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  XCLAIM | Revolutionizing the Bankruptcy Claims Trading Market
The 2023 claims trading market was 🔥!
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It's a wrap . . . 🎁
2023 was a breakout year!

It’s truly been a wild ride for claims trading, crypto and Xclaim! 🎢 🏇🏎️

Xclaim was founded to empower creditors to recover value on their own terms
through an open and transparent digital market.

One year ago, we retooled to serve the holders of $30 billion of crypto claims.
We introduced auctions, private listings and other bespoke services.

Since then, creditors seeking liquidity and competitive pricing have listed more
than $1 billion of claims on our platform and over 1,200 claim buyers have
registered to gain access to our extensive inventory. 🌏🌍🌎

The result? In 2023, we transacted $391 million of claims by matching supply
with demand. Cash and risk were efficiently traded in an online market for
bankruptcy claims. 
We’ve solved the liquidity needs of more creditors and enabled more deal flow
for buyers. We traded some of the largest claims in FTX and Genesis ($90 million
and $56 million, respectively) and set multiple price records throughout the
year. By value, more FTX claims traded through Xclaim than anywhere else. 🏆

And, we became profitable as a business. 🚀
Let’s look closer at what we accomplished together in 2023: 



What's on deck for 2024?

Looking ahead, our pipeline of claims continues to grow, and there are new
opportunities emerging. To satisfy growing demand, we’re going beyond crypto,
broadening our coverage to new companies and industries facing distress.⚡
See below for our available claims coming to market soon. 


FTX $30M Genesis $60M Celsius $2M Core Scientific $30M Proterra $27M SAS AB

Plus, hundreds more claims on Xclaim available now.

Browse Claims

Have claims to sell?

The market for secondary transactions is heating up. If you or your clients have
claims to sell, register or contact us.


Portfolio Valuation Services

If you bought claims in 2023 and need your portfolio marked to market, contact
us for a custom quote or to learn about our PVS offerings.

Questions? Feedback?
 Contact Us

Xclaim is the leading online clearinghouse for buying and selling bankruptcy
claims. Our marketplace listing service and robust auction platform serve a
global network of buyers and sellers with real-time market intelligence,
transparent pricing and easier access to value recovery. 

Visit to find your next opportunity.

2261 Market Street #4385 San Francisco CA 94114 USA
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