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We provide high quality CCTV in Lebanon, our state-of-the-art CCTV surveillance
systems are connected to a recording device or IP Network to inspect an area,
part of your security camera solution. There are many security cameras models
available with varying specifications and applications. Our experts can assist
you in choosing the most adequate cameras for your needs, and design the whole
CCTV system for optimum security prior to installation.

Components of our CCTV systems in Lebanon:

The installation of our CCTV systems


They come in different shapes and specifications, they can be resumed as
follows: (Note that specifications are available in different models as needed).

 * Fixed Dome Network Camera Stylish, indoor-style network camera designed for
   diverse indoor applications 


 * Bullet Network Camera Designed for diverse indoor or outdoor applications 

 * Speed Dome Network Camera Part of the SUPREME series product line offering
   1080p Full HD resolution with superb image quality.  Adopting a 30x optical
   zoom lens, it is able to capture details at top-notch quality. Users can also
   easily control the lens position via a mouse or a joystick to track the
   object of interest and set up to 256 preset positions. 

 *  Fisheye Network Camera Provides 180° panoramic viewing (wall mount) or 360°
   surround viewing (ceiling/ floor mount). 



Simply connect Vivotek PoE extender and extend your surveillance system up to
300 meters without the need for any additional power supply. By streamlining the
installation process, Vivotek’s PoE extender saves significant manpower and
hardware costs. 

Outdoor Extension Solution / Perfect for traffic monitoring, campus and parking


VIVOTEK Innovative Smart IR Solution 

VIVOTEK has worked to overcome this shortcoming plaguing conventional IR cameras
by drawing on Smart IR technology. Smart IR eliminates overexposure problems by
dynamically adjusting the intensity of infrared light emitted by the camera’s
LED source as an object of interest moves closer or farther away in the field of
view. This ensures that the object is captured by the camera at an appropriate
exposure level, preserving detail that would otherwise be lost with a
conventional IR camera when the object is close by. The result is greater
effectiveness for demanding applications such as identification of people or
vehicle license plate numbers under low visible light conditions. 

True Colors at night 


For more information, send us your request:



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+ 961 3 543 666 | + 961 4 543 666 | Dbayeh, Lebanon

Opening Hours: Weekdays 8am to 6.30 pm | Saturdays 8am to 1pm

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