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URL: https://davidshieldsecurity.com/
Submission: On August 06 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

CALL US (818) 224-7503
CALL US (818) 224-7503
 * Home
 * About Us
   * Careers
 * Security Services
   * Executive Protection
   * Estate Security
   * Armored Vehicles
   * Event Security
   * High-End Retail Security
   * Music Tour Security
   * Security Agents
 * Investigations
 * Blog
 * Contact Us

 * Home
 * About Us
   * Careers
 * Security Services
   * Executive Protection
   * Estate Security
   * Armored Vehicles
   * Event Security
   * High-End Retail Security
   * Music Tour Security
   * Security Agents
 * Investigations
 * Blog
 * Contact Us


Commitment to the safety and well-being of our clients,
their families, and their business, every day, wherever
they may be in the world.
 * Armed & Unarmed Agents
 * Military & Law Enforcement Trained
 * Armored Vehicles



At David Shield Security, our mission is to maintain a 24/7 commitment to the
safety and well-being of our clients, their families and their interests
wherever they may be in the world. For our team, your safety and security are
non-negotiable and failure is not an option. Our experienced team and proven
track record for proactive security measures give you peace of mind wherever you

Read More
Call Us (818) 224-7503


At David Shield Security, our team of agents are meticulously selected from a
pool of exceptionally qualified applicants. They undergo intensive training,
drawing from well-established Israeli security service procedures and tactics,
coupled with real-world experience.

This collective expertise ensures our agents are exceptionally equipped to
guarantee the safety and well-being of our clients. Whether it’s executive
protection or safeguarding valuable assets, our dedicated agents are committed
to delivering the highest-caliber security solutions and services.



Our mission is to allow each and every client and his or her family to freely
exercise their normal way of life with minimal interruption while safety and
security remain at the highest level. Read More >


We hold our agents to exceptional standards. Your safety and security are our
utmost priority, and we leave no stone unturned in providing top-notch
protection and delivering peace of mind. Read More >


Your estate deserves the best protection available. Our team will work with you
to create a comprehensive security plan which leverages both technology and
personnel to provide you peace of mind. Read More >


“Hiring David Shield Security to protect my store was one of the best business
investments I could have made. In my industry, security is always a prominent
concern because of the value of the inventory. Operating in a high-traffic area
comes with a certain level of risk. After their initial assessment, they
recommended a protection plan that accounted for risks I hadn’t even considered.
I was provided with CCW-licensed armed guards who were friendly and professional
and made my employees and I feel extremely safe. You can’t go wrong with David
Shield Security, they understand retail security better than any other company
I’ve worked with.”
Elizabeth HartHigh-End Jewelry Proprietor
“I was extremely impressed with the outstanding Executive Protection provided by
David Shield Security. All of the agents assigned to me were very discreet and
professional. Whenever traveling, we used their armored transportation services
and all the vehicles were well-equipped and comfortable. I would strongly
recommend David Shield to family members or colleagues in need of personal
JOHN HANOVERHigh-Profile Business Executive
“When you hire David Shield Security to protect your home, you truly receive
24/7 protection. The agents were always available and responsive to my family
and I regarding any concerns we had. The team struck just the right balance of
being present, yet never overbearing. They offered us armed guards, but we asked
that they remain unarmed while on the property and they were very respectful of
that. If you want to feel safe at home or travel and know your family is always
protected, look no further than David Shield.”
Charles B. HowardPolitical Family

“Hiring David Shield Security to protect my store was one of the best business
investments I could have made. In my industry, security is always a prominent
concern because of the value of the inventory. Operating in a high-traffic area
comes with a certain level of risk. After their initial assessment, they
recommended a protection plan that accounted for risks I hadn’t even considered.
I was provided with CCW-licensed armed guards who were friendly and professional
and made my employees and I feel extremely safe. You can’t go wrong with David
Shield Security, they understand retail security better than any other company
I’ve worked with.”
Elizabeth HartHigh-End Jewelry Proprietor
“I was extremely impressed with the outstanding Executive Protection provided by
David Shield Security. All of the agents assigned to me were very discreet and
professional. Whenever traveling, we used their armored transportation services
and all the vehicles were well-equipped and comfortable. I would strongly
recommend David Shield to family members or colleagues in need of personal
JOHN HANOVERHigh-Profile Business Executive

What is executive protection?

Executive protection, also known as close protection or bodyguarding, refers to
the security measures and services provided to protect high-profile individuals,
such as corporate executives, celebrities, government officials, and other
individuals at risk due to their prominence, wealth, or sensitive positions.

What is estate security?

Estate security refers to the protection and safeguarding of private residential
properties or estates and its occupants, including all family members and staff.

What are investigation services?

Investigation services refer to professional services provided by individuals or
organizations to gather and analyze information related to specific cases or

What type of services does David Shield Security provide?

David Shield Security (DSS) is a full-service security and investigation with
60+ years of combined industry experience. We provide a variety of security
services on which you can find information under the Security Services section
on our website.

Does David Shield Security provide services only in the U.S?

No, David Shield Security can offer its services all around the world. Through
years of experience, we hired top agents, developed appropriate procedures, and
built relationships with local low-enforcement entities and support agencies.

Contact Us
We Deliver Peace of Mind

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Full Name*

Email Address*

Phone Number*

Select ServiceArmored Car RentalsCCTV & Video AnalyticsCorporate Counter
EspionageCyber SecurityDrone DefenseEstate SecurityEvent SecurityExecutive
ProtectionHospitality ServicesInvestigationsLifestyle
SecurityPhishingPolygraphPrivate InvestigatorsSecurity DriversSecurity
AgentsSocial Media MonitoringTSCM
Company Name




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Main Office
23945 Calabasas Rd Suite #108
Calabasas, CA 91302

(818) 224-7503

Private Investigation (PI) License - PI 189441
Private Patrol Operator (PPO) License - PPO119684
Copyright © 2024 David Shield Security - All Rights Reserved

David Shield Security
