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Text Content




CFOs See an Optimistic Future Through Adopting a New Global Hiring Approach.

That is one finding of a survey conducted by CFO Research of Industry Dive and
Globalization Partners polling senior finance executives from companies in North
America, Asia-Pacific, and Europe.

The majority of CFOs reported that the coronavirus pandemic fundamentally
altered the way they think about hiring and workforce management — 81 percent
said it transformed how they consider remote employees and the
work-from-anywhere model.

How has this shift in thinking impacted predictions for business growth and
goals for 2021 and beyond?

Download the report now to learn:

 * Why CFOs believe success is tied to global expansion.
 * How finance leaders plan to incorporate the work-from-anywhere model.
 * How CFOs think differently across North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Please fill your information below to download the report.

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about this content until I withdraw my consent.

Please refer to finnaceinfolibrary Privacy Policy for further details.

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Download Now

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