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June 19 #

With baby-sister

July 28 #


Mía is 18 months old!

She had her 18 month appointment today. She’s about 83cm, and a bit over 10kg.

Mía is doing wonderfully well. It’s been so long since I wrote that I should
probably mention that she started walking at 12 months & 3 weeks.

Mía has started to talk and already has an impressive vocabulary. I sat down and
made a list of all the words she said at 16 months, and I got up to nearly 100.
Now at 18 months, there are too many to count. She has recently started using
simple 2-word phrases like “Hi Pabbi”, “Bye Amma”, “Cat gone”, etc. She has also
learned to that she can use words to ask for things, and often has long lists of
demands: “Bubbles. Bubbles. Bubbles! Pen. A pen! A pen!” and will go on like
this until she gets what she’s after.

Mía is also starting to take an interest in learning letters & numbers. She
points them out wherever she sees them. So far she knows M, S, B, 2, 3, 8 and
10. She likes to count as well, though not necessarily in the right order. ;)

January 28 #


Mía is one year old today!

12 months have passed since that freezing cold morning when Mía entered the

What an amazing year it has been!! Happy Birthday & til hamingju með afmælið to
our beautiful daughter. We love you so much Mía!!! :)

December 31 #

10 & 11 MONTHS

Once again I’m falling behind. In my defense, Mía has been keeping me very busy!

At Mía’s 10 month appointment she was 76cm long and around 8.7kg. She has 8
teeth all the way through, and is cutting her lower canines.

Grandma Karen has been visiting from Australia, and Mía has been basking in all
the love & attention. :) She’s been showing off for us - standing up unassisted
and clapping proudly. She’s even taken a few tentative steps here & there!
Mostly though, she uses Grandma as her personal walking frame, grabbing her
firmly by the hands and making her walk around the house until Grandma’s ready
to drop. She can also walk pushing her car. We’re all looking forward to her
learning to walk by herself, so that our aching backs can have a rest!

Last week was Mía’s first Christmas. We had a lovely time and Mía got absolutely
spoiled rotten with presents from all her wonderful friends & relatives. ;)

Mía is absolutely obsessed with books at the moment. We go to the library as
often as possible, and even so it’s difficult to keep up with her need for new
reading material. Along with her hunger for books has come an explosion in the
number of words she understands. Animals are her favourite subject-matter, and
she can point out an impressive range of different creatures if you ask her.
She’s also getting better at distinguishing similar-looking animals - she knows
the difference between a horse & a zebra, a lion & a tiger, etc.

As I write this it’s 11.40pm on New Year’s Eve, and I can’t help but reminisce.
This time last year I was 8 months pregnant and excitedly awaiting Mía’s
arrival, today we have an adorable, beautiful, intelligent, funny, amazing
nearly-one-year-old. 2008 has been a huge year for all of us! It’s hard to
believe it’s just 4 weeks until Mía’s 1st birthday!

Happy New Year, Gleðilegt ár, and thank you for a wonderful 2008!

October 28 #

8 & 9 MONTHS

Mía is 9 months old today! I’ve been slacking and missed her 8 month birthday,
so I’ll just have to play catch up.

What has Mía been up to the last 2 months? Well, somewhere around 7 months or so
she started pulling herself up to standing from crawling position, and from
there she’s figured out how to cruise along furniture and climb onto the coffee
table & sofa. A few days ago she stood unassisted for about 15 seconds, but
she’s yet to repeat it. She can also clap, wave, do “Gimme five!” and “How big
are you?” (the correct response is to lift her arms up in the air).

She’s a very, very active baby! Other babies always seem so quiet and calm in
comparison. Mía never stops moving, she’s absolutely always on the go. It’s fun
& exhausting at the same time!

She’s starting to understand more and more of what we say. She follows lots of
simple commands (eg “Can I have that?”, “Put it in the bin”, etc) and is picking
up new ones every day. It’s usually enough to demonstrate something once or
twice, and then she has it down. She learns so quickly!

Finally, the basic stats: Mía now has 6 beautiful teeth! At her 8 month
appointment she was 73cm and a bit over 8kg. I’m sure she’s grown since, but we
won’t have any more measurements again until her next appointment at 10 months.

August 31 #


Mía turned 7 months on the 28th of August. 6 months was a big month with lots of
fun new milestones. :)

Mía started crawling a few weeks back. Technically it’s more of an army crawl -
she has trouble crawling upright on our slippery floors, but she does try! Now
that she’s mobile (and getting into anything within her reach!) we’ve been in a
mad scramble to baby-proof our home. We also bought a playpen so that we can
contain her when necessary. Thankfully so far she really likes being in there,
and we’re being careful not to overuse it so that she continues to enjoy it.

The other major milestone has been her first real word: “cat”, or rather “cah”,
as she pronounces it. She’s been saying mama, dada and nei for months now, but
we didn’t really count those as it’s not clear that she actually understands
them. With “cat” though, it’s clear that she actually understands the meaning of
what she’s saying. :)

She’s also starting to understand some of what we say. For example, if we ask
her if she wants to go look at the fishes, she starts leaning over towards the
fishtank until we take her to see it. Also, we can ask her “Mía, can I kiss your
foot?” and she’ll hold out her foot for to be kissed, and if we ask her “Can I
kiss your hand?” then she’ll hold out her hand.

Mía’s top two teeth are coming in and she’s putting them to good use. We pretty
much gave up on trying to feed her purees as she refused basically everything,
so we’ve skipped that and moved straight to finger foods. It’s worked wonders,
and foods that disgusted her in puree form she now happily eats whole. So far
she’s tried steamed whole carrots & broccoli, avocado, potato, sweet potato,
peas, boiled rice, rice crackers, apples, bananas, pear and melon. Here we were
lamenting the fact that our baby was a picky eater, but now that we’ve figured
out that she just hates purees, she enjoys pretty much everything we give her.

What else? Her hair finally seems to be growing at a respectable rate. Her fine
motor skills are improving and she’s already got a pretty good pincer grasp (ie
picking smalls things up between her index finger & thumb). She’s also finally
starting to entertain herself quite well, which is nice given that she’s always
been very demanding in terms of wanting to constantly be entertained.

Anyway, onwards & upwards as we begin 7 months!

August 30 #

In her new playpen, AKA “baby jail”. The lovely clothes are from Amma Dísa &
Lilja Frænka. :)

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Trying to get Mía to say “cat” for me on video.

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Army crawl

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