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Submitted URL: https://portal.omnibridgeway.com/noumi
Effective URL: https://portal.omnibridgeway.com/cases/register/freedom-foods-class-action
Submission: On October 05 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

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                <h1><span class="underline-decor">Noumi (Freedom Foods)</span></h1>
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                <h2>Noumi (Freedom Foods) Consolidated Class Action</h2>
                <p style="text-align: left;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">IMPORTANT NOTICE: the registration deadline for this class action is <strong>4pm AEDT on 15 November 2023</strong>.</span></p>
                <p>This is a class action against Noumi Limited (<strong>N</strong><strong>oumi</strong>) (formally Freedom Foods Group Limited) and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (<strong>Deloitte</strong>) filed in the Supreme Court of Victoria
                  (<strong>Class Action</strong>). The lawyers are Phi Finney McDonald and Slater and Gordon.<br>
                  <br> Noumi shareholders, and other eligible security holders, who acquired Noumi securities during the&nbsp;<strong>Relevant Period</strong>&nbsp;of 7 December 2014 to 24 June 2020 may be entitled to compensation.
                <p>The Supreme Court of Victoria has ordered that any Noumi security holder who acquired eligible securities during the Relevant Period, and who wishes to to claim money from any settlement of the Class Action reached before 3 May
                  2024 must register their claim by <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">4pm AEDT on 15 November 2023</span></strong>.</p>
                <p>Important information about the class action, the mediation and the Court’s orders are contained in the Court’s ‘Notice to Group Members: Opt Out or Registration’ (<strong>Notice</strong>) which can be viewed
                  <strong><a href="/docs/default-source/case-documents/230928-notice-of-opt-out-or-registration(10233900-1).pdf?sfvrsn=b67afcf7_2" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a>.</strong></p>
                <p>If you wish to register, you may do so online by clicking on the ‘register here’ link below or by returning a copy of the registration from attached to the Notice. </p>
                <p>The Court’s orders dated 28 September 2023 can be viewed <a href="/docs/default-source/case-documents/orders-of-nichols-j-(28-september-2023)-pdf(10232806-1).pdf?sfvrsn=214d51c6_2" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a>.</p>
                <p>If there is anything of which you are unsure, or you have any questions or comments about the Notice, the Class Action or the registration process, in the first instance you should contact Omni Bridgeway by emailing
                  <a href="mailto:freedomfoods@omnibridgeway.com">freedomfoods@omnibridgeway.com</a>, or alternatively by telephone on 1800 016 464.</p>
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: the registration deadline for this class action is 4pm AEDT on
15 November 2023.

This is a class action against Noumi Limited (Noumi) (formally Freedom Foods
Group Limited) and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (Deloitte) filed in the Supreme
Court of Victoria (Class Action). The lawyers are Phi Finney McDonald and Slater
and Gordon.

Noumi shareholders, and other eligible security holders, who acquired Noumi
securities during the Relevant Period of 7 December 2014 to 24 June 2020 may be
entitled to compensation.

The Supreme Court of Victoria has ordered that any Noumi security holder who
acquired eligible securities during the Relevant Period, and who wishes to to
claim money from any settlement of the Class Action reached before 3 May 2024
must register their claim by 4pm AEDT on 15 November 2023.

Important information about the class action, the mediation and the Court’s
orders are contained in the Court’s ‘Notice to Group Members: Opt Out or
Registration’ (Notice) which can be viewed here.

If you wish to register, you may do so online by clicking on the ‘register here’
link below or by returning a copy of the registration from attached to the

The Court’s orders dated 28 September 2023 can be viewed here.

If there is anything of which you are unsure, or you have any questions or
comments about the Notice, the Class Action or the registration process, in the
first instance you should contact Omni Bridgeway by emailing
freedomfoods@omnibridgeway.com, or alternatively by telephone on 1800 016 464.

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