www.attentity.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.attentity.com/
Effective URL: https://www.attentity.com/
Submission: On July 10 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: aspnetFormPOST ./

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              <p style="opacity: 1; animation-duration: 600ms;" class="animate__fadeInUp">Advanced technology made ridiculously simple. Use data, activation, <br> and attribution for omnichannel marketing at scale, powered <br> by the Attentity
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        <h2 class="font45 white-line">Audience data stats</h2>
        <span class="lead colorGray">Using the latest intelligent tech drives exceptional results for our customers. These powerful tools should be easy and simple to adopt and make the lives of our customers easier.</span>
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              <span class="font-weight-700" data-speed="200" data-refresh-interval="12" data-to="191" data-from="10" data-seperator="true"></span>
            <p class="mainColor">Business locations</p>
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              <span class="font-weight-700" data-speed="200" data-refresh-interval="12" data-to="130" data-from="10" data-seperator="true"></span><small class="font48 font-weight-700"> million</small>
            <p class="mainColor">Business contacts</p>
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              <span class="font-weight-700" data-speed="200" data-refresh-interval="12" data-to="87" data-from="10" data-seperator="true"></span><small class="font48 font-weight-700"> million</small>
            <p class="mainColor">Omnichannel linkages</p>
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              <span class="font-weight-700" data-speed="200" data-refresh-interval="12" data-to="18" data-from="10" data-seperator="true"></span><small class="font48 font-weight-700"> million</small>
            <p class="mainColor">Location person mappings</p>
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              <span class="font-weight-700" data-speed="200" data-refresh-interval="12" data-to="215" data-from="10" data-seperator="true"></span><small class="font48 font-weight-700">+ million</small>
            <p class="mainColor">Verified B2B emails</p>
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                <div class="heading-text text-center padding-desktop">
                    <h2 class="font45">Engage your audience<br /> wherever they are</h2>
                    <p>with targeted messaging across the right channel at the right time as your audience moves across devices and locations</p>
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                    <div class="col-lg-6 animate__animated animate__fadeInLeft visible" data-animate="fadeInLeft" data-animate-delay="800" style="height:309px;background:url(images/engage/engage1.png) 50% 50% / cover no-repeat;">
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                        <div class="heading-text">
                            <h4 class="font-weight-500 DarkText m-b-5">
                                Build targeted audiences
                                The most comprehensive B2B audience data in the world is powered by the Attentity Graph and intelligence-based tech.  Build targeted audiences to match your goals
                            <a href="Graph" target="_blank"><button type="button " class="btn btn-primary" data-animate="fadeInDown" data-animate-delay="1000">Learn More</button></a>
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        <h2 class="font45 gray-line line-height-mb-50">Engage your audience wherever they are</h2>
        <span class="lead colorGray">with targeted messaging across the right channel at the right time as your audience moves across devices and locations.</span>
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            <h4> Build targeted audiences</h4>
            <p>The most comprehensive B2B audience data in the world is powered by the Attentity Graph and intelligence-based tech. Build targeted audiences to match your goals.</p>
            <a href="signup"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary m-r-10 "><span>Get started </span></button></a>
            <a href="graph">  <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline">Learn more</button></a>
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              <h4> Target across channels and devices</h4>
              <p> Target a person across every device, on every channel, no matter where they are. The Attentity Graph enables precision and extensive B2B targeting no matter how complex campaigns get.</p>
              <a href="signup"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary m-r-10 "><span>Get started </span></button></a>
              <a href="data">  <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline">Learn more</button></a>
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            <h4>Engage extensively with efficiency</h4>
            <p>Engage extensively across email, social, programmatic, display, voice, direct mail and other channels. Save on costs through efficiency without compromising the efficacy of your campaigns.</p>
          <div class="">
            <a href="signup"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary m-r-10 "><span>Get started </span></button></a>
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                            <h4 class="font-weight-500 DarkText m-b-5">
                                Engage extensively with efficiency
                            Engage extensively across email, social, programmatic, display, voice, direct mail and other channels.  Save on costs through efficiency without compromising the efficacy of your campaigns.
                        <a href="Data" target="_blank"> <button type="button " class="btn btn-primary" data-animate="fadeInDown" data-animate-delay="1000">Learn more</button></a>
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                        <div class="heading-text">
                            <h4 class="font-weight-500 DarkText m-b-5">Engage extensively with efficiency</h4>
                            Engage extensively across email, social, programmatic, display, voice, direct mail and other channels.  Save on costs through efficiency without compromising the efficacy of your campaigns.
                        <a href="Data" target="_blank">   <button type="button " class="btn btn-primary" data-animate="fadeInDown" data-animate-delay="1000">Learn more</button></a>
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  <section class="gray">
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      <div class="heading-text text-center padding-desktop heading-section m-b-50">
        <h2 class="font45 gray-line line-height-mb-50">Amp up your marketing with synergies of the best data and the best intelligence </h2>
        <span class="lead colorGray">with targeted messaging across the right channel at the right time as your audience moves across devices and locations.</span>
      <!-- Blog -->
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              <h4> B2B business data </h4>
              <p> With a B2B audience database of 130 million business contacts and 23 million businesses, you are armed with the data and insights to engage the prospects that matter at scale and with precision. </p>
        <!-- end: Post item-->
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        <div class="post-item border animate__animated" data-animate="fadeInRight" data-animate-delay="100" style="padding: 0px 20px 20px 0px; position: absolute; left: 566.5px; top: 0px;">
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                                    <img alt="" src="images/blog/blog2.png">
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              <h4> B2B2C ID graph </h4>
              <p> With over 87 million linkages mapping business and consumer personas, you have unrivaled coverage across multiple channels to engage with your targeted audiences where they are. </p>
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        <h2 class="font45 gray-line animate__animated" data-animate="fadeInUp" data-animate-delay="100">Voice of our customers</h2>
        <span class="lead colorGray animate__animated" data-animate="fadeInDown" data-animate-delay="400">Using the latest intelligent tech drives exceptional results for our customers. These powerful tools should <br> be easy and simple to adopt and
          make the lives of our customers easier. </span>
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                            <img src="images/home/voice/voice-3.png" width="100px">
                        <div class="team-desc">
                            <h3>“Lipsum identity graph for ROI”</h3>
                            <p>Lipsum able to capture ROI we didn’t think possible due to Attentity’s engine behind our most complex campaigns.  Their team made it look easy - integrating, enriching and activating our data with their graph.</p>
                            <h3>Jigar Mehta</h3>
                            <span>Managing Director</span>
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                            <h3>“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet”</h3>
                            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sit libero nihil ut tenetur accusamus nam consequatur. Non saepe tenetur ex quia illum sed reiciendis temporibus sed inventore saepe eum odio labore.</p>
                            <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor</h3>
                            <span>Lorem ipsum</span>
                    <div class="team-member">                        
                        <div class="team-image m-t-10">
                            <img src="images/home/voice/voice-6.png" width="100px">
                        <div class="team-desc">
                            <h3>“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet”</h3>
                            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sit libero nihil ut tenetur accusamus nam consequatur. Non saepe tenetur ex quia illum sed reiciendis temporibus sed inventore saepe eum odio labore.</p>
                            <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor</h3>
                            <span>Lorem ipsum</span>
                    <div class="team-member">                        
                        <div class="team-image m-t-10">
                            <img src="images/home/voice/voice-7.png" width="100px">
                        <div class="team-desc">
                            <h3>“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet”</h3>
                            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sit libero nihil ut tenetur accusamus nam consequatur. Non saepe tenetur ex quia illum sed reiciendis temporibus sed inventore saepe eum odio labore.</p>
                            <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor</h3>
                            <span>Lorem ipsum</span>
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                  <img src="images/home/voice/voice-1.png" width="100px">
                <div class="team-desc">
                  <h3>“The #1 identity graph for ROI”</h3>
                  <p>We were able to capture ROI we didn’t think possible due to Attentity’s engine behind our most complex campaigns. Their team made it look easy - integrating, enriching and activating our data with their graph.</p>
                  <h3>Chetan Wakalkar</h3>
                  <p>Group Director</p>
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Advanced technology made ridiculously simple. Use data, activation,
and attribution for omnichannel marketing at scale, powered
by the Attentity Graph.

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Our awesome customers we've had the pleasure to work with!


Using the latest intelligent tech drives exceptional results for our customers.
These powerful tools should be easy and simple to adopt and make the lives of
our customers easier.

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Business contacts


Omnichannel linkages


Location person mappings

+ million

Verified B2B emails

+ million


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with targeted messaging across the right channel at the right time as your
audience moves across devices and locations.


The most comprehensive B2B audience data in the world is powered by the
Attentity Graph and intelligence-based tech. Build targeted audiences to match
your goals.

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Target a person across every device, on every channel, no matter where they are.
The Attentity Graph enables precision and extensive B2B targeting no matter how
complex campaigns get.

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Engage extensively across email, social, programmatic, display, voice, direct
mail and other channels. Save on costs through efficiency without compromising
the efficacy of your campaigns.

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with targeted messaging across the right channel at the right time as your
audience moves across devices and locations.


With a B2B audience database of 130 million business contacts and 23 million
businesses, you are armed with the data and insights to engage the prospects
that matter at scale and with precision.


With over 87 million linkages mapping business and consumer personas, you have
unrivaled coverage across multiple channels to engage with your targeted
audiences where they are.

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Using the latest intelligent tech drives exceptional results for our customers.
These powerful tools should
be easy and simple to adopt and make the lives of our customers easier.


We were able to capture ROI we didn’t think possible due to Attentity’s engine
behind our most complex campaigns. Their team made it look easy - integrating,
enriching and activating our data with their graph.


Group Director


Attentity has everything you need for your audiences across digital and
terrestrial… the most comprehensive identities of all the providers we’ve seen.




Our collaboration with Data.xyz as our data partner worked very well. They
provided us the data from their extensive audience reach.





Set up a demo today to look at the Attentity platform and have us answer all
your questions.

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