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The anthropocene


Radical futurisms

Decolonizing nature

Contemporary art

Ergebnisse für tj demos
Stattdessen suchen nach: tjdemas


UCSC HAVC Department - UC Santa Cruz
T. J. Demos | havc.ucsc.edu

people - Sharjah Art Foundation
people - Sharjah Art Foundation

Dutch Art Institute
TJ Demos

Artillery Magazine
An Interview with T.J. Demos - Artillery Magazine

Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe Cinepoetics
T.J. Demos • Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe Cinepoetics - Poetologien audiovisueller

TJ Demos

Not Beyond Politics - Kunstkritikk

Environmental Humanities Center Amsterdam
Lecture T.J. Demos: Against the Anthropocene – Environmental Humanities Center

Batalha Centro de Cinema
Programa - T.J. Demos

Lieven Gevaert Centre
T. J. Demos | Lieven Gevaert Centre

Stream Sonic Acts 2020: T. J. Demos – Beyond the End of the World by Sonic Acts
| Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Events - Michigan State University
Dr. T.J Demos Visiting Scholar Lecture – Events

Interview with T. J. Demos - YouTube

Center for Cultural Studies - UC Santa Cruz
April 22, 2015- T.J. Demos: “Rights of Nature: The Art and Politics of Earth
Jurisprudence” – Center for Cultural Studies
Amazon.de · Auf Lager
The Migrant Image: The Art and Politics of Documentary During Global Crisis :
Demos, T. J.: Amazon.de: Bücher

De Gruyter
Beyond the World's End

Matters of Activity
Radical Futurisms: Ecologies of Collapse / Chronopolitics / Justice-to-Come -
Matters of Activity

T. J. Demos – Beyond the End of the World - YouTube

Printed Matter
T.J. Demos - Against the Anthropocene - Printed Matter

T.J. Demos on Vimeo

Decolonizing Nature: Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology (Sternberg
Press) : T. J. Demos: Amazon.de: Bücher

Slanted Publishers
Krisenkunst – Kunstkrise? Kunst und die globale Umweltkrise. Ein Gespräch mit T.
J. Demos - slanted
Lehmanns.de · Auf Lager
Radical Futurisms von T. J. Demos | ISBN 978-3-95679-527-5 | Buch online kaufen
- Lehmanns.de

Return to the Postcolony: Specters of Colonialism in Contemporary Art (Sternberg
Press) : T. J. Demos: Amazon.de: Books

McNally Jackson
Against the Anthropocene: T. J. Demos with Laura Kurgan and Yates McKee |
McNally Jackson Books

University College London
UCL podcast: Dr TJ Demos on the launch of the Centre for the Study of
Contemporary Art | UCL News - UCL – University College London

2016-07-14 The Showroom - Decolonizing Nature: T.J. Demos in Conversation by The
Showroom | Mixcloud

Santa Cruz
Book Release: T.J. Demos, Against the Anthropocene at UC Santa Cruz Digital Arts
Research Center (DARC) Tue Oct 17

UCSC Arts Division - UC Santa Cruz
T.J. Demos, Professor of the History of Art and Visual Culture has published new
book | arts.ucsc.edu

Environmental Humanities Center Amsterdam
Interview with T. J. Demos – Environmental Humanities Center Amsterdam

BOMB Magazine
BOMB Magazine | T.J. Demos's Decolonizing Nature: Contemporary Art…

Block Museum - Northwestern University
Counterinsurgent: Art Historian T.J. Demos on Cop City, Abolition Ecology, and
the Aesthetics of Counterreform: Block Museum - Northwestern University

TAKE on Art
TJ Demos - Take Art Magazine
Zabriskie Buchladen für Kultur und Natur · Nicht auf Lager
Beyond the World's End. Arts of Living at the Crossing – Zabriskie Buchladen für
Kultur und Natur

Climate Control: From Emergency to Emergence - Journal #104

Matters of Activity
Critical Times. Part I: Multiple Matter - Matters of Activity

The Market Place
Sternberg Press Against the Anthropocene - by T J Demos (Paperback) | The Market

Wesleyan University
Lecture by T.J. Demos: Climates of Necropolitics–John Akomfrah's “Vertigo Sea” -
Wesleyan University

MuseumsQuartier Wien
T. J. Demos: The Aesthetics and Politics of Climate Justice

Liberate Tate on X: "Tonight we're giving a #birthmark to TJ Demos. Atmospheric
carbon was at 321 ppm on the year he was born https://t.co/noZ7PgLhtq" / X
Dara Birnbaum: Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman (Afterall Books / One
Work) : Demos, T. J.: Amazon.de: Bücher

Slanted Publishers
Krisenkunst – Kunstkrise? Kunst und die globale Umweltkrise. Ein Gespräch mit T.
J. Demos - slanted

T. J. Demos: Toward Radical and Creative Ecologies - YouTube

Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Visiting Artist Lecture: T.J. Demos | Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Zabriskie Buchladen für Kultur und Natur · Auf Lager
Krisenkunst – Kunstkrise? Kunst und die globale Umweltkrise. Ein Gespr –
Zabriskie Buchladen für Kultur und Natur

Counterinsurgent: Cop City, Abolition Ecology, and the Aesthetics of
Counterreform - Journal #143

Platform Moderne Kunst
Platform Moderne Kunst: Platform Moderne Kunst Presents: TJ Demos

The Bowdoin Orient
TJ Demos speaks on the aesthetics of climate justice – The Bowdoin Orient


Art Hub Copenhagen
Art Pod with Mathias Kryger #4 - Art Hub Copenhagen

johannes m. hedinger
johannes m. hedinger – art research communication » T.J. Demos: Unlearning

edcat – Krisenkunst – Kunstkrise? Kunst und die globale Umweltkrise. Ein
Gespräch mit T. J. Demos

MuseumsQuartier Wien
T. J. Demos: The Aesthetics and Politics of Climate Justice
Informations BUTIK · Auf Lager
Radikale futurismer" af T.J. Demos – Informations BUTIK

T. J. Demos

resistant archives
T. J. Demos

CAA Reveals 2014 Awards, T. J. Demos Wins Frank Jewett Mather Honor | Observer

The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Art, Visual Culture, and Climate Change
by T.J. Demos | Goodreads

TJ Demos & Felicia Rice: The Necropolitics of Extraction on Vimeo

Against The Anthropocene - By T J Demos (paperback) : Target

Descolonizar la naturaleza : arte contemporáneo y políticas de la ecología von
T. J. Demos als Taschenbuch - bücher.de

PDF) T. J. Demos, Against the Anthropocene: Visual Culture and Environment Today
(Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2017) | T. J. Demos - Academia.edu

T. J. Demos – Artforum

SFU's Vancity Office of Community Engagement - New podcast episode out now! 🎙️
This week on Below the Radar, we are joined by T.J. Demos, Professor in the
Department of the History

Paper Plus
Return to the Postcolony by T. J. Demos | Paper Plus

Slanted Publishers
Krisenkunst – Kunstkrise? Kunst und die globale Umweltkrise. Ein Gespräch mit T.
J. Demos - slanted

Against the Anthropocene, T. J. Demos | PopMatters

The Hollywood Forest Story : An EcoSocial Art Practice | Co. Carlow Ireland
TJ Demos – The Hollywood Forest Story : An EcoSocial Art Practice | Co. Carlow

Institute of Radical Imagination
conversation with Mao Mollona – INSTITUTE_of_RADICAL_IMAGINATION

The Politics and Aesthetics of Climate Emergency”. А Lecture by T. J. Demos. |

Dara Birnbaum: Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman) By Demos, T. J. (Author)
paperback Published on (10 , 2010) : Demos, T. J.: Amazon.de: Books

Climate Emergency > Emergence, an Introduction | maat ext.

Introducing a Keynote Speaker: T.J. Demos

Camera Austria
Vortragsabend zur Ausstellung »once documentary« - Camera Austria

Le peuple qui manque
The Artist as Ethnographer – Saturday 26th May 2012 – Musée du quai Branly –
Symposium – a people is missing

MIT Press
The Exiles of Marcel Duchamp

Informations BUTIK
Radikale futurismer" af T.J. Demos – Informations BUTIK

Få Radikale futurismer af T. J. Demos som Hardback bog på dansk - 9788794272551

Camera Austria
124 | 2013 - Camera Austria

T.J. Demos — GardenShip

S A V V Y Contemporary
S A V V Y • Politics of (Dis)Assembling

Nottingham Contemporary
Visualising the Ends of Growth; keynote presentation by TJ Demos, chaired by
Angela YT Chan - Nottingham Contemporary

Accumulation - T. J. Demos - The Great Transition: The Arts and Radical System

Paper Plus
The Migrant Image by T. J. Demos | Paper Plus

Don't forget to join us at 5:30 tonight in LA 011! We are so lucky to have TJ.
Demos here visiting us! @umartsandmedia @umontana | Instagram

Fundació Antoni Tàpies
Against the Anthropocene. T.J. Demos - Fundació Antoni Tàpies

Interview with T. J. Demos on Vimeo

Zabriskie Buchladen für Kultur und Natur
Radical Futurisms - Ecologies of Collapse, Chronopolitics, and Justice –
Zabriskie Buchladen für Kultur und Natur

PIPA Prize
In Conversations: Maryam Jafri & TJ Demos at Gasworks - PIPA Prize

Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
Art and Craft Lectures: T. J. Demos: Climate Emergency, Racial Capitalism, and
the Crafting of New Worlds - Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo

Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Visiting Artist Lecture: T.J. Demos | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej
Strike MoMA: Solidarity as the Compass of Change. Presentation by T. J. Demos -
Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

Tj Demos Archives – O N C A

The Exiles of Marcel Duchamp by T. J. Demos (Hardcover, 2007) for sale online |

les presses du réel
T. J. Demos : Decolonizing Nature - Les presses du réel (book)

T.J. Demos | Truthout

Art Exchange
Documenting the Pixeated Revolution: T. J. Demos on Rabih Mroué - Art Exchange

Not Beyond Politics - Kunstkritikk

T. J. Demos • JRP|Editions







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