sustainability-hack/rules/
Submission: On December 13 via api from IE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

Name: login-formPOST

<form id="modal-login-form" name="login-form" method="POST" class="ajax-form medium-margin" ajax="/de/AJAX/login/" data-hs-cf-bound="true">
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Name: signup-formPOST

<form id="modal-signup-form" name="signup-form" method="POST" class="ajax-form medium-margin" ajax="/de/AJAX/hackerearth/signup/?source=sprint&amp;next=/de/challenges/hackathon/tibco-labs-iot-and-sustainability-hack/" data-hs-cf-bound="true">
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    <input id="id_email" maxlength="75" name="email" placeholder="Email" type="text" required="">
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        <li id="js-alphabet"><span>An alphabet</span></li>
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  <script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = showPasswordTooltip($('.password-wrapper #id_password'), false);
    showPasswordTooltip($('#password-error #id_password'), true);

Name: password-resetPOST

<form name="password-reset" method="POST" class="ajax-form" ajax="/de/AJAX/password/reset/?next=/de/challenges/hackathon/tibco-labs-iot-and-sustainability-hack/rules/" data-hs-cf-bound="true">
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889 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
Idea Phase
starts on:
Nov 15, 2021, 06:00 PM
ends on:
Jan 14, 2022, 06:00 PM
Development Phase
starts on:
Jan 20, 2022, 06:00 PM
ends on:
Jan 29, 2022, 06:00 PM

 * Overview
 * Themes
 * Prizes

Rules Teams Project AIR FAQs Judges Submission Guideline Judging Criteria


 1.  This is an online hackathon and you can participate from anywhere. 
 2.  You can register for the hackathon as an individual or as a team of up to
     five (5) individuals. Once you register, if you would like to be part of a
     team, you have the following two options: (i) you can invite friends to
     form your team;  or (ii) you can ask to join a team by browsing all the
     participants who have registered for the hackathon.
 3.  The theme of the hackathon is sustainability, and your solution must fall
     into one of the five (5) sub-theme categories associated with
     sustainability. See Themes for additional details about these categories. 
 4.  The hackathon consists of 2 phases- Ideation Phase and Development Phase.
     The Ideation phase starts at 10:00 AM PST on Nov 15, 2021, and ends at 
     10:00 AM PST on Jan 14, 2022. The Development Phase starts at 10:00 am PST
     on Jan 20, 2022, and ends at 10:00 am PST on Jan 29, 2022
 5.  During the Ideation phase, you/your team will submit an idea in accordance
     with the Submission Guidelines outlined for the Ideation Phase. See
     Submission Guidelines for additional details. You/your team will need to
     receive a total score of seventy (70) points or higher to participate in
     the Development Phase. See Judging Criteria for additional details
 6.  The HackerEarth team will announce the winners of the ideation phase on the
     hackathon website at 1:00 pm on Jan 19, 2022
 7.  During the Development phase, you/your team will submit a solution in
     accordance with the Submission Guidelines outlined for the Development
     Phase. A signed Development Participation Agreement must be submitted with
     your solution(s). Any solution submitted without a signed Development
     Participation Agreement will be disregarded by the judges and will be
     ineligible to win prizes. See Submission Guidelines for additional
 8.  You/your team can submit as many submissions as you would like in each
     phase of the hackathon. However, your last submission will be the solution
     that will be evaluated by the judges and eligible to win prizes.  All other
     submissions will be disregarded for purposes of awarding prizes.
 9.  All submissions must be uploaded to the HackerEarth Challenge Page to be
     eligible to win prizes.
 10. Winners will be selected based on a point system awarded for each
     submission. The submission with the highest point total will be the overall
     winner. See Judging Criteria for additional details on overall and
     runner-up winners.  
 11. The HackerEarth team will announce the winners of the development phase on
     the hackathon website at 1:00 pm on Feb 7, 2022. See Prizes for additional
 12. You are expected to come up with new and innovative ideas, and any idea
     used from a third party and/or site will result in a disqualification of
     your submission. 
 13. Your solution must be developed entirely during the duration of the
 14. You may use open source libraries in your solution in accordance with the
     TIBCO LABS IoT and Sustainability Hackathon Rules. 
 15. By participating in the hackathon you agree to these rules,  TIBCO LABS IoT
     and Sustainability Hackathon Rules and terms and conditions of HackerEarth

starts on:
Nov 15, 2021, 06:00 PM
closes on:
Jan 14, 2022, 06:00 PM


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